MTL - Within Ten Meters, Fly In Situ-Chapter 62 She wants to change her fate against the sky and go to Xiantai. ...

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Every handwriting on the cloth is full of effort, and the dilapidated rock wall is full of scratches and bloodstains. It can be expected how he struggled to escape from here, and finally lost hope, watching himself die with his own eyes. Make a pile of bones.

The palace of tribute, totems, and mountain gods, all the pictures come to mind, and the truth emerges from the ground.

Yun Wan put away the sachet, looked up at the almost invisible entrance, her eyes suddenly became firm.

She put the hijab back on and sat back on the bed obediently.

After an unknown amount of time, someone broke in with a pair of black boots under his feet. The man raised his hand and slowly lifted the red hijab.

Black clothes, red sword, not the expected villager.

Yun Wan slowly raised her eyes, facing Yu Wuya's dark eyes in the gloom.

She was wearing a wedding dress, with red lips and black eyes, and a mole between her eyebrows. In this dark dungeon, even her ordinary face became vivid and beautiful.

Facing the pair of black and bright black pupils that were close at hand, Yu Wuya paused for a moment with the hand holding the hijab, quickly tore it off, put away the little throbbing that was too small to mention, stopped talking, and said in a cold voice: "Trouble, I need someone to save you."

Yun Wan didn't have time to quarrel with him, so she mobilized her spiritual energy and climbed up bit by bit on the uneven wall.

Yu Wuya folded his arms around his chest, watching the performance in front of him with leisure.


As expected, Yun Wan fell steadily and fell into a squatting position.

Yun Wan was so angry that she thumped the ground hard.

—Damn it, I must learn a few more spells when I go back!

Just as he was annoyed, the back collar was suddenly pulled up.

Yu Wuya held her under his arm like a child, stood on tiptoes, and flew out of the dungeon lightly.

When they reached the flat ground, they threw her on the ground again.

"Everyone has been found, let's go quickly."

Yun Wan patted her **** and stood up from the ground, "Who told you to get me up?"

Yu Wuya squinted at her.

Yun Wan stared eagerly at the dead bones below: "I'm going to bring him up, and I'll go down again if you're like this."


Men really only affect her speed of ascension.

I saw a black shadow flashing in front of my eyes, and in the blink of an eye, Yu Wuya had already thrown the skeleton at her feet again, with a stronger force than before, and it was obvious that he was in a bad mood.

Yun Wan was silent for a long time.

They found a good place and dug a hole, put the skeleton in respectfully, arranged it neatly, and inserted a tree branch as a tombstone. Yu Wuya waited impatiently behind.

"Is it okay?"

"My stuff was taken by them..."


Yu Wuya threw another package to Yun Wan's feet, which contained the artifact spirit and storage bag that she had taken away.

Yun Wan swallowed the following words abruptly.

"Hurry up after dawdling, if you still want to marry the mountain god, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, I just want to marry the mountain god." Yun Wan put on the bracelet again and tore off the thick gold hairpin on top of her head, which made her neck hurt from the weight.

Yu Wuya didn't expect her to say such a thing, and he frowned: "What did you say?"

"I said I want to marry a mountain god."

Yu Wuya looked at her in disbelief: "Are you crazy?"

Yun Wan kicked away the stones at her feet, raised her head and looked at him: "Let me ask you, where are those villagers?"

Yu Wuya said: "Kill it."

Yun Wan sneered: "Kill them? They have been dead for many years, how do you kill them?"

Yu Wuya wanted to continue, but was interrupted by Yun Wan, who threw the blood book over, "The one enshrined in Xiayu Village is not a mountain **** at all! It's Tianwu!"

"Tian Wu long ago..."

"I know what you want to say." She continued, "Tianwu was punished by the heavens thousands of years ago, right? Then what if it was only damaged but not dead? What if he was hiding in Xiayu Village? , under the guise of the mountain god, using the villagers' belief in the **** to find sacrifices for him?"

Yu Wuya's drooping eyelashes trembled slightly, and he unconsciously squeezed the cloth tightly.

"Don't even think about it. What kind of powerful ancient formation can seal even your cultivation base, and even make so many people disappear in it without a sound. Is it really the so-called mountain god? Master once said, Tian Wu Relying on the Yin blood of women. And it says that there are eight soul beads, ranked in four directions, so I suspect that the punishment thousands of years ago made it difficult for Tianwu to gather soul beads, so I temporarily hid them in different places, and then let the villagers go around Looking for the woman with the Xuanyin vein to maintain his life and reunite his soul orbs."

Yun Wan was just inferring.

The totem on the ground of the tribute hall has eight heads and eight tails. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a mountain god, but like some kind of ancient evil beast. Then look at the formation tribute halls everywhere in this village. They don't want to kill the men, but they only want women.

Yunwan happened to be a body of Xuanyin that appeared in cloudy years and days, so everything could be matched with the information given by Liuchen.

Tian Wu wants a woman born on a cloudy day, only in this way can he recover his divine power and reunite his soul orbs.

However, the damage brought to him by Heavenly Tribulation was so great that he couldn't do it alone. That's why he fabricated the identity of the mountain **** and used the villagers' ignorance and belief to find Xuanyin blood for him.

Judging from the current situation, he obviously succeeded.

"You go to your senior sister first, and I will deal with it." Her deduction was reasonable, and Yu Wuya couldn't find any loopholes.

Thousands of years ago, an evil **** named Tianwu brought disasters to the world, and the cultivation world was helpless until the Tao of Heaven took action to end the disaster. If Wu Zhen secretly accumulates energy to be resurrected, it will be another disaster for the comprehension world.

