MTL - Warm Fuzzies-Chapter 16

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The small animals immediately swarmed up, arranging fruit, and helping posing.

Sydney brought the soy sauce from home and poured it on the little gray rabbit seriously.

The way of arranging the plates was discussed in advance by everyone, and the little gray rabbit soon had a feeling of food.

He lay on the plate and moved his ears very restlessly.

Xue Li hurriedly said: "Don't move around! Be patient a little bit, if you move, you will be noticed."

Gray Rabbit gritted his teeth, stiffly tilted his head to the side, pretending that he was out of breath.

Sydney patted him reassuringly with her paw, then grabbed the edge of the plate.

The small animals also took their positions, ambush nervously in every corner of the windows and eaves of the wooden house.

Xueli grabbed the plate and dragged the little gray rabbit into it bit by bit.

Zilan was active in the yard for a while in the morning. Sydney had just changed his medicine these two days, and he was not fit to move around too much. At this time, he was resting alone in the "nest" that Sydney made for him.

He originally thought that the little nine-tailed fox had gone out to play with other intelligent animals, and was feeling faintly lonely, but he suddenly heard the sound of caressing in the room, and when he turned around, he happened to see the little nine-tailed fox dragged along The rabbit ran up to him!

Zilan: "...?"

Xueli carefully dragged the rabbit to Zilan, and put it away gently.

The little gray rabbit felt that he had been brought in front of the giant snow wolf by Sydney, he couldn't help but tense up, held his breath hard, and pretended to be ignorant.

Xue Li said to Snow Wolf: "This is for you to eat! I've already cooked it, do you want to try it?"

As she spoke, she pushed the plate forward with her head.

Zilan was stunned when she saw such a beautifully arranged plate of rabbits brought by Sydney.

On the plate was a gray rabbit, motionless, it was impossible to tell if it was dead, but it was covered with soy sauce, and surrounded by a circle of fruits according to the color, it could be seen that it was food for him.

Xue Li dragged the plate of rabbits in front of him with a particularly cautious and cherished gesture, and now jumped up and down beside him, her dark eyes shining brightly, and howling at him expectantly.

Zilan has practiced for many years, so of course she doesn't eat animals.

Rather than saying that he doesn't eat animals, in fact, at his level of cultivation, his dependence on food is already very weak. Although he ate in the wolf realm, this kind of meal was not so much to satisfy his appetite, as it was to eat fine nectar and delicacies rich in immortal energy to assist his cultivation and consolidate his cultivation.

This is the case in Jiuchongtian. Once the immortals are closed, it is normal for them to not have food and lodging for several months or years.

Zilan said politely: "No, I don't need to eat rabbits..."

Xueli didn't understand Zilan's "Aww—" and seeing that Zilan didn't respond to the rabbit for a long time, she wondered if he didn't understand what this plate of rabbit was for.

Xueli said in a persuasive manner: "Look at this rabbit, I just caught it from the forest. It's very fresh, very tender, and delicious! It's also very simple to eat. Let me teach you how to eat it!"

With that said, Xueli planned to slap the rabbit.

But Sydney has never eaten rabbits before, so I don't know how to act.

She wandered around the rabbit twice, and finally saw that his front feet were upturned, as if it was easier for him to bite. She leaned down and demonstrated to the snow wolf how to eat.

Little Gray Rabbit: "..."

Of course, Xueli didn't use any real force, but it was already very scary for the rabbit to be bitten like this. He tried his best to control himself so that he didn't tremble.


Zilan was also taken aback when she saw Xueli biting the rabbit, and hurriedly wanted to go up and pick Xueli off the rabbit's feet.

They are immortals who pay attention to seeking the Tao and doing good deeds, have clear immortal energy, can absorb wind and drink dew, and have compassion and love for the creatures in the world. The spiritual grass fruits that grow in fairyland, even radishes, are usually caused by spiritual energy. Transformation will not give birth to wisdom, or picking the fruit will not affect the breath of the creature itself, but this rabbit is obviously not right now.

Eating flesh and blood is detrimental to her career, and Zilan is worried that a little nine-tailed fox in Sydney who lives in a fairyland does not know these things, and that she really eats rabbits by mistake.

But when she really wanted to do this, Zilan paused.

He found that Xue Li had the rabbit's foot in her mouth, but she just sucked it lightly, and didn't really bite down.

These animals that often play with Sydney have actually shown their faces in front of Zilan, but either when he just fell from the sky, or when Sydney treated his injuries, and then he became more conscious After that, these small animals no longer dare to approach, and they all hide from a distance.

Zilan was confused at first, and there were many rabbits among the animals that he met with Sydney. He couldn't tell whether this rabbit often played with Sydney, but he could tell that it was a male rabbit. .

The creatures in the fairyland will not reveal their private parts as easily as in the mortal world, but they have other ways to distinguish them, which can be detected by their appearance and smell.

At this moment, seeing Xueli holding the front paw of a male rabbit so closely and carefully, Zilan suddenly felt a strange unhappiness from the bottom of her heart for no reason.

