MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1129 pass

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Since the inspections on the road were not too strict, Rosa and the others also let go of their worries. The location of New Jersey is actually not far from Canada, but if you go to Quebec, it is not close.

When we drove from New Jersey to Detroit, it was already past two in the afternoon, because they drove carefully all the way, so the car drove very slowly. It is estimated that it takes nine hours to drive to Montreal, Quebec.

But because he was afraid of driving too fast on the road, he would attract the police to check for speeding, so Mike drove carefully all the way, and he drove at a speed of about ten yards below the speed limit, so just driving from New Jersey to Detroit would be enough It's been about nine hours.

By the time we got here, everyone was exhausted, and the nerves had been tense, so Mike and Rosa asked if they could take a break in Detroit.

When Rosa thought about it, Detroit and Canada were separated by a lake, and it seemed that the local police on the US side didn't seem to take the FBI's assisted investigation notice too seriously, so she relaxed her vigilance.

The group first got in touch with the people behind, and then found a roadside motel to rest for a few hours, several people took a shower, and then went out to simply buy some food and a change of clothes, and even Mike Also took a nap.

After everyone recovered their energy, Rosa let Mike drive on the road again.

At six o'clock in the evening, it happens to be the busiest time for the border from the United States to Canada. Every day at this time, many Canadians who come to the United States to purchase during the day will rush back to Canada.

The tax rate in Canada is relatively high. The value-added tax on many commodities is as high as 17%, while the value in the United States is much lower. Therefore, many Canadians like to come to the United States to buy things.

Some even like to go out with the whole family, transiting to the United States during the day, and driving back at night, so whenever it is five or six o'clock in the evening, the customs clearance here is very busy.

Mike and the others were very anxious waiting at the pass. After all, they were looking at the border of the United States, but they couldn't get out. This was a kind of torture for them who were scheming.

And although Mike's blank passports are all real, and Jenny's ability to make fake passports is top-notch, everyone is worried about whether these passports can fool the customs security here.

The most important thing is that they don't know the customs gate, and whether there are FBI agents ambushing here. The situation in the United States is very special. Once a major case occurs, especially if a criminal is found, they try to escape to Canada. when.

FBI people often choose to stay at the major customs clearance points. Although the traffic flow here seems to be relatively normal now, and there is no FBI agent standing in front of the security check, everyone is still worried that their previous images will be It won't be captured by those cameras in New York.

If it is really photographed, then every FBI agent must have their photos in their hands.

Although they did some disguise makeup before they set off, for example, Jenny and Rosa both dyed their hair and even put on contact lenses, Rosa even put on a pair of myopia glasses, and Mike simply put on It turned out that he lost his long beard and even shaved his head.

But they don't know whether their current image can be fooled from here. After all, the agents trained by FBI are not vegetarians, especially this time they suffered such a shameful humiliation.

Everyone was at a loss at this time, but fortunately Rosa was still there, and she was very calm, which invisibly strengthened Mike and Jenny a lot of confidence, so that the two of them would not collapse so easily, especially Jenny, she was not a front-line staff, and she had no experience in such a thing, and she was even more nervous at this time.

Soon it was the three of them's turn to come to the security checkpoint. This customs gate from the United States to Canada is actually similar to the domestic highway toll station model. The few of them don't need to get off the car, just drive the car to the checkpoint. Then hand over your passport to the person at the gate at the gate.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Mike took out three Canadian passports and handed them over to the person in the booth. At this time, he also noticed that in the booth, in addition to the person in customs attire, there was another person wearing The guy in casual clothes, the first thing the customs officer did after he got his passport was to roughly look it up and then hand it to the guy.

And after the guy picked up his passport, he looked over it very carefully. Mike only glanced at the guy and knew that it was a bad dish. This guy should be an FBI.

At this time, if he said that he was not afraid at all, it must be false. He was really afraid that this guy would guard some clues from his passport.

If this guy makes a gesture towards the outside with his passport, then there will be a bunch of people with guns rushing over and pointing at him and Rosa, and it's all over.

