MTL - Spirit Walker-Chapter 233 Paranoid

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As soon as Zhang Yuanqing rushed out of the building riding the wind, the sword light approached the intersection.

He immediately realized that flying was irreversible, so he immediately used the star escape technique, and only then managed to catch up with Jian Guang's tail.

In the next second, Jian Guang arrived at the intersection.


Ripple-like folds appeared in the air, and there was an air wave vibration sound effect, like a large firecracker exploding underwater.

Visible to the naked eye, a six-meter-long gap was torn in the void at the crossroads, and majestic yin energy and chilling fear were revealed from the black mustard mustard.

It's like opening the gates of hell.

The passers-by around finally realized that most of them didn't notice the approach of Jian Guang because of the high speed.

But when Jian Guang tore the Mustard Seed Sumeru, the burst of strong light and the sudden drop in temperature made these mortals feel that something was wrong.

They all looked at the intersection.

At the critical moment, Zhang Yuanqing, who had cast the star escape technique continuously, finally arrived, raised his hand, and snapped his fingers.

A smear of starlight confuses the spread of the power of the soul, covering a radius of 100 meters in an instant.

The driver in the car, the rider of the battery car, and the pedestrians on foot had a slightly empty gaze, and then recovered. Everyone stopped paying attention to the intersection and drove and walked on their own.

Zhang Yuanqing breathed a sigh of relief, and said to himself that luckily the situation was under control, otherwise tomorrow's online news headline would be: #shocked! The mysterious two-dimensional white-haired woman breaks the void in the busy city#

Then the comments below are otaku arguing about which anime heroine this white hair is.

The gap in the black hole slowly closed, Marshal Baimao stepped lightly, and floated into the space crack.

The red dancing shoes followed in "patta pata", vowing to kill Fu Qingyang.

"Marshal, wait for me..." Zhang Yuanqing rushed to the gradually closing gap, and plunged into it.

The picture changed suddenly, the sunny city streets disappeared, replaced by an ancient city shrouded in gloom.

The main road paved with stone slabs stretches to the depths of the dark and quiet ancient city. In front of you is a tall archway with a plaque of "Ghost Town".

The quaint buildings on both sides of the main road are even more eye-catching with their signboards.

It feels like you have come to a horror amusement city with a supernatural theme.

"Hiss, the yin energy here is so strong that it can freeze Ye Youshen to death..." Zhang Yuanqing obeyed his heart's choice and approached his tall and graceful cousin: "Marshal, you must protect me."

Fu Qingxuan gave a majestic and cold "um", as if the queen had promised to protect her people.

Her pupils glowed with brilliant white light, her gaze swept across the ghost city, she quickly came to a conclusion, and said calmly: "The demigod-level props are composed of a variety of supernatural powers and props. There is no spirit, and the core is a regular prop... .It’s similar to Elder Dog’s Zoo.”

"Papa papa..."

Red Dance Shoes abandoned the two of them and ran straight to the end of the long street.

The two immediately followed, the female marshal walked forward calmly, while Zhang Yuanqing was vigilant, looking left and right, every shop here had a terrible yin.

Every shop can easily kill him.

But at this time, both sides of the street are full of chaos.

The signboard of "Escape Room" hung obliquely, the door of the "Strange Foot Therapy" shop was smashed, the head of Sister Guixin from the wedding shop was cut off, and she rolled with her red hijab, a pair of pupils full of resentment died. Staring at the street.

The "Zombie Infested" store was also smashed, and inside the crooked store door, there were charred zombies that seemed to have just been baptized by the divine power of the sun.

Obviously, these shops were smashed by Fu Qingyang and the others.

But the deeper you go, the more complete the store remains. This change indicates that Fu Qingyang and others are not capable of smashing the store and ransacking the house, and they will retreat at most.

A shop with a half-collapsed door appeared in front of it, with a plaque reading "Scream" hanging on it.

The store seemed to have been smashed, but not completely.

