MTL - Within Ten Meters, Fly In Situ-Chapter 63 "Do you dare to kill a god?"

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Xiayu Village is brightly lit.

The villagers in the village disappeared strangely in an instant, and they disappeared without a trace. However, all of this is no longer important to those who have escaped through all kinds of hardships. All the sect disciples who were rescued did not want to stay for a moment. , and finally only a few people remained.

Yu Wuya returned empty-handed.

Liu Miaomiao made several confirmations before realizing that Yunwan had not come back. In a hurry, she trotted over and grabbed his sleeve and asked, "Where's Wanwan?"

Yu Wuya remained silent.

Liu Miaomiao suddenly raised her voice: "Don't tell me you really asked her to marry a mountain god!"

His silence is the best answer.

Liu Miaomiao's eyes turned red, her teeth were clenched and her lips were loosened, even though she tried her best to endure her emotions, she still showed a bit of anger and complaint from the subtle facial changes.

Like all the disciples in Kunshan, she respects Yu Wuya, because she knows that he will keep his promise, and never suspects that he will break his promise, but...

"You hate Wanwan, so you left her behind on purpose, didn't you?" Liu Miaomiao was not a fool, and the conflict between the two could be seen from the details.

Yu Wuya has always been a prudent person, and he will never be arrogant, so he can gain her 100% trust, and she also believes that he will never abandon his junior sister just because of conflicts.

But Yun Wan didn't come back.

Liu Miaomiao didn't say a word, her eyes turned indifferent, she gradually withdrew all expressions, ready to single-handedly enter the enemy camp, and rescue her little junior sister who hadn't warmed up the most.

As a result, Liu Miaomiao was pulled back by Yu Wuya before taking two steps.

It's okay not to pull, such a pull completely made Liu Miaomiao explode, struggling with Yu Wuya's hand with all his strength, "Let go! I'm going to find my junior sister!"

Yu Wuya grasped even tighter, he was much calmer than her loss of consciousness: "She asked us to destroy the Tianwu Soul Orb to avoid discovery, so she decided to drag the Tianwu God by herself." Paused Next, "I didn't leave her behind on purpose."

No matter how much he hated her, he would never abandon his fellow students.

Liu Miaomiao, who had lost her mind a long time ago, couldn't listen to it, and wanted to go without authorization regardless of obstacles.

Yu Wuya lost what little patience he had, and firmly clasped Liu Miaomiao's shoulders, forcing her not to move, leaned over, and stared closely at those red eyes: "Miaomiao, I won't die at night, let's go Find Gongtai, Broken Soul Orb, and finally bring her back together."

Liu Miaomiao was still angry, turned her head and never looked at him, slapped Yu Wuya's hand away hard, and followed Yun Wan's departure trail.

Yu Wuya knew exactly what Liu Miaomiao was worried about. He strode after him and said softly, "What happened a hundred years ago will never happen again." He said, "I will take all of you back home. , Senior brother assures you."

Liu Miaomiao's back froze, her pupils shrank, and then suddenly turned dark again, she lowered her head, and the scars under her feet seemed to return to that day again.

Liu Miaomiao was in a trance for a moment, then raised her head again: "Where is the soul pearl?"

Yun Wan's previous guess was correct, the soul orbs were hidden under the tribute towers in four directions.

It is very deep, and the soil needs to be dug first, and then the knot formation must be broken, and finally the soul orbs can be obtained to destroy it.

Yu Wuya counted the remaining disciples.

Apart from the Kunlun faction, Chu Lin and Qin Zhiyan did not leave either. There were eight people in total.

"We each break a tribute tower, and we must complete it before dawn." Yu Wuya urged, "If it exceeds the hour, Tianwu will be fully revived."

Everyone is a cultivator, never afraid of hardships and dangers, knowing what lies ahead, and has no intention of running away.

Only Bai Zhu was not too happy about it, she just had a quarrel with Yun Wan before, and she didn't want to save people even if she died, because of her resentment, she complained strangely:

"Shen Wutian died thousands of years ago, she can die as long as she wants, don't drag her down..."

Before the words fell, Yu Wuya's dark and prey eyes fell heavily on Baizhu's face—

"Kunlun Discipleship: Disciples help each other, life and death depend on each other, if you go, you can; leave the mountain on your own after you go back."

Yu Wuya is a big brother, and also the head of the Law Enforcement Hall, who has the absolute power to decide whether his disciples will stay or not.

As soon as these words came out, Baizhu's arrogance was really extinguished.

"Also..." Yu Wuya squinted his eyes, and warned word by word, "I intentionally put your classmates in danger?"

Qin Zhiyan looked at Liu Miaomiao, then at Bai Zhu's pale face, jumped out with special eyesight, raised her hands high and shouted: "I can testify! She was the one who pushed Wan Wan out! By the way, She also scolded Shuyu Qingzun, a weak old man, for dying early!"

Sure enough, Yu Wuya's eyes became sharper.

Bai Zhu's eyes widened, and she roared angrily, "Qin Zhiyan, don't gossip! I never said that!"