And even if you want to pass the customs, you can't. Although the aluminum alloy railings in front are nothing, but opposite the port, there are still Canadian customs officers waiting.

If you pass the barrier from this side, even if you get to Canada, people can crucify you, so the best result now is that person, who can't see anything, and then let go, that's the best.

The more he was afraid, the more he felt. Mike hoped that the other party would let him go quickly, but the fbi over there didn't seem to be in a hurry. Walked out, came to Mike's window, and looked at the passenger seat.

Rosa was sitting in the passenger seat at this time, while Jenny was sitting in the back. The cover of the three of them was Rosa and Mike, the McConaughey couple, and Jenny was their sister. They were the first ones. I came to the United States to play, and now it's finally over, and I can go back to Canada.

"Mrs. McConaughey, can you move forward a little? Mr. McConaughey, can you turn on the reading lights in the car? Sorry for the poor lighting, I can't see what's going on inside."

The guy stood outside the car window and said to Mike and Rosa. Mike's face changed. He almost reached out and grabbed the pistol that was placed on the handle of the door panel. Did this guy find something?

But just when he couldn't help but have a seizure, Rosa grabbed his left hand suddenly, and said to him with a smile, "Dear, didn't you hear the police officer? Turn on the reading light."

Mike understood what Rosa meant. She wanted him to calm down, but this was the time. How could she calm down? But after two or three seconds, he obediently turned on the reading light. He knew it was happening here. , in the end it must be himself.

At this time, the FBI agent picked up the passport, looked at the photo on the passport, and then stared at Rosa on the opposite side.

Seeing such a situation, Rosa couldn't help but scolded in her heart, "It's really superfluous.

These fake passports are in the parking lot on the Newark side. They were made before departure. At that time, she was responsible for taking photos for everyone. But when Detroit was resting, she thought that it would be better to change her image. In order to avoid being seen at customs, she dyed her original blonde hair black, and then cut it a lot shorter.

As a result, people are now staring at her hair, which is self-defeating.

But after all, she is also an old river and lake. She still has the ability to stay calm in the face of danger. At this time, seeing the police officer staring at her hair, she turned her head with a smile on purpose: "How is it? Does it look good? Officer, I did this at Posey Salon in Philadelphia. I spent a lot of money on this hairstyle. My husband has been nagging me all day because of this money. What do you think? After I changed my hairstyle , is it more spirited than the original hairstyle?"

Mike also had an embarrassed look on his face at this time, he didn't know what to say, and the FBI agent was still expressionless, his gray eyes kept staring at the photo on Rosa's passport, which was comparable to the real person in front of him. After being right for a long time, he finally relaxed and smiled at Rosa.

"Yes, Mrs. McConaughey, I think your hairstyle is much prettier than your original haircut. Mr. McConaughey is really lucky to be married to a beautiful woman like you."

This detective is also a person who can talk. A few words made Rosa laugh out loud, and Mike, who was sitting in the driver's seat, also scratched his head in cooperation at this time, and then giggled, pretending to be A very embarrassing As for Jenny sitting in the back, she has been holding a tablet computer and headphones, pretending to be a middle school girl, and the police stared at her again After a few glances, he finally handed the passport to Mike.

"Okay, you can go, Mr. McConaughey, have a good trip, and welcome to come again next time."

"I wish you a good night, bye."

Mike also made a gesture at the FBI agent, and then slammed on the accelerator. The car drove through the customs at a constant speed, and soon arrived in Canada.

Things were much simpler here. Mike drove the car directly onto the highway, but soon after driving, he and Rosa switched positions. Mike had never been to Canada and was not very familiar with the Canadian environment.

Rosa is quite familiar with this place. She drove her car and did not enter downtown Toronto, but bypassed the city directly, all the way north, and finally entered the territory of Quebec before midnight at night. .

But instead of driving everyone to Montreal, she went to Quebec City. . . (To be continued.)