MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 51

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This is how the Yangshi Migrant Workers' Team became famous.

Although it is not easy to transmit information under the heavy rain, many people have heard about it, and the people who were trying to recruit some people from Yangshi were dumbfounded, not to say that the team disbanded on the spot, that Ye Xiao had no intention of developing himself power? As a result, the team was disbanded, and a labor team was set up again. What is this for?

More people focus on the salary these people get from the military is really **** high.

The base in Ning City has a population of several million. The base will not support so many people in vain. If you want to survive, you have to find a way to earn rations. However, there are only so many jobs in the base that can earn food. Compared with the huge population base, It is not enough at all, the labor force greatly exceeds the demand, and the salary is naturally extremely low.

But now, a group of people who have just arrived at the base can find such high-paying jobs the next day, and can earn food from the military without joining the army.

"Why don't we go too?" Somewhere in the base, someone with supernatural powers moved, and there were limited things to do in rainy days. Instead of being bored in the house, it's better to go to the city wall to kill zombies to earn some rations.

"The rain is so heavy, and some zombies can climb the city wall, it's too dangerous." Some people objected.

"I think we should join the Youth Elite Association. They are treated really well, and they take care of food and drink." Some people said.

Needless to say, this is a supernatural person who has not yet or is unwilling to find an organization. At present, people who are organized are always doing well, even for supernatural beings, it will be very difficult to fight alone, especially if there are family members who are dragging them down.

"I heard that a few days ago, the Qingying Association and the Blast Team fought outside for supplies, and dozens of people died." Another person said, "After those people died, their families were kicked out of the Qingying Association. .”

The others fell silent for a moment.

The first person who spoke suddenly said: "Anyway, I'm going to try it tomorrow. My mother is sick, so I have to get her something nutritious to eat."

So many people imitated the Yang City migrant workers' team and wanted to use their combat power to exchange supplies with the military. However, the military is not open to charity. First of all, they don't want those whose abilities are not strong enough. What they want is those who can really kill a lot of zombies. , and secondly, it is impossible to give such a high reward.

As a result, at the end of the day, the supernatural beings did not get what they expected, and there was a tragedy where the supernatural beings disliked each other, fell off the slippery city wall while pushing, and were gnawed into scum by zombies.

After hearing about this, the migrant workers in Yang City checked their safety ropes one after another.

On February 1st, that is, the fourth day after the heavy rain, when the migrant workers came to work again, other people with supernatural powers approached them and expressed their willingness to join.

Bai Cheng smiled slightly, finally someone came.

He touched the background of these supernatural beings, and only those who passed the test were willing to stay. He helped them negotiate with the officers stationed on the city wall. After success, he led these people to Ye Xiao: "Ah Xiao, these few days It’s a new one today, take care of it.”

Ye Xiao looked at him, didn't say a word, took the people away and arranged for them. Basically, a piece of power of the same kind of power, such as freezing, mud, wood-type entanglement, domain imprisonment and other control-type powers, first freezes the zombies, and then uses lightning strikes, wind blades, golden blades, ice spikes, water arrows, and soil Cones and other offensive abilities.

If you want to use limited superpowers to deal maximum damage, the attack method and rhythm are also very important.

On the fifth day of the heavy rain, some supernatural beings came again. On the sixth day, the team continued to grow. On the seventh day... a mighty group occupied a large section of the base city wall, and a group of people put down to throw supernatural powers The scene was very spectacular, killing all the zombies under that section of the city wall, not even leaving enough zombies for a while, but the people who collected the crystal cores were too busy.

Inside the city wall of the base, there is such a large shed. Every morning, people with supernatural powers come over one after another. After testing their strength, those who meet the requirements can sign a name, get a certificate, and then go to kill zombies, lunch, dinner and a day's reward They are all collected together with this certificate.

The people in the army felt a toothache seeing it, and they were also distressed by the food that was rushing out, but I have to say that this way, the pressure of the zombie siege was indeed reduced a lot.

The rain had lasted for ten consecutive days before it seemed to be getting smaller, and Bai Cheng had finally made a name for himself. He put up an agency sign in a grandiose manner and drew a certain percentage of the agency fee. Zombies also take over other businesses.