Zhang Yuanqing looked through the open door and happened to see the shop entrance

An old wrinkled face protruded out, eyes dripping with jet-black blood, peeping at the two of them.

It was a very old woman with a pale face and black blood flowing from her pupils.

The moment she made eye contact with Zhang Yuanqing, she opened her mouth soundlessly until it reached the base of her ears, and black, sticky blood water flowed like syrup.


A painful wind blew in the store, and the old woman in the commoner clothes of the Republic of China screamed and rushed towards Zhang Yuanqing. This was supposed to be a wraith at the master level, but it seemed that it had just been severely injured by the divine power of the sun, and its aura dropped, interfering between the saint and the master.

Weak seven!

Fu Qingxuan's eyes slanted, and she glanced lightly at the Wraith with its teeth and claws out of the corner of her eye. She didn't even stop, and pointed like a sword, and was about to deal with the moth that was rushing to the flame.

Zhang Yuanqing moved suddenly, and took the initiative to meet the weak seven-level wraith.

Seeing this, the marshal frowned.

Zhang Yuanqing's left eye socket was filled with dark and rich energy, his right eye turned into a molten golden pupil, his left arm was stained with dark yin energy, and his right arm shone with a pure and domineering golden light.

The power of the sun and the sun fills the body at the same time.

Zhang Yuanqing grabbed the old woman's neck with his left hand, suppressed it, and patted it on the forehead with his right hand.

Chi chi repeatedly, black smoke billowed from the old woman's forehead, and she let out a shrill scream that only Ye You Shen could hear.

Its breath fell rapidly.

When Zhang Yuanqing opened his mouth to inhale, the old woman turned into black smoke and was swallowed by him.

In less than three seconds, a weak level 7 wraith was subdued.

Fu Qingxuan retracted her sword finger, her brows had already been relaxed, she looked at Zhang Yuanqing with great interest, and said: "The divine power of the sun... You are actually a genius to contain the divine power of the sun with the body of a saint, and the future can be expected." If the official When the elders hear this sentence, they will definitely pay more attention to Yuanshi Tianzun.

The marshal who reached the peak before the age of thirty is so talented that it is rare in the world, and even the devil is weaker than her.

This kind of character is inevitably arrogant. Fu Qingyang thinks that all geniuses in the world are rubbish, and she thinks that demigods in the whole world are rubbish.

It's just that she doesn't say it.

Among the contemporary young people, there is no one else who can get her approval except the Demon Lord.

In her eyes, her younger brother Fu Qingyang is just a stupid bird who can make up for his weakness with hard work.

Zhang Yuanqing returned to his original position and said loudly: "It is because of the marshal that I dare to take risks. It is the marshal who gave me courage."

Fu Qingxuan showed surprise, she never thought that the official, a newly promoted genius, could speak human words like this.

"Are you short of a spiritual servant?"

"Extremely scarce!"

Fu Qingxuan pondered for a while: "I'll take you to do a sweep. There are a lot of high-quality spirit servants here, but I'll only search for you at the saint stage. If you want to get master-level ghosts and wraiths, you need to work **** your own. This seat will not spoil the seedlings to encourage them to grow."

Zhang Yuanqing's heart was beating wildly, and he hesitated: "Will this delay saving people? Elder Fu is not out of danger yet."

He was more worried about Fu Qingyang's safety than the high-quality spiritual servants and Yin corpses.

A smile finally appeared on Fu Qingxuan's icy pretty face, and she immediately restrained herself, looked into the distance, and said, "They won't be able to die for a while, and the garbage should be hidden in the quilt."

Zhang Yuanqing didn't understand the second half of the sentence, but it didn't prevent him from accepting his head and bowed: "Thank you Marshal!"

Northwest Gobi.

The Gobi Desert is one of the largest barren areas in the world, stretching in the northwest of the mainland, across the grasslands and North China.

Looking around, the rolling land is full of bare rocks, and the wind seems to be mixed with gravel.

The day is hot, the night is cold, the soil cannot be plowed, the mountains cannot be hunted, and the vast expanse of land is sparsely populated.

