MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1164 want to be bigger

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Even if it is some foreign medicines that have passed the patent protection period, we take them back to China to imitate them, but the same is not good.

Wang Xueming used to have several friends, all of whom grew up in a compound when he was a child. Later, because their family belonged to the domestic health department, they went to the hospital one after another, or to major state-run pharmaceutical factories, and now they are all mixed up. not bad.

Later, when everyone chatted together, it was inevitable that they would talk about the current situation of the domestic pharmaceutical industry, and Wang Xueming also learned some truths about the domestic pharmaceutical industry from the mouths of those people.

So if you do this well yourself, you will be able to make money in China in the future.

Thinking of this, Wang Xueming immediately swept away the previous state of depression in time, looked at Jin Muchen and asked.

"I am very interested in your bone replacement, Mu Chen. This industry has great potential in the future, but I think our pace is still a little small. We will talk about this later. Now I have something to think about. Ask you, I don’t know if you understand or not.”

Seeing that Wang Xueming was energetic and serious, Jin Muchen also became interested: "Oh? Brother Wang, if you have any questions, just ask."

"Well then, let me ask you, do you know any companies or people here that do pharmaceutical manufacturing? I see that you invested in this femoral head replacement project before, and you seem to have a good understanding of the medical industry, so I asked. "

"Ah? This ah... I really don't know much about this. I invested in this project before, and I also said that it is a friend of mine who is actually a lawyer for those companies, so he recommended me to invest. This project. I just thought that the prospects of this company and industry were good, so I invested in it. As for the pharmaceutical manufacturing you mentioned, I really don’t know much about it. What’s the matter? Brother Wang, you are very knowledgeable about this aspect. Are you interested?"

Jin Muchen really didn't quite understand at this time, Wang Xueming asked himself what this was for, but seeing how happy he was, he always felt that there might be a good thing in it.

"Hehe, there is actually a reason for me to ask this. Let me tell you, the femoral head replacement and knee replacement projects you mentioned earlier are very interesting to me, but these two products, If we introduce it into China, I think if we do it, is it too thin? Just two products, if we set up a company and promote it vigorously, I think the profit scale is still limited, so I think we might as well expand The scale of operation, especially the business field, I think it is a good thing to not only make two simple medical devices, but also arrange some medicines to promote together. After all, we need to invest a lot of manpower and material resources to establish such a medical device company. Yes, instead of expanding the business slowly in the future, I think it might be better to do it in one step, and even sell all kinds of medicines together. Are there any that can’t be run, or are planning to sell, I want to buy them, and simply relocate the factory to China, even if the factory can’t be moved, we can dig some talents to go there and do it ourselves.”

As soon as Jin Muchen heard Wang Xueming's explanation, he understood. It turned out that people disliked their own plate and layout too small before. To put it bluntly, they only made a small amount of money, and people looked down on them. Once they started, they wanted to start a big project. Just these two products are good or good, but people feel that they are not profitable enough.

Indeed, for a person like Wang Xueming who used to talk about hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars in business, if you ask him to work hard to earn so many millions a year, people will definitely feel boring, and spend so much energy, just For him to make that little money, it was definitely a crime, a crime of wasting time.

That's why he wanted to start such a medical project, and Jin Muchen was in trouble at this time. He also wanted to make the project bigger and make more money, but he really had never done anything like medicine before.

He used to major in pharmacology at Columbia University, but he only read it for one year. As for the domestic pharmaceutical industry in the United States, he knows a few giants. As for those other small and medium-sized enterprises, he really doesn't know much about it. too much.

As for the situation in the domestic medical industry, he was even more smeared, and he didn't know anything.

Now that Wang Xueming asks him about these things, how can he know how much.

"Hey, Xiao Wang's idea is really good. At present, the domestic pharmaceutical industry is indeed very busy. Your mother, Mu Chen, used to open a chain pharmacy, and the chain pharmacy has always been doing well. If it wasn't for my accident. , your mother's chain pharmacy may have to keep running. Now that store is topped by others, but they have been doing well. Some time ago, when my mother and I passed by, I chatted with their bosses. Talking about it, he said that his situation is very good now."

