Sorcerer: I want to be an Academic Prodigy
[Linguistics Skill: Lv0 (7/10)] [Apothecary Skill: Lv1 (15/100)] [Knight Breathing Skill: Lv2 (36/200)] [Knight Breathing Skill Experience Point +1] ------ In the year 3077 of the Berta calendar, during the era of confusion before wizards had reached the throne, he brought them 'Straight A Student Panel.' He stepped into the sorcerer world, perfected sorcerer knowledge, like a bright moon dispelling the mists of the era. He was Ivan Marichardon, a pioneer of knowledge, he blazed trails for the way of the sorcerer.
- C.566 - 564 Emergency MeetingNEW
- C.565 - 563: Elemental King BodyNEW
- C.564 - 562 New LifeNEW
- C.563 - 561: Love, Resentment, and PartingNEW
- C.562 - 560 Knight KingNEW
- C.561 - 559: Son of the SunNEW
- C.560 - 558: The Miserable Fox-People
- C.559 - 557: Astonishing Discovery
- C.558 - 556: The Naira Beast
- C.557 - 555: Hero Saves the Beauty?
- C.556 - 554: The Heritage of the Centaur
- C.555 - 553: The Down-and-Out Centaur
- C.554 - 552: Guide Party?
- C.553 - 551: Jenny’s Current Situation
- C.552 - 550: Family Territory
- C.551 - 549 Family Members
- C.550 - 548: Grand Workshop Envoy
- C.549 - 547 Fierce Spiritual Body
- C.548 - 546: White Sorcerer?
- C.547 - 545 The Secret of the Ancient Battlefield
- C.546 - 544: Scarlet Will
- C.545 - 543: Crimson Legacy
- C.544 - 542: Plotting Against Blackbeard’s World
- C.543 - 541 Secrets of Qingqi
- C.542 - 540: Return to Hometown
- C.541 - 539: Mystic Black Chains
- C.540 - 538: First Battle of the Arcane
- C.539 - 537: Settling Old Scores
- C.538 - 536: Peerless Evil Spirit?
- C.537 - 535: Inexplicable Premonition
- C.536 - 534: The Garrison
- C.535 - 533: Secret Technique of the Treasured Tome
- C.534 - 532 Spark Fowler
- C.533 - 531: Prophet’s Treasure Tome
- C.532 - 530: Hotter Complains
- C.531 - 529: Innate Soul Technique
- C.530 - 528 Elementary Soul Energy
- C.529 - 527: A Glimpse of the Light of Wisdom
- C.528 - 526: Vermilion Bird Lord
- C.527 - 525: Return to City Ship
- C.526 - 524: Promotion to Frontend
- C.525 - 523: Are the Sparrows Behind?
- C.524 - 522 One for One
- C.523 - 521: Crimson War Banner
- C.522 - 520: Facing Blackbeard
- C.521 - 519: Strike Directly at the Heart
- C.520 - 518: Battle on the Blade Edge
- C.519 - 517: Tough Nut to Crack
- C.518 - 516: Lethal Trick
- C.517 - 515: Cutting into the Black God Abyss
- C.516 - 514: Crimson Empire
- C.515 - 513: The Fierce Blood Guards
- C.514 - 512: The Black Scale Tribe
- C.513 - 511: The Crimson Legion
- C.512 - 510: The Nest Hides Deeply
- C.511 - 509: The Little Black-Bearded Worm
- C.510 - 508: Old Friend from Younger Days
- C.509 - 507 Mengze City
- C.508 - 506 Arcane Strategy
- C.507 - 505 Old Friends in East Capital
- C.506 - 504: New Life and Reluctance
- C.505 - 503: Who Thrives and Who Declines
- C.504 - 502: Three Successors
- C.503 - 501: Underground Journey
- C.502 - 500: The Obedient Justine
- C.501 - 499: Nether Soul Mirror
- C.500 - 498 Nether Mountain Chronicles
- C.499 - 497: Fame Spreads Far and Wide
- C.498 - 496: Dragon Ancient Relic
- C.497 - 495: On the Return to City Tower
- C.496 - 494: Supreme Council Meeting
- C.495 - 493: Mixed Feelings of Joy and Sorrow
- C.494 - 492 Golden Rock Tower
- C.493 - 491: The Gem of Truth
- C.492 - 490: King of the Long Sky
- C.491 - 489: Supreme Council
- C.490 - 488 Truth City
- C.489 - 487: Achieving Success and Retiring
- C.488 - 486: Inexplicable Leverage
- C.487 - 485 Gerry
- C.486 - 484: Arcane Assault?
- C.485 - 483: Sudden Bad News?
- C.484 - 482: Unexpected Assistance
- C.483 - 481: Unexpected Urging
- C.482 - 480: Five Kilometers
- C.481 - 479: Four Thousand Meters
- C.480 - 478: Leaving in Disappointment
- C.479 - 477: Taking the Initiative
- C.12 - Four Languages
- C.11 - : Wish Fulfilled
- C.10 - Recruiting Apprentices
- C.9 - : Whirlpool Potion
- C.8 - New Changes
- C.7 - : Upgrade Rewards
- C.6 - Knights Page
- C.5 - : Gushing Breath Method
- C.4 - Outrageous Deception
- C.3 - Responding to Difficulties
- C.2 - The Qualities of an Academic Prodigy
- C.1 - : Poisoned