MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 50

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Not long after Yao Wei and the others left, Ye Xiao announced the disbandment of the Yangshi motorcade and the news that he would no longer be the leader of 150,000 people spread.

Zhou Li was the first person to hear the news. He was eating at this time. To be precise, he cleaned up several tables, rewarded some of the most capable people under his command, and let them get to know each other with his younger brother Zhou Yan. Improve relationship. He showed a surprised expression: "Are you sure you heard it right? Disband everyone? That's 150,000 people."

Zhou Yan, who was sitting next to him, said with a smile: "What are 150,000 people in this huge Ningshi base? Anyway, they are a bunch of burdens that only care about food." He doesn't look like a city mansion, but the light flashing in his eyes from time to time makes people know that he is not that simple.

Zhou Li shook his head: "People are capital, and they have managed people very well, and there are still thousands of them that need to be used."

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed: "Brother, what kind of person is this Ye Xiao?"

"He is a very reliable person." Zhou Li gave a high affirmation, "whether as a companion or as a leader." He really wanted to be friends with Ye Xiao, but it is a pity that they became subordinates from the beginning, and yesterday When he entered the base, he and the people under him did not move. Could Ye Xiao have no objection to him in his heart?

Friends must not be able to do it.

Zhou Li thought of this, and felt that it would be good to disband, Ye Xiao probably didn't plan to stay in the Ning City base for development.

Zhou Yan said: "He doesn't want those people, we want them, brother, you have been in that convoy, you know who is capable, we will bring them all over."

Zhou Li paused for a while: "That's okay, but it's a pity that the most powerful one can't be pulled over."

Zhou Yan was very interested: "Which one is it? I heard that there were seven or eight people in Ye Xiao's team, all of whom are good at something."

"It's not the eight people, it's a girl, call Lin Tantan."

"Bang!" Xu Tianjin who was on the same table missed the bowl and fell on the table.

Seeing everyone looking at the papers, Xu Tianjin quickly picked up the bowl, scratched his head and smiled and said, "It's all right, my hands are slippery." Then he pretended to be curious and asked Zhou Li, "Brother Zhou, the person you speak so well is actually It's a woman, why is she so powerful?"

Zhou Yan stared at him, but Xu Tianjin didn't notice it at all. In fact, Xu Tianjin's question was not unexpected, because people who had never heard of Lin Tantan had the same curiosity, and they all waited for Zhou Li to clarify their doubts. Zhou Yan has already become suspicious of Xu Tianjin's various abnormalities. Once he pays attention to a person with suspicion, he can always see something, not to mention that Xu Tianjin is full of flaws.

Because of him, Zhou Yan paid special attention to the name Ye Xiao, and at this time he also took the name Lin Tantan to heart.

Especially when Zhou Li told some things about Lin Tantan, he finally said that even if all those people were recruited, they would not be as good as Lin Tantan.

Zhou Yan smiled and said: "Isn't it just a dual-line supernatural power? There are also two in the base, are they so powerful?"

"If the dual-elements of the two-element abilities are particularly strong, one of the abilities is healing, and will bring the ability, and is very loyal to the leader?" Zhou Li said, "Did you see it yesterday? The only one A man who fights from beginning to end without the aid of a weapon, and completely alone."

There was regret in Zhou Li's tone, regret for expressing kindness to Lin Tan several times but it didn't have any effect.

Zhou Yan was silent. He didn't see it clearly in the base yesterday, but he also heard from the people on the city wall that there was a woman who performed particularly amazingly, and the gold department was so good at it.

At this time, Xu Tianjin's heart was full of turmoil. The names matched, and the wood-type ability was particularly prominent, and it was still a dual-type.

Could it be that he wanted that?

That's right, I can travel through time, why can't Dr. Lin? He suddenly became excited and wanted to find someone right away.

At the same time, many people were discussing this matter, including Ye Xiao and Lin Tantan. At the meeting of the leaders of the interim government of the base, the head of the medical department slapped the table: "This person must enter our medical department."

A person from the Academy of Sciences at the base said: "It is said that among the 150,000 people, there were basically no corpses with a fever. This is the credit of this person? What is the proportion of corpses with high fevers in our base?"

A person beside him replied: "About ten people with fever, and three of them turned into corpses."

