MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 47 see but not recognize

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Ah Da! Ah Da! What do you think I will say when I see my mother? I think I should say hello to my mother as soon as possible, because my mother and I have not seen each other for a long time. Of course, I should care about my mother's current living conditions as soon as possible!

Ah Da! Ah Da! What clothes do you think I will wear to see my mother then? But I think I'm wearing well now, and my mother doesn't like to waste. Hmm~ so let's wear it like this.

Ah Da! Ah Da! You said that I have changed so much now, and my hair has turned into silver, can my mother recognize me? In fact, I think my mother should be able to recognize me, because I am her child!

Ah Da! Ah Da! Do you think I should cut my hair before going to see my mother? My mother doesn't like boys with long hair. My mother said that boys need short hair to give people a refreshing feeling. But I don't know where to go to get my hair cut, and I don't want to cut my hair short. I have to trim and cut my short hair every once in a while, which feels very troublesome.

Ah Da! Ah Da! you said I…

As the capital of the Dragon Kingdom gets closer, Xiaoya asks more and more questions because of her closeness to her hometown, and asks more and more inexplicable questions. However, these questions often do not require Ada's answer, and Xiaoya has already asked herself. Answered by myself. In fact, both Ada and Xiaoya knew very well in their hearts that Xiaoya didn't ask these questions to get an answer, but to let her nervousness have a channel to express.

So often, Xiaoya nestled in Ada's arms waving her hands and asked herself, simply treating Ada behind her as if she was transparent. Of course, it didn't mean that Ada didn't want to give Xiaoya a response, but that Ada didn't know how to give Xiaoya a response at all.

As a result, until arriving at the capital of the Dragon Kingdom, such a scene was repeated in the carriage—Xiao Yawo waved her hands in Ah Da's arms and kept "talking" about her mother, while Ah Da was seriously He looked at Xiaoya "speaking" with a little bewilderment.

After another month passed, in the seventh month after Ada and Xiaoya left the forest, they finally arrived at the outskirts of the capital of Dragon Kingdom.


In order not to cause unnecessary trouble by people recognizing their identities, Ah Da put away the carriage when they were about to enter the official road, and the wolf was threatened by Ah Da or be put into the space ring , or become the size of a slap and be held by him. Of course, the wolf who never liked being put into the space ring chose to become smaller as a matter of course.

Nervously clutching Ah Da's arm, Xiao Ya walked from the forest to the official road step by step with her heavy legs. However, as the official road leading to the capital of the Dragon Kingdom gradually appeared in front of them, Xiaoya suddenly thought of a problem—a problem that was so serious that it might affect whether they could enter the capital of the Dragon Kingdom to see their mother.

Ah Da! Xiaoya, who was about ten meters away from walking out of the forest and entering the official road, suddenly grabbed Ah Da's arm to stop Ah Da from walking forward, and then waved anxiously with one hand: Ah Big! Ah Da! We forgot one very important thing! We are still in the situation of being wanted by the black area, so will we not be able to enter the capital of the Dragon Kingdom!

Ah Da had thought of such a question a long time ago, otherwise he wouldn't have brought Xiaoya along the official path. Patting Xiaoya on the head with peace of mind, Ada said with certainty: "It's okay. The black area is a shady underground trading market. Although the existence of the black area is known to ordinary people, the things there have always been It’s not clear, even if our arrest is really known by the whole world, but because it is the arrest of the black area, even if these regular troops who seem to represent justice know about us, they will not be able to stop us from entering the capital, at most Secretly notifying those who received our wanted warrants to kill us."

Oh~ Is that so? After hearing Ada's explanation, Xiaoya immediately felt relieved.

However, as if the sky seemed to refute Ada's words, just when Xiaoya felt relieved and wanted to move on, the sound of the marching footsteps of an orderly army and the yelling of the leading soldiers suddenly entered the ears of Ada and Xiaoya .

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Everyone immediately step aside and make way..."

"Hoho?" Are you sure that the reason why these troops will not stop us from entering the city is not because they want to maintain the superficial justice, but because they intend to destroy us before we enter the city? The wolf who had been lying in Ah Da's clothes pocket and became only the size of a palm poked his head, looking at Ah Da suspiciously.

