MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 12

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"You're still dedicated, you're a young man now..." Director Zhang recalled Ran Qiu, who was standing next to him, and raised his chin at him, "You guys belong to the same company, so I don't need to introduce you. Are you familiar with it?"

Wen Yuanyu didn't speak, but glanced at Ran Qiu.

Ran Qiu whispered with thin lips, "Familiar."

Wen Yuanyu raised his eyebrows and looked at him in surprise, but his intuition told him that Ran Qiu's words were not good.

Sure enough, Ran Qiu said again: "We are quite familiar with each other, so we don't need to get in touch with each other."

It is impossible to appear mature, and it is impossible to pretend to be mature.

In the eyes of those who don't know, Ran Qiu's words are quite arrogant and disrespectful to Wen Yuanyu. Even Director Zhang felt a little embarrassed when he heard it. He pointed at Ran Qiu and accused: "Are you the director? ? The reason for letting you get in touch more is for the filming effect, or do you think Wen Yuanyu would like to have special contact with you?"

Ran Qiu was scolded silently, but felt very uncomfortable. He didn't want to be reprimanded in front of so many people, and he was reprimanded endlessly, which made him very embarrassing, but he couldn't directly refute the director with his mouth.

Wen Yuanyu took the initiative to take over the conversation, and he smiled generously: "Ran Qiu has a straight temper, Director Zhang, don't take offense, he doesn't mean that, he thinks we are quite familiar, and he is afraid that extra contact will waste my time."

Ran Qiu subconsciously twitched his eyebrows.

In Director Zhang's eyes, this subtle action was an expression of dissatisfaction and disdain for Wen Yuanyu's rescue, which made Director Zhang, a mediocre person, more and more unjust, and his words deviated more and more in strange directions: "For Is filming preparation a waste of time? You don’t know anything, you don’t have any works, what can you be proud of, familiarity is enough? Are you familiar with the protagonists in the play? Have you ever kissed or slept?”

Ran Qiu: "..."

Now even Wen Yuanyu didn't know how to answer the conversation. Fortunately, Director Zhang also realized that he was too hot-tempered, and his mouth was a bit inexplicable, so he took the initiative to take back the words, "Ran Qiu, have you learned how to make buns this month?"

Ran Qiu had just been accused of being "proud" by Director Zhang. This time he decided to be humble, but just as he was about to say the words of modesty, he looked towards the crowd slightly from the corner of his eye, and raised his face with a strange expression : "I have learned, the bag is not bad."

The end of the words drifted upwards. Director Zhang looked at Ran Qiu suspiciously, always feeling that this "not bad" was mixed with a lot of moisture.

Before he directed this play, he had heard rumors about Ran Qiu, this young actor who joined the group with a special relationship, could learn how to make buns in a short time?

Thinking of this, he looked at the smug young actor who was probably not very good at making buns, and his expression suddenly became uneasy, "It's good enough? You are a professional bun seller."

Wen Yuanyu smiled slightly, and calmly led the two of them away from the battle, "Professionalism cannot be learned in a short time, and being able to make buns is already very good. Director Zhang, I happen to know how to make buns, and I can make buns quite well. Anyway, I have time today, why don't you let me guide Ran Qiu?"

Ran Qiu's words "I don't need someone to guide me" were swallowed by Director Zhang's ugly face.

The crew hadn't officially started filming yet, and there were a lot of people on the set who had nothing to do. When they heard that Ran Qiu wanted to make steamed buns, they followed Director Zhang to the breakfast shop in full swing.

In just a few steps, Ran Qiu followed the director all the time. On the way, his cell phone vibrated.

This phone number is only known to relatives, friends, and Dr. Lin, who is in charge of Wang Fufu. Ran Qiu took out his phone and glanced at the information.

"Your sister's condition is getting better and better. I think it's time to try what you said last time. Come over and chat with me when I have time."

Ran Qiu replied "Okay, thank you", and put the phone back in his pocket. His mood suddenly became brighter, and he felt that it was okay to be underestimated by the director. He will definitely perform many excellent works in the future, and let Zhang The director looked at him with admiration!

Thinking of this, Ran Qiu chatted with the director without any qualms.

