MTL - Spirit Walker-Chapter 232 meritorious service

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"Call her?"

Guan Ya frowned slightly. Although she was a cousin connected by blood, she seemed to be very resistant to contacting that demigod.

She observed her boyfriend's face, and her heart sank slightly: "What happened?"

"Fu Qingyang and the two elders set up a scheme to hunt down Master Chunyang and Dark Night Rose, and they haven't come back yet. It's been a whole night. This is unreasonable. The Marshal is in Songhai." Zhang Yuanqing said very quickly.

Guan Ya also realized the seriousness of the situation.

For a walker in the spirit realm, a demigod possesses overwhelming power, what kind of battle would keep my cousin going all night?

She immediately took out her phone from her trouser pocket, unlocked the screen, opened the address book, found the name "Fu Qingxuan", and dialed.

"Beep, beep" the phone rang for a long time, but it was finally connected there.

Zhang Yuanqing heard a very textured female voice: "You rarely call me, what's wrong."

The voice is not weak or soft, it has the texture of ice cubes hitting, and a faint majesty.

Just listening to the voice, he imagined an image of an empress in a dragon robe, ruling the world.

Guan Ya took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Sister, Fu Qingyang hasn't come back yet."

"Something happened to him." The voice on the other end of the phone said coldly: "It should be that he was taken into Mustard Sumeru by the people of Dark Night Rose. I spent a night in Jinshan City and used a person-finding tool. I can only confirm that he is still there. Jinshan City, but I can’t pinpoint the exact location. My younger brother is quite a trash if he can persist for one night without returning to the spirit realm.”

Has the garbage theory been carried forward by Fu Qingyang... Zhang Yuanqing slandered.

Guan Ya smiled wryly, "You still hold grudges at this time, what should you do now?"

"The think tank and the elders of the Songhai branch are having a meeting to discuss, but they haven't come up with a plan yet." The female marshal said, "Is there anything else, I'm very busy."

Zhang Yuanqing whispered: "Ask her what's going on, we should be fully prepared, how did it become like this."

Although he was the manipulator behind the scenes, he was vaguely aware that his layout was out of control.

But he couldn't tell what was wrong, everything was the star officer's intuition.

"The one next to you is Yuanshi Tianzun?" The female marshal heard his voice, her tone suddenly turned cold, and she said in a voice full of cold texture and majesty: "It is you who often call Fu Qingyang behind my back that I am trash?"

Zhang Yuanqing was quite anxious at first, but when he heard this, his whole body was agitated, and he almost bowed his head, so that the marshal could see his sincerity, but considering that no matter how deep the sincerity was, the marshal would not be able to perceive it through the phone, so he said: " Marshal, I personally strongly oppose and disagree with Elder Fu’s words. I have clearly told him that Marshal is the proud son of heaven, a unique and wonderful woman in the world, who ranks as a demigod at a young age. Jue Jin, but Elder Fu doesn’t listen to this, he is so tall.”

"That's a beautiful statement." Fu Qingxuan's voice eased a little, and she said seriously:

"Last night, the King of Fear released the criminals in Pingchuan City Prison and deliberately lured me away from Songhai. In order to deal with me, he brought Shura's saber. I was dragged by him for a long time. When I returned to the zoo, the magic eye was gone. Fu Qingyang was rescued, and Fu Qingyang lost contact. Elder Gou contacted Taiyi Sect's elder Chiri Executioner for help last night. The Chiri Executioner observed the sky at night and reported back that Yinyue Tianwang Jinghua, the bishop of Bing, died in battle. He asked for it in Jinshan City, and after that, he said, 'Look, it's gone.'”

The Silver Moon Heavenly King appeared in Jinshan City? Zhang Yuanqing's pupils shrank slightly. He immediately calmed down and asked, "Marshal, what is the difficulty now?"

"Locate Fu Qingyang, break through the mustard seed and enter it." The female marshal did not feel arrogant because of Yuanshi Tianzun's low rank, and said something.

"The mustard mustard that traps Fu Qingyang is similar to a spatial prop, but it is different from the Twisted Realm of the Dionysus Club last time. The former has 'secret, blessing, my sword energy cannot be located, so it cannot be broken." After finishing speaking, She hung up the phone quickly.

"Wait for a few minutes." Zhang Yuanqing bowed his head and kissed Guan Ya's delicate face, before leaving the room.