For example, there was a lot of water in the base, and it was necessary to dig ditches to drain the water. After communicating with the street manager, he called a group of young adults and a few soil and water superpowers to do the job.

For example, it was raining continuously, every house was damp, and the clothes were not dry. He got some fire-type superpowers who were particularly aggrieved in rainy days to do the drying work.

For example, after many days of rainwater, a certain city wall has been damaged and needs urgent repairs, and he can also take care of such things.

He is willing to take care of things like house leaks that need to be repaired, homes that are messy and messy that need to be cleaned, things that are inconvenient to go out to buy things, and piles of garbage that no one can deal with. He is willing to take care of them.

In order to do this well, he also called some people who were managers in the team back then, hired them to work for him, and asked Jiang Xiaotian to get him an electronic system.

Lin Tantan didn't understand why he had to do these laborious things at first, but after a few days of this, looking at several large rosters of base personnel and seeing people coming up to apply for jobs or recruiting workers every day, she understood a little bit.

These people are like flowing water, bringing all kinds of information, and unknowingly accumulating deep and wide personal connections.

In the end, although they did not form their own forces, the things they could know, the power they mobilized, and the influence they produced were no less than those of forming their own forces.

After she understood it, she admired Bai Cheng even more. The title of the head of the National People's Congress really didn't come for nothing. Ye Xiao also knew the meaning of this matter, so he cooperated extraordinarily, right?

While sighing, she also got some information from it. More and more people are sick in the base.

At first, it was just a common cold and fever after being exposed to the rain, and gradually developed into a menacing flu, and many cases of infection appeared.

Lin Tantan was in a complicated mood.

So because of this illness, she would not refuse anyone who came to see a doctor, and asked Bai Cheng to record her into his intermediary system and advertise, so that more patients would know that there is a healing-type supernatural person here who will see a doctor. Of course, it is limited to this flu patient.

After a dozen advertisements, it turned out that there were too many people coming to her for medical treatment. They didn't want to bring the germs into the villa. Lin Tantan rented a few houses outside the villa area, and asked Mingze and other medical doctors After seeing the supernatural beings, they were all willing to come over, so a small clinic was established.

"Miss Lin, the conditions here are too simple. Go to our base hospital. The conditions there are excellent." The result of the small clinic's fame is that not only patients come here, but also various inexplicable characters. For example, this is the base. The people in the medical department praised the base hospital as if it was heaven, as if Lin Tantan could reach the pinnacle of his life once he entered.

Lin Tantan was a little tired after a busy morning, so he leaned back in his chair: "The base hospital is so good, there should be a lot of wood-type supernatural beings recruited by you, right?"

"That's it!" The other party was very proud.

"Since there are many people with supernatural abilities, I won't go. If you are not sick, you can go." Lin Tantan directly called the people outside to clear the venue.

The expression of the person opposite changed, but thinking of the two backers behind Lin Tantan and his own strength, he had no choice but to leave unwillingly.

Lin Tantan said to the people outside: "Don't let people who are not sick." In order to maintain the order of the small clinic, security guards, first-time doctors, fee collectors, etc. are necessary, and she didn't bother, Bai Cheng is such a big intermediary It's not for nothing, the best and most reliable ones are brought to Lin Tantan, they are basically acquaintances, and the security captain is Jiang Zhongyi.

Jiang Zhongyi smiled with his head: "Okay, I got it."

So I came a little late and wanted to use the excuse of seeing a doctor to talk to Lin who was close to wooing people, so I could only stay away at the first-diagnosis desk-the ordinary doctors here have to ask about medical history and take temperature, and if they are not sick, they can't be fooled. If a sick person talks to Lin Tantan about what he has or doesn't have during the treatment process, there is a high probability that he will be included in the rejection account, so Lin Tantan's ears are much cleared.

Xu Tianjin belongs to the category that came relatively late.

He wasn't sick, he finally found an opportunity to accompany his sick companion, just to take a look at this person with the same name and surname as Dr. Lin.

Maybe it's just a homonym?

He hadn't figured out which "tan" the other party was, and he didn't dare to inquire about it. He could only try to recognize his face first, but he didn't even see a shadow after squatting for a long time. Even if you open the door, you can't see the people inside, you can only see the words "Doctor Lin" on the door.

