MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1130 Quebec City

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The largest city in the Quebec region is now Montreal, which is also the provincial capital of Quebec, but the real core of this region of Quebec is indeed in Quebec City.

This is the first settlement established by the French after the French colonized Canada. In terms of age, it is five years longer than Manhattan, and twenty-two years earlier than Boston, which was established by the people on the Mayflower.

After the French settled here, they spent a lot of thought in order to occupy the place. Many prisoners and landless husbands were moved here, but so many people came, and how to get a wife became a problem. In the end, France was at that time. The king even had to recruit women from the people, and then regarded them as goddaughters, and the last one got a gold franc, and deceived those poor women here and married the farmers here.

It's a pity that even so, there are still few women here, so in the end, polyandry had to be derived, so the French people thrived on this land.

Later, the British also came to colonize Canada. Of course, neither side accepted the other. In the end, the head of the British colonial governor, with his soldiers, simply fought with the French governor of Quebec.

It’s a pity that this time, the French soldiers, like the French during World War II, only resisted for half an hour before being dumped by the British. Of course, the British also suffered heavy casualties. Their governor was directly beaten in this battle. dead, and the same goes for the French. . .

In this way, the British conquered here. Five years later, Britain and France signed a treaty, and Quebec was transferred to the British by the French.

Later, Quebec also had several independence disputes, but most of them were after World War II. Before World War II, because of the concept of democracy and human rights, the concept of human rights had not yet emerged, so the British did not get used to the habit of the French. .

At that time, if the French were clamoring for independence, they would have been beaten up by the British.

And after World War II, the concept of what kind of people, people @quan started to rise, and the French descendants here began to act as demons again. Today, they are clamoring for independence, and the day after tomorrow, they are clamoring for a referendum.

However, at the beginning, there was always loud thunder and little rain, until after the 1970s, when a large number of oil fields and various mineral resources were discovered in northern Quebec.

Now the Quebecers are shaking, and they have money in their pockets. Of course, they don't want to follow the footsteps of the descendants of the British. Therefore, in the late 1970s, a referendum was held in Quebec.

It's a pity that the Canadian government at that time threatened to move many companies out of Quebec. In addition, many large banks and resource companies did not want to see Quebec's independence, which would bring them operating costs. It was under these pressures, The referendum was unsuccessful.

In the 1990s, Quebec clamored for independence again and held a referendum. This time, the Prime Minister of Canada was very clever. Just before the vote, he granted amnesty to the world, so that those who have come to Canada but have not yet applied The black households who have obtained Canadian passports have all obtained Maple Leaf Cards, but the premise is that they obtain the Maple Leaf Card at the immigration office in Quebec, and another prerequisite for them to get the Maple Leaf Card is that they are getting the Maple Leaf Card. After the maple leaf card, you must participate in the referendum in Quebec, and in the referendum, you must vote for the hope of national unity.

It was such a bad move that destroyed the Quebecers' dream of independence. In the end, the province could only be left in Canada again in grievances.

Rosa drove all the way, and explained some anecdotes in Quebec to Mike and Jenny along the way, which also helped them relieve their tension.

After arriving in Canada, because there were no pursuers behind, Mike and Jenny's emotions relaxed unconsciously.

Although they are still in a state of uncertain future, they have already gotten rid of the pursuers anyway, which is something worth celebrating.

After driving for more than an hour, the car finally drove into Quebec City. This city is not large, because the economic center of Quebec has already been transferred to Montreal, so this historic ancient city has gradually declined.

The small town is built on the river. On the left side of the river bank is a place like a hill. There is a star-shaped castle built by the French back then. It can be said that this kind of castle was very popular in France and even Europe at that time. Famous, notoriously strong defense.

At that time, many people from other European countries studied the ancient castle built by the French, and then went back to resist the attack of the Turks, and the results were good, so that when the French built the Maginot Line, many people The bunkers are built according to the model of star-shaped castles.