He returned to his bedroom, took out his mobile phone and sent a voice with a livid face: "Tiannima's dog Dong

Xi, you play me? "

A few seconds later, the king of fear sent back a message: [This is my freedom (smile)]

Zhang Yuanqing was silent for a few seconds, then sent another voice in a low tone: "When did it start?"

[King of Fear: Guess (smiles)]

Zhang Yuanqing's expression suddenly became ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and sent a voice: "You wait for me, I will wring your dog's head off!"

Outraged, even though the person on the phone is a demigod.

But apart from anger, Zhang Yuanqing still had fear and chill in his heart that he didn't want to say.

The appearance of Bishop Yinyue's King Yinyue in Jinshan City is enough to prove the actions of last night. Dark Night Rose and Bishop Bing were connected through Qi, so the fear that the Heavenly King brought the sword of Shura to delay the marshal is not only to help delay time, but also to help Dark Night Rose. The big guardian delays time.

His premonition was right, someone took advantage of his plan, followed suit, and tried to eat the three official elders, rescue the magic eye, and seize the deadly handle of the proud son of heaven, Yuanshi Tianzun.

Kill three birds with one stone. And the only ones who can do this are the strong ones who are also star officials, a certain guardian of Dark Night Rose, or even the leader who hides behind the scenes and never shows up.

I just don't know when this game started. If it had been laid out since the day when the King of Fear was first seen in the mall, it would be too scary.

In the first battle to be promoted to star official, he was severely educated.

I won't let you succeed, Zhang Yuanqing took a deep breath, suppressed the frustration and anger in his heart, decisively turned his white face, and started a brainstorm.

"The difficulty for the marshal is that he cannot locate Fu Qingyang. He is trapped in the props, blessed with hidden powers, and cannot be located. Even if he attacks Kuli, it is equivalent to hitting the air."

"Locate Fu Qingyang, locate Fu Qingyang." Zhang Yuanqing thought of the red dancing shoes that had been left in the inventory and had not been used for a long time.

The usage form of the red dancing shoes: Throwing the red dancing shoes towards the designated target can also use the target's blood, hair and skin cells as the medium to lock the target, and it will endlessly chase and kill the target...

Here are the rules!

"I can let Red Dance Shoes hunt down Fu Qingyang, won't this lock him in?" Zhang Yuanqing's eyes lit up.

Fu Qingyang couldn't find the person-finding props of the Five Elements League, because the "function" and "rules" are not the same.

In the system of Lingjing, the only thing that can suppress the rules is the rules.

He immediately ran out of the room, found Guan Ya, and hurriedly said, "Call your cousin again."

In zoos and pet huts, Elder Dog is squatting in front of the computer. The voice was low and low: "At present, the think tank of the White Tiger soldiers has not given a new plan. Fu Qingyang, Hongying and Gao Feng may return to the spiritual realm at any time, and the saints who followed them are very likely to encounter accidents." The black button Glancing across the screen, the portraits of the four elders of the Songhai Branch, he spoke with a guilty tone.

"The magic eye was also rescued. We jointly arrested him. I was negligent in this matter." The microphone on Elder Luoshen's portrait lit up: "Why did you leave the zoo?"

"Someone pretended to be my old friend and tricked me out of Songhai." said the dog leader. old saying

"Old man?" Elder Huang Sha Baizhan pondered, "Since I can pretend to be your old man? I have a deep understanding of both your old man and you. This is a clue."

"I'll look into it, but it will take time," Elder Dog replied.

"You bastard, you've screwed up such a simple task as taking care of the prisoners," "Mie Shitian" Elder Huo was furious, and the sound of slapping the table echoed in the pet house through the microphone.

"Do you still need to investigate, don't you have employees and spirits in that broken garden, just ask them.

The dog elder silently endured the other party's rude words, "I asked the plants and the staff that there were individuals who invaded the zoo, but the plants could not tell the characteristics of those people. The staff completed the sketches of the characters with my help. The four intruders used With the same face, it was clear that my staff was under the influence of the illusion.

"The only witnesses were the white lion and the tree that sealed the magic eye. Unfortunately, the white lion was seriously injured and was being nurtured by the spirit of the weapon.