But he didn't think about it for a moment, he just thought it was a reaction of worrying about Sydney eating something wrong.

Zi Lan frowned, immediately lowered her head, and abruptly separated Xue Li from the little gray rabbit.


Xue Li, who was suddenly plucked from the little gray rabbit's paw, was at a loss.

The little gray rabbit felt that the huge snow wolf was so close all of a sudden, it was almost touching his stomach, and its heart stopped beating for a moment in fright.

Big Snow Wolf looked at Sydney, and said with a serious face: "Although I am injured, I only need to eat some spiritual vegetables and fruits in peacetime. You don't have to go all the way to find meat for me. If you hurt living beings for this, you will die." It will be detrimental to your cultivation."

He asked: "Is this rabbit still alive? If it can be saved, let's feed it some herbs, let's raise it at home first, and release it when it recovers from its injuries."

However, these words fell into Xueli's ears, and it was a series of "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-ohoo-" which became more and more long-winded, which made her even more at a loss.

At the same time, the small animals lurking in various places in the cabin were talking about it.

"That wolf didn't eat the little gray rabbit! He also separated Sydney from the little gray rabbit!"

"Great! Does that mean he won't eat us?"

"But what did he say afterwards?"

The little animals were very surprised at this time.

If it was enough to make everyone feel at ease that Big Snow Wolf didn't eat the little gray rabbit, it was a surprise that he picked the pear he pretended to eat from the little gray rabbit!

This shows that not only does he not eat it himself, but he also prevents others from eating it.

Now everyone completely believed that the snow wolf would not harm them, and they could let him live in the forest when he recovered from his injury here in Sydney.

The white deer, who was guarding the window and peeping through the gap, tapped the window lightly with its hoof, and reminded: "Sydney, it's almost there, we all think it's okay."

Sydney also came back to his senses at this time.

She tentatively asked Daxuelang: "Are you really not going to eat? Are you sure? Then I remove the plate?"

Big Snow Wolf: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

Sydney: "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow."

The two happily reached a consensus.

So Xueli pretended to be disappointed and lowered her ears, picked up the corner of the plate again, and planned to evacuate the little rabbit safely.

But Zilan frowned even more.

He felt that Sydney should have understood what he meant by not eating rabbits, but he hadn't understood his intention to see if the rabbit was still alive and whether it could be raised, so he took a step forward and wanted to communicate with Sydney again some.

However, Zilan's step completely destroyed Little Gray Rabbit's psychological defense.

The little gray rabbit was already tense, swayed around the snow wolf's claws, and was bitten by the fox again. His heart had already been in his throat, and he finally endured until Xue Li said that he was going to remove the plate. As soon as he relaxed, he felt Snow Wolf took another step closer.

The little gray rabbit immediately thought that Snow Wolf might have repented, his psychological construction collapsed, and he couldn't hold on any longer, so he opened his eyes and ran away!

Xuelang originally wanted to talk to Xueli again, and take a look at whether the rabbit was still alive.

Unexpectedly, when it was too late, the lunch on the plate suddenly opened its eyes, and jumped up!

Before Zilan could recover, the lunch ran away like a gust of wind and disappeared at the door.

No one expected this turn of events. Both Zilan and Xueli, who was dragging the dishes, were taken aback. They stared blankly at the wooden door knocked open by the rabbit, and the room was completely silent.

Zilan was stunned for a moment.

But then, he hurriedly looked at Sydney.

The little nine-tailed fox didn't seem to have expected that the little rabbit would run to this kind of thing. She was also taken aback by the gray rabbit waking up suddenly and rushing out. Then she kept holding the plate, with a full expression confused.

The soy sauce spilled all over the ground along the track where the little gray rabbit ran away.

After a long time, the little nine-tailed fox slowly and slowly let go of the plate with only fruit left, letting it lie empty and flat on the ground. She still drooped her ears that had drooped since he refused to eat rabbits, and she drew her paws, looking very lonely.

Zilan was stunned.

In fact, after observing it during this period of time, it is obvious that Sydney does not eat meat. She brought a rabbit here today, probably just for him.

They are not very familiar with each other, he is from outside, and they don't understand each other's language.

Zilan pondered for a while, then thought that Xueli might not be sure whether a wolf like him would eat meat or not, fearing that he would be ill if he was not nourished enough, so he struggled repeatedly, and finally ran to the forest to try his best He caught a rabbit and gave him to eat.

Looking at the rabbits served by the little Nine-Tailed Fox today, she probably wasn't good at handling live animals, but the arrangement was very meticulous, obviously a lot of thought was put into it.

She may have run to the forest early in the morning, simply caught a rabbit and came back, fumbled hard to deal with it, and then happily served him food.

But he didn't expect that he didn't eat rabbits at all, and in the end he accidentally let the rabbits run away, and all his hard work all morning was in vain.

No wonder Sydney looks sad.

Zilan slowly moved closer, looking at her worriedly.