MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 11

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Ran Qiu finally decided to sign a contract with the crew.

He didn't hesitate much, this is the first drama he successfully auditioned for, he can't give up just because Wen Yuanyu is going to act, now, his only worry is that this is a romantic drama, and when he sees Wen Yuanyu Stomach churning, straight to nausea, this is too much a test of acting skills.

What other actors think will react and need to vent in advance. He is not worried about it at all. He is only worried about vomiting in full view, which would be too embarrassing.

Of course, there was another reason why he agreed to appear in this drama, that is, he was very curious about the purpose of Ran Yiming's investment. Brother Jiu's loss of contact made him 80% sure that Ran Yiming definitely had some problems.

On the day Ran Qiu signed the contract, Wen Yuanyu and his team were in another cubicle.

During the whole process of signing the contract, Ran Qiu felt a line of sight falling on him, staring at the swipe and flick of his hand, as if it was a camera following him to shoot.

Ran Qiu signed without seeing it, and after a few blunt polite words, he was ready to rush to his sister's treatment center.

When passing Wen Yuanyu's cubicle, he heard Wen Yuanyu greet the team, then got up and walked out, following him steadily all the way.

Ran Qiu wanted to turn his head several times to ask what you were doing with me, you never stopped, but Wen Yuanyu always kept a close distance from him, so that he didn't find a particularly opportune time to question him.

But he quickly thought about it, and Wen Yuanyu could do whatever he wanted, and follow along. It is impossible for you to be more calm than Wen Yuanyu, who is calm and seems to be able to handle the world with ease. If you jump, you are in his way. The only thing you can do is to ignore it.

Ran Qiu stopped in front of the elevator and pressed the down button.

The moment the elevator door opened, Wen Yuanyu walked in calmly, "I'm very glad that you agreed to make this drama. I hope you can ask me if there is anything you don't understand."

Ran Qiu stared at the small screen where the advertisement was displayed in the elevator, and when he heard this, his thin lips parted slightly, and his voice was cold, "Why did you want to act in this play?"

Wen Yuanyu was startled, he put his right hand into his trouser pocket unnaturally, and looked sideways at Ran Qiu.

Ran Qiu didn't get his answer, and didn't ask any more, just pretending that this person didn't exist, and didn't bother to say a word to him.

In terms of pretense, he can't pretend to be Wen Yuanyu, but he can't ignore Wen Yuanyu all the time, especially if the two of them will be filming the same drama in the future.

Now that the contract is signed, the only thing he can do is to let it go as soon as possible. He no longer cares about the previous feelings, but he has not fully figured out the resentment caused by Wen Yuanyu, but he hopes he can use it for a month. During this time, he let go of everything, he must not be led by Wen Yuanyu's emotions anymore, and he didn't want to give this person any more emotions.

After the first house-buying advertisement in the elevator was broadcast, Wen Yuanyu suddenly said, "You didn't reply to my WeChat, but I know you must have read it. I asked a friend to find this expert, who specializes in bipolar disorder. Let you Would you like to talk to him?"

When his sister was mentioned, Ran Qiu couldn't pretend that he didn't hear it. He tried his best to calmly say: "No need."

Wen Yuanyu looked at him, brows gradually furrowed, "Why?"

"It is possible to say anything during my sister's treatment, so should it be exposed again?"

"Do you think I am this kind of person? Do you think I will be exposed?"

Ran Qiu raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but look sideways at Wen Yuanyu. He wanted to know what kind of expression Wen Yuanyu used to say such words, but when he really saw the expression in Wen Yuanyu's eyes, When he was shocked, angry, and a little hurt as if he had been wronged, he remembered the bed video of his sister except that her face was mosaiced, and the rest were naked/naked. He closed his eyes, clasped his fingers into his palms, The cold words seemed to come out of his teeth, revealing a chill, "Wen Yuanyu, stay away from my sister, if you dare to provoke her again, I will make you lose the career you care about most."

Wen Yuanyu looked at Ran Qiu's icy side face, and suddenly felt very strange. Even the "Let's have a meal together" that he was going to ask originally, he didn't know whether he should still say it.

The elevator went down to the first floor, and the door opened with a ding, and Wen Yuanyu's voice drifted into the cool air: "I've made a reservation at the roast duck restaurant..."

The one who answered him was Ran Qiu's back who ignored him.

"The Abyss" is scheduled to launch at the end of October.

The first half of the play tells the story of the hero Ning Gang who opened a breakfast shop to support his lover who loves painting. Later, he lost his left arm for his lover, but the lover left him because of the opportunity of painting. In the second half, it skipped straight to seven years later, and the lover who sold a painting for millions came back.

Ran Qiu digested the script dozens of times while waiting for the machine to start. For him, the most difficult part of this drama is not only the test of acting skills and lines, but he also has to learn a skill-making buns.

Making steamed buns is not difficult in itself, but making steamed stuffed buns at home is completely different from making steamed stuffed buns sold professionally. What's more, he has to master the incredible skill of making 10 steamed buns a minute with one hand in the later stages of filming.

For more than half a month, apart from visiting his sister in the treatment center, he spent the rest of his time in a crash course in cooking.

