MTL - Warm Fuzzies-Chapter 17

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Xue Li drooped her tail, as if she was still frowning. In Zilan's eyes, the little fox was so small that she was a little pitiful.

He clumsily tried to comfort her and said, "Don't be sad, I didn't stop eating on purpose. I'll wipe off the soy sauce in the house for you later."

Zilan's voice was much softer than usual, with a feeling of nervousness, which did not match his huge size, a bit like a big dog at a loss.

He leaned down, bit into a small piece of fruit that was left on the plate, and swallowed it.

He said, "You see, the fruit is delicious even without rabbits."

Seeing that Zilan suddenly ate the leftover fruit, Xueli blinked.

Xue Li could tell that Big Snow Wolf was concerned about herself.

She wasn't really unhappy, she was just taken aback by the little gray rabbit's rushing out beyond the plan, and now she was surprised to see the big snow wolf so worried about herself.

Xueli quickly raised her ears, which had just forgotten to recover, to indicate that she was in a good mood.

She said cheerfully: "I'm fine! But I'm going to play with my friends in the afternoon, and I won't be able to clean up the soy sauce until evening! You can stay at home by yourself, or go around the neighborhood!"

Because Xuelang passed everyone's test, Xueli subconsciously slightly expanded his scope of activities, and trusted him a lot in his heart.

The sweet taste of the fruit still remained in Zilan's mouth, and seeing the little fox recovering from his comfort, he finally felt relieved.

Because Xueli still had to meet the little animals, after explaining her itinerary to Big Snow Wolf, she saw that his expression was slightly relaxed, probably no longer worried, so she waved her tail to say goodbye to him.

Zilan watched the little nine-tailed fox waving its tail at him, and then ran out bouncing around as usual.

But after Xueli left, Zilan lowered her head and stared blankly at the place where the plate and the rabbit had been left before, feeling a little confused in her mind.

Although the rabbit ran away, why on earth did she... treat him so well?

This question confused him for a moment.

He tidied up his emotions in a panic, without thinking about it, but hurried around the room a few times, and finally found a suitable rag from the cabinet.

He was living with the little Nine-Tailed Fox now, and he was already troubling the little Nine-Tailed Fox to help him heal his wounds and burn food for him, so naturally he shouldn't do nothing. Although Zilan's injuries have not yet fully recovered, he also feels that he should do what he can to jointly maintain the living environment of the two of them.

He took off the rag, pressed it under his paws, and carefully wiped off the soy sauce left on the ground.

The soy sauce was harder to wipe than expected, and when the little rabbit ran away, it dragged a long trace, leaving behind many small plum blossoms.

Zilan had never done such a thing in Jiuchongtian, so it was inevitable that she would be a bit jerky, but she couldn't stand the primitiveness of this fairyland, so she had to do everything by herself.

He changed the water three times and washed the rag several times before he barely wiped off all the soy sauce with his wolf claws.

After a while, Zi Lan looked at the fruits of her labor with satisfaction.

The ground was as clean as new, and the shadow of a wolf could be seen.

After Zilan wiped the floor, she washed the rag and put it back in its original place, then walked around the house to see if there was anything else that could be done.

He is currently injured, and there are really limited things he can do, but he hopes that Sydney will be happy.

Zilan walked and saw a wooden box inside the house, the lid was not very tight.

He simply walked over, took a look inside, and then stopped for a while.

I saw a lot of white, tender and plump radishes in the box.

The box was very big, and it was actually full at first, but after this period of time, the radishes had bottomed out as Sydney continued to feed them.

Zilan was stunned when she saw these radishes.

Of course he knew that these missing radishes should be what Xueli gave him to eat every day these days, but he didn't expect that after Xueli gave him all the beloved radishes, there were not many left.

There were mixed feelings in his heart, but immediately after, his eyes lit up again!

Zilan has been feeling guilty for eating so many radishes in Sydney, and she was thinking in her heart to find a chance to pay back, and now is the time.

Now that they live together, he can't just eat the food left over from Sydney all the time, he should look for food for the two of them.

Sydney likes radishes so much, she will be very happy to see him bring radishes back!

Zilan's spirit was shaken, and he did what he said, and immediately turned around and left the wooden house, walking into the forest.

When Zilan was still in the forest, she noticed that many wild radishes grew in this fairyland.

He walked to the place where he had noticed a lot of radishes when he passed by before, and he found many beautiful wild radishes before long.

Zilan picked and picked, and finally found a satisfactory one. She used her claws to carefully dig out the soil and dug it out completely.

Then he looked left and right and walked to the next...


At this time, the small animals in the forest are cheering happily!

Their plan worked!

Sydney is the happiest among them, dragging its nine tails and bouncing around vigorously, like a lively little white ball with a tail.

Not only did the big snow wolf not eat the meat itself, it also prevented Xue Li from biting it! Even if they meet him in the forest in the future, they don't have to feel afraid!

All the little animals were jubilant and beaming, sharing the fruits they picked with each other as a celebration.