Yun Wan grabbed him: "Are you stupid?"

Yu Wuya pursed his lips after being scolded.

"You think he'll let you find it?"

Yu Wuya remained silent.

"They gave up other girls and wanted me alone, which means that I am very important. Maybe I will be the last sacrifice to bring him back to life." Yun Wan lowered her voice, "If the guess is correct, the tribute towers we saw before we came are Where the soul orb is hidden, you and the rest of the people scatter in all directions to destroy the soul orb."

Yu Wuya frowned: "What about you?"

Yun Wan returned to the dungeon, turned her head and smiled at him: "If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch a tiger's cub."

After finishing speaking, under Yu Wuya's stunned gaze, he resolutely jumped in.

She wanted to kill Tian Wu and seize the spirit bone.

She wants to change her fate against the sky and go to Xiantai.

Yu Wuya put down his raised hand again, followed by the sound of chaotic footsteps behind him, clenched his fists, and finally chose to leave.

"Has someone been here?"

"Go and see the bride, don't let her run away!"

The ghost-masked man was lying on top of the dungeon, and seeing Yun Wan still sitting inside, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Have we tricked those monks?"

"Yeah... They thought we were all dead, so don't waste time, as long as you dedicate her to the mountain god, we can live forever."

The voice of the conversation was very low, and it reached Yunwan's ears in fragments.

After waiting for a long time, the two put Yun Wantai into a blood-red sedan chair.

The sedan chair staggered towards midnight.

The wind made cries; the delicate curtain flew away, and another red coffin crashed head-on, and the strange thing was that the coffin was carried by four white-faced paper men. The ghost face continued to move forward as if he hadn't seen it.

The distance is only one mile, shrinking, getting shorter.

Red coffin, red sedan chair, paper figurine, ghost face, the four fit together.

The red moon climbed up suddenly, and there was a new bride in front of Yunwan.

Her face was as pale as white, her lips were as red as snow, her eyes without whites were fixed directly on Yun Wan's eyes, and then her body turned into thick smoke, floating into her eyes.

Just like the passage of time, all the scenes are flying around at the speed of light. Finally, the white light disappears, and memories are spread out in front of me.

Yun Wan watched everything clearly like an outsider.

Under the redwood tree, a young girl and a handsome young man make love at first sight.

She loves fluttering butterflies; he plays the flute behind him; when it rains, he holds up an oil-paper umbrella, blushes and composes a sour love poem.

She loves to listen, she doesn't feel sour, she just feels full of joy.

Soon, young people will have to take a long-distance test and leave this village.

She is a good girl, so she sewed a sachet for him under the moonlight.

Red, with a sunny embroidered on it.

"Qing'er doesn't want to achieve something in a long life; she just wants to live a long life and never forget it."

He was not good at words, but his eyes were red at this moment.

It is late spring when young people leave; it is winter snow when Qinger marries.

"He is a heartless man! He has already married a wealthy daughter!"

"Qing'er, if you don't marry the mountain god, our Xiayu Village will be ruined!"

"Look, look at the letter he wrote to you, he got married outside!"

"It's a blessing for you that the mountain **** chose you, don't you have the heart to watch your mother die?!"

The woman begged bitterly, but that face was exactly the same as Aunt Li's.

The letter paper held in the palm of her hand was already wet with her tears, sobbing, her voice was bitter, "Longevity...will not abandon me."

"Since ancient times, there have been few heartless people!" The woman knelt down and kowtowed, "Qing'er, mother begs you, mother kowtows to you, if you don't marry, mother will not live, and the whole Xiayu village will not survive. "

Mother is forcing her, the village is forcing her, and the whole world is forcing her.

[After this farewell, you and I are safe. ]

Everyone is well.

Four short words, breaking all her determinations.

she is married.

The wedding dress was like fire, and the children were laughing and laughing around the red sedan chair—

"April 4th, the newlyweds; the first watch worships the high hall; the second watch eats wedding candy; the third watch enters the bridal chamber; the fourth watch and the fifth watch...crying for parents..."

Ge'er drifted away with giggles.

That night Qing'er donated blood to the mountain god, but the mountain **** did not protect the villagers. A violent storm crushed the cliff, and the falling mudslides flooded the entire village.

It happened to be the fifth watch at that time, and when the song was answered, ghosts and gods howled in the world, hundreds of people died, and Xiayu Village was turned into ruins in the blink of an eye.

And then.

The dead are revived in the form of clay, and devoutly believe in the mountain **** who gave them new life. Day after day, year after year, they deceive innocent women passing by and use their blood to maintain the life of the mountain god;

But they didn't know that the so-called mountain **** was actually the evil Tianwu from the ancient times. He used them to brainwash the ignorant villagers willingly to become his believers, looking for young blood for him.

As long as he finds eight women with the body of Xuanyin, Tian Wu can reunite his soul orbs and come back to life completely.

Sunny was the first.

Yun Wan happened to be the eighth.

She is unwilling and has obsessions. Although her body is dead and her soul is gone, there is only a strand of inner demon left behind, lingering in the world and refusing to dissipate.

The cultivators couldn't see, couldn't touch, they just followed Yun Wan, who had the same mysterious blood as her, reminding her of the disaster ahead, and from the very beginning, she wanted to save her.

Memories faded, and Qing'er sat quietly in front of her.

Yun Wan stared at those calm eyes for a long time, and slowly passed the sachet over: "He said... Changsheng's heart will follow, and this life will never fail." Yun Wan told her, "Gu Changsheng never abandoned you."

The mist that shrouded Qing'er's eyes suddenly dissipated.

The figure became a wisp of smoke, and disappeared completely in front of the eyes along with the sachet.