MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 52

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Lin Tantan also felt Ye Xiao's very unfriendly aura, so she didn't act rashly. Looking from above Ye Xiao's shoulder, the tearful guy in front seemed to be frightened, and even forgot to cry. It opened its mouth like a frightened little mouse.

It doesn't look threatening, just now it seems that she was called "Doctor Lin". In this world, she only got this title after she opened this temporary clinic, and others started calling her like that. Therefore, it is a patient seeking medical treatment or Patient's family?

Crying so badly, he must be seriously ill, right?

In fact, when she walks on the road these days, she often encounters people who are urgently seeking medical treatment, or some people who are trying to win over. Too much attention to Xu Tianjin's emotional eccentricity.

Lin Tantan took a step to the side, showing his whole face from behind Ye Xiao: "What's the matter with you?"

Ye Xiao glanced at her, and said to the guy in front of him: "What's your name, where are you from, and what do you want to say?" With a cold tone, Xu Tianjin was already in a mess in his heart, and subconsciously ran over, his words were completely unorganized, Being frightened by Ye Xiao made my whole mind go crazy

"No, it's nothing." After finishing speaking, he shrank his neck and ran away.

Lin Tantan: "..."

Ye Xiao turned around and helped her put on the hat that she let go just now, and smoothed out her little hair by the way: "Don't worry about such strange people."

"Yeah." Ye Xiao's movements were natural and frank, but the warm touch when his fingers brushed her face still made her feel uncomfortable, so she tilted her head: "Let's go."

Ye Xiao withdrew his hand nonchalantly.

After dinner at night, Lin Tantan sat on the sofa next to Bai Cheng and said, "Brother Bai, I need some help."

Bai Cheng was cutting an orange, which he got back from somewhere today, it was fresh and juicy, he handed a slice to Lin and talked: "What kind do you want? How much do you want? What is it for?"

"You don't need supernatural beings, ordinary people are fine. Those who can be bodyguards are basically used to maintain order. Tomorrow, I'm going to the shanty town." Lin Tantan took a bite of an orange, the juice was sweet and sour, very refreshing and delicious.

"Going to the shanty town?" A voice rang out, and Ye Xiao also came down from the stairs after washing up, with drops of water on his head.

Ye Xiao was covered with moisture at this time. He was wearing a looser white thin sweater on his upper body, a pair of slacks underneath, and slippers on the soles of his feet. His whole body was full of leisure and relaxation, which was very different from him during the day.

During this period of time, because Lin Tantan deliberately avoided, when he came back, she had already gone to her own room, and she had never lived in the same room when he was in the west of the city, so it was the first time Lin Tantan saw her like this, Like the tall and handsome male protagonist in the comics, he is shining golden and awesome outside, but when he gets home, he takes off his armor and camouflage, and switches from elite mode to home mode in a second.

In short, it is extraordinarily harmless, warm and soft, and can be rubbed and hugged without any scruples.

Lin Tantan was frightened by the idea of ​​rubbing and hugging her, so she coughed, then lowered her head and continued to eat her orange.

Ye Xiao made it to the single sofa next to her, and asked again, "What are you going to do in the shanty town?"

The Ning City base area is not small, and the population is huge, so it is naturally divided into many areas, but there is no clear name. The so-called shantytowns are the survivors who used bricks, mud, tiles, wood boards, foam boards, and even rags. Wait for things to build their own houses, forming an area.

The people who live there are very poor and very poor, and they can basically be regarded as the bottom group of the base.

The shanty town that Lin Tantan mentioned is the one closest to the villa here.

Lin Tantan took a small look at him, his wet hair gleamed under the lamp, there was no such classic picture as water droplets flowing down his neck into his collar, but there was a faint refreshing breath from his body after a bath, and it was probably because of the The anger is high, and there is still a faint warmth in this breath, which is still a little...subtle.

She was a little uncomfortable again.

She looked at Bai Cheng.

Bai Cheng didn't look up at Ye Xiao at all, and continued to focus on cutting his oranges. Huh, is it because she hasn't paid attention to him for a while? Why does it feel like there is no more love between them?

