MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1141 1 other channel

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Jin Muchen persuaded Scott not to be in a hurry, because no matter how anxious he was, he couldn't solve it in an instant. After all, this was not a problem with their own products, but someone who had artificially set up obstacles for them.

So this time, we can only find a solution from other aspects, but those companies that oppose them are not ordinary roles, they are all large companies like Johnson & Johnson or Wyeth.

These pharmaceutical companies are all giants in the U.S. pharmaceutical industry. Not only are they large in size, but the key point is that they have a very strong influence in all aspects of society in the United States.

Their influence is incredible. Sometimes they can make a region, or even a state hospital, dare not use the femoral head replacement produced by Scott's research institute.

This is very detrimental to the future exhibition of ADATA Research Institute, so although Jin Muchen has been comforting Scott, telling him not to worry, and telling him that their products are no problem, sooner or later the original real gold will be revealed from the sand True, Scott still doesn't think so.

What age is it now, no matter it is a person or something else, as long as you want to be popular, then you have to hype it up, and the result of not hyping it up is a dead word.

Their Weigang Research Institute, which originally had little money, was a research-based research institute. A large part of whether this research institute could continue to operate in the future was due to their own hematopoietic ability.

This femoral head joint replacement is their first work, and it is also a work they are very proud of. They put a lot of effort into such a work back then.

Everyone expects that after this work is put into the market, it will cause a sensation and bring them back huge economic benefits.

But now, things are good things, and they have been recognized by many patients, but the real word of mouth and market explosion have not ushered in.

No one expected that such a good product, just because it was too good and too perfect, touched the interests of so many large pharmaceutical companies, and was blocked as a result.

It would be bad if a countermeasure could not be found for a long time. After all, the operation of the entire scientific research institute can almost be said to rely on Jin Muchen's private investment to maintain normal operations.

In terms of funding, the research institute has absolutely no hematopoietic ability of its own. If it goes on like this for a long time, who is willing to invest in your research institute?

The things you have researched and put into the market have not been very popular. Wouldn't this dissuade investors?

Those who know the inside story themselves are fine, but what about those who don't know the inside story?

Who knew that you were banned because your products were too perfect and because you offended people. Everyone just knows that your product is no good. No one wants to use it in the market. Then your reputation as a research institute will be ruined.

Not to mention other investors, even Jin Muchen, the big money owner, is willing to continue to spend money on your research institute, that is not certain.

And you said that even if everyone is willing to find other strategic partners for the future exhibition of the research institute, you can guarantee that your future strategic partner, or a new investor, will be a talkative like Jin Muchen. person?

What if it is a guy who has a lot of things to do, or a guy who likes to point fingers and command indiscriminately?

No one can guarantee these things, so in fact, at this time, although Scott was smiling very happily on the surface, in fact, the internal pressure in his heart was quite large.

At this time, Jin Muchen also saw the worry that Scott tried to hide on his face, so he smiled, and he felt that it was time for him to decompress this Scott.

He originally thought that this guy would be arrogant because of the success of the femoral head replacement. When the time comes to talk to him, when this thing is introduced into China, this guy will speak loudly, but now it seems that , don't worry about those at all.

Now this guy is being suppressed by those large medical device companies in the United States, which is a good thing for me, and I will be more confident when negotiating with this Scott.

After all, although he is also the major shareholder of this research institute, he is only a 20% shareholder, not a major shareholder in an absolute sense.

Because it was agreed at the beginning that when Scott and the others chose a new research direction, they would invest another five million dollars in research funds for them. It will be raised to 40%, thus becoming the absolute largest private shareholder of this research institute.

But now the five million has not been invested, so now he can only be regarded as the major shareholder of this research institute, not the absolute largest shareholder.

In this case, when he talks to Scott about the agent of this femoral bone replacement in China, he will not be in a dominant position. After all, Scott is still the largest single shareholder of this research institute at this time. .

If this bone replacement is a good buy in the United States, this guy will give himself a price increase, then he will be sitting on wax.

Fortunately, the current sales of this bone replacement in the United States are not satisfactory, which makes me more able to take advantage of my heart when discussing this topic with Scott.

"Scott, in fact, you really don't need to worry about this matter. We know the quality and quality of our products. It's not our products that are not selling well in the U.S., but because of other Human factors. But now I want to promote this thing in the entire North American region in a short period of time. I don’t think it is so easy to push. But don’t worry, I will come to you and find a new shipping channel…”

Jin Muchen said to Scott with a smile. When Scott heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. You must know that recently he has often suffered from poor performance of the bone replacement market all night long. Can't sleep.

Now that he heard that Jin Muchen could show him a way out, how could he be unhappy?

"Oh? What channel?"

"Our products are so good, but they can't be sold in the United States, and there are so many large medical device companies and pharmaceutical companies that are obstructing it. I think for a period of time, we are not very good in the United States. Maybe this product has been popularized. In this case, we might as well consider that the West is not bright in the East. Can we sell this product to China? You said that if I can find you a few agents in China, I will How about it?"

Jin Muchen asked Scott with a smile, when Scott heard this, his eyes lit up at first, but then he wilted like a deflated ball.

"Mu Chen, I also know that you are kind, and I also know that China is the largest and most mature market in the world, and it is really profitable there, as long as our products can enter that market and be accepted by those patients. If we do, then we will be successful. But the crux of the problem now is that that market is not so easy to enter. The problem is not on our side, but on China's side. You have to know that there are only a few companies in China that are Their government allows and is qualified to import various medical devices and medicines from abroad, other companies are not qualified to import at all. And those qualified companies, as far as I know, are some powerful companies in China. I don’t know them, and they have a very good relationship with other large medical device companies in the United States. You said that if you say hello to those medical device companies at that time, they will still Import this femoral head replacement from me?"

When Scott said this, he was obviously a little dejected, but he was telling the truth. Jin Muchen had indeed heard some rumors about the import of domestic medical equipment and medicine.

For example, an optical machine or a t-machine. We basically cannot manufacture such machines in China. All of them must be imported from GE in the United States or Siemens in Germany. However, such things are not allowed to be imported. There are only so many in the country. Several companies are eligible to import.

Therefore, although such a machine is also very expensive abroad, if it is obtained in China, the price is often more expensive and It is because of the monopoly of these two dealers.

There are also life-saving drugs for anti-leukemia and anti-cancer. Although these drugs are also very expensive abroad, ordinary people can afford them even if they bite their teeth. They will definitely not be ruined by taking drugs.

But it is because of these second-order dealers that they increase their prices, and as a result, many sick patients in China have ended up in ruins because of these drugs. This shows how **** these vampire companies are.

What's even more hateful is that these companies don't think that the patients' homes are destroyed by them. If you get those alternative medicines through other channels in order to save your life, they will instead sue you for smuggling or disrupt the normal business order.

Such a farce has been staged in the past two years. A patient suffering from kidney disease, because his family was poor and had no money to take medicine, finally had to go to India to buy generic drugs, and even bring them to China to sell to patients. Being sued by those bastards, such a thing is simply a joke.

At that time in China, there was once an uproar. Those companies were criticized by domestic netizens, and Mad was half dead, but if you think they will repent, then you are wrong... (To be continued. )