MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 46 Close to hometown

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What? ! Wanted? !

"Roar?!" How is it possible? !

Both Xiaoya and Lang looked at Ada in astonishment, and how surprised they were could be seen from the wide open mouth.

Patting Xiaoya on the head again, Ah Da, who was not slapped away by Xiaoya this time, said slowly: "We were wanted by the chamber of commerce in the black area."

"Roar?" Black area? what is that place The wolf was puzzled: "Ho Ho!" And I remember that you didn't tell those people your name, how could those people issue your arrest warrant?

I know! Seeing that the wolf was puzzled, Xiaoya, who finally got a taste of what it is like to teach people, immediately waved and explained: the black area is not actually a place, but refers to the underground trading market of human society, where there is no morality and ethics. Some have only one rule - as long as you have money, you can trade in the black area no matter what kind of transaction, and you will not be attacked by any human country.

As for why you can issue a wanted warrant without a name... Wolf, you are so stupid, you still have to ask such a simple question? Finally had the opportunity to despise wolves in reverse, the look of contempt on Xiaoya's face was obvious: as long as we tell the black district about our appearance and characteristics, they will naturally issue a wanted warrant! Especially with a special monster like you wolf following us, it will be easier for those people to find us! Does this even need a name?

It was rare that I would be despised by Xiaoya one day, and the wolf growled angrily: "Ho Ho Ho!" I don't know your human rules, and I don't understand that it is natural!

Right! I don't know who left the forest, kept saying that only me and Ada would be kidnapped and sold in human society, and I didn't know, and then they insisted on following them with a wolf face? ! Xiaoya crossed her arms and looked at the wolf triumphantly.

"Ho Ho!" Cut! Then who knows who is wanted now? Speaking of this matter, the wolf immediately pointed out the current matter to refute Xiaoya's words.

Uh... Nine times out of ten, Xiaoya couldn't argue with the wolf, and was immediately silenced by the wolf's words.

And just when Xiaoya was about to answer the wolf's words, Ada interrupted the bickering between Xiaoya and the wolf at the right time: "Okay, don't make trouble. Wolf, you go and give horse 1 and horse 2 their Hurry up, let them be careful and try not to leave traces. Xiaoya, let's go take a bath now."


"Roar." Got it.

Usually at this time when Ah Da, who has the air of the head of the family, speaks, the two guys Xiaoya and Lang will obediently shut their mouths, and this time is naturally no exception.

Seeing the wolf running back to the front seat of the carriage to lead the way for Ma 1 and Ma 2, Ah Da picked up Xiao Ya and went to the small room to run water for a bath.

Vigorously washing Ada's hands that touched the dirty corpse, Xiaoya suddenly thought of a question: By the way, Ada, how did you know that the chamber of commerce wanted us?

"The way to cultivate truth." Seeing Xiaoya who was washing her hands carefully and carefully, almost washing her hands off a layer of skin, Ah Da said lazily while leaning on the bathtub with hot water.

The method of cultivation is Ada’s name for the matter of cultivation passed to him by the Dragon God, because it is too troublesome to explain the matter of cultivation, so the lazy Ada always used this sentence even for Xiaoya . As for the matter of self-cultivation, although he found it very interesting, Xiaoya no longer dared to be interested in self-cultivation since Ah Da said that he could no longer learn self-cultivation after practicing magic.

After all, for Xiaoya, magic is a kind of obsessed obsession. No matter how interesting and powerful cultivation is, for Xiaoya, who is obsessed with magic, if he can only choose one thing, he will naturally choose magic.

So when Xiaoya heard that Ah Da said it was a way to cultivate truth, he curled his lips and stopped asking, because he couldn't learn how to cultivate truth, so what's the point of continuing to ask? However, he thought so, but in the end Xiaoya still lost to the curiosity in his heart.

Looking at the red hands washed by herself, Xiaoya couldn't help being curious and asked again: Then Ah Da, the reason why you touched that sloppy corpse just now is because you need to use cultivation methods?

"Yeah." Ada, who was too lazy to explain a long list but knew that Xiaoya would keep asking if she didn't get an answer, thought for a while before adding: "Cultivation has a way to see a person's life. , and his inner thoughts."

Following Ada's words, Xiaoya thought of what Ada had painted on the head of that scruffy corpse just now, and then put his hand on that head, Xiaoya laughed: "Ada! I didn't understand it before, but now that you said that, I remembered it. What you did to that corpse just now looks like a dark magician. Fortunately, there are no other human beings around, otherwise we would not only have to face the wanted people from the black area, but also the wanted people from all over the world.

Although dark magicians are very popular in this world because of their powerful destruction, some taboo magic is not allowed even for popular dark magicians, such as those forbidden magic in dark magic that can spy on other people's inner world.

"No one will know." Ada looked at Xiaoya confidently.

Because everyone who knows, except Xiaoya, will become a dead person!

Well, I believe in Ah Da! Xiaoya looked at Ah Da with a face full of trust.

Even if you know that Ada can spy on other people's hearts, but for Xiaoya, as Ada said, no matter what happens, Ada is still Ada, he is still him, they will never change in any way, always will be together forever.

But when it comes to spying on other people's hearts, Xiaoya finally remembered the topic of their chat this time: By the way, Ada, how much does that person know about us being wanted? Who will come after us next time?

