MTL - Spirit Walker-Chapter 234 Caught off guard

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This is a puppet art museum, the decoration style is simple and fashionable, but it is very valuable.

All kinds of dolls came into view, cute and cute girls, mature and charming girls, young people in suits and leather shoes, old people with a cane...

The shelves next to the wall display many doll-related products. Under the spiral staircase, there are cardboard boxes containing the doll's body, and some limbs are even piled directly on the box.

These puppets are exquisite and elegant, with lifelike facial features, revealing an unspeakable weirdness and gloom. They face the same direction, and their empty eyes gather together.

Ordinary people would be so scared that if they entered this kind of doll hall by mistake, they would pee their pants on the spot.

A worn-out quilt was laid on a bright marble floor.

The quilt is so big that it can accommodate more than a dozen people, and it is covered with a half-doll art gallery.

Nine human silhouettes emerged from the surface of the quilt, with Fu Qingyang in the center, Elder Gao Feng on his left, and Elder Hongying on his right.

On Elder Gao's side are the three men of "High Mountain and Flowing Water" and "A Good Minister Chooses the Master and Kills", and on Elder Hongying's side are three female saints, Yin Ji, Xia Shuzhilian, and Huayu.

Fu Qingyang tilted his head, the quilt covering his head cast a shadow, his eyes calmly swept across the puppet art gallery, and said: "Elder Gao Feng, has your lower body recovered yet?"

The dark and thin Elder Gao raised his head, shaking his head solemnly: "Not yet, but the power of the curse has begun to weaken, Elder Hongying, where's your chest?"

Elder Hongying said coldly: "You don't need to worry about it."

The official team encountered a big crisis. After the ghost city recovered, the official walkers originally wanted to stay still and respond to all changes.

But what ushered in was the recovery of the ghosts in the shop one after another, rushing out of the shop, besieging the living people who broke into the city, and flocking to their spirits.

At the critical juncture, Fu Qingyang had an insight into the solution, which is to enter the store on his own initiative.

The supernatural forces in the ghost town have a strong sense of territory, or rules, and cannot enter the shops of "travelers".

So as long as you go all the way through the level, you can avoid the end of being swallowed by all the ghosts in the city.

But this is drinking poison to quench thirst, because demigod-level props are definitely not something they can pass the level, not even thirty lives.

However, they still lasted all night. Fu Qingyang, who was wearing a swordsman's cloak, was extremely sharp in attacking. Elder Hongying was born to suppress the ghost corpses of resentful spirits, while Elder Gao Feng's defense was a reliable barrier for everyone.

But in this puppet art gallery, they finally couldn't hold on anymore.

There are no terrible ghosts in this puppet hall, only dolls placed in disorder, and the danger comes from these dolls.

The moment the official team stepped into the puppet hall, they were followed by the puppet.

Then a terrible crisis came, and everyone's bodies, including Elder Hongying, began to transform, turning into phantom models.

Elder Gao Feng's lower body became a doll, Elder Hongying's chest, Yin Ji's buttocks, Huayu's back, and some parts of each person's body were transformed into models.

This is a terrible curse, at least a peak dominator curse.

The level exceeds the three masters present.

At a critical moment, Elder Gao Feng grabbed a torn quilt and shouted, "Come to the quilt!"

Only then will the people be saved.

Earth monster profession, dominator-level regular props—quilt for the timid.

The quilt can withstand all attacks in the world, even if it is a demigod, it cannot be destroyed by violence.

This regular item has three costs:

One is poverty. The owner of the prop has no relationship with money since then, and any wealth given by anyone in any form will eventually leave him.

The second is the length of time. After unfolding the quilt each time, the specified time must be reached before the quilt can be lifted. The duration is four hours. If you haven't left the quilt for more than four hours, you will be sealed in the quilt forever until you die. During this period, the person hiding in the quilt cannot perform any operations.

The third is timidity. Once you accept the shelter of the quilt, you will inevitably be timid.

Elder Hongying turned his head sideways,

Gazing at Mr. Qian's sculpted and perfect side face, he said:

"You can't get out even if you're dead, so it's at least elegant to die when you're sealed in the quilt? We've been hiding in the quilt for two and a half hours."

Elder Gao Feng sighed:

"If you want to die gracefully, you might as well choose to become a doll. Look at those dolls, how elegant they are."

Fu Qingyang said lightly:

"No, it's more elegant to die in the quilt. The three protectors of Dark Night Rose are waiting for us to make a choice. If we choose to become dolls, we are the deer heads hanging on the wall and the ivory on the shelf. It’s disrespectful to lose a collectible.”

The saints were very anxious, anxious and afraid, thinking what time it was, and the elders were still free to chat.

Their lives have ushered in the last ten o'clock.

In terms of facing life and death, the mental quality of the saint and the master is too different.