People from the Academy of Sciences also slapped the table: "Our Academy of Sciences wants this person. She has such abilities, and she is a dual-line superhuman, so she has very high research value!"

The medical department said: "This is the best doctor. Do you know how many people get sick on their hands every day? Such a talent, let him go to your place to idle? Can you figure it out! This is a waste of resources!"

The Academy of Sciences said excitedly, "You stopped the first two dual-line abilities and refused to let them go. You have to give this to us, right? Let us research a vaccine, and you won't give this to that. , Do you think that if we hang a sign called the Academy of Sciences, it is really the National Academy of Sciences."

"It's not that I stopped you, you go challenge the army."

"Chief, who do you tell it to!"

The lovers all looked at a square-faced middle-aged man in a military uniform who was sitting in the first seat, and the latter said coldly, "Don't ask for it from me, just figure out a way for yourself, whoever invites you is the one."

The head of the medical department frowned: "Most supernatural beings are very high-spirited. Let them choose by themselves. I'm afraid they won't choose any of them."

"Then I can't help it." The middle-aged man said, "I don't care about people."

The Academy of Sciences frowned: "You can take care of that Colonel Ye."

"Oh, I can't control that either, he doesn't accept any appointments."

The head of the medical department dissatisfied: "That's a serving soldier!"

The square-faced chief's face became even colder: "There are many serving soldiers outside who want to drag me down."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The chief took a deep breath: "Today is the second day of the zombie siege, is there anything you can do?"

"What can I do? The rain is so heavy, some abilities don't work, and the power of the ammunition is greatly reduced. The most important thing is that those old things don't work hard." A man also wearing a military uniform said humanely.

Now that the military and the government are unified, the people sitting here are all victorious in the previous struggles and have become the people in charge of the Ning City Base. However, this power is not particularly enjoyable, and there is a mess everywhere.

The Chief is silent.

Suddenly at this time, the chief's guard suddenly walked in: "Chief, Ye Xiao is calling."

I set up a signal tower in the base. Although the signal is very weak, the internal communication is still possible.

The chief took it over: "Ye Xiao, it's me." After hearing a few words, he raised his eyebrows, "Help me hire someone to guard the base?"

Back in time some time ago, everyone gathered around the green vegetables brought by Yang Xinyu for a long time. This kind of green vegetables are commonly known as feather vegetables, and they are very small and grow quickly. Yang Xinyu can urge a small piece to grow in one go.

A bag of chicken feathers, all boiled in a pot, the fire was made by a fire-type supernatural person, and the water was provided by a water-type supernatural person, so I sprinkled some salt and cooked a pot of vegetable soup. Everyone watched in anticipation This pot of green vegetable soup tasted a bit one after another, and the taste was quite good. It tasted not much different from ordinary green vegetables.

After eating the green vegetables, they naturally sat down and chatted. Of course, these supernatural beings came here not only to deliver the food, but mainly to ask for advice on what they should do in the future.

Bai Cheng had a good attitude towards them, and took a pen and paper to analyze: "According to what you said, those who came to recruit you last night and this morning can basically be divided into five categories. Team activities, such as going out of the city to kill zombies to find supplies, accepting family-finding tasks, sending tasks, and may also involve gang fights;

"One type is a heavenly organization composed of supernatural beings, as long as they are supernatural beings can join, but the nature and purpose of this organization is unknown;

"One is the official personnel management department of the base, which sent a stack of forms with descriptions of various positions in the base;

"One is the military recruiting, which requires extremely high obedience, and it is also the military, and there are factions;

"The last category is to hire you privately, such as fire-type as bodyguards, water-type powers provide them with water, and wood-type powers for them to heal or produce fruits and vegetables."

"My suggestion is, if you don't understand the situation, don't easily join any party, even if the other party says the treatment is very good, including the military and the current interim government of the base. You can find a job that you think is competent, salary I am also quite satisfied with my work, and at the same time sell my abilities in the form of commodities."

"For example, Yang Xinyu, the Agriculture Department of the Base Academy of Sciences is recruiting people. You can think about it, or sell the vegetables you grow with your abilities as commodities, but it is not recommended that you be directly employed by someone."