These three words made him scratch his head even more.

After waiting for two hours, it was finally my companion's turn. He was lucky enough to get Lin Tantan's number. After only five minutes of going in and out, my companion's complexion improved a lot, and the symptoms of top-heavy, stuffy nose and sputum disappeared, silly hehe Said: "Just do it again tomorrow. Wood-type supernatural beings are really powerful. You don't need to take medicine or get an injection for a few minutes."

Xu Tianjin hurriedly asked, "What does she look like?"

"Pretty good looking, young as people say, short hair..."

Xu Tianjin was speechless.

The two went to pay. After registering the number, they paid the normal money first, and now they have to pay half of the remaining half.

This money can be materials or crystal nuclei, depending on the disease, ten to dozens of catties of grain, or ten to dozens of crystal nuclei.

No one can say whether this is expensive or not. For the cure of the flu, the price is too worth it, but for those who are not strong, the price can make people die.

Xu Tianjin, his companion, paid for supplies. What he paid was flour, a total of twenty catties. He had already paid ten catties before, and this time it was five catties.

He took out a bag of flour, checked the quality and weighed it in kilograms, registered it in the booklet and entered it on the computer, and his companion also got the payment voucher. Patients only earn so much, how many patients can this Lin Dafang see in a day? I heard that many forces want to recruit her, so let’s talk about this price, can they afford it? If I can earn so much every day, I will be stupid Go work for someone."

Xu Tianjin was absent-minded, and found an excuse not to go back with his companions, but turned back halfway and continued to wait in the clinic lobby.

You can always wait, he thought.

Then this guy who frequently visited Lin Tantan's clinic caught Jiang Zhongyi's attention.

Which cowhide plaster is it again? This was what Jiang Zhongyi thought at the beginning, but when he saw the other party on the second day, and on the third and fourth day, he felt something was wrong. Why did you come here every day to stay here?

He didn't tell Lin Tantan about this, his sister had worked so hard, and he couldn't let her worry about these messy things, so he told Bai Cheng directly.

When Bai Cheng learned about this, he thought about it and told Ye Xiao without hesitation.

His sweetheart, let him protect it himself.

These two people really have nothing to do with each other these days, look, he is such an understanding and good comrade-in-arms.

Ye Xiao is really busy these days. The zombies on the other side of the city wall are under a lot of pressure. Lin Tantan also has his own things to do. The two of them only have the chance to meet each other at night, but Lin Tantan basically stays by himself after eating. If she can't come out of her room, Ye Xiao's chances of talking to her are not as good as Jiang Xiaotian, who is in a dead house, and has two patients.

That's right, apart from Cheng Qinan who hadn't awakened his abilities yet, Xu Qin lived up to expectations after being drenched in the rain for several days, and also showed signs of awakening.

Ye Xiao also really wanted to get sick.

So he got the news and looked at the zombies outside the city wall. Today, there was basically only a little rain, and the zombies were not that crazy, and the number was also decreasing. He decided to leave work early today.

It was only three o'clock in the afternoon when he arrived at Lin Tantan, and the perseverant squatting gentleman was still squatting persistently, wearing a hat and a coat, trying to reduce the familiarity of the people here by changing his vest .

However, in the bustling and not-so-big hall, Ye Xiao still caught sight of this sneaky guy.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and Xu Tianjin suddenly felt a chill behind him, and quickly turned around to see a tall man in a black coat standing not far away, looking at him lightly, with coldness hidden in his eyes .

Xu Tianjin felt the danger intuitively at first, his scalp tingled, and then he recognized this person, Ye Xiao!

He swallowed.

He himself is not a fan of Ye Xiao, but as a patient of Lin Tantan for more than half a year, he has had a lot of contact with her and knows her better than the average person. He knows that she is a diehard Ye fan, so he also Went to learn about Ye Xiao's deeds, and felt sorry for this man who died young.

But at this moment when the four eyes met, and the sense of danger of being targeted by a hunter was overwhelming, he finally realized that the so-called number one person in the last days was not just talking, it was really... very scary.

Compared with him, Zhou Yan, the final winner, was so ordinary that he was in the dust.

