MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 1497 1484. City Wall

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   Chapter 1497 1484. City Wall

The soldiers of the native alliance army had just set up their tents and had a hot lunch in front of the tents. They were not able to breathe a sigh of relief at the North Mountain Pass camp, so they were summoned by Chief Logan and started from Picking up stones in the mountains around the North Pass.

  Each aboriginal warrior was assigned a leather bag, and smaller stones were put in the bag, and larger ones were placed on the head, and larger stones had to be carried by several aboriginal soldiers.

  However, Suldak didn't ask the native warriors to carry those big rocks, because there were giant ghost pattern soldier ants doing these rough jobs, so the big boulders were easily moved to the construction site.

  It only took half a day for the ant cavalry to dig out the ditch used to pour the foundation. The ditch needs to be filled with cages full of stones.

  After everything is ready, pozzolan cement can be poured on it.

  This time, Suldak personally supervised the construction, and various materials can naturally be supplied in time.

   Another 200,000 indigenous warriors acted as free laborers, and any large stones were transported by the giant turtle-patterned soldier ants.

  Building the foundation of the city wall is even simpler.

  Suldak asked the giant ghost pattern soldier ants to move a large number of stones, and took out nearly tens of thousands of bags of volcanic ash cement, and the craftsmen began to build the city wall of the North Mountain Pass day and night.

  The camp suddenly became in full swing.

  The 200,000 indigenous fighters hardly need to line up and throw stones on the construction site in turn.

  They lined up in a long row of hundreds of people, and continuously threw rough stones into the ditch in the way of solitaire.

  It doesn't take too long for so many laborers to fill this trench with stones.

  Especially these giant ghost pattern soldier ants have finally experienced climbing to the halfway up the mountain, inserting their huge fangs into the crevices of the rocks, and prying off the loose rocks after weathering.

  Sometimes some huge stones will roll down from the mountainside, and the giant ghost pattern soldiers scramble to transport these stones to the trenches of the foundation of the city wall...

It may be the first time that Chief Logan has seen such a large-scale project. Standing on the edge of the North Mountain Pass camp, watching the indigenous people carrying stones and lining up, he stepped forward and patted each of them on the shoulder. Comfort these young indigenous warriors with encouraging eyes.

   "There will be broth and wheat cakes later, everyone work harder and try to fill this trench before dark."

  The native warriors readily agreed when they heard what Patriarch Logan said.

  These young people are full of energy and are not afraid to use their strength to lift stones. When they hear that there is broth and wheat cakes for dinner, they are all full of energy.


On the other side, Suldak was directing the ant cavalry to dig a huge pit. Bags of volcanic ash cement were poured into the pit. On the other side, fresh water was poured in continuously. Dozens of craftsmen held spears This pozzolanic cement is being stirred around.

  Someone also dumped some gravel into the pit, and every layer of stones on the foundation of the city wall was covered with a layer of volcanic ash cement.

   Such a foundation will form a solid whole in the future...

  For the Suldak Lord Army, most of the fighters have experience in building dams with volcanic ash cement.

The earliest was to build a five-level reservoir in Wall Village, and later to repair urban buildings in Mukuso City, build a sky garden in Ruyt City, and build a large dam in the upper reaches of the Three Rivers Plain on the Bailin plane. The city wall was built in the Dake Valley on the South Road of Moyunling.

   It is not to say that these Ant Cavalry fighters have participated in every project, but most of them have experienced one of the civil engineering projects.

   Now that the city wall of Beishan Pass is being built, these soldiers have become master craftsmen, using carts to transport the reconciled cement into the trench.

The foundation of the city wall is being worked on in full swing. Chief Logan still doesn't understand why he has to dig a deep trench and fill it with stones when he is building a high wall... This is because he thinks the city wall is not high enough. Do you want to repair more than one meter underground?

   Seeing Lord Suldak bring out a large amount of supplies again, Patriarch Logan figured out one thing: the great lord of the Grimm Empire in front of him was able to lead his legions to win frequent victories, the essence of which was piled up with gold coins.

The material warehouse in the camp, those arrows are all piled up into haystacks. Since the native army moved into the Beishankou camp, all military supplies have been changed to be directly supplied by the cavalry regiment. In addition, maintenance oil and grinding for armor weapons Knives and stones can be collected at will. I heard that at the West Road Army Camp, any damaged weapons and equipment can be repaired for free.