Ah Da? ! Xiaoya, who was already nervous because of being close to her hometown, heard the approaching footsteps of the army and the wolf's words, her delicate face was full of panic: Could it be that he really can't go to the capital to see him? Mother?

Glaring angrily at the wolf in his arms, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, Ah Da put his arms around Xiaoya's waist without saying a word, and led Xiaoya to the official road in big strides, not worried at all because of what the wolf said .

Ah Da is very confident that these people are not here to trouble them at all, because no one has come to hunt them down for a long time, and I also know how it is possible for someone to know their destination and whereabouts, and then lie in ambush here early and wait for them Take the initiative to deliver it to your door? That's why Ada is so talented and boldly brought Xiaoya to appear on the official road, standing in the crowd of passers-by who had been standing on both sides of the official road waiting for the army to come, quietly waiting The army that can clearly see the figure is approaching.

Because Ah Da is very confident, these troops are not here to kill them at all.

Pulling Ada's clothes in a panic, Xiaoya nervously looked at the approaching army: Ada, how about we...

Before the waving hand finished "speaking", Xiaoya's attention was already attracted by the conversations of the passers-by.

Passerby A: "Tsk, what's going on here? How can a good army come out to clean up the government? Damn it, my goods don't wait for time, and I'm in a hurry to dispose of them when they enter the country!"

Passerby B: "Hey, buddy, you must be visiting the capital for the first time, right?"

Passerby A: "Yes. How do you know?"

Passer-by B: "Well, whoever lives here in the capital doesn't know that it is absolutely not allowed to use official means to handle urgent matters today."

Passer-by A: "How do you say that? Do you have to choose a date to do business here in the capital?"

Passer-by B: "Yes, you really have to choose a day to do business here in the capital. Like today, if there is an urgent matter that requires official means, it is absolutely impossible to do it."

Passerby A: "Ah! Why?"

Passerby B: "Have you heard of the Dini family?"

Passerby A: "Who hasn't heard of the famous magic guardian in the capital!"

Passer-by B: "If you know it, then you have it. Then I think you should also know Kelly. Dini, right? The first female head of the Dini family history."

Passerby A: "Of course I know! Ever since Kelly Dini became the head of the Dini family, my wife has been saying all day long that she wants to be the head of the family too, so I'm almost annoyed by her."

Passer-by B: "Hehe, women, as long as they are a little aggressive, they are like this."

Passerby A: "Hey! After talking for so long, you still haven't said why you can't come out today to do something urgent."

Passer-by B: "Oh, don't be in a hurry, I'm about to get to that. In fact, today's country is not suitable for urgent matters. The problem lies with Kelly Denny."

Passerby A: "Isn't it? I heard that she has a very good temper, and she doesn't seem to be such a hot-tempered person at all. Could it be that the rumors are false?"

Passer-by B: "No, no. Normally, Kelly Dini is indeed a nice person, but today is an exception. Do you know why?"

Passerby A: "Hey! I just said you don't want to be a fool, okay? I want to know why I need to ask you? It's not good to hang people's appetite like this!"

A group of passers-by who also didn't know the reason protested: "It is!"

that is! As soon as she heard that it was related to her mother, Xiaoya, who was fascinated by it, nodded again and again.

Wordy. Ada, who was impatiently waiting to get to the point, narrowed his eyes and looked at passerby B dangerously.

Passer-by B, who was startled by everyone's unanimous protest and warning eyes, wiped the sweat from his forehead, waved his hands dryly and said, "Hey, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I'll just say it."

Everyone: "Speak!"

Passer-by B: "Cough! Actually, this matter is related to the coup d'etat in the Dini family more than ten years ago. I heard that Kelly. Dini originally didn't want to be the head of the Dini family, but because of her The eldest son died at the hands of an elder in the Dini family, so she staged a coup to avenge her son."

Passerby A: "Huh? She also has an older son? I only heard that she has an outstanding son who has become a fifth-level elementary magician before the age of ten. Why haven't I heard of it?" She also has an older son?"