Qin Zhiyan pinched her waist with both hands, stretched her neck, and her voice was louder than her: "You have what you have! Everyone who was locked in the tribute hall heard it! If you don't believe me, ask, just ask!"

There happened to be a female disciple here.

Yu Wuya glanced over, the female disciple was afraid of Baizhu, but she was even more afraid of Yu Wuya, she couldn't get off the tiger for a while, nodded and shook her head vigorously, the meaning was self-evident.

Yu Wuya was too lazy to talk nonsense, and quickly punished him: "Go back and kneel in the Discipline Hall."

Baizhu stomped her feet, very unwillingly: "Senior brother..."

"Two days."

"Brother, I didn't..."

"Three days."

Baizhu didn't dare to say a word now.

Liu Miaomiao and Qin Zhiyan were so excited, they looked at Baizhu who didn't dare to breathe, and stuck out their tongues provocatively. Baizhu smashed a mouthful of silver teeth into her stomach, and reluctantly followed Yu Wuya's pace.

Yu Wuya stopped suddenly, looked at Baizhu up and down, "You don't have to go."

Baizhu was taken aback for a moment: "Senior brother?"

Yu Wuya said indifferently: "Since you dare to blatantly harm your fellow disciples, it means that you will not save people intentionally. I don't believe you. I will stay here from now on. If you move a little bit, don't blame me for being rude." Yu Wuya drove The sword drew a sword formation and locked Baizhu inside.

This mission is important, and he doesn't want any mistakes, and he doesn't want uncertain factors to destroy their plans.

Bai Zhugeng was on the spot, Liu Miaomiao was so comfortable, her eyebrows were beaming, she almost wrote the word "serve it" on her face.

"Senior brother, let me break two soul beads."

"I'll be in charge of the two on the east side, and I'll leave the rest to you." Yu Wuya left with his sword in his hands, walking hurriedly without dragging his feet.

Liu Miaomiao did not dare to waste time, and came to the Gongtai on the left as quickly as possible.

With a light dance of the wrist, the light blue spiritual power flowed through the fingertips, breaking through the soul formation with only a small spell, and successfully arrived at the tribute platform where the soul beads were placed.

That soul bead was condensed with thick red, and the red mist circulated in the bead, slowly forming an extremely bewitching picture.

Liu Miaomiao's pupils gradually lost focus, sound, picture, perception, everything went away, and she was pulled back to that day again.

"Miao Miao, tomorrow is a big battle, you can't run away~"

"When the war is over, Junior Sister will definitely play "White Dreams"."

"Really? Then you must tell us when you go back, and all the brothers will cheer you up."

On the eve of the Battle of Youdu, they temporarily hid in the safe bushes and set up a barrier around her. The brothers surrounded her, made her happy with sugar figurines, talked and laughed, and had no intention of going to the battlefield at all. Urgent.

She was fourteen that year, and she was the youngest, Shimen originally didn't take her there, but Liu Miaomiao insisted on following her because of her stalking.

Sugar man is very sweet.

Sweet to the tip of her teeth, sweet to her heart, so sweet that she could not wake up from a long sleep.

The strange cry of the demon species lingered in the ears, the blood rain could not extinguish the billowing smoke, let alone drive away the blood, leaving only the thick red that could not be melted in the world.

That barrier was like an invisible wall, separating her and the battlefield into two worlds.

At first glance, there were all corpses. Lying inside was the third senior brother who liked to bully her the most; there was also the little senior sister who loved her the most, and there were many, many, fourth senior brother, fifth senior brother, all familiar faces, and... A broken flute that can no longer be repaired.

"I'm sorry, Miao Miao... We lied to you."

The senior sister still has a breath.

She fell into a pool of blood and couldn't see her face, and there was no part of her body intact, she still smiled at her, "I'm afraid... I can't go home with you." She hooked her hand, her tone was so gentle, "Don't cry, it's not scary Yes, it's just a pity..."

The senior sister's hand slowly dropped, and her voice was scattered in the mist: "I will never hear your "White Dream" again..."

"Miao Miao wants to live and be with Master."

Liu Miaomiao looked at everything in front of her in disbelief.

All the scenes were so real that she could even smell the pungent and unpleasant smell of blood. She suddenly took two steps back, couldn't stand still, and staggered and fell into the mud.

Whispering behind the ears—

"You can't wait for your senior sister, can't wait for your senior sister..."

"They'll drop you."

"You'll never... never wait for them to come back."


Under the blue sky, clouds and mist spread all over, Liu Miaomiao's face was pale, and her lips lost the last color of blood. She was deeply in fear and couldn't extricate herself, and the demons eroded her blood and soul little by little. But soon, Liu Miaomiao's expression became firm, just like the elder sister who protected her until death.

She stood up shaking, and a sharp sword appeared in the palm of her hand.