I found some clues. Among the four intruders, one was a corpse, and one sank into the weak lake. As you know, things that sink into the weak lake can never be salvaged again. Also, according to it, the Demon Eye called one of the intruders Ghost Saber King. "

"I checked the surveillance cameras outside the garden today, but no intruders were captured."

Elder Xibai in the middle court frowned and said, "Ghost Saber Heavenly King... It seems that Bishop Bing has planned for a long time, and actually dispatched this Heavenly King.

"No!" Huang Sha Baizhan said in a deep voice, "It's not Ghost Saber King, you misheard that tree."

"How about a weapon?" Mie Shi Tianweng said in a low voice.

"If it's the ghost sword king, why do you avoid surveillance and use illusion?" Huang Sha Baizhan said: "Bing Bishop's king broke into the enemy to rescue people, do you need to cover it up? The words of the magic eye are more like There is no three hundred taels of silver here, and he is covering it up for someone.”

A scout is a scout, always the sharpest.

"Who?" Elder Xi Rang asked.

Huang Sha Baizhan said slowly: "I don't know, but the identity of that person should be very sensitive and cannot be disclosed to the public. In view of the relationship between Bishop Bing and Dark Night Rose, I guess Dark Night Rose was placed in the official secret work."

"Elder Dog, look up the information on your old friend, this is the clue."

Elder Dog gave a "huh" and immediately changed the topic: "The magic eye has been rescued, and this matter is a foregone conclusion. The most important thing now is to rescue the three elders who disappeared..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a profile picture with the id of a white-haired beauty "broke" into the online meeting room without authorization.

The marshal's voice full of texture and majesty came from the speakers of the elders: "It is 9:30 in the morning. Fu Qingyang has been out of contact for eight hours. You have been helpless for eight hours. I am not happy."

The five elders in the conference room felt their scalps go numb instantly.

With the temperament of this unruly young lady, being unhappy is a very serious threat.

But they really can't do anything, Dark Night Rose has used power beyond the **** level.

Elder Dog calmed down, and said in a humble tone, "Marshal, the think tank has not come up with a new plan. There are only two plans: ask the master of Taiyi to locate it himself; ask the president of the Merchant Guild to take action. But the two demigods still no reply."

Demigods are not omnipotent, and the leaders of the Five Elements League can't intervene in such things as finding someone, so you have to find a professional.

Fu Qingxuan's tone turned cold: "What if they" never reply?"

The elders were speechless, and the meeting room was silent.

They were preparing to meet the marshal's wrath, when they suddenly understood Fu Qingxuan saying, "I'll answer the phone!"

The avatar of the Marshal exited the meeting room.

The elders and old voices in the meeting room still dare not speak, feeling extremely heavy.

The sigh of the elder dog rang out over the loudspeaker.

At this time, Fu Qingxuan went online again, and said in a brisk tone: "The five of you immediately mobilized the deacons of the Songhai branch to Jinshan City to prepare to maintain order."

The elders in the meeting room were stunned for a moment, and then they guessed something. Elder Dog said happily: "Master Taiyi promised to help?"

Several other elders also think so.

Fu Qingxuan said lightly: "Yuanshi Tianzun said that he has a way to find Fu Qingyang."

"Yuanshi Tianzun?!" The elders were stunned for a moment.

Fu Qingyang is a very cautious person, even in his own residence, he will not leave too many traces.

Hair fall from the pillow, toothbrush in the bathroom, cells that may exist on the clothes, etc., are all cleaned up.

Bunny girls are highly trained to handle these details very conscientiously.

The hair that falls out will be burned, and the worn clothes and underwear will be washed after disinfection, without any biological tissue remaining.

Mr. Qian is obviously not a young man with hemorrhoids. There is no DNA in the toilet, and he is not a craftsman. There are no heirlooms left in the trash can.

In the end, Zhang Yuanqing found a half-finished glass of wine on the bedroom desk he needed.

from the rim of the glass,

To Qian Gongzi's oral epithelial cells.

He wiped the cup with a paper towel to remove the epithelial tissue, then walked out of the villa and waited by the fountain in the yard.

Not long after, a white sword light appeared in the sky.

He just saw the sword light, before he had time to react, the white sword light landed in the courtyard.

The sword light dissipated, and a young woman wearing slim-fit breeches and long boots stood gracefully in the courtyard.

This is a woman who cannot be described with words such as "beautiful" and "beautiful".

Because these words are used to describe mortal beauties.

