MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1163 New Field

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Although this Wang Xueming is also from the second generation, his self-restraint is much stronger than those of the impetuous guys, and he doesn't have much of the coquettish air of those guys.

Those second-generation Jin Muchen knew, even if they had their own circles, but their circles were also divided into different classes. Generally, they were the children of officials of the same level in the family, who can only be friends, or the children of the wealthy family of the same level. , they will be together, and if people of different levels want to rashly integrate into their circle, unless you are a clown and can please them, or you are simply willing to be their sons and daughters, they It is possible to play with you. Otherwise, it is impossible for you to appear in that circle. Even if everyone has some intersections, the attitude of those guys will not be very good. Some tutors will interact with you on the surface. It's okay to talk, but you are rejected thousands of miles away.

And the kind without family education, that's the kind whose nostrils are turned upside down and doesn't take you seriously at all, so Jin Muchen avoids those second-generations.

Wang Xueming is different from them. Although he is also from the second generation, he may have something to do with his family’s unhappiness when he was a child, so he does not reject ordinary people like Jin Muchen too much. He won't put on an aloof posture, which makes Jin Muchen very comfortable.

Later, after dating more, Jin Muchen also discovered that although this guy is a little arrogant sometimes, but more often he still has a sincere heart, which is the same as those who are always there. Calculations are different from the second generation who guard against others.

Therefore, Jin Muchen regarded Wang Xueming as a true friend, and only at this time would he be anxious about what happened to him.

"Hey, it's hard to say now, what I want to do in the future, my mind is quite confused now. Uncle Jin, brother Xiao Jin, to tell you the truth, our family used to be in the center, that is, an inconspicuous little character. I haven't had any big officials. In the earliest days, there was a minister of the Ministry of Infrastructure Construction. Later, the management structure was adjusted several times in China, and the Ministry of Infrastructure Construction was cancelled. Our family is also in several central departments. Although I grew up in a compound when I was a child, I was actually not much different from ordinary children. After I grew up, I was always hanging out in the society. I didn’t make much money in the early days. It wasn’t until the real estate boom a few years ago that I started a few projects, made my first pot of gold, and really started to make a fortune. That’s why I am where I am today. Later, my business became bigger and bigger, but in fact, as you all know, people like me do business, in fact, they are doing business for the country, and they rely on the support of the country. It's getting bigger and bigger. And the businesses I do are actually not technical, and have always been in the field of infrastructure or engineering construction. Now my business has been taken away, although it left me a lot. Money, but now if you ask me what I want to do in the future and what I can do, I really have no idea and no direction."

This time, Wang Xueming made a big deal with Jin Muchen and the others, and told Jin Muchen a lot of what he should and shouldn't say. It can be seen that he really didn't guard Jin Muchen, and he really regarded him as a friend. .

After listening to this, Jin Muchen was also speechless for a while. Seeing Wang Xueming so decadent, this is not the case. At this time, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to be visiting the scientific research institute he invested with his father today. He felt as if he could see something clearly, so he smiled and said to Wang Xueming.

"Brother Wang, if you want, I actually have a few good projects on my side."

"Oh? What project? Come and listen!"

Wang Xueming still looked very decadent, and said to Jin Muchen, he thought Jin Muchen just wanted to comfort himself.

And Jin Muchen smiled slightly at this time: "Actually, this is the case. Brother Wang, I made some money before, and at that time I also thought that putting this money in the bank was not the case, so I decided to invest in some projects. I have a few very good classmates at Columbia University, who are corporate legal consultants, and they recommended a few projects for me. Later, I invested in one of them. This research institute mainly produces artificial bone and joint replacements. To put it bluntly Then there are the replacements to be used after femoral head necrosis, and there are knee replacements..."