The little gray rabbit was surrounded by everyone in embarrassment, and the soy sauce on his body hadn't been washed off. His younger sister took a piece of cotton cloth soaked in water, held it down with her two little paws, and rubbed vigorously on the little gray rabbit.

The little gray rabbit turned slightly sideways and squinted his eyes because he ran away with soy sauce halfway, the little gray rabbit still felt a little embarrassed.

"You are already very capable!"

"I didn't run until the end! I was motionless before."

"If it were me, I would have trembled a long time ago."

Everyone praised in a hurry.

Sister Little Rabbit stopped rubbing it for now, and applauded her brother adoringly: "Brother is so amazing!"

The little gray rabbit has been praised several times since he came back, but he still scratched his ears shyly after hearing so many compliments.

He said: "This can't be regarded as the credit of me alone. I was just lying on the plate. If Sydney hadn't added protection and protection, and hadn't been too far away from me, I would definitely not be able to persist. .”

Xueli was bouncing back and forth in a happy mood, but when she heard the little gray rabbit mentioning her, she unexpectedly raised her tail and looked over suspiciously.

However, other animals have already scrambled to boast.

"Yes, Sydney is also very good!"

"Most of the details are planned and arranged by Sydney!"

"Sydney also came up with the idea of ​​arranging the plates, and she even helped drag the plates over! They should be very close."

Xue Li became shy after being praised, she felt that she had done nothing at all.

She shook her ears and said, "I'm not in any danger, and that wolf won't eat me. I didn't come up with the idea, it was suggested by the little white rabbit sister in the first place."

As soon as Sydney finished speaking, the little white rabbit sister who was wiping her brother was immediately held down and licked several times by the animals next to her.

However, although everyone worked together, everyone felt that it was Sydney who made the decision and made overall arrangements.

Bai Lu lowered his head and rubbed against her, then asked: "Then when will the wolf's injury be completely healed?"

Xueli thought for a while, and replied: "He is still in the recuperation period, so he needs to be taken care of, there is no rush. Besides, there is still a one-month observation period, and we will not be completely sure until one month later."

Bai Lu said: "Then this month, we will also help you find a cave suitable for wolves to live in! This way, the waiting time is almost up, and we can let him live directly!"

Sydney said happily: "Oh! Thank you!"

After discussing the matter, Sydney had fun with the small animals for a while.

She looked at the sky and said: "It's a little late, the floor in my house hasn't been cleaned yet, I'll go back first!"

"Be careful on the road!"

The little animals waved their paws and tails to say goodbye to Sydney.

Not long after, Sydney returned home with the fruit she had been given.

But when she opened the door, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

The snow wolf in the house was gone, and neither was there outside the house, but the soy sauce on the floor had been wiped clean, and the house seemed cleaner than before.

Xueli put down the fruit and looked around for where Xuelang had gone.

At this moment, she heard footsteps outside the house.


Snow Wolf's voice sounded from behind, vaguely mixed with joy.

Xueli turned around, and sure enough, she saw Big Snow Wolf standing outside the house, with two big baskets beside him for some reason, and he seemed to be in a better mood than usual.

Xueli felt that Xuelang seemed to be waiting for her to go out.

She tilted her head suspiciously and ran out.

Zilan also calculated that it would be time for Xueli to go home. He had just left the forest when he saw Xueli running into the house, so he hurried to catch up, eager to let the little nine-tailed fox see the fruits of his labor.

When Xueli ran in front of her, Zilan proudly turned over the basket and poured out all the contents.



Countless radishes rolled out of the baskets, as many as falling stars and landslides, countless in number, and piled up in front of Xueli in one breath.

Each of these radishes is fresh and juicy.

Zilan hopes that the little nine-tailed fox can eat the best radishes, so she picks them very carefully.

Neither too small nor too large, just choose the radish with the most aura and the most beautiful shape.

After digging for a long time, he finally dug out such a pile. Because he couldn't take it down, he made two trips back and forth to get the baskets.

Zilan said: "These are for you to eat. I'm sorry to have eaten so many of your beloved radishes during this time. You can save these first, and you can eat them slowly. I will dig them for you in two days."

"Aw, aww..."

Sydney couldn't even speak.

Xue Li looked at the radishes piled up like a hill in front of her eyes, the number was vaguely much more than before she fed the radish to the wolf, and a layer of mist gradually appeared in her eyes.

Zilan was looking at Sydney proudly, but she didn't expect that the little Nine-Tailed Fox's eyes suddenly became moist, and she was about to cry.

The little nine-tailed fox was so moved that he cried!

Zilan couldn't help but panicked.

He wanted to make the little fox happy, but he didn't want to make her cry.

Zilan comforted at a loss: "You don't have to be so moved, it's just a few radishes, if you want to eat, I'll dig it for you tomorrow."

However, Zilan's words didn't have any effect, and Xueli couldn't understand either.

Looking at the huge pile of radishes in front of her, she just felt that she would not be able to eat them all in this life, so Xue Li couldn't hold back for a while, and burst into tears.