When the ghost city revived, the saints did not panic at all, confident that the marshal would come to save people, and their mentality was as stable as an old dog.

When clearing the haunted house along the street, the saints did not panic at all, confident that the marshal would come to save people sooner or later.

But when they hid under the quilt for two and a half hours, they panicked.

There was no time, they had only half an hour to live, and at this time, the marshal seemed to be still on his way on horseback.

"I, I, I... shouldn't have promised Yuanshi Tianzun." The little fat man tremblingly said, "Headmaster Chunyang has nothing to do with me. I deliver food well, and my performance is the first. I shouldn't be involved." and come in."

Ji Ji raised her head and looked at the little fat man through many heads, "It's not Yuanshi Tianzun who let you get involved, it's the elders of your southern faction, and they seem to have escaped in advance."

How could an experienced master-level illusionist die at the same time? Most likely, he noticed the existence of the ghost town in advance and ran away early.

Although he failed to kill Master Chunyang, but he was able to kill the three official masters, no loss at all.

As for the good ministers who choose their masters and kill them, the little saints just abandon them.

The little fat man fell silent.

Others were not in the mood to participate in the discussion.

Deacon Huayu's face was pale, as if it was the end of the day, Xia Shuzhilian's face was full of bitterness, and several male deacons were also pessimistic and depressed, like death row prisoners rushing to the execution ground.

At this time, a dark red gleam rushed in from outside the store, it was a pair of brand new and delicate dancing shoes.

The pair of dancing shoes rushed into the shop with a patter, and came straight to Fu Qingyang. Without saying a word, they kicked hard through the quilt.

bang bang bang!

The dull sound of kicking and kicking echoed in the store, and every kick was full of energy, as if he and Fu Qingyang had a sworn feud.

However, its attack is not even close to scratching the itch.

"This is..." The deacon Huayu was pale and frightened, his almond eyes shone brightly.

Yin Ji gasped for breath, "Yuanshi Tianzun's red dancing shoes!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, including the three masters.

These are Yuanshi Tianzun's red dancing shoes, which he used in the group arena.

"Yuanshi Tianzun is here!" Xia Shuzhilian said excitedly, brows and eyes stretched.

At the time of despair, the young man who was as dazzling as the sun shone into their hearts.

"Enough is enough, these ghost corpses and spirit servants are enough for me to use as a ruler, thank you cousin."

The young man as dazzling as the sun was busy bowing his head, even his cousin called out.

On the dark long street, in front of a shop called "Ghost Guerrilla", Zhang Yuanqing got the ninth corpse.

After the marshal helped to seal it, he took out Little Red Riding Hood and put away the boy's corpse.

During ten minutes of exploration, they collected a total of nine Yin corpses and six wraiths, most of them were at level 4 and level 5, and there were only two level 6 Yin corpses and one wraith.

And they will be sealed for a long time until Zhang Yuanqing raises the experience value to the peak of level six.

With his current reserves of Taiyin power, it is very difficult to continue to nourish and control Yin objects of the same level, unless he majors in Taiyin.

Anyway, level 6 combat power is enough

Use it, you can't chew too much, besides, what Zhang Yuanqing needs most now is actually some low-level **** that can be used as cannon fodder.

There must be high-end combat power, and low-end cannon fodder is also indispensable.

Seeing Guan Ya's boyfriend put away his penis, Fu Qingxuan said slowly:

"It's time to pick up the trash, and get rid of those three rats by the way."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to hold Zhang Yuanqing's shoulder.

Hey, why don't you turn on the navigation this time? Zhang Yuanqing complained in his heart, and in the next second, he felt the pain of the steel knife scraping the hairline again.

Fortunately, this pain only lasted for two or three seconds, and his feet stepped on the ground again. He appeared outside a puppet hall. , unrealistic but lifelike figures.

Following their gloomy and empty gazes, Zhang Yuanqing looked at the tattered cotton that was spread out on the floor tiles.

The nine people lay side by side, covered with dark blue torn quilts, with only one head exposed, like the servants who slept side by side on the big kang in the rich and powerful families in Northeast China in the early years.

Broken quilt? The quilt for the timid that Natsuki Zhilian mentioned in "The Sea of ​​Yashan" refers to this rule-like prop of Elder Gao?

Pfft, their current posture has no identity at all.

While Zhang Yuanqing breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt that this scene was indescribably funny.

When Zhang Yuanqing saw them, he tilted his head and stared at Fu Qingyang and others at the door of the store, and also saw Yuanshi Tianzun and Marshal.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Yuanqing quickly took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera by virtue of the hand speed he had practiced for many years as a single.


The flashing light flickered, and the stiff expressions of the nine people were frozen on the screen.

Zhang Yuanqing put away his mobile phone and pretended nothing happened, and said in a serious tone: "Everyone, the marshal is here to save you."

