MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1139 2 research directions

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"In fact, this is the case. Mr. Jin, we have two directions for future scientific research, one is artificial skin, and the other is artificial cornea."

As soon as Scott opened his mouth, Jin Muchen immediately became interested. He originally thought that these two guys would continue to conduct research on the bones they were good at. Unexpectedly, these guys actually took a false shot and took them directly. The direction of future research is on human tissue, and both directions sound very good.

"Oh? Come and listen."

Jin Muchen asked Scott energetically, Scott was also very happy to see him calling like this. Jin Muchen's attitude means that he has a high possibility of agreeing to invest. In this way, the future of the institute will be funds are available.

"As for the issue of artificial skin, it seems to have become a hot topic now. Recently, many companies are engaged in research in this area, especially in the past two years, many foreign funds have entered the field of unexpected equipment manufacturing, because everyone knows this high Profits can even be said to be a hugely profitable industry, but because General Electric was the first to develop in this field, and Germany's Siemens, and other companies are also the overlords who have been cultivating in this field for many years, they have a lot of patents in their hands, so From the beginning, it created a lot of obstacles for latecomers. Nowadays, new companies entering the field of medical devices are all facing the problem of patent protection, so many latecomers have no way to start. But in recent years, with the With the rise of the concept of regenerative medicine, especially the maturity of 3D printing technology, more and more companies are starting to aim at the trend of combining 3D printing technology and medicine. For example, a few days ago, the richest man in Xiangjiang invested in a 3D printing company in the United States, and the company he invested in claimed to use 3D printing technology to produce artificial leather and artificial meat. Those of us in the industry know that it's just a pretense. In fact, their real purpose is to produce artificial organs... So the technology of 3D printing human organs is really hot now, and Smith and I have also noticed this trend, so We will only take this aspect into account when determining our future research direction..."

Scott said a lot as soon as he opened his mouth, but after he introduced it like this, Jin Muchen probably understood. It seems that their future research direction is still related to the application of 3D printing technology in the reconstruction of human replacement trachea. This sounds like Really interesting.

"When Smith and I chose this future research direction together, we chose these two from a lot of development proposals and directions. Smith believes that artificial skin will make a big difference in the future, because now the world Every year, millions of people suffer from skin scalds and burns due to various reasons, so they need skin grafting, and for skin grafting, they usually choose a piece of skin from a certain part of their body to transplant, However, this will inevitably leave serious scars on the body, and it is also very unfavorable for the recovery of the injured. If we study artificial skin, it will definitely make a difference in this market in the future. On the other hand, these artificial skins also Not only can it be supplied to those who suffer from scalds and burns, but it can also be supplied to those plastic surgery hospitals. In recent years, millions of cosmetic surgeries have been performed every year in the world, so he thinks there must be a lot to do in this regard.”

Scott first talked about the research direction that his deputy Smith suggested to choose. Jin Muchen probably guessed when he heard what he said. It seems that this guy should have a conflict with that Smith in this regard. It seems that he should not Agreed, researching artificial skin, that's why Smith annoyed, and finally put that Smith on vacation.

But at this time, Jin Muchen couldn't be too smart, he just nodded with a smile: "Well, it sounds like Smith's suggestion is really good."

When Scott heard what Jin Muchen said, he immediately sat up straight, and then looked at Jin Muchen seriously and said.

"Mr. Jin, you can't think that way. I think the future prospects of this artificial skin are very limited."

"Oh? Then why do you have such a perception?"

Jin Muchen asked Scott with a smile at this time, Scott was sitting upright at this time, and even tidied his tie unconsciously, acting like a newcomer who came to participate in the interview.

