MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 1496 1483. Second Wall

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   Chapter 1496 1483. The Second Wall

  The aboriginal warrior in charge of the investigation was lying behind the pile of rocks high on the mountain, looking towards the glare of the north mountain pass.

  The snow-capped peaks in the distance reflect dazzling light, but the highlands in the distance are still green, and there are still some shriveled berries hanging in the bushes between the mountain roads.

  It takes about a few days to walk up the mountain path from the foot of Moyunling Mountain to reach the North Pass of Moyunling Highland.

   And looking towards the northern mountains from here, you can still see the dark green sea of ​​trees stretching to the edge of the sky.

  Just looking back at the vast Moyunling highland, the desolation between the moss, green grass and gravel, it looks a bit desolate everywhere.

  According to Elder Ambrobi, this place used to be the holy land of the Aegrod clan, and every Aegrod aborigine has a deep attachment to this land.

A few native warriors gathered together. They were worried about being discovered by the evil spirits. They hid behind a pile of rubble at the top of the mountain road. They originally planned to find out how many evil spirit warriors were stationed here, but they didn't expect to look at the Beishankou camp in the distance. , Seeing the flag flying on the camp, it looks like the silk flag of the lord army.

  The flags of the evil spirits are almost all made of leather, and they are usually hung on the cross wooden frame, and rarely flutter in the wind.

  The flags of the lord's army are much more delicate, usually made of silk, and some great lords will add gold and silver threads to the silk used to make the flags, and ask magic tailors to embroider some delicate magic patterns on them.

  These magic lines usually have some effect on improving morale and boosting spirits.

  Under the glare of the sun, the indigenous warriors could clearly see the decorations on the flags flying at the North Pass.

  The native warrior with the best eyesight reported to the squad leader:

   "Headhunter, that flag looks a bit like the flag of the Imperial Lord Army..."

  As the captain of the aboriginal reconnaissance team, Thackli squinted his eyes and looked out from behind the boulder towards the north mountain pass. The glare of the sun made his vision white.

He had no choice but to walk forward a few steps with his waist down, selected a stone tablet more than four meters high on the pile of rocks, and climbed up along the cracked stone cracks. His hands were very strong, and he jumped to the above the boulder.

   At this time, the flag became clearer.

  Thakry took a deep leap, jumped in front of the team members, and said to several members:

"I'll get closer, you stay here and wait for me. If the evil spirits find me later, you should retreat to the shady **** of the mountain decisively. I will find a way to lead them to the opposite side of the mountain road, and find a chance to throw them away." Open them, if you can't wait for me to come back before dark, you should return to the legion and report the situation here to Patriarch Logan, do you understand?"

   "Headhunter, I run fast, let me go for this investigation!"

  A member of the team volunteered.

  Thakry glanced at him, but didn't speak.

  He never liked any questioning of his orders by the team members.

  The team member retracted his head and said with a guilty conscience:

   "Understood, then be careful!"

   It is very dangerous to scout on the edge of the Beishankou camp.

  Especially this valley is full of a strong smell of blood. There are still some ghost warrior wreckages on the hillside, and there are also some broken blades that have not been cleaned up in time. The traces left after the battle have devastated the slopes on both sides of the mountain road.

  The unknown situation here is even more uncertain...

   At this time, of course, the most experienced old hunters are needed to investigate ahead. This is the long-standing practice of the Aegrod natives.

   Thackli patted each team member's arm and said to them:

   "Don't worry! We have traveled such a long distance, so it is impossible for us to have problems here."

   After he finished speaking, he walked out of the pile of rocks, and he had a panoramic view of the **** in front of him.

  Thakry looked at the battlefield in front of him in shock. He had actually seen the corpses of some ghost soldiers on the edge of the battlefield, but he didn't expect that it was just the tip of the iceberg.

   This battlefield is far bigger than he had imagined, and there are too many ghost warrior corpses on the battlefield.

   Even the hillside covered with moss and needle grass is soaked in purple blood...

He bent down and picked up a broken blade. If indigenous warriors participated in this battle, this black metal broken blade would definitely not be discarded here. If there is a tribe later, this broken blade is likely to be polished into a hatchet.