Back then, the battle between the British colonial army and the French colonial army was fought on the high ground in front of this castle. Later, when many people looked at the historical data, they said that the French governor was a brainless man. .

In fact, the number of French people was not dominant at that time, but the advantage of geographical location, but they were all. In their area, only the small hill where they built the ancient castle, and their star-shaped ancient castle has built an inner and outer two floors. , the inside is high and the outside is low, and there is surplus land inside, which can be cultivated completely, and there is no shortage of fresh water.

If he led the French peasants and stayed in the castle at that time, then the British governor and the British colonial army, even if they were besieged for three or five years, would not even think of breaking through their castle.

They can be in the city, open up wasteland and farm land, and be self-sufficient, but they don't know what the brains are thinking. In the end, they actually led the soldiers out of the city and the British hard steel, and they ended up getting their heads broken. . .

It also made France lose such a large overseas territory. This guy is really a tragedy.

Rosa drove Mike and Jenny through this ancient castle height, and explained a piece of history here to the two of them while driving. This history fascinated Jenny and Mike. live and ask.

"Boss, can't you see that you are so familiar with Quebec? Have you been here often before?"

Jenny's words stunned Rosa for a moment, and after a while she sighed and said, "Yes."

In fact, this is also related to Rosa's past. Her first boyfriend came to Quebec. The relationship between them was very good, and they even reached the point of talking about marriage later.

It's a pity that in the end, her boyfriend suddenly died in the terrorist attack of 9/11 in the United States, which made her a big blow. After returning, she directly participated in the British Intelligence Bureau, and has been doing it until today.

Even now, she still doesn't have a formal boyfriend. Later, in memory of her boyfriend, she bought a house in a small town in Quebec. Usually, she only came to live there when she was on vacation. , Out of her own, no one knows.

That's why she dared to bring Mike and you here this time. Quebec City is a small town full of French style. There are 20% English speakers in Quebec, but 100% here in Quebec City** language area.

The road signs on the road are not in English, they are all in French, so if you don't understand French, you will be forced to come here.

Rosa drove Mike and the two of them, and soon passed the Hotel Frontier, then drove north for another seven or eight kilometers. Seeing that she was about to drive the car out of the city, she turned the corner. The mountain, and then drove on the twisty mountain road for more than 20 minutes, and then came to the front of a villa hidden in the forest.

I don't know why, when Mike and Jenny saw the villa, their mood relaxed inexplicably. Rosa parked the car in the yard, opened the door, and took Mike and the two into the house.

This house is a brick-concrete-wood structure. It is not too old. The house has one basement, one and a half underground floors, and the other two floors on the ground. There are five bedrooms, four toilets, and semi-underground floors. In the fitness area, you can also lay a floor, which is enough to entertain Mike and his group.

When they entered the house, it was already past three o'clock in the morning, and it was about to dawn again. In this way, since the day before the day before yesterday, they had been sleepless for more than 30 consecutive hours.

Mike and Jenny couldn't help it for a long time. They didn't even have time to shower, so they found a room and slept, and Rosa knew that she couldn't sleep at this time, because she had to be with a companion in another car. Contact and tell them the address.

She took out a disposable phone, entered the other party's phone number, and dialed it out. The first time the other party didn't answer, Rosa couldn't help but worry a Could it be from there? What accident?

You must know that they set off at staggered times. They set off more than half an hour earlier than those people. In addition, they had different experiences along the way. Who knows where the problems will be caused by those people?

Rosa suppressed the doubts in her heart and called for a second time. This time, after ringing for a long time, the phone finally picked up.

"Thank goodness you finally called, sorry we had a flat tire here in Montreal, **** it's so cold here..."

A voice came from the other end of the phone, and Rosa couldn't help being very happy when she heard the other party say this.

"Right, you are..."

"Hello, boss, I'm Eric..."

As soon as Rosa heard it, she immediately heard the ten red berets she brought when she came to New York. This Eric seems to be the youngest of the ten, and this young man seems to be very taciturn. , is a very introverted guy, but he is a blasting expert who will do anything. (To be continued.)