Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
When not THE Apocalypse strikes, but all of them together, where will you be? What will you do?As Humanity faces its hardest time a playful god shows mercy(?)Follow Seth on his journey to somehow survive in whatever has become of his world.Also posting on royal road.
- C.1253: In a Magic Cave explorationNEW
- C.1252. ...and underNEW
- C.1251: Over Side waysNEW
- C.1250: Force them Quawk by Quawk
- C.1249:. I can close down your Gates
- C.1248:.Somewhere Else(33)
- C.1247:. Let your heart decide
- C.1246:. Now, when did you
- C.1245:. Tell me, Demon
- C.1244:. Smelling, Smoldering, Ashes
- C.1243:. The Abyss
- C.1242:. I can show you
- C.1241:. Magic Banquet Hall
- C.1240:. Mom is a man
- C.1239:. Pair of Boots
- C.1238:. Your turn, Ferdinand
- C.1237:. Good Idea
- C.1236:. Settling Sets
- C.1235:. Distribution(2)
- C.1234: Distribution
- C.1233: Debrief(2)
- C.1232: Debrief
- C.1231: Somewhere Else(32)
- C.1230: Her soul, too?
- C.1229: Checking the Loot
- C.1228: Legendary Batteries
- C.1227: Deal with it
- C.1226 1225. Flesh, Blood, and Brain matter
- C.1225: Flesh, Blood, and Brain matter
- C.1224: One of us is going down
- C.1222: if you know what I know that I know
- C.1221: Hell Gates
- C.1220: Charging Forward
- C.1219: Threads of the Sun
- C.1218: Man’s Big Stick
- C.1217: Auras Galore
- C.1216: City Deployment
- C.1215: Get out of here
- C.1214: Not Cromwel’s Forte
- C.1213: The Jungle
- C.1212: Calm Mountain, Scary Mountain
- C.1211: Under Pressure
- C.1210: Off with their heads
- C.1209: Legends Unite
- C.1208: Unexpected Situation
- C.1207: Half-assed Echo
- C.1206: Ready
- C.1205: The Source?
- C.1204: Quick Trip
- C.1203: Lumbering?
- C.1202: Stone Gates
- C.1201: Whip Tongue
- C.1200: Betrayal from the Off
- C.1199: Diromold
- C.1198: Rise of the Guardian Tree
- C.1197: Just don’t die on me
- C.1196: Subordinate. Friend? Pet
- C.1195: Purple Bloom(2)
- C.1194: Purple Bloom
- C.1193: The eagle!
- C.1192: Rhinoceros of Destruction
- C.1191. Caustic Touch
- C.1190: Uz’Roc Marrowbiter
- C.1189: Pointing her-?
- C.1188: Backup 5
- C.1187: A Plethora of
- C.1186.Undead on the Walls
- C.1185: Undead at the Walls
- C.1184: Portal in the Sky
- C.1183: Lament
- C.1182: Acid spray all Day
- C.1181: Lou Carcol
- Chapter 1180. Half-ass It
- C.1179. 200?
- C.1178. Aethon
- C.1177: The Odyssey Continues
- C.1176: Sorceress’ Trap
- C.1175: The Worm Mountain(4)
- C.1174: The Worm Mountain(3)
- C.1173: The Worm Mountain(2)
- C.1172: The Worm Mountain
- C.1171: Dungeon Worm Nest
- C.1170: In Gamma
- C.1169: No method too maliciou
- C.1168: Dark Picture
- C.1167: System Quest?
- C.1166: Greed Wood
- C.1165: Maybe not even one
- C.12 - . Starta Village
- C.11 - . Into Dark Woods
- C.10 - . What Worked Twice..
- C.9 - . First Quest?
- C.8 - . Burning The Midnight Fuel
- C.7 - . Leaving Home
- C.6 - . Preparations
- C.5 - . A Long Night
- C.4 - . Grinding!
- C.3 - . The Spirit Smithy
- C.2 - . Spirit Blacksmith
- C.1 - .The World Ended?