   But now on this battlefield, such broken blades can be seen everywhere, and there are some white sharp bone spears stuck in the soil.

   There are still many messy footprints and broken limbs left on the battlefield. It is conceivable how large-scale battles have been fought here.

   Thakri didn't know how to express the shock hidden in his heart. There are many similarities between this battlefield and the place where he fought at the foot of Moyunling Mountain.

  He looked towards the North Pass again, and when he saw the flag fluttering in the wind, he thought it should be the lord army from the Grimm Empire standing there.

   Now that he found that this place has been completely occupied by the lord army, he was slightly relieved.

  Looking at the broken limbs all over the ground, he sighed how many ghost warriors this lord army had killed to make the battlefield so messy.

  The further Thakri walked forward, the more traces on the battlefield he saw, the clearer the surprised expression on his face...

  He stood up straight from the hillside, and waved vigorously at his companion who was hiding behind the pile of rocks.

  The native warriors of this reconnaissance team came out of the rocks one after another, and joined him with some confusion.

  Thakry said to his companions:

   "The one guarding the mountain pass is an imperial army. It should be the imperial lord army that Patriarch Logan told us to pay more attention to."

   "Go, go and see!"

   After speaking, he took the lead and strode towards the Beishankou camp...


  On the fourth day after the reconnaissance team of the Aegrod Alliance Army left, this indigenous coalition army with nearly 200,000 soldiers finally appeared on the mountain pass at the northern pass of Moyunling.

  These fighters climbed up the hill, occupying almost all the space around the mountain road.

  Their appearance is like covering the slopes on both sides of the mountain road with a thick blanket...

   It seems that the indigenous coalition forces should have eliminated the evil spirit hunting groups at the foot of Moyunling Mountain, so that such a large-scale mountain road at the northern foot of Moyunling Mountain.

   Chief Logan and several other burly chiefs walked at the front of the team. They were also the chiefs of various indigenous tribes.

  As for the great witches in the native coalition army, they followed behind the team quietly in a black-horned elk carriage.

"I didn't expect that, as the Great Elder said, the Imperial Legion has already occupied the North Mountain Pass of Moyun Ridge. No wonder I haven't seen the evil spirits running down from Moyun Ridge these days. The original source was blocked by the Imperial Lord Army Neck, hehe." Chief Logan said with a big laugh.

  The other patriarch standing beside him did curl his mouth and said with some disdain:

   "Actually, the danger has not been completely lifted. We should be more careful. God knows if there is a large group of evil spirits on the opposite side of this camp..."

   "As long as we can hold the North Mountain Pass this time, the Evil Ghost Army will no longer be able to run down the mountain unscrupulously." A patriarch said with emotion.

   This mountain path doesn't look very far away, but if you measure it directly with your legs, the vanguard of the indigenous alliance army walked for a whole morning before finally reaching the Moyunling Highland.

  At this time, the Beishankou Camp has been turned into ruins after several days of battles.

The original fish-scale cellars in the camp collapsed in all likelihood. After several rounds of battles, the place has completely turned into a piece of scorched earth. The soil is not only filled with a rotten and **** smell, but also a faint sour smell. The seed soil seems to contain grease and is not suitable for any plant growth.

  Clan Chief Logan brought a group of indigenous leaders to the front of the Beishankou camp, and saw that Suldak came out with a group of officers.

  The armies of the two sides joined together, but the establishment of the camp was indeed quite different. In addition to the 200,000 indigenous fighters, in addition to the reserved area of ​​​​the North Mountain Pass, a considerable number of indigenous fighters wanted to camp in the mountain road below the North Mountain Pass.

  No way, there are too many native alliance troops, and there is only such a big place in Beishan Pass.

In the empty field on the south side of the Beishankou camp, a large group of giant ghost-patterned soldiers and ants are talking about the remnants of those ghost warriors gathered together. It's too realistic, but this is the Beishankou camp, and a city wall will be built here in the future, so the corpses of these ghost fighters must not be left alone.

  So Suldak chose the most convenient way this time, and that was burning.