Pinching time to make steamed buns is quite decompressing, and it also requires a high degree of concentration. Ran Qiu gradually discovered that he could stop thinking about Wen Yuanyu. My heart is already very strange. This realization made him happier than ever. The feeling of not having to wait for anyone to send a text message, not having to constantly excuse himself not to be angry, and being able to leave his whole heart to himself is really reassuring.

But this kind of peace of mind, and the consequence of eating too many steamed stuffed buns is that when the director saw him after turning on the machine, he immediately yelled at him and scolded him to lose weight quickly.

The director is Zhang Yange, a tycoon in the industry, nicknamed Zhang Strict. As the name suggests, Director Zhang is very serious in his work, and he is also quite arrogant. He can't look down on most of the fresh meat, especially Ran Qiu, who has no works. little fresh meat. This time, if he hadn't worked with another male lead, the actor Wen Yuanyu, who has always been known for his dedication in the industry, he would never have agreed to direct this "Beyond Heaven".

Director Zhang was sitting on the ponytail and pointing at Ran Qiu, and the gossip group in the crew was also chirping non-stop.

"This Ran Qiu... why do I feel like I've seen him somewhere?"

"ls+1, I also have the impression that it seems to be that so-and-so's brother, so I stamped the right code."

"Mysterious and sick."

"So who is this little fresh meat? Can he actually play the role of Director Zhang and Papa Wen?"

"It must be the investor's relationship, what's the point?"

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, Ran Qiu came in through the screenwriter's relationship, and the screenwriter is gay."

These words are so imaginative, the group exploded immediately, Liu Nai, the assistant who was following Wen Yuanyu, almost fell over while holding the phone, he couldn't help but look up at Wen Yuan who was walking calmly Yu, lowered her head again, and slowly made a question mark in the gossip group.

As soon as the question mark came out, the one who said the screenwriter was **** had already withdrawn the news.

Wen Yuanyu glanced at the sneaky assistant who didn't know what he was doing, frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

"Uh, it's nothing." Liu Nai immediately withdrew the question mark. He peeked at Wen Yuanyu's side face, knowing that he shouldn't ask, but he still couldn't hold it back. He tentatively said: "Teacher , there is no show for you today, did you come here specially to see Ran Qiu?"

Wen Yuanyu turned his head and stared at the assistant's face all the time, with an expression that clearly said, "Is this what you should ask?".

The assistant is well aware of Wen Yuanyu's temper. Although Wen Yuanyu's personality in the eyes of the public is a tolerant, polite, gentle and good man, this personality is only for those who need it in private, not for him. It's just that he vaguely felt that Wen Yuanyu didn't seem to be in a good mood recently.

Wen Yuanyu didn't answer this inexplicable question, and stood outside the studio door to remind him, "Stop playing with your phone and keep your eyes on the road. You are my assistant, don't be frizzy."

Liu Nai didn't dare to gossip any more, and quickly nodded with a smile, "Yes, teacher."

There were quite a few people standing on the set, and Director Zhang's voice of "educating" Ran Qiu was quite loud, so that everyone's eyes glanced at Ran Qiu intentionally or unintentionally.

Everyone wants to watch a good show for free, but no one is too embarrassed to look too obviously.

Wearing a khaki windbreaker, Wen Yuanyu strolled in from the door in an elegant and calm manner amidst the continuous sound of "education".

There was no scene with Wen Yuanyu today, and no one expected him to come. With such an abnormal appearance, everyone turned their eyes from Ran Qiu to Wen Yuanyu in unison, and then silently turned back to Ran Qiu. .

As we all know, although Wen Yuanyu is a good talker in interviews and getting along in private, he is full of perfectionism in acting. Although he won't say that your acting is bad, but if the other party is always NG, he will stand there silently, with a distant and polite smile on the corner of his mouth. Anyone who is familiar with his expression knows that he is not letting you "Don't worry, take your time", he is enduring you, but he is already very impatient in his heart. Before, there were several male actors who looked heartless, but they couldn't stand the high pressure because of his expression, and they collapsed hysterically on the set.

With such a high standard for himself, and the same standard for others, everyone is looking forward to how he will "put pressure" on Ran Qiu, and how the screenwriter who is said to be **** will "relieve" Ran Qiu.

Director Zhang also caught a glimpse of Wen Yuanyu, and waved towards Wen Yuanyu who was walking this way, "Yuanyu, are you here? I thought you wouldn't arrive until tomorrow!"

Wen Yuanyu held the script in his arm, he handed the script to his assistant, nodded and said with a smile: "I'll just stroll around, familiarize myself with the environment in advance, and see if there is anything that needs my help."

After speaking, his eyes drifted towards Ran Qiu.

Just when he thought that Ran Qiu would not look at him at all, or at least would not give him any good looks at all as he had shown this month, Ran Qiu suddenly raised his eyes to look at him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, She nodded lightly at him, and then politely looked away for not more than a second, not less than a second.

This is the first time that Ran Qiu smiled at him in this month, but Wen Yuanyu keenly captured a kind of alienation through this layer of smile, and he was inexplicably agitated.

Read Kill the Sun