Wen Yuanyu followed behind them, her gaze was always on Ran Qiu's exposed neck. Those few inches of fair skin had been injured before, and now there was only a faint scar left.

It's been almost a month, what does Ran Qiu mean?

Wen Yuanyu put his hands in his pockets, carelessly caressing the box of Yuxi that Ran Qiu hid in his home, which he unintentionally dug out later. The words he and Ran Yiming said in the treatment center are still vivid in his memory, but this time, he has coaxed everything that should be coaxed. Ran Qiu is too angry because he doesn't like oil and salt.

The breakfast shop is located in a long row of shops in the north of the old residential area. It is the smallest but very conspicuous one. The red background and white characters on the door of the early shop are made of a five-meter-long light box, with five characters printed on it——Hong Kong brother early shop.

A large part of the filming took place in this breakfast shop. The shop is about 60 square meters, and the operating room is open, with eight clean but peeling small tables.

The tiles on the floor are very cheap yellow bricks, but they don't look dilapidated at all. You can't even see the footprints of the guests on the floor tiles. It can be seen that the owner has taken good care of them. There are still a few paintings on the walls. At first glance, it is the motorcycle riding posters collected by the boss.

Every scene and every detail arranged by the crew can reflect the owner of this breakfast shop, Ning Gang, who is chic, hardworking, and loves life.

With a heart of gossip, the staff of the crew instantly surrounded the breakfast shop with water.

Ran Qiu hadn't been surrounded by so many people for a long time, and his palms were sweating unconsciously. He adjusted his breathing and walked straight into the operating room.

There are more than a dozen large steamers on the stove, and next to them are fermented noodles and a pot of minced stuffing. Director Zhang shouted at Ran Qiu: "We don't really sell breakfast. It's not your consideration to knead the noodles, mix them, and whether they're steamed salty or bland. What you need to pay attention to is the movement, the movement of chopping the stuffing. The action of wrapping buns should be as proficient as possible, at least neatly, you can wrap a few now and let me see."

"Director Zhang." Wen Yuanyu looked outside the door.

There was a row of people looking in eagerly in the shop earlier, he hesitated for a moment and said: "Why don't we close the door, so many people will affect our performance."

Zhang Yange glanced at him inexplicably, "It's not a standard play, why do you want to clear the scene?"

Wen Yuanyu said euphemistically, "Ran Qiu is not a professional bun maker, so he might be nervous with so many people."

Director Zhang looked at him for two seconds, vaguely heard Wen Yuanyu's implication, but he always felt that Wen Yuanyu was a little too meddlesome.

Director Zhang believes that for Ran Qiu, a little fresh meat that has not experienced any blows, if it is not well wrapped, it should be greeted by the masses, so that it can correct its attitude in the future, and now it saves face for him. Isn't it the same to come out and be scolded?

Before Director Zhang could say anything, Ran Qiu in the operating room had already put down the knife in his hand, and the blade hit the chopping board with a bang, and he raised his eyes dissatisfied, "Who said I need to clear the scene? Points will be deducted for nervousness." , I can also test 99."

After speaking, Ran Qiu happily rolled up his sleeves and started making buns.

Across the operating table half a person's height, Wen Yuanyu looked at Ran Qiu holding up the stuffing in the stainless steel basin with both hands, those hands were slender and white, but Wen Yuanyu knew what kind of strength they could exert when they were placed on his waist .

Ran Qiu held the stuffing tightly, and stood on top of the sink, forcing out the moisture from the vegetables little by little.

Then simply roll out the noodles, hold the rolled skin with one hand, gently press the meat filling, and flexibly turn the other hand counterclockwise, small folds are quickly pinched under the thumb, so fast that the naked eye can hardly see it. Unable to capture.

Director Zhang's complexion was not so ugly when Ran Qiu made the first move. After wrapping up several buns, he had already turned from the thunderstorm, so he looked at Wen Yuanyu unexpectedly.

The meaning in his eyes is—this guy from your company is really not particularly bad.

But Wen Yuanyu didn't notice what Zhang Dao meant at all. His degree of surprise was far beyond Zhang Dao's comparison. In his eyes, this young master who was proud and pampered could still make buns to such an extent. , It was beyond his expectation.

