MTL - Worldly Stunning Blade-v2 Chapter 50 Anecdote

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"I don't think about anything. I just want to meet you, Mr. Ravigli." Ling Feng said, "I want to know, I am very sincere. And your things, to be honest, very special, I I don't even know it. I am very curious about them. If possible, I am of course interested in picking one of them."

"Well, it’s right to say that these things are indeed more partial, and there are not many people who know them." After listening to Ling Feng’s sincere language, Ravili agreed. And his tone is suddenly and enthusiasm.

"However, Lingfeng's little brothers, you can rest assured that their value is relatively high. There are a few that are not even under the little brothers of your World of Warcraft. Of course, I am not deliberately raising their value, I am To tell the truth. For the little brother of your World of Warcraft egg, I also like it very much. It is hard to imagine that this old and arrogant old magician can now say so many words, it is obvious that his mood is really excited.

Ouyang Ming and others naturally understand that this is entirely due to the stone-like thing that Ling Feng took out. From the words of the old magician Ravigli, they also heard this inconspicuous stone, turned out to be a high-order Warcraft egg.

Awkwardly, everyone’s eyes were concentrated on Ravigli’s hands.

Of course, except for the wind. At this time, Ling Feng just smiled and said to Ravili: "Well, I think I can feel the old gentleman's love for this Warcraft egg. If you can say me, give me an exchange for this one. The reason for the Warcraft egg, I think it is yours."

After watching Ravili hear this, his eyes flashed a bit of joy. Ling Feng continued: "But even if I want to trade now, temporarily, I can't start..."

Ravili naturally heard the sincerity of Lingfeng’s trading, but there was no decision to trade. That is to say, now that Lavelli takes the Warcraft egg in his hand, it is probably not his.

How is this going? It’s hard to see a high-end Warcraft egg, or a dark lightning bolt at the top of the eighth-order peak. Ravili said nothing would be missed.

Therefore, Ravili immediately said with enthusiasm: "You can rest assured that Lingfeng brothers, I am not a professional businessman who likes to take advantage of it, but a very enthusiastic magician. The things here belong to me personally. I am very willing to introduce them to you. Of course, it seems inconvenient here."

You will be a very passionate magician? It’s strange. Ling Feng secretly groaned and looked around, but thought that Ravili’s last words were correct. It is not suitable for in-depth communication here.

Although Ling Feng stood in front of a booth for a long time, and did not cause anything, at most a few people stood up and watched, but also let Ling Feng feel a hint of incitement.

So Ling Feng nodded: "I also feel that it is not very convenient here." After that, he looked at Ouyang Ming. For this, the average person in the group is estimated to be the most familiar with Ouyang Ming. Familiarity has a voice.

"After the end of the trading conference, go to his residence." Ouyang Ming immediately suggested.

Because at the trade conference, similar things happen from time to time. After some people have taken a fancy, they may go to one of them to make further exchanges because of the price or the fact that the goods exchanged are not in place for a while. Ouyang Ming proposed to go to Ravili's residence instead of going to Lingfeng's residence, but for the heart of Allavili.

Ling Feng thought about it and felt that there was no need to be eager for a moment. It was a good time at night, so he said, "Is that good? At night, I went to your old place with a few friends. How do you see it?"

"Well, that's it. I am in the room of the Jiayi Pavilion in Tianyi Pavilion." Ravili was very happy to agree.

On the side of Ouyang Ming nodded and said that he knew this place, Ling Feng also reached out to return to his own World of Warcraft eggs. Just when the Warcraft egg was returned to Ling Feng, Ravili looked a bit reluctant, but let Ling Feng see some can not help but can not help.

Then a group of nine people continued to stroll around the trading conference, but apart from Ling Feng, the interest of several other people did not seem high. Kenyon feels that Ling Feng is somewhat unfathomable, and Ouyang Ming’s curiosity about Ling Feng is definitely more curious about Ravigli.