Even if Lin talked about this doubtful point aside, he suddenly had doubts about his choice. Was it really right for him to hug Zhou Yan's thigh?

Ye Xiao came over and asked casually, "Are you also here to see a doctor?"

Xu Tianjin came back to his senses: "No, no, I came with my friend."

"Oh, really, I seem to be seeing you these days. Your friend is seriously ill?" Ye Xiao said calmly, his gaze scanned his whole body from the inside to the outside like rays, and Xu Tianjin's calves trembled. A few days ago, I was worried about what Zhou Yan would find out. He came here by stealth. Today, I finally had time to wait until the clinic closed. I thought that I could always see people this way.

He was afraid that Ye Xiao would continue to ask questions, and he was even more afraid that he would tie him up without saying a word, and ran away after finding a reason.

Ye Xiao didn't chase after him either. An ordinary person, not even a supernatural being, was nothing to worry about.

The only thing he cared about was that this person had something to do with Zhou Yan.

It was the person Lin Tantan wanted to beat up. Ye Xiao hadn’t figured out the relationship between the other party and Lin Tantan so far, but this didn’t prevent him from staring at Zhou Li, the news that Zhou Li and Zhou Yan met in the base He knew it on the first day, and this Zhou Yan is quite good at management, and he is not an unknown person in the base. With the addition of Zhou Li and his forces, the two brothers are doing very well now.

The reason why I didn't tell Lin Tantan that Zhou Yan was also in this base was mainly because I couldn't get away temporarily, and I was afraid that she would want to beat her up after hearing the name or something, and I couldn't accompany him. People investigate more carefully.

Now it seems that there is no need to hide it anymore.

He sat down on the chair near Lin Tantan's clinic. The feeling of waiting for someone to get off work was quite novel. He looked around and took out a wind element crystal nucleus to absorb silently.

Because his aura is too strong, he is not an ordinary person at first sight, resulting in a vacuum around him, which is very special in a crowded hall, and the crowd may not have come here with other intentions, and they quietly retreated when they saw him .

Jiang Zhongyi found him, and Pi Dian came over: "Captain Ye, you're here, I'll tell Sister Lin."

"Don't bother her, I'll just wait here." Ye Xiao asked, "Is there no one making trouble here?"

"No, Sister Lin said that troublemakers are blacklisted. Who dares to make trouble? There are too many people, and the numbers are queued for more than ten days. Sister Lin receives more and more numbers every day. .”

Ye Xiao frowned slightly, and then he saw people coming and going in Lin Tantan's room frequently, every few minutes, the people who went in were sickly but full of anticipation, and the people who came out were smiling and relaxed.

As for the clinics of other supernatural beings, it may take ten to twenty minutes or even more than half an hour to enter and exit one of them.

Ye Xiao waited for more than two hours. During these two hours, Lin Tantan received more than twenty patients.

In the end, all the other supernatural beings quit and left, and Lin Tantan was the last one to come out.

She was wearing a very fluffy dark pink down jacket, which seemed to be called a bread jacket. Her upper body looked like a ball, holding a thermos cup in her arms, while still yawning, she raised her hand and rubbed her eyes with the back of her wrist , Seeing Ye Xiao standing up from the chair, she paused, with surprise and joy in her eyes.

"Why are you here? You came back so early today?" Usually, she had been back for a long time, and he came back when it was dark.

Ye Xiao calmed down a little in his heart, he wanted to know that it was good to be happy, and thought he was addicted to hiding from himself.

He said: "Come and see you, are you leaving?"

"Well, I'm leaving." Did the male **** come here on purpose to wait for her? Lin Tantan was in a good mood, and the tiredness from sitting all day was gone, "Wait for me to wash my hands."

She could release water herself, but she didn't want to expose the water ability, so she tried not to use it as much as possible. At this time, she ran to the sink, and a girl who was pouring water into the bucket and was going to clean the clinic later poured water on her hand.

Lin Tantan rubbed one hand for herself, and she didn't care if she couldn't rub the back of her hand.

Ye Xiao moved under his feet, but he still stopped.

Because Lin Tantan said yes or no, but his body practiced obvious avoidance, Ye Xiao didn't dare to be too close now, for fear that somehow he would touch her again and make her shrink even more. .