"Hey? You said that, I still remember it. It seems that during the Chinese New Year this year, when Uncle Jin and I called on the phone, they also mentioned this matter. I know this project, these two things are very promising. ? Hey, don't tell me, I have an uncle who participated in the two-mountain battle back then. He was injured on the battlefield and had a problem with the femoral head. He had undergone several operations, and then changed It is said that it is a titanium alloy replacement, which is better than the previous replacement, but unfortunately, the titanium alloy replacement is not right with his body. Long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs, you also know that if you take too much of these anti-inflammatory drugs, it is not good for the human immune system, so my uncle is now, hey, the man who used to be more than 1.8 meters and more than 200 pounds, now only has one I am in my early 100s and 30 pounds, and my health is terrible. I think knee replacements are very promising. My grandfather and grandmother both have old cold legs and severe arthritis problems. Last year, they did both. Knee replacement surgery, the doctor originally suggested that they should be treated conservatively. But you know, their generation will be used to it. It is better to kill them by putting them in wheelchairs and using crutches. As a result, both knees were replaced. , but although the best titanium alloy products are used, because of the matching problem, I have to take medicine all the year round, and I feel bad for them. Hey, do you have finished products for the two things you mentioned?"

Wang Xueming is no longer decadent at this time. After talking so much in one breath, it can be seen that he still really understands this. This makes Jin Muchen and Jin's father very happy. They communicate with people who understand these things. It's much more done with half the effort.

"Hey, of course there are results. My dad actually came here this time to inspect this project. At that time, I also thought that this project was very promising, so I invested in them. In fact, their original intention of starting this project, The idea was born only after seeing the increase in osteonecrosis of the femur in the world in recent years. And with the development of 3D printing technology, the technology of their artificial bone joints has also been rapidly improved. They are now It is completely possible to analyze the bone composition of a patient in advance, and then use 3D printing technology to print qualified artificial bone joints through their unique bone composition ratio. The degree of bone matching can reach almost 95% or more. Once it is replaced in the human body, there will be no rejection at all, and it will not cause repeated infection and inflammation due to the human body's rejection of metal. Symptoms, it can be said that the bone and joint replacement they developed is an excellent medical replacement for orthopaedics in the future."

Jin Muchen explained to Wang Xueming with a smile, and when Wang Xueming heard this, even if he was a layman, he knew that this thing was very tricky.

At this time, the spirit also came. Originally, he has always been engaged in infrastructure construction. To put it bluntly, he is doing engineering. He himself knows that what he is doing has no technical content, and is greatly affected by the international economic environment. It can be said that the international When the economic environment is good, he can only have food in this line of work, but when the international economic situation is not good, he has no food to eat.

So he has been thinking about doing some technical projects for a long time, but he has been suffering from no way, and he is very busy with his time. Sometimes even if he has some ideas, he has no time to find such a project.

Now he is frozen on has handed over all the projects in his hand, so he has nothing to do, and he feels very confused for a while. Although he has money in his hand, he But I don't know what to do, and I don't know what to do.

And now that Jin Muchen told him this, he seemed to have found a new direction. Indeed, this medical field seems to be doing something!

Moreover, these things Jin Muchen said seem to be very technical, which is very suitable for the above. You must know that the above has been saying that it is necessary to upgrade the industry, upgrade the industry, and create a high value-added industry, but In view of the domestic technical level and scientific research environment, it is not realistic to engage in industrial upgrading.

At this time, if you tinker with such a technical project by yourself, regardless of whether the project can make money or not, this is at least a very politically correct business. Even if the project loses money, as long as you can show your face on it , that is also very cost-effective.

Wang Xueming was instantly moved by Jin Muchen's proposal, which seemed to be a very good project indeed.

And in that instant, Wang Xueming felt that Jin Muchen seemed to have opened a door for himself, and he seemed to have discovered a new world.

Indeed, this medical industry seems to be a sunrise industry now, and I don't have to limit myself to the bone and joint replacements mentioned by Jin Muchen. Even if it is the most common medicine, this is a very promising industry.

Now as China is about to enter an aging society, it is common for people to be hospitalized to take medicine, but our major domestic pharmaceutical companies seem to be not doing very well in the field of medicine. (To be continued.)

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