MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1165 Attend class

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As for those small and medium-sized enterprises, because they do not have the resources of large state-owned enterprises, it is a problem for them to buy medicines for hospitals, so they have no resources or ability to research medicines on their own, so they can only live by imitating foreign medicines.

As a result, it has resulted in the current situation of backwardness in the field of pharmaceutical innovation in China, and now it seems that this gap has not only not narrowed, but has a growing trend.

The other most critical point is that if those large domestic pharmaceutical companies can only make generic drugs, that's fine, but the key is that they can't even make generic drugs, which is a bit of a shit.

"Hey, brother Xiaojin, to tell you the truth, I have a lot of friends in the field of pharmaceutical manufacturing in China. I think I should know better than you about the virtues of domestic pharmaceutical manufacturing now. So I don't want to. One of the main reasons for the acquisition of a domestic pharmaceutical company, let me tell you this, I am friends with the main leaders of many well-known domestic pharmaceutical companies. We often eat and drink together when we are free, and they have told me a lot about Things in the field of domestic pharmaceutical manufacturing. Take an example they told me as an example. In terms of cardiovascular disease, the most common drug is a vasodilator. This drug was developed by Americans and later passed. The patent protection period, so many domestic pharmaceutical companies can also do it. But any professional and responsible doctor will tell you that this medicine is domestically produced, and it is okay to eat it in summer, but it is generally not recommended in winter. It is better for everyone to eat or take foreign generic drugs. Why is there such a situation? Mainly because there is a very important chemical element in this drug, called raas, which is called aldosterone in Chinese. This drug is imitated in our country. In summer, because of the high temperature and the principle of hot, dirty and cold shrinkage, if we take our domestically produced generic drugs, the effect is not bad. But in winter, because of cold shrinkage For this reason, this vasodilator will be very slow to take effect if it is domestically produced, and the effect of vasodilation is not particularly good. It is possible to miss the best time for treatment. Therefore, responsible doctors will remind patients that some domestic medicines should not be taken indiscriminately.”

Wang Xueming's remarks made Jin Muchen feel tired. Although he studied pharmacology before, he still didn't know that domestic imitation vasodilators can still be eaten in summer and winter. The saying that it is not edible, he never imagined that domestic generic drugs would fall behind to such an extent.

What the heck is going on? No wonder Wang Xueming is reluctant to buy a domestic pharmaceutical factory, and our feelings are so weak.

As for Jin Muchen's father, it was the first time he heard such a statement today. It was only then that he suddenly realized that when he had friends who were hospitalized, doctors tried to recommend foreign medicines. At that time, they thought it was those doctors. Black heart, just want to make their money, only today I found out that this domestic drug is really deadly.

"Actually, it's not that I said that our domestically produced medicines are not good, but the grandchildren who are engaged in this industry are really **** idiots. Most of the pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in our country that can be named are those large state-owned enterprises. They are backed by those large tertiary hospitals in China, and both sides have been in relationship for decades, so they do not worry about selling the products they produce. In this way, they have no pressure to survive, and they don’t have to do any research and development at all. Anyway, Every year, as long as the patents of certain drugs in the world expire, they can take them and copy them directly, so what are they doing to develop new drugs? You must know that the investment cycle of developing new drugs is long, the investment is large, the effect is slow, and there is still the risk of research and development failure, so The leaders of those companies are not willing to take such risks at all. After all, they need performance, not innovation. Therefore, the leaders of ordinary pharmaceutical companies will not advocate the development of new drugs, which has caused our domestic situation. The medical manufacturing technology is getting worse and worse, and the distance pulled by the world is getting bigger and bigger."

When Wang Xueming said these words, he also felt a little sad, but here Jin Muchen, a young man, even an angry young man, was even a little indignant when he heard these words.

"Brother Wang, I understand what you said, but even if they don't want to develop new drugs, why can't they even make generic drugs? That's a bit unreasonable, right?"