Passer-by B: "It's normal for you who come from other places to not know. In the capital, everyone doesn't know Kelly. Denny actually has an older son. It's just that her older son is born dumb, you know Dumb people can't learn magic, so everyone seldom mentions Kelly. Denny's eldest son, some people even make a fuss about Kelly. Denny, the dumb eldest son. Back then, some people couldn't see Kelly. Dini has been pampering her dumb son, so she took advantage of the chaos to kill her mute son and said that it is to clean up the stain on the Dini family, so as not to embarrass the Dini family, so that Kelly who lost her son will be let Dini Angrily staged a coup."

Passerby A: "So there is such a story, but it is really ironic that a mute was born in a magical family."

Passer-by B: "Shh, it's better not to say that. Now that Kelly Dini is the head of the house, no one is allowed to say that about her dead eldest son. Be careful that one day someone will drag her into the alley with a bag and beat him up." I don't know what's going on."

Passerby A: "Uh, then, what does what you are talking about have anything to do with today?"

Passer-by B: "Isn't it? I've been talking for so long and you still don't understand? Oh, you're so stupid, how do you do business? After all, I've been talking about today for so long. It is the anniversary of the death of Kelly Deeney’s elder son. Every year on this day, Kelly Deeney will take her younger son to pay homage to her elder son. And in order not to let people even her elder son die To blame her eldest son, Kelly Deeney will make a big splash every time she pays homage to show everyone how much she values ​​her eldest son."

Passerby A: "Oh~ so that's the case. But according to me, if I have a young son who is a magic genius, I won't care about the life and death of the dumb elder son."

Passerby B: "You don't understand this, do you? Men and women are always different, just like Kelly Dini's husband, he has never paid homage to his eldest son, even if there is no With Kelly Deeney's insistence, it is estimated that he will threaten to let go..."

Xiaoya could no longer hear the words behind, because a gorgeous carriage was slowly passing by in front of his eyes, and he saw that familiar but somewhat unfamiliar face on the curtain blown by the wind, facing A lively, cute, and innocent child in his arms was talking softly.

Xiaoya immediately recognized the lady in the carriage, which was the reason why he came here.

More than ten years later, the face that I thought had become blurred in my mind, at this moment, Xiaoya realized that no matter how much time passed, his mother's face was still so clear in his heart, and there was never any change because of time. passed and changed.

Tears rolled down his cheeks without warning at this moment.

Xiaoya thought about many scenes of meeting his mother, but he never thought that when he saw his mother again, it would be on such an occasion and in such a situation.

Rubbing her wet eyes vigorously, Xiaoya turned around and led Ada away in silence before the lady's figure in the carriage disappeared from her eyes. But Xiaoya who turned and left with absolute determination did not see the melancholy in the eyes of the lady in the carriage when she saw them turn and leave.

"Mom, what are you looking at?" Seeing that the mother was not listening to him, the child also poked his head out of the window curiously.

Looking at the two figures that quickly disappeared into the woods, Kelly. Dini withdrew the melancholy in his eyes and smiled and said to the child in his arms: "It's okay, mom is just thinking about your brother."

If her children were still around, by now probably...


Walking aimlessly in the forest, letting the tears fall down her cheeks, Xiaoya had a half-smile expression on her face.

Silently following behind Xiaoya, Ah Da didn't ask Xiaoya why he left, why he didn't go forward to recognize his mother, but just kept holding Xiaoya's hand silently, walking along with Xiaoya. wandering aimlessly in the forest.

After a long time, Xiaoya's tears finally stopped falling, and her aimless steps finally stopped.

Randomly found a big tree to push Ah Da down, and Xiaoya nestled into Ah Da's arms as a matter of course, feeling Ah Da's warm embrace like countless days in the past. Cengceng Ada's warm embrace made him feel happy, Xiaoya waved slowly.

The mother's life is very happy and happy now, and she has become the head of the Dini family, and has a son who is a magic genius. The mother looks happier than before.


So... Ada, let's go home.