MTL - Worldly Stunning Blade-v2 Chapter 49 Magician Ravigli

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If there is something in Ling Feng's body that can make the magician in front of him look at the eyes, then there is only the Warcraft egg. The two nine-order Ling Feng did not know what the bird's World of Warcraft eggs, and the three eighth-order peaks of the dark lightning bolts of the World of Warcraft eggs. Ling Feng understands the preciousness of these five World of Warcraft eggs. If he is allowed to go to the World of Warcraft alone, there is no help for the Holy Blood, even if it is to find a Warcraft egg of the Eighth-ninth order, it is very difficult. As for the seventh order, with the strength of Ling Feng, you can still try it.

In addition, Ling Feng also has a seventh-order magic core, which is when they are together with Slan.

As for the gold coins in his mercenary card, this time is not so important.

After seeing Ling Feng’s smile, Kenyon understood that there should be no problem in getting to know the old magician. Ouyang Ming is also a happy expression, and inside, he is looking forward to what Lingfeng can come up with. Be aware that the items requested by the old wizard are not the same.

Ling Feng was not welcome, and took the package behind him. His family, except for a cheap sword, is all in this package. Originally, mercenaries like Ling Feng were basically out of the sword when they went out, just because they came out to participate in the Qizhen Alibao trading conference in the afternoon, so Ling Feng put the big sword in the hotel room. And this parcel did not fall. Ling Feng did not dare to put the parcel in the room at will. If you lose it, you can cry without a place to cry.

Look at Kenyon and others, most of them also carry parcels, even Ouyang Ming is no exception. Bogut even carries a big sword. Of course, because it is a relationship in the city, the package is not big, and the clothes are basically some valuable things, and do not need to bring clothes and the like.

For example, Jiang Xue, there is no package, only a small money bag like the waist. The other young people, in addition to the mercenary card, have no other valuable things around them, so they only followed the big sword and followed. After all, mercenary suits also have pockets, and can also put a small amount of gold coins and the like, but only relatively small.

If you walk outside the city, the package behind you will be slightly larger.

Ouyang Ming’s parcel contains some of his collections. The number is not much. The grades on the stalls of the old magician are naturally incomparable, but some of the better goods in other booths also have a fight. The most precious thing is the small piece of right ascension stone that he is reluctant to use. This time Ouyang Ming brought it with him. The fear is that, like last year, I saw something I liked, such as a high-order Warcraft egg, but there is no way to get it. If he meets this year, he can add some other things and try to see if he can change it.

Metals with enchanting properties are naturally inferior to higher-order Warcraft eggs.

In the Ouyang family, there are only two high-order Warcraft pets in total, and they are all seventh-order. One of them is Ouyang Ming’s brother Ouyang Qing, and the other belongs to the younger generation of Ouyang Xia Dan. Ouyang Ming wants a high-end Warcraft pet that has been eager for many years.

However, Ouyang Ming knows that for their Ouyang family, there are two seventh-order Warcraft pets that are already amazing. In the family of the Principality, there are basically few Warcraft pets, because the acquisition of high-level Warcraft eggs requires a certain amount of luck. Unless your family is very rich, the elders in the family will have one or more high-order Warcraft eggs reserved. And such a family cannot exist in the Principality.

Therefore, Ouyang Ming will be annoyed that he missed the high-order Warcraft egg last year. Because the high-order Warcraft eggs appear in the trade conference, it can only show that the things that the owner wants to exchange are also very precious.

Ouyang Ming is also not good at blaming anything, even if he is now allowed to trade, he does not have enough conviction that he will be able to exchange. After all, the things in his package, no matter from which aspect, can not match the Warcraft eggs of others.

This year, he took all his belongings, just to prevent something that would make him feel like he had met. He could have a chance to try it. It would not be the same as last year, and he could only watch it on the outside.

It is a pity that Ouyang Ming was hit **** the first day of the trading conference. He is even embarrassed to take out his collection. Because he knows that even if he takes out his most precious right ascension stone, it is nothing before the old magician's booth. Didn't you see that people are still preparing to trade a large piece of Jintian Stone?

Ling Feng reached out and wrapped it in the parcel for a while. Seeing this move of Ling Feng, don't say that a few people who walked with him, that is, the eyes of the old magician of the stall owner inadvertently fell in the hands of Ling Feng.

Because the high-order Warcraft eggs basically have few magical fluctuations, they are not afraid of others to know. As for the seventh-order magic core, Ling Feng now knows how to save the magic core. As long as it is wrapped in the middle-level Warcraft skin, then the Holy One can't find the existence of the magic core. This is still when Ling Feng and Slan are together, Gullit tells his common sense.

When Ling Feng met Xiaoxiao the day before yesterday, he did not feel the breath of the magic core he gave to Xiaoxiao. It must have been treated.

When you see that Ling Feng has pulled out a gray stone, the reaction of everyone is different.

Most of the young people like Bogut are wide-eyed and full of curiosity. Mo Xiaoxiao even curiously asked: "Big brother, what is this stone?"

Kenyon and Ouyang Ming also frowned. They are not skeptical about the value of this thing, but guessing what it is, will it be one of the many things that the old magician listed to exchange?

But very quickly, the ideas of both of them waited for confirmation. Among all of them, only the old magician looked at the gray stone in Ling Feng’s hand, and changed his previous arrogant look, his face full of excitement.

The Warcraft eggs on Lingfeng's handle were placed on the booth, indicating the old magician to check the authenticity. Then he said: "In the next Lingfeng, I don't know what the old gentleman called?"

The old magician first picked up the Warcraft egg, looked at it and looked at it. He said, "Sure enough... really!" Then I realized that I hadn’t answered Ling Feng’s question yet, and I smiled a little. Said: "Call me Ravili on the line." While saying that while still watching the Warcraft eggs in his hand.

"So, Mr. Ravili, I think we need to talk about the content of the transaction." Ling Feng said faintly.

Looking at Ravigli's excited look, Ling Feng knows that he definitely understands that this is a high-end Warcraft egg, and even knows that it is a dark lightning bolt. After all, Ravili's exchange list has three dark lightning bolts. Mao, to say that he does not understand the dark lightning, no one believes.

Therefore, Ling Feng is not worried that this Warcraft egg can not attract the magician Ravigli.

The eighth-order peak of the Warcraft egg, equivalent to the strength of the nine-level star-level peak, is full of temptation anywhere. It is estimated that the holy beast will not take it seriously.

"Oh, that is what it is." Ravili said with a smile, Ling Feng wants to trade, this is the voice he most wants to hear now: "I don't know the little brother, oh, let Ling Feng be, fancy What about the thing here?"