MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1140 moved someone else's cake

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So it seems that this artificial cornea is still a very promising project, and Scott has done basic research before, which is a good thing for him.

He can still trust Scott as a person. When he was a student at Columbia University, he was a very famous senior in their pharmacology major, and he was an elite person who graduated with an honorary bachelor's degree back then.

Anyone who knows the majors of universities in Europe and the United States knows that students who can graduate with an honorary bachelor's degree have a much higher degree of gold content than those with doctoral and post-doctoral degrees. At least in the job market, graduates with an honorary bachelor's degree A student, but started at the same level as a Ph.D., even more popular than a Ph.D.

Because the requirement of the honorary degree is that during your time in your university, all the majors you study and the final grades you get must be 90 points or above. Such students have a very solid professional foundation. , in the future, when they are in deep learning, they are often more likely to achieve success than those with Ph.D.

Moreover, in European and American universities that focus on practice, such students are very practical after graduation. For those companies, such students can often play a plug-and-play effect when they are called into the company. I prefer such students.

Therefore, Jin Muchen still believes very much in Scott's professional ability. More importantly, he believes in this guy's character very much, because this guy never speaks big words. It was very important for him to be a man of influence at Columbia University. One reason is because this guy never talks big, and unlike those guys who like to brag and brag, he is a down-to-earth person.

So since he said he was confident in this scientific research direction, then Jin Muchen would naturally trust him.

Therefore, the major that Scott chose, Jin Muchen passed without reservation: "Well, Scott, I believe you say so, then you must be sure about the artificial cornea, and I support your scientific research direction. , you prepare the research team first, and I will send the remaining five million funds to you as soon as possible. When the latest and fastest update comes, if you have any other support, you can say hello to me. "

"Thank you so much, Mr. Kim."

Seeing that Jin Muchen didn't hesitate, he chose his own research direction. Scott was suddenly moved, and even felt that some scholars died for his confidants. If it weren't for the fact that there were so many people present in this room , I am afraid that he will stand up immediately and give Jin Muchen a big bear hug.

"Okay, I will briefly introduce the recent exhibition of this research institute. Now, Mr. Jin, do you want to go out with us and take a look at the results we have achieved recently."

Regarding the recent exhibition of the scientific research institute, Scott has already introduced it. Now he thinks it is time to introduce the scientific research results to the major shareholder of the scientific research institute, but this time Jin Muchen waved at him with a smile. .

"Scott, let's not worry about this for now, we will have time to visit later. I have nothing to do these days, I will stay in this research institute for a few days, let the others go out first, I still have some I want to discuss things with you."

Jin Muchen is the God of Wealth of this research institute. Although there are many venture capital companies that want to invest in this research institute, they can do what Jin Muchen does. They only spend money but do not care about the operation of the research institute. Investors who do not require high shares are rare.

So of course Scott didn't want to offend him. Now Jin Muchen said he didn't want to visit in a hurry, and he still wanted to discuss some things with himself. Of course he wouldn't disobey Jin Muchen's intentions, so he quickly waved at the others. The escorts also came out of the office very wisely, leaving only Jin Muchen, Scott, and Harvey. Latest and fastest update

"Okay, the others are gone too, Scott, tell me what happened, why is our femoral head replacement so poorly promoted on the West Coast, according to our understanding, we This kind of product can definitely be said to be an epoch-making product. This is a good thing. As long as it is launched on the market, there is no reason why it will not be popular. How can it be almost half a year, but only more than 100 cases of surgery? ?"

Jin Muchen's straightforward approach made Scott scratch his head in embarrassment. Before, he thought he could fool him, but he didn't expect this guy to be a shrewd person. It seems that every investor is not a vegetarian.

Especially the one in front of me is even more complicated. I just said a few words perfunctorily, and others saw it clearly. Well, since this is the case, there is no need to hide it.

"That's right, Mr. Jin, our product is indeed a good thing, with few side effects and almost no rejection reaction. It is definitely the best replacement for the human femoral head, but the reason why it can't be promoted in the United States now. , it is entirely because of competition. You also know that the entire medical device market in the United States is basically dominated by those large medical companies, and almost all the latecomers have to compete directly with them. It is said that the current market The mainstream of femoral head replacements on the market is still titanium alloy products, and then cheap plastic products. A few days ago, Johnson & Johnson also launched a so-called nano-ceramic product, so the competition in this market is still very fierce, but their products , most of them are some traditional products, which are fundamentally different from our products. After their products are implanted in the human body, almost most of them will have more or less rejection reactions, and almost Every patient needs to take long-term medication to relieve pain after surgery, but our products do not need it at all. But you must know that the postoperative drug market, especially various painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, It is also a huge market. Therefore, once our product was launched, it offended many colleagues. It is not because our product is not good, but because our product is too good, so we offend them. I say this, you understand..."

Scott said so clearly, if Jin Muchen didn't understand, he would be an idiot.

In fact, the 3D printed femoral head replacement launched by Scott and his team is based on the study of the internal molecular structure and composition of human bones, and then the formulation of the raw materials is debugged. After debugging, the 3D printing technology is used to directly form the femoral head Bone products, such products, the degree of overlap with the original bones of the human body can basically reach more than 99%, so if a patient uses such a product, almost 100% recovery effect can be achieved.

But now other femoral head replacements are not the same. No matter how well they are done, they are not the same as the bones of the human body. Even if they are replaced in the human body, there will be a more or less rejection reaction. People who have had their bones replaced must take anti-rejection drugs for a long time.

And some people will repeatedly explode inflammation in the affected area because of the intense rejection reaction, so they need to use various anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers frequently.

Such a therapeutic effect is absolutely a disaster for patients, but it is not a bad thing for those large medical and pharmaceutical institutions.

After all, if patients take the medicine for a long time, this will naturally increase their marketing revenue, so they will not pay attention to the life and death of the patient, and it is best to replace it with a replacement with a greater rejection.

In this way, they can not only make a fortune on the replacement of the surgery, but also make a fortune on the medical expenses of the patients taking the medicine for a long time, which is equivalent to that they have trained those patients into a chronically ill, become their long-term customers.

As for the suffering of those patients, they don't care.

And the femoral head replacement developed by Scott and his team is indeed better than those of those companies, but this is the big cake that touched those people, so it's no wonder that those people can accommodate him. .

You are cutting people's way of money. According to the Chinese people's words, cutting people's way of money is like a big crime of murdering one's parents. If people don't unite to kill you and block you, then there will be ghosts.

So when Scott said Jin Muchen basically understood, he nodded at Scott: "I think I understand, but Scott, don't worry, we are Good wine is not afraid of deep alleys, as long as our products are good, they will be recognized by those patients sooner or later."

"Although this is the case, do you know how many pharmaceutical companies have found us in recent times? These guys are all shouting to cooperate..."

Scott smiled wryly at the doctor and said, Jin Muchen's heart froze when he heard it, Mad, what do you mean, there are still people who dare to dig Laozi's corner, believe it or not, Laozi broke your dog's leg?

"In name, they want to cooperate with us, but in fact they are greedy businessmen in their bones. They don't care about the life and death of patients at all, they only care about how much benefits my technology can bring them, so I don't care at all. Promise them that I was not able to inform you about this matter, I am sorry, Mr. Jin hope you don't mind."

Scott said very righteously, Jin Muchen also nodded, and then said to Scott: "Scott, don't worry, after all, our research institute has just started and is not well-known, so you don't need to worry about those Guy's pressure, as long as our product is good, I believe that even if it is based on word of mouth from those patients, our product will be recognized by the market." (To be continued.)