"I don't know." Thinking of the information retrieved from the mind of the roadblocking leader, Ah Da frowned slightly: "The Chamber of Commerce is very cunning, they did not announce our strength, but only announced our appearance in the black area characteristics, and then bought our lives with a high price, and promised a lot of conditions, which attracted a lot of people for money and fame."

Sigh~ It's so strange, he is obviously just the boss of a branch of a chamber of commerce, why would he buy our lives with such a big fanfare! This is annoying! As long as he thinks that there will be countless people chasing and killing them day and night for money and fame, Xiao Yaguang feels dizzy when he thinks about it. However, Xiaoya is not worried about her life being wanted, because Ah Da is there, isn't she?

"It's okay, I'll take care of it." Ada patted Xiaoya on the head to comfort him.

I know. But being remembered, people are chasing after us all day, it's very annoying! Waving his hands irritably, Xiaoya curled his lips: If I had known earlier, I shouldn’t think the matter of destroying corpses was troublesome and dirty, but should clean up the corpses of those people without leaving any ashes. That's right!

"No matter what we do, those people will not let us go." From the price of buying their lives in the black area, Ada can clearly sense that no matter whether they destroyed their bodies that day or not, the chamber of commerce will not let them go .

Hearing this, Xiaoya waved her hands dejectedly: Humans are really annoying! Obviously they are wrong, but because they are rich, they can buy our lives in the underground market! Hate! Hate! annoying!

Looking at the dejected Xiaoya, Ada knew that the problem this time was actually all because of his mishandling of things. If it wasn't for the lack of collected information, if he wasn't too confident in the information he collected, then they wouldn't be in this situation.

Thinking of being followed by endless followers because of his own mistakes in the days to come, Ah Da silently decided—after taking a bath, he must burn his pamphlet, and then write about political issues in the books he bought. It is necessary to re-work **** the books!


Half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

Because they wanted to avoid the wanted arrest issued by the chamber of commerce in the black area, the path Ada and Xiaoya took later became more and more dangerous and complicated. Although it is reasonable to say that there is no dangerous place after entering a country, but because the country of the dragon is a country that regards the dragon as a national beast, in order to adapt to the life of the dragon, there are many primitive deep mountains and old forests in this country. It is developed, and these places that have never been developed are often inhabited by more or less dangerous or non-dangerous monsters.

And when Ada and Xiaoya walked, they walked into the most dangerous area of ​​the Dragon Kingdom.

Of course, those are really the most dangerous places, even places where Ah Da is not sure, it is impossible for Ah Da and Xiao Ya to really go. Before there is no absolute strength to protect Xiaoya, it is absolutely impossible for Ada to take Xiaoya to take risks.

But even though they didn't really go deep into the most dangerous place, the path Ada and Xiaoya took was not something ordinary people could walk. Because of this, except for the first one or two months because there was no particularly dangerous place to go, Ada and Xiaoya were disturbed almost every two or three days. In the past month, those who chased and killed Ada and Xiaoya have gradually decreased, because Ada and the others have entered the most dangerous dragon road in the Dragon Kingdom.

Legend has it that there will be giant dragons appearing from time to time in the Dragon Road, and if they accidentally disturb them, they will end up with no bones left. So in the fifth month later, Ah Da and Xiao Ya could no longer see anyone chasing them down.

This is not only because the people who chased them were all destroyed by Ah Da and the others, so that the subsequent pursuers could not find their traces, but also because the dragon road that Ah Da and the others walked was becoming more and more dangerous.

Although there are many people chasing and killing Ada and Xiaoya, in fact, all of them are just some idiots with strength in the middle and lower classes who think they can take down Xiaoya and the others by virtue of their large number of people. Those capable people were either pretentious and thought it would be demeaning to kill Ada and Xiaoya, two unknown boys, and refused to accept the wanted order, or they looked down on the price offered by the chamber of commerce.

As a result, after going back and forth like this, those who have the strength do not go after Ah Da and the others, and those who have no strength want to chase and kill them but because they do not have the strength to follow Ah Da and the others into the Dragon Road, which leads to the fact that no one can grasp Ah Da and Xiao at all. Asia's whereabouts. Even later, the black area also rumored that Ada and Xiaoya had been wiped out by the giant dragon in a dangerous place in the Dragon Road, because it was from that place that they lost the trace of Ada and Xiaoya. .

There were no annoying bugs following behind to harass Xiaoya and Ada, which made Xiaoya and Ada have a very leisurely life in the days after they went to the capital of the Dragon Kingdom. However, leisure does not mean that Ada and the others can go back to those ten years. As the capital of the Dragon Kingdom gets closer, Xiaoya's mood becomes more and more complicated. In the end, she is even more restless. Even after reading the book, I felt that something was wrong all over my body, which made Xiaoya unable to comfort Xiaoya, who could only stare blankly. Ada and Lang accompanied Xiaoya fidgeting together.

Ah Da! Ah Da! What do you think I should do when I see my mother? What should I do? Sitting in Ah Da's arms, Xiaoya stared at Ah Da with worried eyes, and asked this question for the Nth time.

Looking at Xiaoya who was anxious in his arms, Ada looked at the map of Dragon Kingdom that had not been put away since two months ago and had been placed on the small desk, looking at the sky speechlessly.

He has no parents, how does he know this?