  The giant ghost soldier ants piled up the corpses of all the ghost warriors, and then poured oil on them to ignite them completely...

  The fire will soon turn the fat in the ghost warrior's body into oil. In this way, the fire will not go out until the ghost warrior's body is completely burned.

  Among the billowing smoke, there was even a pungent spicy smell.

  Clan Chief Logan took a deep look at the giant ghost pattern soldier ant who was doing hard work. Wearing a thick full-coverage armor, he strode up to Suldak, and then said kindly:

   "I didn't expect Lord Suldak to actually fulfill his promise and capture this camp ahead of time..."

"Didn't Chief Logan also arrive as promised?" Suldak said with a smile, and then explained: "It's also a coincidence that when the cavalry regiment just arrived here, they found that the evil spirit army in the camp had left their nests empty. , It was because of this rare opportunity that I was able to take advantage of it and drive the evil spirit army stationed here to the hinterland of Moyunling Highland."

   "However... the evil ghost fighters here are more tenacious in fighting, even if they are scattered, they will quickly organize a counterattack force."

   "You guys came at the right time this time. There has just been a big battle here, and the evil ghost army has just retreated from here. Taking advantage of the current window period, we can definitely build a city wall here at Beishan Pass."

  Before Chief Logan came here, he had already heard Elder Ambrose explain this matter.

   This is an important link in the grand strategy jointly formulated by the natives of Aegrod and the Lord Army of the West Road.

  Clan Chief Logan also understood that as long as the city walls were built at the north and south ends of Moyun Ridge, the way down the mountain for the evil ghost army could be completely controlled.


  Even if the next few battles are not going well, as long as you firmly control the exits at both ends, even if you take a more brutal way of clearing the field, you can win the war in the end.

   "What do we need to do, the young fighters on our side can't wait!" Chief Logan asked Suldak for orders.

   "So... the most urgent task is to build a city wall..."

  Suldak said loudly.


  Even if he knew the answer a long time ago, but hearing what Suldak said, Chief Logan was still a little puzzled...

  Where to build this city wall, how to build it, what materials to use, and how long the construction period will take. Chief Logan is not very good at these series of things.

  His bronzed face was lined with wrinkles.

  The indigenous warriors have already started to set up tents in the planned area.

Here, Suldak brought Chief Logan to an area where a straight white line was drawn. There were two parallel white and gray lines, and the span between the two lines was about 30 meters. The length of the side extension reached 1,500 meters unexpectedly.

Suldak took Patriarch Logan to walk between the two white lines, and then explained: "Here will build a 30-meter-wide, 60-meter-high, 1,500-meter-long For the city wall, no buildings can be built in the area on the south side of the city wall, nor can there be any buildings within 30 meters north of the city wall."

After finishing speaking, he bent down, picked up a piece of hard shale from the ground, and said to Chief Logan: "Next, you need to let your young native warriors go outside to pick up this kind of rock, and transport them all to the two sides of the city wall. On the other hand, these stones are the main building materials for the construction of the city wall."

A group of ant cavalry came to face them in the distance. These ant cavalry were driving the ghost pattern soldiers under their crotches to clean up all the remnants of the planned city wall. They only dug less than one meter deep, and they could see the blue rock formation below. .

   Only by cleaning up these abandoned residues can the first step in building the city wall be completed.

   Next, Suldak needs to transport some iron cages containing rocks, and then a large amount of volcanic ash cement and other materials.

   Chief Logan then asked: "Then where is our camp?"

  Suldak did not speak to the map with Chief Logan, but directly led Chief Logan to the area where the scene was located, pointing to the land under his feet and said:

   "Here, although most of the sunlight here will be blocked by the city wall, this place is definitely suitable for building a military camp."

   As he spoke, Suldak took out an architectural drawing. Chief Logan had heard some descriptions about the city wall before, so now that he saw the architectural drawing, he had some rough outlines of the building in his mind.

   Immediately afterwards, Suldak told Chief Logan about the construction plan of a fortress camp.

   This is a bit complicated to say, it mainly involves the differences in the lifestyles of indigenous soldiers and lord army soldiers...

  (end of this chapter)