"As for the direction of combat, you have such good abilities, it's too wasteful to do ordinary work, and it's not good for you to improve your strength. On the premise that you don't join any faction, I can introduce you to a way, it's up to you Would you like to go?

"What way?" Many people asked in unison.

Bai Cheng smiled and said, "Form an employment relationship with the base."

Everyone looked puzzled, what's the difference between this and looking for a job?

"What I mean is to directly reach an employment relationship with the base military. For example, now that zombies are besieging the city and there is a shortage of guards, you can go to the city wall to fight zombies. First, to experience yourself, second, to decompress the base, and third. Get paid from the military in this way."

"In this way, you don't have to join the army, and your degree of freedom is guaranteed. You can choose to participate in the military's actions at your discretion. If you don't know how dangerous a certain mission is, whether it is worth participating, or if you are afraid of being tricked, I can give you As a staff officer, in terms of remuneration, I can also help you negotiate with the military."

He paused: "Oh, by the way, our captain Ye will also participate in the work of helping the base fight zombies."

Hearing this, the eyes of the combat-type supernatural beings brightened up. Following Ye Xiao's actions, they felt that they had a backbone. , Ye Xiao will never ignore them, will he?

They looked at Ye Xiao, Ye Xiao's face was a little dark, he glanced at Bai Cheng, and nodded.

Lin Tantan watched for a long time, and finally understood what kind of riddle Bai Baicheng was playing. She and Mei Bosheng whispered: "I said that Brother Bai is so enthusiastic so suddenly, that is to say, Brother Bai has set up an intermediary for himself." part-time job, and pushed Ye Xiao out to advertise?"

Mei Bosheng also whispered: "The boss is actually very worried about the zombies outside the base. He said in the morning that he would go to the city wall to have a look, but he was stopped by Brother Bai, who said that since he doesn't care about things in the base, he should not care about anything else. , so as not to be taken for granted, and on the one hand, be wary of us coveting power or something, thankless, and simply contribute in the form of employment, money and goods, clear and clear. Speaking of it, this is the inspiration I found from you."


"That's right, you showed people pathological abilities for free, and I didn't see that everyone cared about your goodness. After charging, everyone respected you even more."

awe? Is it that serious?

Lin Tantan thought about it, and finally said: "It is true that you can't do white work."

"That's right."

"Are you going too?"

"Go, I also have to practice my abilities, but in the final analysis, I still want to eliminate more zombies."

Then Ye Xiao called the current No. 1 person in the military in Ning City, negotiated cooperation matters, and then took these supernatural beings and Mei Bosheng to go out to work, of course Now, I have to go to the place where the supernatural beings live, and bring more people there.

Just as Ye Xiao was about to get in the car, he suddenly saw something and went to the car next to him: "Talk, don't come."

Lin Tantan was sitting in the car, trying hard to hide her body, but she was still caught, but she was very happy, she lowered the car window and said, "Why, when you come out to work, I want to work too."

Part-time job or something... Ye Xiao's expression was a little distorted, and he said, "You only treated so many people this morning."

"I'll just stay by the side for a while and take a look." Lin Tantan said that anyway, I don't want to stay at home alone, I want to come out to play with him.

"Qinan and Xiaotian are also in the villa." Ye Xiao tried to persuade her to stay, it's raining so hard, is it so fun outside?

Cheng Qinan is sick and has been sleeping. Lin Tantan guesses that he is about to awaken his abilities, and Jiang Xiaotian is essentially a dead fat house. He is either playing with his treasures or sitting on the sofa eating snacks and watching dramas. We can chat, but are two people chatting all the time alone? It's so boring.

Anyway, Lin Tantan just didn't want to stay.

Ye Xiao had nothing to do with her.

The car drove all the way to the residential area and parked in the simple carport. Lin Tantan didn't get out of the car. He opened the car window and looked at the buildings. They were also rural-style five or six-story buildings. This expansion centered on the security area. The base that came out covers a large area, but there are very few buildings. Most of them were built after the end of the world. Because manpower and material resources are mainly used on the city walls, the houses are so-so, and many of them are The brick shack looks so shabby, but it's not bad here.

After a while, a lot of people came down from upstairs, all of them came down with various raincoats, umbrellas and rain hats, and some came down with a piece of oil paper. They got into the car happily and drove out one by one.