After much deliberation, the result was that he forgot to answer Ye Xiao's question again, until he called out, "Tell me?"

"Huh? Oh, I will go there tomorrow afternoon to see the patients." Lin Tantan quickly replied, "Now that the rain is light, people will go out for activities and have more contact with each other, and the flu infection will definitely become serious. I heard that There are the most patients there."

It takes a lot of supplies to come to her clinic to see a doctor. Few people living in shantytowns can afford treatment, and the living conditions there are poor, so there are a lot of patients there.

Ye Xiao frowned: "Just go and have a look."

"Uh, take in some critically ill patients." Thinking of some news, Lin Tantan's eyes dimmed, "I heard that there was a death case today."

If someone gets sick and dies due to ordinary reasons, or even a plague, Lin Tantan will at most just feel heavy and worried. She is not a professional doctor, and she didn't take an oath when she joined the job. Being a convalescent nurse is just a way for her to make a living and allow her to repay her parents and teachers. Later, the country attached great importance to her and gave her many awards and preferential treatment. The patients were grateful to her and gave her various gifts, so the scope of this repayment Bigger again.

But in fact, she doesn't feel that her profession is so noble, nor does she feel that she should be so selfless. To put it bluntly, it is a job.

However, this time the flu was caused by the heavy rain. Lin Tantan felt like a stone was on his heart when he suspected that the rainstorm was brought forward because of him. This is also the reason why she has to recruit several wood-type supernatural beings to open a clinic together, and why she has to see hundreds of patients a day.

And now, there are deaths.

Bai Cheng said: "I've heard that too, but those few patients mainly died of starvation rather than illness because of lack of nutrition." there are many.

He talked to Lin: "The patients in the shantytowns are not easy to treat."

"I know, but let's go and have a look." Lin Tantan still insisted. If the flu outbreak becomes uncontrollable and the death toll soars, she will not be able to sleep. It is indeed useless to save hundreds of thousands of people, but it is impossible to do nothing.

Ye Xiao looked at her slightly frowning brows, sighed inwardly, stretched out his hand and rubbed her head: "Go if you want, Lao Bai, and arrange more people for her." The shanty town is very chaotic, " Looking for more wood-type abilities."

Lin Tantan was very happy to see the approval in his eyes, and it is very happy to receive support.

After the matter was finished, Lin Tantan didn't stay any longer, and went upstairs after saying something to go to bed first. the three of them

Bai Cheng was sitting in the middle of the couch, she was sitting on his right, and Ye Xiao was sitting next to her on the single sofa.

It means that she is sitting between the two of them, and she feels that she is radiant, the kind of high-power light bulb, so let's go quickly.

Ye Xiao followed her figure, Bai Cheng smiled and said, "You are really the same."

One braved the rain to go to the city wall to fight zombies every day, and the other would rather go to a shanty town for free clinics and save more people.

Maybe it's because of poor ideological awareness, he doesn't have such spirit anyway. However, it is very reassuring to have a companion like this.

Ye Xiao's eyes softened, filled with warmth: "Tomorrow I'll go see Lu Jianping." Lu Jianping is the name of the head of the base.

"To see him?" Bai Cheng quickly understood, "You want to talk about the flu?"

Ye Xiao: "The base's anti-epidemic measures against influenza are too negative."

"Didn't you say you don't want to meddle in the affairs here?" Even going to kill a zombie would require another name, but Bai Cheng naturally knew what he was doing for, so he shook his head and didn't say anything else.

The next day, Lin Tantan took care of the patients who had made appointments in the morning, closed the clinic in the afternoon, and took some people to the shantytowns.

Bai Cheng hired a professional bodyguard team for her. It was from a security company before the end of the world. It is much more professional than Jiang Zhongyi. He also hired dozens of wood-type supernatural beings with high salaries. For a large base like Ningshi Base, Wood-type supernatural beings can easily pull out hundreds of them, but Bai Cheng hires all those who are truly capable.

This is the benefit of the intermediary agency's fame, otherwise, it would be impossible to attract so many wood-type supernatural beings in such a short period of time.

Many of these people came to talk to Lin Tan, and they all wanted to see what it was like to have a legendary ability that could almost bring the dead back to life.