Step by step, Liu Miaomiao walked towards the battlefield that she once feared, holding the long sword tightly, and slashed up with one sword—


The red mist broke through and condensed into an evil spirit with a beast body and a human face, screaming in pain, and the sharp and ear-piercing roar pierced the eardrums.

Liu Miaomiao held the sword tightly and refused to let go, her face was distorted by anger, she gritted her teeth and said every word: "I am Senior Sister, I am no longer Junior Junior Sister."

She won't stay where she is, waiting for the soul that won't return; she won't stay together forever in that inescapable nightmare.

Her name is Liu Miaomiao, and she is the senior sister of Yuhui Academy.

The illusion was shattered by a sword, and at the same time, the demons suppressed in his heart were also shattered.

The surroundings regained calm, and the soul orb in front of him had been torn apart, leaving only a few drops of blood on it.

Liu Miaomiao's long-stretched nerves were relaxed, she let out a long breath, and a bright smile slowly bloomed on her cold face.

She put away her sword and left with her back, and decided to play "White Dream" for Yun Wan when she came back. After so many years, she has done it very well.


The altar stands on the top of Xiayu Mountain.

The majestic and majestic palace was eerie and silent. Four pillars carved with totems surrounded the altar. Yun Wan was carried up by them. The steps under her feet were icy cold, and the altar was even colder. There were densely packed scriptures everywhere.

Villagers wearing grimace masks poured in one after another, lit incense candles, formed a circle around them, and all prostrated themselves on the ground with their backs to the altar.

"Supreme god, nurture my soul; be merciful and compassionate, protect my peace."

"Supreme god, nurture my soul; be merciful and compassionate, protect my peace."

They kowtowed unceasingly, and the oath of piety echoed in the empty temple.

After the ceremony, the leading ghost-faced man held a knife in both hands, and approached Yun Wan on his knees step by step.

"The mountain **** chooses a bride; cross my soul with blood."

The thunder flashed across the sky, casting a deep reflection on the ghost's face.

He suddenly drew his knife and stabbed Yun Wan, and when the gleaming sword edge approached, Yun Wan clasped his wrist instead, and along with the broken arm, the knife separated from the shattered palm at the same time.

Yun Wan slammed down that arm, raised her foot, and kicked the man down. The ghost-faced man rolled over and over several times, and the body made of mud shattered into dozens of pieces.

The villagers did not expect that the bride would rebel against God's will, and they were shocked. One after another, ghouls rushed towards the altar.

"Mysterious spirit!"

Yun Wan roared, and triple flames ignited on the edge of the altar.

This is the divine fire to ward off evil spirits, to burn demons and demons, to burn all evil and delusions in the world.

Fearing the triple fire, the villagers all retreated.

Yun Wan picked up the knife and stood up from the ground. Evil totems were carved on the rock wall in front of her, occupying the entire front wall. Yun Wan gripped the dagger tightly and stared at it with burning eyes.

The ground trembled suddenly, and countless stones fell on their heads like raindrops. Countless people couldn't dodge, and were crushed under the ground one after another. When they were resurrected, they were crushed by other stones.

The villagers realized that Yunwan's behavior had offended the mountain god, fearing that they would be punished, they knelt down one by one and continued to chant those useless prayers.

Yun Wan stood there motionless.

There was a sudden bang in my ears, a huge evil thing drilled out from the ground, fragments flew, and the intact palace was instantly reduced to ruins.

Standing on top of the ruins, her spine was straight and straight, her wedding dress was stained by dust, all exposed skin was cut by sharp stones, and the red marks looked very shocking.

When the ashes dissipated, the form of God appeared above all things.

The huge body in front of him is like a mountain that cannot be climbed, and the eight tails fill every inch of the ground, rolling like a raging sea.

The evil spirit has eight heads and eight tails, a tiger body and a human face, and its skin is covered with dark black scales and red lotus fire patterns. If the eight faces breathe at the same time, it will shake the earth and shake the sky, and the gust of wind can destroy everything.

In front of Tian Wu, all things are like gravel not worth mentioning.

He suddenly lowered his head, his bluish-black face occupied the sky, those eyeball-less eyes fixed on Yunwan, as if staring into an abyss.

The divine power suddenly oppressed, almost making Yun Wan unsteady, barely holding on to the crumbling stone pillar beside her to prevent herself from falling down.

The internal organs were tightly twisted together, and I couldn't help coughing up a mouthful of blood.

Yun Wan wiped away the blood, and her will became stronger and stronger.

Tian Wu noticed the dagger in her hand, sensed her killing intent, and eight pairs of giant eyes came together—

"Do you dare to kill a god?"

These four characters have contempt, sneer, and disdain for the small human race, but there is no seriousness or fear.

The breath that came out filled the palace, and the thick voice resounded through Xiayu Mountain, so deafening that even the deaf could hear it.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were drawn to it.

Kui Xun dispersed, and Qing Yun reappeared.

Na Mohong stood under the cloud cauldron, above the mountains, and the hem of the bright red dress danced with the wind.

Her eyes were firm, and she did not avoid facing the eight evil gods—

"Why don't you dare?"