Mud and water splashed all the way to the gate of the base. The person guarding the gate was the mixed-race youth from yesterday. He had already received the news, and looked at these people with twitching corners of his mouth: "Are you all supernatural beings?"

"All of them." It was Bai Cheng who came forward to negotiate, and he said with a smile, "Except for a few who didn't participate in killing the zombies, there are a total of fifty-seven people left. Arrange them in one area for us. By the way, your chief and I The negotiated remuneration is that each person will include lunch and dinner, and ten catties of grain a day."

When he mentioned ten catties of grain, he felt a little dissatisfied. This amount was too small, but who made the base poor? Ordinary young and middle-aged people earn at most three to five catties of grain a day, and above that is the price of supernatural beings, and ten catties is the best price Bai Cheng can negotiate.

Originally, the chief wanted to give crystal nuclei, but Bai Cheng refused. Now the crystal nuclei are worthless, and the ground outside the base is full of zombies, which means that the ground is full of crystal nuclei. If you want to find a way to get it yourself, that’s all. , food is the most urgent.

The mixed-race youth gritted his teeth: "I hope you are worthy of the price, come with me."

Bai Cheng smiled gently, but with the face of a debt collector: "I also hope that the employer's attitude can satisfy us. Today is only half a day, and dinner and five catties of food are ready. Don't steal the catty, otherwise it will be up to us whether we come tomorrow or not." question."

The mixed-race youth almost missed the steps.

The supernatural beings who were wearing their own raincoats in the back were a little confused, did Vice Team Bai still have such a side?

Lin Tantan also stared blankly.

Mei Bosheng whispered to her: "Do you know what Lao Bai's greatest hobby is?"

"Trick people?"

"No, bargaining. I think he has been thinking about being an intermediary for a long time."

Lin Tantan: "I think he is more like a contractor now."

"What's over there?"

Lin Tantan thought for a while: "Foreman? Captain of the labor team?"

Mei Bosheng burst into laughter, and the people beside him who also heard the words also laughed.

After a while, Ye Xiao's new identity as the captain of the labor team spread widely. All the workers in the labor team looked at Ye Xiao and said, "Hee hee hee."

Ye Xiao looked at these people and always felt that he was cheated.

After climbing the seven or eight meter high city wall, it was windy and rainy, and everyone couldn't keep their eyes open. There were a few smarter ones, wearing motorcycle helmets, and they were immediately looked at with admiration.

This is next to the gate. There was a group of soldiers here. When they saw the mixed-race youth coming over, they shouted: "Boss, the zombies keep climbing up, please help!"

Lin Tantan poked his head and looked, darling, a large group of zombies were stacking Arhats underneath, but unfortunately the city wall was too smooth, and their skill in stacking Arhats was not enough, and they were knocked down when they were poked by the pole above.

The mixed-race youth said: "Support is here, you go and rest." Then he said to Ye Xiao: "This area is handed over to you, if a zombie breaks through your defense line, the millions of people in the base will face extinction disaster."

With a serious expression, he placed an invisible but heavy burden in front of Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao said expressionlessly, "We will definitely do good things after getting paid."

Mixed-race youth: "..." What's wrong?

Bai Chengna opened a large package: "Everyone, come and get the safety rope."

Mixed-race youth: "What safety rope?"

"It's so slippery here, and the battlements are so short, what if we accidentally fall down? Working at heights requires safety."

The face of the mixed-race youth cracked. This group of people is poisonous, right?

However, everyone really went to get the safety rope honestly. According to Ye Xiao and the soldiers, tie two on the body and one on the battlement at the back. The knot is laborious and professional, and it will never happen. Turn over from the wall, and then be eaten by zombies.

Then everyone found their own position and began to drop abilities.

Xu Qin, Xu Li and Zhong Xiong are all here, these three have no supernatural powers, and no amount of ammunition is enough for this occasion, so they don't plan to draw their guns. The reason why they also came is that Stimulated by Jiang Zhongyi and Cheng Qinan, one of the two was exposed to the rain and awakened the ability, and the other was exposed to the rain and was awakening the ability.

So the three of them became superstitious after some discussions, and planned to get themselves sick. Anyway, Lin Tantan was there, so they didn't worry about getting sick.