Lin Tan talked about the embarrassment and dissatisfaction of not being surrounded by crowds. She was very happy to join these supernatural beings. Including the original ones in her clinic, there were dozens of people in total.

A relatively high-level wood-type power user can treat a flu patient basically five times before it can be nearly cured, and their power can allow them to treat twenty or thirty patients in one day, which means that two or three patients can be cured in five days. ten patients

Don't look at the shabby look of this number, but with dozens of people, they alone can handle more than a thousand patients a day.

The shanty town she is going to this time is not too big, there are less than 100,000 people, one out of ten has the flu, that is, less than 10,000 people, and one in ten patients is seriously ill, that is, less than 1,000 people , plus her, one afternoon should be able to treat it again.

Outside the shantytowns, cars can’t drive in, and people have to get out of the cars and walk, because the drainage is not smooth, there is a lot of water here, and there are various suspended substances in the water, which is very dirty. Lin Tantan frowned. In such an environment, even if he didn't have the flu, he would have other problems.

She didn't let the team in, and chose a place to set up a row of sheds, tables and chairs. When they were done, the residents of the shanty town who heard the news also came. They were all excited when they learned that there was no charge for seeing a doctor here, but Lin Tantan made it clear that the patients' illnesses were written down on paper, and those with milder illnesses would die.

Some people murmured dissatisfaction, some were aggrieved, some cried and begged, some were excited and ecstatic, and hurried back to bring over the sick patients at home, and soon every wood-type supernatural power user was assigned to his own patient, queuing up The waiting line is getting longer and longer.

Xu Tianjin was more clever this time, he was not sick, and he didn't know anyone in the shanty town, but he observed for a long time in the corner, and found that an old lady who was in the line of Lin Tantan was almost out of breath, and A man who was supporting her was pale and thin, and was almost tired when he carried her on his back. After sitting down for a while, the old woman vomited again. The man couldn't do it alone, so he hurriedly pretended to be an enthusiastic person and went up to help.

"Thank you, brother." The man freed his hand to remove the dirt, apologized to the people next to him, and thanked Xu Tianjin who helped him take care of his mother.

"It's all right, it's just a matter of little effort, big brother, you're holding my aunt alone, I'm worried for you, I'll take you there with me later, what's your number?"

"Number Six, we'll be here soon, thank you so much, brother."

Xu Tianjin was ashamed.

"The next number is L06." After waiting eagerly and for a long time, he finally heard the call. Xu Tianjin's heart was beating violently, he swallowed his saliva, and together with the man stiffly, he half-supported and half-supported the old lady over there, and lifted the tarpaulin. , I saw Lin Tantan who was sitting behind the table writing something with a pen, and felt as if he had been slammed for a moment.

Like, really like!

"Help him to lie down." Lin Tantan raised his head and glanced, "It's enough for the family to keep one."

Xu Tianjin helped to help him onto the bed again, but when he was supposed to go out, he stood still and refused to move.

Men are not good at chasing people, so I feel a little at a loss.

Lin Tantan wrote a few more strokes, remembering that it was the symptoms of the previous patient, and after finishing writing, he found that there were still two sticking around: "Which one of you is going out? There is no need to keep two people."

The man quickly said that he was the patient's son, and Xu Tianjin was a good person who helped him. Lin Tantan looked at Xu Tianjin, feeling vaguely familiar, oh, it was the guy who was crying and running so fast yesterday.

Unexpectedly, he was still an enthusiastic person.

Warm-hearted people are always easy to make people feel good about. Lin Tantan's tone improved by two points, but he still let people go out.

Xu Tianjin moved his lips, his voice trembling: "Doctor Lin, are you Doctor Lin?"

Lin Tantan was inexplicable: "I am."

"Then do you remember the National Central Hospital?" Xu Tianjin took two steps forward and asked in a trembling voice suppressing his excitement.

Lin Tantan froze suddenly, thinking for a moment that she had heard wrongly, her eyes widened and her pupils trembled slightly.

There should be no such thing as a national central hospital in this world. What does this person... mean?

Xu Tianjin continued: "National special-grade recuperator."

Lin Tantan stood up abruptly.