Geologists believe that the formation of the Gobi is due to the elevation of the terrain, and the sandstone has been continuously weathered and eroded into a large amount of clastic material.

But compared to the desert, which is a real restricted area for life, the Gobi has undulating terrain, rocky peaks, and visually rich and colorful.

At the foot of a mountain called "Tengger", there are flats built of yellow mud and stones.

The house sits and has stood in the sun for ten years.

Tengger means "god" in Mongolian. Bishop Bing's bewitched demons went to do as the Romans did, and named the mountain Tengger, which had no name.

Because of Shura, the spiritual leader of the bewitching monsters sleeping in the mountain belly.

Shura didn't have much particularity in choosing this rocky mountain to sleep in. He simply didn't want to be disturbed while sleeping, so the Northwest, which was inaccessible to people, became his choice.

Pushing forward another twenty years, Shura's sleeping place is not the "Tengri" holy mountain, but another unnamed mountain.

At that time, the Five Elements League had just been established, and the ten elders of the headquarters had just taken over the power. They were anxious to show their authority and political achievements to all parties. After discussing with their superiors, they decided to level Shura.

As a result, the mountain was nuclear, but Shura was not, so the homeless Shura decided to sleep in another lively place, and he chose the capital.

At that time, this matter caused a great disturbance, and the organizations of spiritual practitioners outside the country paid close attention to it. In the end, Sect Master Taiyi and Gang Leader Jiang joined hands to fight Shura.

Shura withdrew from the boundary of the capital, returned to the Northwest Gobi, and the lawful camp never tried to nuke Shura again.

In a bungalow near the mountainside, dark red flesh and blood covered the entire room like mud.

Meanwhile, in the center of the room, the flesh and blood matter piled up high into a mountain, and a three-meter-long flesh cabin was half embedded in the flesh and blood matter.

There are blue and purple blood vessels connected between the meat compartment and the fleshy substance. The entire meat mountain undulates slowly, like a beating heart.

This is the regular prop of the Chu family - Mother Goddess Womb!

Although there is the word "God", it is not holy and glorious, on the contrary, it has a subdued horror.

Suddenly, the meat membrane on the surface of the meat cabin was lifted, protruding the outline of a palm, and the next second, that palm broke the meat membrane, and the man inside rolled out of the meat cabin like a baby with a torn afterbirth.

This is a strong man with a height of 1.9 meters, with a shiny bald head and rough and resolute features. There are holes in the earlobes, nose, and lips, but there are no silver rings.

He is resurrected!

Earrings and silver rings do not belong in the resurrection category of the mother god's womb, and clothes certainly do not.

King Yinyue got up tremblingly, sat with his back against the meat cabin, raised his head, looked at the ceiling of the bungalow and fell into a long silence.

"I thought the magic eye would be the first to be resurrected from the womb of the mother god, but I didn't expect it to be you. I had to use this item to resurrect after I was promoted to the king of heaven. It seems that you have been hit hard." Elegant and sloppy smile The sound came from around.

King Yinyue looked sideways, and the person speaking was a young man in a neat suit, with free and easy short hair and silver earrings, as delicate and elegant as a butler in a noble family.

Yinyue Tianwang retracted his gaze, raised his head, still in a daze.

The King of Fear tirelessly comforted: "I know you are very frustrated. At the stage of the saint, you are not much different from him. After being promoted to the master, the combat power of the ancient **** of war should be far stronger than that of Yanshi. But he beat you. It’s like going to kindergarten in sixth grade.”

Yinyue Tianwang said coldly: "Get out after you finish speaking, I want to be quiet."

"Sorry, let me modify the wording, maybe replace kindergarten with first grade, you will feel better." Fear said.

The corner of Yinyue Tianwang's mouth twitched.

The King of Fear didn't realize how annoying he is now, sat down in the meat cabin, smiled and said: "Why compare with evildoers, look around the world, except for Fu Qingyang, there are a few who can understand the rules at the stage of saints. I have many I knew him years ago and heard about him. This man is a prisoner."