However, Mo Xiaoxiao spoke to Ling Feng to see the Warcraft egg. She had never seen it so long, but she was stunned by Kenyon. After Ling Feng saw it, he gave the Warcraft egg to Mo Xiaoxiao's hand.

Mo Xiaoxiao holds the Warcraft egg, looking left and right, a pair of worried about breaking it. A few young people got together and curiously talked about it.

"Big brother, do you say it is really a World of Warcraft egg?" Although Mo Xiaoxiao has seen some low-end Warcraft eggs, the one she sees now is obviously different from what she has seen before, so the tone There is still some doubt.

"Of course, you didn't see the expression of Ravili's excited face?" Ling Feng for Mo Xiaoxiao, it seems that there is a kind of preference in the heart.

"Then why do I look at it like a stone, hard state?" Mo Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

"Because the high-end Warcraft eggs are generally hard, let alone fall to the ground, there is no damage to the sword. In terms of appearance, they are also very different from the low-end Warcraft eggs. A large part of them. There is not even a breath of life and magic. "Ouyang Ming and Kenyon seem to be very concerned about this Warcraft egg on the surface, but there are any thoughts in the heart, only they know it. This time Xiaoxiao’s question was Ouyang Ming’s answer.

However, Mo Xiaoxiao can't really throw the World of Warcraft eggs to the ground to try to have any problems. Instead, she began to curiously ask: "Is it a drop of blood on it, you can hatch it? I really want to see what World of Warcraft is, so small, it must be very cute."

"Well, it's pretty cute." Ling Feng remembered the dark lightning bolt, and nodded. "However, when hatching, there should be a magical contract spell. And after hatching, it is not only now. The eggs are so big."

Ling Feng originally wanted to hatch a Warcraft pet, such as the unknown bird World of Warcraft, at least when walking tired, you can sit on its back and fly. Because of the high-order Warcraft, in addition to the seventh-order, the other can basically control the size of their body, the nine-order World of Warcraft can talk to people and communicate with humans. A nine-order flying Warcraft pet, carrying a person to fly, is a very simple matter.

However, Ling Feng does not have a magic spell. In addition, he did not find a suitable magician who can help him conquer Warcraft pets. However, after Mo Xiaoxiao said this, he thought that at night, he could find Ravigli to help.

After all, a third-level magician like Xiao Xiao has no way to read a spell that can conquer high-order Warcraft pets.

And all Warcraft, only in the size of the body, can play its biggest attack power, so the human-owned Warcraft that humans see is basically their prototype. Warcraft pets that have signed a contract will generally become smaller and stay with their owners.

"That big brother, you must know what it looks like after it hatches?" Mo Xiaoxiao continued to ask.

Ling Feng wanted to answer that when Ravli hatched in the evening, he could not see it. Because he believes that any magician, after getting the Warcraft egg, will incubate as soon as possible.

However, when I saw Ouyang Ming and Kenyon and others, I wanted to know what I wanted to know. I had to explain: "After it hatched, it was a cockroach, and the darkness was lightning. It looked like a big gap with the ordinary cockroaches."

Everyone felt a touch in their hearts, but they knew that there were three dark lightning bolts on the Ravili transaction list, which was dark in nature. It is no wonder that Ravili was so excited.

In fact, not only Lavelli, but also Ouyang Ming and others, after knowing that Ling Feng has a World of Warcraft egg, the expression is very excited. However, they have no strength to get it. If Ouyang Ming now has enough things to compare with the high-end Warcraft eggs, he will definitely grab the deal with Ling Feng before Ravili.

"How is the strength of the dark lightning bolt?" asked Kenyon.

"Hey, in the eighth-order Warcraft, it should be relatively strong." Ling Feng did not agree with the authentic. Indeed, the strength of Warcraft, Ling Feng is actually not very heart-warming, his love for the Warcraft egg, is entirely because of the curiosity of Warcraft pets.

However, Ling Feng felt that after he said this, several people around him even took the same breath and made a sound of "嘶-".