The three masters and the six saints showed the joy and excitement of surviving a catastrophe, and then they all glanced at the trouser pocket where Yuanshi Tianzun hid his mobile phone.

At this time, Fu Qingxuan had already scanned the puppet hall, and she had an insight into the crisis inside. Stepping over the threshold, pointing like a sword, sweeping his arms.

More than a dozen exquisite dolls were broken at the waist, and the remnants fell to the ground "ping-pong-pong".

"You are safe." She said lightly.

The queen is cold and majestic, as if she just did a trivial thing.

Elder Gao Feng got up immediately, lifted the thick and worn-out quilt, and put this regular prop into the inventory.

"I've met Marshal! Thank you Marshal for saving your life." The three elders bowed and saluted.

During this process, Hong Wuxie kicked Fu Qingyang tirelessly and angrily, vowing not to stop until he was killed.

The saints bowed in fear and fear, not daring to breathe. Facing the supreme leader, humility and humbleness are the attitudes that must be displayed.

Unlike Yuanshi Tianzun, even standing next to the marshal, he didn't feel restrained or nervous at all. He really deserved to be a legendary figure born rebellious and rebellious.

"You don't need to thank me, Yuanshi Tianzun locked your position, so I can come in." The female marshal raised her hand.

Everyone was surprised for a while, they didn't expect Yuanshi Tianzun to play such a key role, and the look in his eyes became more and more grateful.

Hong Ying and Elder Gao Feng nodded to Zhang Yuanqing in thanks.

Zhang Yuanqing gave Yin Ji and Xia Shu Zhilian a gentlemanly smiling face.

After Fu Qingxuan finished speaking, she turned around and was about to walk out of the shop when her eyes suddenly fixed on Fu Qingyang's cloak.

"Give it to me."

As the strongest scout in the world, she could tell at a glance that this was a rare treasure of her profession.

Just as Fu Qingyang was about to refuse, the cloak was ripped away by a huge force behind him, and flew into the Marshal's hands.

Fu Qingxuan grabbed the cloak and stared intently for a few seconds, her light green pupils were dazzling.

It was the first time Zhang Yuanqing saw her excited. On the other hand, Fu Qingyang, as excited as his elder sister, was as anxious as his younger brother.

"Where did you get this prop? You wasted it, give it to me." Fu Qingxuan said.


Fu Qingyang had bulging veins on his forehead, just like Li Mao, the birthday king who was robbed of his wife by his father.

Yes, yes, the cloak is the boss's favorite thing, marshal, how is your move different from Li Longji who robbed his daughter-in-law? Zhang Yuanqing wanted to say a few words for the boss, but he was humble and could only watch the show.

Elder Gao Feng and Elder Hongying watched each other with their eyes, nose and heart. The older sister wanted to grab the younger brother's toys, this was the Fu family's business.

"Don't be so stingy, Marshal saved your life and gave me a prop in return, it's reasonable... That's all right, let me play for a few days." Fu Qingxuan saw the attitude of her brother who would not hesitate to fight against the same room, Reluctantly took a step back.

She put the cloak on her shoulders, "40% increase, I can try my own swordsmanship."

As she said that, she grabbed a bronze sword from the inventory, let it hang in the air, and flicked the spine of the sword with green fingers.

The golden cloud pattern on the cloak exudes a faint glow.


The bronze sword uttered Qingyue dragon chant, and actually split into two identical swords.

Fu Qingxuan's cold face showed a hint of joy. She has studied this sword technique for a long time, but has not succeeded. The ideal state is to split two sword qi.

Each one has the power of the body. But when she was at her best, she only split a sword energy.

This cloak directly raised her sword skills to a higher level.

If she had a cloak on her body last night, she would have already killed the dog's head of the King of Fear.

Three bronze swords fluttered and flew out, roaring out.

A few seconds later, everyone in the hall heard a few hoarse screams from the darkness.

Then the three flying swords carried the three corpses back, hovering outside the puppet hall.

Fu Qingxuan waved her hand, two of the bronze swords dissipated, and the corpse on them fell to the ground.

She proceeded to withdraw the last handful of bronze.

These three corpses are all wearing They are the three guardians of Dark Night Rose.

The dominator-level powerhouse disappeared like cutting leeks.

"Dark Night Rose has the womb of the Mother Goddess of the Chu family. These three people will be resurrected in the northwest, remember their appearance, and issue a warrant later."

Fu Qingxuan waved her hand and knocked down the hoods of the three masters. Under the hoods were an old man with gray hair, a middle-aged man with a gloomy complexion, and a middle-aged woman with an ordinary appearance.

Zhang Yuanqing searched the faces of the three of them carefully, but did not find the corresponding characters in his memory.

Suddenly, Elder Hongying exclaimed from behind: "Elder Shanhe Eternal Existing?!"


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