"Hey, this is also the main reason why I told you before that I wanted to acquire a foreign pharmaceutical factory. My friend also told me the main reason why domestic generic drugs are not good enough. This is the root of the matter. , we still have to start from the chemical aspect. Those drugs that are really useful in medicine are actually groups of small molecular compounds. After the drug is taken by the patient, it will be melted by the human gastric juice in the shortest time, and then be absorbed by the tail. It is absorbed by the capillaries, and then runs to various parts of the body with the blood, and then is absorbed by the sick part of the human body, so as to achieve the purpose of treating the disease. If this small molecule compound wants to play a real role, it is There is a timeliness, which means that the drug is taken orally into the stomach, and then digested and absorbed by the human stomach, and then reaches a certain concentration in the human blood, and then how long this concentration can last. This is the key to the so-called timeliness. Especially what kind of concentration this drug can reach in the human blood, and how long this concentration can last, this is the most critical issue.”

Jin Muchen and his father were stunned at this time. They really didn't know that Wang Xueming was so professional in this field of medicine manufacturing. They had never heard of these things before.

And Wang Xueming saw that he usually learned about the knowledge of medicine from his friends who were engaged in medicine manufacturing, and he was able to fool Jin Muchen and his father. At this time, he was very proud.

After taking a sip of water from the teacup at hand, he continued.

"For example, for a certain disease, these small molecule compounds must reach a certain concentration in the blood of the human body in order to be effective for the disease. Moreover, the concentration of the drug in the blood must reach a certain time to fully guarantee the drug. Absorbed by the body, it will not be excluded from the body because of the natural metabolic function of the human body because it has not yet played a role, so the concentration of this drug in the human blood, and the length of time that this concentration can be guaranteed in the human blood, It has become the key to whether the drug is effective. Generally speaking, if the timeliness of drugs produced abroad is compared to 100%, then the timeliness of our domestic drugs can reach 100% of others. Eighty percent is a good medicine. It can reach 70 percent, and it can still be accepted by doctors. If you prescribe more doses, it will work. But now those generic drugs in China are more than 100 percent. Of the 50, it simply cannot reach 70% of the timeliness of other foreign medicines. Generally, it is about 60%. Some small factories produce even 5% of the timeliness of others. Ten can't be reached. This is the main reason why many domestic patients buy drugs with the same name, but after taking medicines produced by different manufacturers, there are obvious differences in the therapeutic effect. It's not necessarily because they bought counterfeit drugs, it can only be said that the technology of the pharmaceutical factories that produce these drugs is not up to the standard, and the production capacity is just not up to the mark."

Wang Xueming explained to Jin Muchen the main reasons why domestically produced generic drugs are worse than foreign drugs, but Jin Muchen still didn't quite understand at this why we can't make these generic drugs well.

"Brother Wang, I understand everything you said, but what I don't understand, haven't the patent protection period of those foreign medicines expired? Their formulas and so on have already been published, let's copy them completely, Or it can be reversed, but why can’t our domestic pharmaceutical companies do this well?”

"Hey! Your question is just asking for an idea, and this is the key to why I don't want to buy a domestic pharmaceutical factory. Many of these foreign pharmaceutical factories are century-old factories. They are in the production of medicine, but They have their own unique skills. To put it bluntly, the key lies in other people's production technology and procedures. When we make generic drugs, to put it bluntly, it is a process of reversing other people's production. Due to the management system of the pharmaceutical factory and the sense of responsibility of the leaders, they are unwilling to spend that money and take responsibility, so they will not dig into the details, and reverse the process and technology of other people's production, so they will not be able to produce and others. Medicines with the same effect. It's like you know how other people's steamed buns are made, how much flour and yeast they use, and even you use the same pot as others, but you just can't produce the same steamed buns as others. , What people steamed are snow-white steamed buns, but because you don’t know their craftsmanship and procedures, you can only steam pots of dead glutinous rice dumplings, which is the main reason why we can’t produce good medicine.”

Wang Xueming taught Jin Muchen this lesson in such a familiar and easy-to-understand way. Jin Muchen finally understood the main reason why Wang Xueming had to buy a pharmaceutical factory from abroad. (To be continued.)

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