MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1142 imagine

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Jin Muchen remembers very clearly that the case at that time was quite a sensation in China. The patient was really desperate and returned to poverty due to illness. In the end, he even had to face the problem of life and death, so he had to go to India in the end. Go buy that cheap life saver.

Because I found that the effect was not bad, I bought a lot of it and sold it to those patients who had the same disease as myself and the same poor family.

Who would have thought that because of this, they would be sued by those companies that specialize in imported special drugs.

Jin Muchen still clearly remembers that he had seen a special report on TV at the time. The so-called special medicines can only be bought in the United States for a thousand yuan. In India, because they are generic drugs, the price is lower. Only For more than 900 yuan, the patient can use it for a month.

However, after being monopolized by these drug dealers, if you buy them from regular channels in China, the monthly consumption will cost tens of thousands of yuan in China. This shows the degree of profiteering of these guys.

What's even more frightening is that every year, I don't know how many people have to die because they can't afford such medicine.

But those guys didn't care about the life and death of those patients, they still set the medicine at a very high price and sold it to various hospitals in the country.

In the end, when the incident was exposed, they were not ashamed, but instead sued the patient who was reselling the special medicine, saying that he disturbed the market order, sold counterfeit medicines, and harmed the patients.

And the public prosecutor's office, of course, sided with them, and later arrested the patient directly. The case was very sensational at the time.

In the end, due to the huge pressure of public opinion, the Public Procuratorate had to release the patient, but those monopoly pharmaceutical companies were still unrepentant. When the public criticized them, they chose to remain silent. They pretended to be dead dogs, but once the wind passed, they returned to their souls and continued to do their monopoly business.

Jin Muchen didn't expect that Scott was most worried about this group of people now, but if you think about it carefully, Scott's worry is not wrong at all.

These guys who monopolize the channel of special unexpected products in China are indeed the most terrible group of guys. If you have nothing to do with them, they will not choose your medical equipment at all.

Even if the effect of your medical device is good, they don't care, because they don't care about the life and death of those patients at all, they only care about whether they can make money.

And with their long-term cooperative relationship with other large medical device companies in the United States, maybe they will really say hello to those large medical device companies as Scott said, and they will really refuse to import you. , that's bad.

Scott's worries are really not without reason.

However, if this incident happened to other people, it might not be the case, but Jin Muchen was not those other people. He happened to know Wang Xueming.

In fact, during the Spring Festival this year, when he returned to China and talked about it with his father, his father was very interested in this business, and he also took into account the issues that Scott is talking about now.

At that time, for this matter, they also communicated with Wang Xueming about this issue when they called Wang Xueming for New Year's greetings. When Wang Xueming heard about this, he slapped his thigh directly. You should have said it earlier.

As an upstart of the red family, Wang Xuming is actually very interested in medical equipment and medicine. When their family was still in a low ebb, he watched other children of the red family and made money through this business. He was quite envious at that time. Yes, I think this business is really profitable, and it doesn't require much investment at all. As long as you have such an import and export permit, you can sit at home and count the money.

So after their family gained power later, he also obtained such a license for himself through relationships, but after entering the industry, he discovered that the original special business was not so easy to do.

For example, those well-known large pharmaceutical and medical device companies in the world have long-term cooperation partners in China, and which partners are the second generation who entered this field first.

Others have cooperated in this field for more than ten years in the short term, and in the 20s or 30 years in the long term. How could it be possible to change partners rashly?

Therefore, as a recruit in this industry, he found out after entering this field that if you want to make money in this field, it is not so simple. First, you have to find a good enough resource, that is, you can provide you with good enough resources. The cooperation between the units of medical devices and medicine is necessary.

But now, the resources in other people's circles are basically owned by famous grass, where can it be your turn to be a recruit?

Therefore, after figuring out the general situation later, Wang Xueming's enthusiasm for a few minutes receded, and later, he just focused on other profitable businesses and forgot about the business.

This time Jin Muchen and his son mentioned this deal with him. Of course, he agreed with both hands and feet. Although it was just a replacement for a femoral head, he, Wang Xueming, was not the kind of ignorant person. He knew the potential of this thing. What's more, what about the knee replacements that can be followed immediately?

If this artificial bone is introduced to the market, it will surely be a big hit.

Besides, it was not easy for me, and I entrusted a lot of relationships to get such a license for the import and export of special medical equipment. It would be a waste to throw it away, so when Jin Muchen and his son mentioned this to him, He didn't even think about it, he directly proposed cooperation.

It is precisely because of Wang Xueming's full promise that Jin Muchen mentioned such a channel to Scott today. Now that Scott is worried because of the problem of this channel, he laughs.

"Scott, you don't have to worry about this. Just leave this problem to me. I will contact some Chinese customers to visit the company in a few days. You can organize some people as soon as possible, no matter how much it takes. At the price, let them arrange an operation using our replacement in a hospital in the United States, and then let people see the effect. As long as they see the effect, I believe they will be very willing to import our products... Well... I think it's okay, if the other party agrees to cooperate, I think we might as well set up a factory in China. After all, if this thing is produced in China, the cost is also low, and it is closer to our biggest consumption. The market, this will also be a good thing for the growth of our research institute..."

In just a few words, Jin Muchen's blood boiled over Scott's flickering, yes, why did he forget, this guy sitting in front of him is a Chinese man with great powers. .

With him running from the middle, how can I worry that this thing can't be sold in China? Hey, before I really got into the horns, I was stupid.

It seems that it was really right to introduce such a strategic investment partner. He can not only bring you money, but also help you solve many problems that you cannot solve.

"Yes, this is the best, just follow what you said, Mr. Jin, that is the best. And if we really find a partner in China, I don't mind taking this thing to China for production. , and then we can simply set up a special medical device company to specialize in business and business, and I and other scientific researchers can continue to focus on this scientific research, so that we can provide our medical A device company that continuously provides a variety of new medical devices and equipment.”

This is Scott's spirit at this time. He even thought about the establishment of a branch company. It seems that he is really not interested in business, but just wants to do scientific research wholeheartedly.

Jin Muchen smiled, then patted him on the shoulder: "You don't have to worry about this matter, I will give you a few days to prepare. When those people come, I will inform you."

"You can rest assured, Mu Chen, I will definitely handle this matter properly for you. If I want to promote the application of these femoral head replacements in the United States, I may not be able to do it, but if I just arrange one or two units I, Scott, still have some face in the circle. I will definitely arrange this for you properly, and you will see it when the time comes."

Jin Muchen just drew such a big cake for this Scott in front of him, and this Scott's spirit was different immediately. Jin Muchen was also very satisfied with the rejuvenated Scott.

"Okay, now that this matter has been negotiated, let's go out and visit the scientific research institute. I think this place seems to have changed a lot, it seems that you have rented a new office, and then the number of people has increased a lot. How about it? Will the economic pressure be great? If it is, then my follow-up investment of five million can be put in place immediately.”

Jin Muchen had already stood up at this time and asked Scott with a smile.

Jin Muchen is so caring, and Scott suddenly has the urge to die for the confidant at this time. This strategic investment partner is so caring. Where can I find such a good investor now? ?

What people are doing now is equivalent to throwing out a sum of money and letting you spend it in vain regardless of the return. This value in the United States is like a fantasy. Such a good partner must not be missed. Even if he wants more shares in the research institute in the future, Scott is willing to give it. (To be continued.)