At dinner, each soldier was also given a green apple. Although it was not too big and tasted slightly sour, it was a rare delicacy for the indigenous warriors, because in the mountains of Handanal County, There was no apple tree to be found, even one, and this group of aboriginals ate apples for the first time in their lives.

  The native warriors ate with such relish that they even swallowed the fruit core.


  Northly 200,000 indigenous soldiers were stationed in the Beishankou camp, and the supply of supplies was indeed somewhat troublesome.

  Aphrodite coordinates the supply of various materials among various commercial firms in Hailansa City almost every day from morning till night.

  Wheat flour was shipped from the south of the Green Empire, and meat floss bricks and magic crossbow bolts were shipped from the imperial capital. Therefore, in the past two months, the magic airships on the airport pier of Hailansa City have been almost in an endless stream.

  There is such a news circulating in the business district of Hailansa City: Whoever can be selected by the mysterious lady will become rich overnight.

  In the warehouse of Hoyle Manor outside Hailansa, Aphrodite pointed to the volcanic ash cement piled up in the warehouse, and said to Suldak:

   "You ordered all the cement. Move it out immediately. This warehouse will be vacated before tomorrow morning. The powder kegs ordered from Wall Village will be moved into the warehouse tomorrow..."

  Aphrodite is a little annoying, and the daily chores are gradually increasing. It is rare for her to lie on the attic terrace and bask in the sun on a sunny afternoon.

   Regarding Aphrodite's order, Suldak quickly agreed:

   "Understood, I will move out later, and how long will it take for the fourth batch of wheat flour I ordered to arrive?"

  The food consumed by the soldiers of these native alliance legions alone is a huge number.

   Now to defend the Beishan Pass of Moyunling, all kinds of materials need to be supplied adequately, and judging from the recent movements of the evil spirits, they obviously have no intention of giving up fighting for the Beishan Pass camp.

  The magician Basil has already detected the movement of some evil ghost legions, and they have begun to gather towards the North Mountain Pass, but they have not yet formed an encirclement outside the North Mountain Pass camp.

  Of course, Suldak does not intend to give up this strategic location.

   As long as this place is guarded, the evil ghost army will be completely trapped on the high ground.

  The food resources here are extremely scarce, and it will become more and more difficult for the evil spirits to gather on a large scale in the future.

   Aphrodite frowned, removed the money bag from her waist, and complained to Suldak:

   "Isn't the logistics office of the Bena Army responsible for food supplies? Why do we have to buy so much food out of our own pockets? I only have more than 900 gold coins left in my hand. What are you going to do with the next payment?"

  Suldak patted his forehead...

  The recent expenses are really too high. If it weren't for the support of several victories, it would be difficult for him to form such a coalition of indigenous tribes.

  He thought for a while before saying:

"I need to deal with the supplies of the indigenous alliance army, or sell a batch of black magic crystals first. Didn't we earn 30,000 black magic crystals in the battle at the northern mountain pass of Moyunling? And Ambro Compared with the box that the elder gave me some time ago, I will give it to you later, I guess these merchants prefer this unidentified black magic crystal..."

  Aphrodite reminded him:

   "Don't forget, at least half of these black magic crystals need to pay merit rewards."

   "I know, as long as we win a few more victories, we will probably be able to make up for this shortfall." Suldak replied confidently.


  Aphrodite gave Suldak a speechless glance.

   This time Suldak spent a lot of money in order to win over the alliance army of the Aegrod natives.

He gave these aboriginal warriors 130,000 sets of full-coverage heavy armor. In addition, there were also excellent knights' long swords, iris shields, Paglio's spears, alloy bows, etc. These weapons and equipment alone cost Suldak nearly three million gold coins.

   Converted into unidentified magic spar, it is about 200,000 pieces.

This number happened to be that after Suldak's West Route Army entered Handanal County, it first encircled and suppressed six large-scale evil spirit hunting groups in the Somersto River, and then encircled and annihilated six large-scale evil spirit hunting groups in the Sheep Farm Canyon of Ganda Er Mountain. He formed an army of evil spirits, and later frequently harvested a large number of unidentified black magic crystals in the battlefield of Moyunling Mountain Pass and in the battle of Buruyin River.