Jin Muchen's father is very happy when he hears that Wang Xueming wants to make this plate bigger, not only to make these two medical devices, but also to make medicine together, because he also felt that it was just relying on these two. One thing, isn't this plate a little too small, it would be different if medicine was added.

Hearing his father's words, Jin Muchen was really dumbfounded. Of course he knew that the pharmaceutical industry was a good one, but the problem was that he really didn't know much about the small and medium-sized pharmaceutical companies in the United States.

In the past, he was devoted to making antiques, so he knew about the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. Now Wang Xueming asked this question, and he could only be blinded.

"Hey, Brother Wang, your question really stumped me. If you asked me about the antiques, I would definitely tell you one, two or three, but if you asked me about this small and medium-sized pharmaceutical company in the United States, I really can't say which one can't do it. Because I really don't know this aspect, but as far as I know, if you want to acquire such a company, I'm afraid it will be very difficult. These Americans are not easy to do. How many of us Chinese buy companies here, and they all suffer from the loss of these white people. They only want your money, but they don't accept your control at all. If you buy one, tell them to move the factory. If you go to China, they have to fight with you. So if you really want to do this kind of medicine manufacturing, I think you might as well just buy a pharmaceutical factory in China. Anyway, there are too many pharmaceutical factories in China, and there are also Many of them are operating without blinking, and if you really want to buy it, you can’t spend a few dollars, so why should the Americans suffer from this?”

Jin Muchen felt that he was trying to persuade Wang Xueming, but after Wang Xueming heard what he said, he just shook his head.

"Hey, brother Xiaojin, do you think I don't know the virtues of these white people? Do you think I'm willing to spend this unjust money with them? I understand everything you said, but I can't do anything about it. Domestic medicine There are many factories, and many of them are really bad. I also know that buying such a pharmaceutical factory is a piece of cake for me. But buying such a pharmaceutical factory is fundamental to me. I don't have any use for shit. What do I want a pharmaceutical factory like that? The equipment in the factory is decades old, and the technology mastered is the simplest basic items. The products produced are almost all pharmaceutical factories in the country. All can produce. When the time comes to promote it, I will try my best to give those doctors red envelopes. The money earned by the end of the year is not enough to send out. Why do you think I want a factory like that? what?"

Wang Xueming and Jin Muchen complained, and Jin Muchen was silent at this time. He knew that what Wang Xueming said was the truth. This is also the current situation of almost 80% of small and medium-sized pharmaceutical factories in China.

There are basically few domestic pharmaceutical companies that have their own unique patents, and almost all of them rely on generic drugs to survive, and these small and medium-sized enterprises cannot even do generic drugs well.

Status Quo Many people say that China is the factory of the It can produce 95% of all kinds of industrial products in the world, but there are a few things that China cannot produce at all. Some are That kind of high-precision industrial machinery, and one is modern medicine.

It is no exaggeration to say this. When Jin Muchen was in school, he once heard such a joke that made all Chinese feel embarrassed, that is, medicine produced in China, even black Africans do not take it.

The reason for such a statement is entirely because of the statistical yearbook of the World Health Organization. The yearbook of statistics in 2013 shows that the International Health Organization purchased hundreds of medicines from the world that year, and all these medicines were shipped Go to Africa and feed the refugees in Africa.

Among the hundreds of medicines purchased by the International Health Organization that year, only 6 were purchased from China, while 196 were purchased from India. This is enough to show that my country's shortcomings in the field of pharmaceutical manufacturing.

In the domestic pharmaceutical manufacturing field, those who really occupy the top position in this industry are all large state-owned enterprises, and these large state-owned enterprises almost all live by imitating foreign medicines, and because they have those fixed large hospitals as their own resources, so they don’t have to worry about selling the drugs they imitate, so they don’t even think about making progress.

Therefore, they simply do not develop any new drugs, and rely entirely on imitating foreign medicines whose patents have expired. (To be continued.)

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