Talking about Fu Qingyang's rival, Yinyue Tianwang finally responded to him, "Prisoner?"

"That's right, the prisoner! He drew a circle in his heart and imprisoned himself in it. He has not stepped out of this circle for more than 20 years. I have known Fu Qingyang many years ago, and I hate this kind of people who abandon their freedom." The King of Fear said: "At that time, he was still extraordinary, with mediocre combat power and average talent. You know, the same level and skills, but some people are stronger and some people are weaker."

"It depends on the suitability of the profession and the comprehension of skills. Fu Qingyang does not occupy any of these talents. In terms of the strategy dungeon

, although not bad, but far worse than a real genius. "

"But he has been standing in that circle, wielding a knife every day, rain or shine, giving up entertainment, love, and everything. In his world, there are only swords and power, because these two things can make him forget his inferiority complex. and my cowardly self."

"Cowardly? Inferiority?" Yinyue Tianwang just found it inconceivable.

"That's why it's very easy to kill Fu Qingyang. If you challenge him in the same realm, he won't back down." The King of Fear raised the corners of his lips: "I won't back down even if I die."

Yinyue Tianwang's heart moved: "In your chessboard, Fu Qingyang already has his own burial place?"

The King of Fear did not continue this topic, and said with a smile: "So, why can you beat him, why can you win against a paranoid who has been imprisoned for more than 20 years."

Yinyue Tianwang was speechless, and said coldly: "Go away, don't get in my eyes here." Bing or Quark Search Sanyou read it first.

"Tsk tsk, I'm curious, can you still be so rampant and rude in front of Shura?" The King of Fear crossed his legs, showing no sign of leaving.

Yinyue Tianwang did not hesitate, "I respect him and fear him, but I will still do so."

When saying these words, the past flashed through Yinyue Tianwang's mind.

He was born in the Free Federation on the other side of the ocean. His parents were slaves on a farm in the central region of the Federation. That country, known as the most civilized and powerful country in human history, has had slavery and human trafficking in its history since its founding.

Highly perfect social welfare and high labor costs have kept that powerful country short of cheap labor. To this day, they are still doing human trafficking, but compared to the barbarism and strength of their ancestors, these guys have learned to In order to wrap their greed and ugliness with the cloak of civilization and freedom, their shady activities have also turned from the sun to the dark sewer.

With a yearning for a free federation, Yinyue Tianwang's parents smuggled to the holy land in their hearts with a group of fellow villagers. However, what greeted them was not civilization and freedom, let alone good wages and a better life.

What greeted them was slavery and beatings. They were taken to farms far from the city, put on handcuffs and ankle chains, and became laborers like livestock.

The farmer doesn't have to pay wages, and can spend them as much as he wants, with his security team.

Silver Moon Heavenly King is a child of slaves, and from the moment he was born, he was under the shadow of order.

His childhood and teenage years were an unbearable past, locked in the depths of his memory, and only occasionally recalled, like an alcoholic drinking fine wine that has been treasured for many years.

His parents told him since he was a child that if you don't know who is your master, then you just think, who you can't scold.

The one who cannot be scolded is the master!

Yinyue Heavenly King hated his own birth and those painful years, so after he escaped from the farm and became a spirit walker, he swore to himself in his heart that there was no one in this world who could not be scolded. Including Shura.

The members of Bishop Bing all thought that General Silver Moon should be furious, because he was always exhaling In fact, he just didn't want to be a slave anymore.

The past can end here when you think about it, just like fine wine cannot be drunk, it needs to be tasted slowly.

Yinyue Tianwang withdrew his thoughts and frowned: "Are you waiting for someone to be resurrected?"

The King of Fear patted the meat cabin under him, and nodded with a smile.

Yinyue Tianwang didn't ask any more questions, and after a few seconds of silence, he suddenly said, "Fu Qingyang, are you really paranoid enough to face danger and never retreat?"

"You can't go out even if you die! In the dark corner, Fu Qingyang said with a stern face.


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