Marshal is not a mortal woman, she is a heroine who came out of the second dimension.

A head of fluffy white hair, white eyelashes, a pair of clear and bright light green pupils, big eyes with slightly raised corners, and a dignified look.

There is no blemish on the beautiful face, and human skin will never be so perfect.

White hair, different pupils, Kazilan's big eyes, a flawless face, a perfect body... Any otaku will go crazy when he sees her.

Zhang Yuanqing thought from the bottom of his heart.

Marshal Baimao suddenly frowned, and said coldly, "Your eyes are like seeing a doll I liked when I was young."

Zhang Yuanqing nodded and bowed: "Yuanshi Tianzun has seen the marshal, long live the marshal, long live the marshal."

Fu Qingxuan frowned, ignoring Yuanshi Tianzun's little disrespect, and said, "Can you help me locate Fu Qingyang?"

Zhang Yuanqing lowered his eyes, not looking at the Marshal's face, and said, "Marshal, please take me to Jinshan City."

"it is good!"

Fu Qingxuan nodded slightly, and took out her hand without any delay. After some operations, she reached out and pressed Zhang Yuanqing's shoulder.

Zhang Yuanqing heard an electronic female voice coming from the other party's mobile phone: "Get ready to go, go to Jinshan City, a total of 568 kilometers, it will take about 10 minutes, start navigation!"

Why open navigation? A row of question marks flashed in Zhang Yuanqing's mind.

In the next second, a huge sonic boom exploded in the ear, and the oncoming gust of wind scraped across the body like a steel knife, and the city below. Back quickly.

In addition to the howling wind, there is also the "exclamation" of the navigation software: "You are speeding, please slow down. You are speeding, please slow down." The white sword light landed on the roof of a building in Jinshan City.

Zhang Yuanqing's first reaction was: down-to-earth is the happiest thing in the world.

The second reaction was to touch my forehead and find that my hairline had shifted a few centimeters.

The strong wind like a steel knife did blow away part of his hair.

Fu Qingxuan overlooked this less prosperous city, her tone was majestic and indifferent: "Let's go!"

Her indifference is not aimed at a certain person, as if she was born this way. The empress, who was born aloof, has a clear sense of distance from her courtiers.

It's a bit stressful to get along with her, the devil is still awesome, this kind of domineering woman wants to sleep... bow your head, you can't be seen by her...

Zhang Yuanqing lowered his head and summoned the red dancing shoes in the inventory. Two dark red shimmers interlaced and turned into a pair of brand new dancing shoes.

"Da da da." As soon as the red shoes appeared, they happily took steps, ready to circle around the master, but it suddenly froze and abandoned the master? When he came to the front of the marshal, he took a step back with his left shoe, the heel slightly raised.

A graceful curtsey was made.

The marshal raised his eyebrows, "The rule-type props of the void profession, no wonder you dare to boast."

Zhang Yuanqing stuffed the tissue in his hand into the red dancing shoes.

The red shoes were still, as if they were reading the DNA in the tissue. After about three or four seconds, it suddenly moved, rushed out of the roof, and ran along the steep wall.

Standing on the rooftop, Fu Qingxuan didn't understand, staring at it as it walked through the streets and alleys, passing through the tall buildings.

Finally, its red dancing shoes stopped in a very distant place.

It was a traffic light, and the red dancing shoes were turning round and round at the intersection. From time to time, their feet flew up, kicking hard in the void, kicking out the invisible to the naked eye.

Ripples in space.

It found Fu Qingyang, but it couldn't get in.

Pedestrians and vehicles on the street turned a blind eye to the dancing shoes that jumped up and down.

"So it's here." Fu Qingxuan jumped up, transformed into a white sword light, and swept towards the intersection in the distance.

Damn, this woman just rushed over like that? You don't even use illusions, you want to be on the news...

Zhang Yuanqing turned pale with shock, quickly took out the gloves of the blaster, and drove madly to catch up.

He is now a sixth-level saint who can perform large-scale star illusion.

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please read the latest chapter content. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own could there be no injuries at all.

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflected his current appearance, he was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him!

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to have surgery or not, but a fairy art.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are quite's the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu's eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.

Icefield City.

Pet breeding base.

Trainee pet keeper. The website is about to be closed, download the Star app to provide you with the spiritual realm walker of Xiaolangjun, a newspaper seller