Wen Yuanyu never thought that Ran Qiu would be so devoted to a play.

He was sure that the skill of making buns must have been learned by Ran Qiu this month, otherwise, with the temper of Ran Qiu's love to make fun of him, he would never have made buns for him.

He remembered the way Ran Qiu used to swing his beautiful feathers every time he opened his screen, waiting for his compliment with a look of satisfaction and anticipation, and he couldn't help but blurt out: "I'm a bit reluctant to eat these buns made with both hands."

After Wen Yuanyu finished speaking, she was stunned for a while.

His tone was so subtle that the set was eerily silent for a moment.

Not only Ran Qiu behind the stove paused, but even the director next to him, and the crowd around the shop earlier, all threw at Wen Yuanyu, "Brother, have you been pierced by a soul?" "Brother, are you like this?" We're embarrassing."

Ran Qiu quickly picked up the next piece of steamed stuffed bun, and Director Zhang laughed "haha", "It seems that you have passed the test for the time being to make Yuan Yu praise you so much, but—"

Director Zhang changed the topic, "Although you have basic skills, the most important thing is acting skills. In the scene where you fell in love with Ke Qing at first sight in the play, the lines can be used properly. You can do it again now."

Ran Qiu was selected by another director at the beginning, but now the cast has been completely changed. Director Zhang has never seen him act, so this request for "review" in advance is not too much.

It's just that Ran Qiu didn't expect to be spot-checked so soon.

If he had known this earlier, he should have had millet porridge for breakfast instead of sugar pancakes and steamed buns that were so greasy that his stomach would get nauseous.

Ran Qiu covered his disobedient stomach with one hand, raised his eyes and smiled brightly at Director Zhang, and made an OK gesture, "I have this part in the audition, don't worry, it's a small thing!"

He turned on the faucet of the sink, and the water slipped into his fingers. It was cold and comfortable, and he gradually let go of all the distracting thoughts in his stomach. He is a professional actor—he fell in love with Ke Qing at first sight.

outside the operating room.

Wen Yuanyu was about to walk towards Ran Qiu, but Director Zhang had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and he stretched out his hand to grab him, under Wen Yuanyu's unclear gaze, Director Zhang said: "Why are you going, you don't need to play with him. "

"It doesn't matter to me, I can make him enter the play faster." Wen Yuanyu paused, then added: "I don't mind."

"You don't mind, I do." Director Zhang didn't give him room to refuse, "In this scene, he gives you three drawers of steamed stuffed buns to you who are hungry, and your attention is all on the steamed stuffed stuffed buns, so you can't pay attention to his acting skills. You and I watch him act, and tell me if he can take your part. As for who Ran Qiu plays with, it doesn't matter, just find someone outside."

Wen Yuanyu opened his mouth, but didn't know what else to say, so he agreed with a faint smile.

After Ran Qiu washed his hands well, he came out of the operating room, and Director Zhang asked him to choose one of these people outside to play against him.

Ran Qiu was fully prepared, and he was short of showing his acting skills at the top of the art test on the spot - and now suddenly he didn't have to worry about the sugar pancakes he ate in the morning.

Ran Qiu didn't expect such a good thing, he turned around extremely decisively, and saw that he looked at the crowd outside the early shop one by one, and under the eyes of everyone, he turned to the third person from the right, shining brightly raised eyebrows.

The man he picked was very young, no more than 25 years old at first glance.

Not only that, but more importantly, he is also handsome and straight, with sharp sword eyebrows, especially a pair of dark brown eyes, I don't know whether they are wearing colored contact lenses or pure natural, they look extraordinarily deep, like a floating planet in the starry sky, giving people infinite possibilities and Imagine.

Ran Qiu thought that the one who grew up like this must be an actor in this play, and it shouldn't be a problem to act in the play.

Unexpectedly, the girl standing next to the man said tremblingly: "No way, Mr. Ran Qiu, he is not an actor, he is the cousin of the screenwriter, and the overseas release introduced by the screenwriter—"

The man raised his hand to interrupt the girl's words, and took the initiative to step forward, his eyes fell on Ran Qiu's wanton eyebrows, and he stretched out his hand frankly, "It doesn't matter what I am, I'll act with you. "