"I think this way, with our current technology, Mr. Jin is actually not difficult to produce such artificial skins. It is nothing more than purchasing a large number of pig skins, then extracting and culturing stem cells from them, and finally using the collagen in the pig skins. Protein, through the 3-printing technology, is reversely restored. It is said that the pigskin is restored to the appearance of artificial skin, and it is more in line with the human system. This technology is actually not difficult, but the difficulty lies in the promotion of the market. We produce such Although artificial skin is a good thing for patients, in fact, such artificial skin is not affordable for everyone. I have made an estimate. If we add some profits according to our production cost, and After taxes and so on, transplanting one square centimeter of artificial skin will cost about $5,000, plus other fees charged by the hospital, so the cost of transplanting one square centimeter will probably be as high as tens of thousands of dollars. So expensive I believe that many patients with scalds or burns will simply choose to retreat and not undergo surgery when they hear such an offer. After all, they can’t die without skin, and they will wait for a while. After being raised, the human body will create another layer of skin. Although this new skin is ugly and its immunity is not as good as the original one, at least this kind of skin does not need to spend money, so I am not optimistic about the market promotion of this artificial skin. …”

What Scott said was justified, and Jin Muchen also felt very reasonable when he heard it. Indeed, if this artificial skin was produced in the United States, plus labor and various taxes, it would definitely be extremely expensive. The common people will definitely not be able to bear it.

Even Americans with social security can't afford such an operation. You must know that in the United States, if you don't have insurance, you can't afford to see a doctor or a hospital.

This artificial skin, listening to Scott's words now, is actually so expensive, and the cost should be very high. In the future, it will be a problem in terms of marketing. After all, not everyone is so rich, and hospitalization of tens of thousands of dollars fee, but it will make many American families go bankrupt.

And if this thing is brought to China, the same is true. Rich people naturally don't care, but people who have no money can't afford transplants at all. After all, this skin doesn't want to be bone joints.

If the bones and joints are not good, it will be difficult for you to walk, and it will hurt every day, but the skin will be different. Although this thing will hurt for a while, at least it will not die. After it is healed, although it will be ugly, But at least it won't affect the quality of life too much.

Therefore, most ordinary people will definitely not accept such an expensive operation.

In this way, this artificial skin is really not a big deal.

Jin Muchen nodded, seeing his remarks, Scott also let out a sigh of relief. After all, he was not optimistic about this direction. If Jin Muchen rejected it, he would lose face in the research institute. .

Jin Muchen didn't say support, and didn't say much objection. He just nodded at Scott and motioned him to continue: "Don't you have two research directions? The other one, continue to say..."

As soon as Scott heard this, he immediately came to the spirit, because of this direction, but the scientific research direction he chose, if he can get the approval of Jin Muchen, then he can completely kick that Smith out of the game.

"In fact, I have learned artificial cornea technology before. When I was working in a research institute on the west coast, I actually had contact with it, but I only had some ideas at the time, and I didn't put it into practice immediately. But now I think, The conditions are relatively mature. The artificial cornea is actually to cultivate qualified corneal endothelium outside the human body, which is the key technology of artificial cornea. In fact, everyone knows how to make artificial cornea before, but in terms of how to cultivate the corneal endothelium in vitro~ has always been limited by technology, but now with the development of science and technology, the technology in this area has matured. When I was working in the research institute on the west coast, I actually had a certain idea, And a considerable number of experiments have been done, and the key to the technical problem has been basically figured out, and now I am still short of the final large-scale production and clinical trials..."

Scott's remarks brought infinite surprises to Jin Muchen. This is a good thing. If the artificial cornea technology is developed, it will be a proper thing to make a fortune.

You must know that many people in the world are now blind due to various reasons. Some people are born with disabilities, and some people have fallen into a dark state of life because of acquired disasters.

He remembered that he once saw a report on International Eye Love Day. As mentioned above, there are probably more than 10 million people worldwide who are blind due to corneal detachment or corneal disease. , and in China, the number is more than one million...

What a big market this is, and blindness is different from burns and scalds. If you burn or burn a piece of skin without transplanting a piece of skin, you will not die, but if your cornea falls off and you do not transplant a cornea, I'm afraid not everyone can stand it. (To be continued.)