However, with their physical fitness, it is not so easy to get themselves sick, so they didn't even wear raincoats except for a hat at the moment.

At this time, Xu Qin looked at the corpses of the zombies that were gradually falling under the city wall. After looking at them for a long time, he said, "I have an idea. To ensure safety, let's make a cage." Then they went back to the car and went to do something.

The mixed-race young man wanted to know what they were doing, but he was not idle, so he had to leave first.

When he came back after an hour, he saw that they welded a big iron cage. They put the big iron cage down on the city wall. The corpses of the zombies were picked up, thrown into the cage, three of them were thrown, and then the cage was closed and pulled up.

"What are you doing? Why are you bringing in the corpses of the zombies?" the mixed-race youth was anxious.

It was the three who answered him, taking a knife and viciously breaking open the zombie's head, digging out the crystal nucleus.

When they were done, they put the cage down again, dumped out the corpses inside, and discussed: "Ordinary people can do it too."

"It's too tiring to load the whole corpse. It's better to cut off the head and pull it up."

"Still install a jack against the wall."

The mixed-race youth looked at it for a long time, and couldn't help asking: "You can just pull up the corpse of the zombie, why do you need a cage?"

Xu Qin looked at him with an expression of are you an idiot: "What if the zombies are not dead?"

Lin Tantan also said: "It's not easy to throw a zombie into a cage. If you directly rely on the ability to pull it up to seven or eight meters high, the ability will soon be used up." She was talking about the level of ordinary people with abilities, In fact, they are also exploring the content of this work for ordinary people. It is a pity not to pick up crystal nuclei all over the ground, and in the future zombies will develop a new evolutionary method, which is to eat the brains and crystal nuclei of the same kind.

The torrential rain came earlier, and the evolutionary method of cannibalism might also appear earlier. Let the zombies all over the floor not be dealt with. Come and see the next day. Oh, the brains have been eaten clean, and a group of more powerful zombies will be created. Very vomiting blood?

After they finished talking, they went to discuss improvements.

The mixed-race youth left drunkenly.

When he came back in the evening, the zombies in the area that this group of people were in charge of were almost dead, leaving layers of corpses all over the ground, and there could be tens of thousands of them. A simple pulley is assembled on the battlements, pulling an iron cage up and down, and a wooden supernatural person sends out vines (the replacement is no longer a belt, but a vine), and pulls the zombies under the city wall. A guillotine On, that thing is also electric, when the person above presses the button and the guillotine, a rotten head is chopped off, and then another wood-type supernatural person sends out something like a long grass stalk, wrapping the head Put it in a cage.

After the cage was full, several people on the top pulled the cage up by pulleys, poured the head inside into a large wooden box, and then put the head in protective clothing with two people who protected their eyes with large tongs. In one machine, the head is sliced ​​open with the roar of a chainsaw. The third one in the same dress was responsible for finding crystal nuclei from a pile of rotting tissues.

The mixed-race youth moved his lips, feeling a little nauseous. He felt that he was strong enough, but cutting off the zombie's head and processing it like a guy who took pearls from a shell, he still felt ashamed.

Looking around, the four guys who first came up with such an idea were talking leisurely aside. When he heard that they were talking about supernatural weapons, he was a little numb. Who are the people in Ye Xiao's team?

Ye Xiao is also a little numb. Now he hears others calling him Captain Ye, he feels that something is not right, especially the distribution of dinner and five catties of rice. Everyone took their share and said goodbye to him with a smile. They agreed to come back tomorrow. Feels like they're saying goodbye to the foreman.

Bai Cheng picked up the last one: "Do you want it?"

Ye Xiao shook his head.

Bai Cheng called Lin Tantan: "Talk, come, this is for you, our first part-time salary for Team Ye."

"Give it to me?" Lin Tantan looked at Bai Cheng and then at Ye Xiao. Since Bai Cheng gave it to her, she accepted it without any burden, which felt very novel.

Seeing her novelty and funny look, Ye Xiao couldn't help but also laughed.

The author has something to say: Supper: I am always the one who gets hurt

Talk: Oh, the man's hard work all afternoon, all of it is in my hands

Supper: the foreman is the foreman, it feels really good to hand in the wages