Lin Tantan finished washing her hands very sloppily, and patted her chubby down jacket carelessly when she was done, and there were wet handprints on it. She looked at the clear water in the bucket, thinking that someone had even She can't even drink the water. It's a sin to use such good water to wipe the table and mop the floor, but the clinic should be kept clean.

"You guys get off work, too." She said to Jiang Zhongyi and the others. Usually, Jiang Zhongyi and the others escorted Lin Tantan back to the villa by car. Lin Tantan thought it was too exaggerated. It was so close to the villa, so what could happen? But they insisted on refusing, which made Lin Tantan quite difficult to get in and out of, and finally got rid of them today.

Jiang Zhongyi looked at Ye Xiao, and sure enough, he didn't object, and said with a smile, "Let's go after cleaning and locking the door." There are still some supplies that have been collected in the afternoon and haven't been shipped yet.

Lin Tantan nodded and said to Ye Xiao, "Then let's go."

She doesn't go back to the villa by car, unless it rains heavily again, otherwise why waste gasoline, today the rain is very light, like drizzle, Lin Tantan is about to leave, Ye Xiao pointed: "Wear a hat."

"Oh." Lin Tantan obediently raised her hand to flip through the hat of her down jacket. The hat was too big, and she had to grab the chin with one hand, and she was still holding the big thermos cup in the crook of her left arm. Ye Xiao I couldn't stand it anymore, so I took the thermos cup to her.

Lin Tantan smiled: "Thank you."

But Ye Xiao thought, he should prepare an umbrella. He looked at her short short hair protruding from the edge of the hat because of her rude actions. A bunch of it stuck to her eyes. She stretched out her hand to remove it, but the hat fell off. Okay, I smoothed my hair, but when the hat was covered, my hair was messed up again, and the broken hair was itchy on my face, so I had to use my left arm to press the hat, and free my right hand to push the hair behind the ear a little bit.

Ye Xiao watched her fiddling for a long time, and raised his hand several times.

"I'll help you." In the end, he still said this with a straight face, but it was a pity that Lin Tan talked about it and speeded up: "It's okay, it's okay."

Ye Xiao felt a little regretful.

Then he saw her suddenly looking at a place in front of her with a surprised expression on her face. He followed and saw the habitual offender standing behind a pillar on the side of the road, staring at Lin Tantan with a shocked expression on his face. Confidence, trance, ecstasy, grief, confusion, hesitation, apprehension...

Ye Xiao has strong eyesight, and he can see the expression on the other person's face clearly. It's the kind of expression that... after a long absence, someone who thought he would never see him suddenly appears in front of him, and it's like a lost child who suddenly found his relative. Generally, want to recognize but dare not.

This is not an expression that ordinary people can show. Ye Xiao's heart shuddered, and he immediately went to see Lin Tantan, but he saw that Lin Tantan was surprised or confused, and he was completely looking at a stranger.

Lin Tantan "forgot" what happened in the past, and she only told Bai Cheng about it, because she deliberately avoided talking about it with Ye Xiao, and Bai Cheng felt that her wishes should be respected, so he didn't tell Ye Xiao.

But Ye Xiao is not stupid, he can see some things without looking into them, especially after he puts his mind on Lin Tantan, it is impossible not to see the clues during conversations and daily observations.

So now it's someone who knows her but she doesn't?

Ye Xiao suddenly thought of that Chen Zhihao, and the one in front of him was obviously more affectionate than Chen Zhihao.

His face darkened faintly.

Xu Tianjin looked at the face that was at least 70% similar, and his previous doubts and guesses were all strongly affirmed. Even though there were still many doubts and uncertainties, tears still flowed down, and he ran towards Lin Tantan with blurred eyes : "Doctor Lin..."

Ye Xiao dodged in front of Lin Tantan.

He was tall, blocking Lin Tantan completely, only showing one side of his chubby bread jacket.

Xu Tianjin slammed on the brakes, and was shivered by Ye Xiao's cold and sharp aura, like a small animal being stared at by a beast, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

The author has something to say: Supper: There are always unscrupulous people who want to rob me of my wife!