  Until the capture of the Dak Canyon, the unidentified black magic crystals that Suldak obtained on the Warsaw plane just exceeded the 200,000 mark.

And these harvests are just enough to pay for these weapons and equipment, and the rest of the magic crossbow, food and other supplies are not counted among them, but Suldak sacrificed more than 60,000 ghost-striped soldiers and ants one after another. The soldier ants also brought him 60,000 ordinary magic spar.

Speaking of it, every war that the West Route Army entered the Warsaw plane brought huge benefits to Suldak, but the most incredible thing was the battle loss rate of the ghost-striped soldier ants. Every time a ghost-striped soldier ant died , the West Route Army will reduce a little combat power, but for Suerdak, his pockets are actually a little bulging.

  However, it was precisely because of the participation of the Aigrod indigenous clan that Suldak had the strength to swallow the Moyunling Highland in one bite.


  After talking with Aphrodite about the recent material preparations, Suldak walked into the dilapidated warehouse of Hoyle Manor.

This is in the southern suburbs of Hailansa City, dozens of kilometers away from Hailansa City, and now it is the property of Bird tax collectors. After encountering a bandit group from here, this manor has been in a state of desertion, although A few years ago, Charlie led a group of craftsmen to rebuild a villa in the manor, but the warehouses and stables here are still old buildings from decades ago.

  Suldak needed a warehouse for turnover of supplies, and asked Aphrodite to go to Carl Casement for help, and Bird Tax Officer lent him the manor.

  However, because there are too many supplies recently, even these warehouses in the manor can't fit, so Aphrodite asked Suldak to remove the volcanic ash stored inside as soon as possible.

  Whether it is to put the goods into the magic pocket or take them out of the magic pocket, magicians need to consume mana, and what Suldak consumes is the power of the holy light.

   To remove all the cement in this warehouse, it is estimated that the power of the holy light in his body needs to be emptied twice...

   Fortunately, he has more magic pockets in his hand, and he can transport a lot of volcanic ash cement at one time.

   Regarding this, Suldak still has a headache.

   Two city walls were built on Moyunling in Handanar County on the Warsaw plane. This time, the volcanic ash cement factory in Wall Village made a lot of money.

  Suldak has long written to the head of Bright village, the cement factory in the village must stockpile a large amount of volcanic ash cement, and organize manpower to rush to make this kind of iron cage for carrying stones.

   It really came in handy to build the city wall on Moyunling this time.


  The foundation of the North Mountain Pass City Wall was built very quickly.

   Almost the next day, I saw a foundation poured with volcanic ash cement mortar.

  The wind on the mountain pass is very strong, and the cement dries quickly. Although I know that if the foundation can be maintained with water for more than half a month, the north city wall will be stronger.

   But the urgent task now is to build this city wall.

  Especially the traces of ghost warriors reappeared outside Beishankou Camp, which is not a good thing...

  Suldak didn't expect that the evil spirits on the Moyunling Highlands would never give up on the Beishankou camp. They assembled their troops much faster than expected.

  So he planned to repair the city wall before the third wave of evil spirits arrived.

  Because the evil ghost army suffered setbacks in the Beishankou camp twice, the surrounding evil ghost army did not rush to surround them. They were waiting for more evil ghost soldiers to arrive.

   Magician Basil even saw some adventure groups in the northern part of the highlands, they were chasing these evil spirits.

  However, these adventure groups did not run to the northernmost point, so naturally they don't know the situation here at the Beishankou camp.

Almost all of these adventure groups came chasing the tail of the evil ghost army. Now a large number of demon hunters have emerged on the Moyunling Highland. The team has a headache.

  Now a large number of evil ghost troops are heading north, and the adventure group scattered on the Moyunling highlands is also like a plate of loose sand, attracted by some invisible suction, and keeps gathering north.

  The figure of the ghost warrior also appeared on the ridge in the distance. Suldak frowned, and said to Andrew beside him:

   "Has Basil not come back yet?"

   "This time he went to investigate the movement of the evil ghost camp, and he probably won't be able to return until tomorrow morning..." Andrew said.

  Suldak pointed to the ridge where the ghost warrior emerged, and said to Andrew: "Then send a smarter constructed knight to see if there is any ghost army hiding in the Xuefeng area..."

   "Got it, boss..."

  After Andrew took the order, he replied readily.

  (end of this chapter)