MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1128 escape

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Rosa is worthy of being a battle-hardened iron lady. In such a chaotic situation, she can still maintain her composure. Although her calmness makes her seem extraordinarily inhumane, Mike and Jenny have to admit that she The choice at this time is correct.

Mike didn't talk nonsense anymore. After all, he was a soldier and had experienced battlefields. He had seen such partings a lot, so with Rosa's command, he didn't hesitate.

He turned around and simply dealt with the corpses. In fact, he collected the documents on the corpses, and then got into the two cars behind.

One of the two cars is a Chevrolet SUV that the official U.S. agents like to drive, and the other is a Chrysler Grand Rapids van.

The two cars quickly rammed the intercepting vehicle in front, and drove into the vast darkness in the distance. Just as they were leaving the scene, they saw several police cars with their lights flashing. Next to them was whizzing by. At this time, all the people in the car could not help but let out a long sigh, sighing that Rosa's decision was decisive and correct.

If they were at the scene just now, if they delayed a few more seconds, they might have been blocked by these police officers.

You must know that the police in the United States are not vegetarians. Although many of them are not professional soldiers, their fighting qualities are not bad, and their weapons and equipment are also very good.

This is New York, the place that Americans attach the most importance to, and the place where the police force is the most dense. If they are blocked by these police officers, even if they are fierce enough, they can also call in SWAT police and helicopters in minutes. If it is true At any point in time, everyone will only be caught.

In that case, the final result would be death, but fortunately they rushed out ahead of time.

However, although everyone has a kind of joy in escaping from life, not many people can be happy soon, because in such a short day, they have experienced the feeling of going from heaven to hell.

During the daytime yesterday, they were still the elites representing the Sixth Division of the British Empire, but after one night, they became bereaved dogs hiding everywhere, not only to face the pursuit of the American police and the fbi, but even to their original service. It is estimated that they will not let them go this time, because the trouble they have caused this time is too great.

As for whether everyone can survive in the future, it is hard to say.

So the people in the two cars fell into silence for a while, and no one spoke, because no one knew what to say.

The one who opened the way was Mike. He had been stationed in the New York area for a long time, so he was very familiar with the situation in New York. After crossing the Brooklyn Bridge, he took everyone directly through Brooklyn and then directly to Queens. Flushing, this road is the fastest way to escape from New York and go to New Jersey. If you go around, it is very likely that the US police will react and set up roadblocks at the exit of New York City.

That is, after more than half an hour, they finally entered the boundary of New Jersey. At this time, everyone was completely relieved.

Yesterday, they had a terrible accident in New York. The police in New York must have been digging deep to find them at this time, but in New Jersey, it is a completely different matter.

This New Jersey is similar to Hui Province in China. The place is not big, but the population is very dense, and there are many people in this state who actually work in New York, which is similar to the concept of people from Hui Province going to Puhai to work. .

And this state is also the state that resents New York the most among many states in the United States. After all, their people have all gone to New York to work, but they are still discriminated against by New York. How can everyone be convinced?

Therefore, the law enforcement system in this state, and the law enforcement system in New York, are notoriously wrong. Generally, when there is any work in New York that needs their cooperation, the guys here will push it back, and the verbal agreement is good, but When doing errands, he will keep grinding foreign workers for you.

In this way, it is very convenient for Rosa and the others to escape.

Finally, when the sky began to brighten, Rosa and his team arrived in Newark. Although it was not like a stopover, Rosa still let two cars stop at a McDonald's restaurant and let everyone have some breakfast. , and then asked Mike and the others to find two more cars. These two cars, which have been seen in New York before, may have been targeted and are no longer suitable for the road.

And everyone's outfits aren't quite right, especially Mike and the others, they are all covered in combat equipment, you can't run in this outfit.

Of course, Mike and the others also understood this, so everyone had a division of labor, and soon Jenny took a few team members to steal the car. She knew computer technology and decoded electronic car locks easily.

And Mike took a few team members to the corner of the McDonald's parking lot. There are several boxes for donating clothes. Residents in this city, whoever has unwanted clothes, can throw them here and donate them to those homeless individual.

A few people turned around in the box, and soon they all found suitable clothes for their own, and then they found a few clothes for the others, and they went back.

When they went back, Rosa just finished buying breakfast from McDonald's. After a while, Jenny brought two other people looking for a car and drove back in two SUVs.

The two cars, a Toyota Sequoia and a Ford Explorer, are both full-size large SUVs that are more than enough for their people and equipment.

Everyone ate breakfast first, and then drove these cars to an above-ground parking lot in the city. Basically, this is a parking lot. The car drove to the third floor and found a few places to stop. This The floor is basically empty, just these few cars.

Jenny took a few others and changed into the clothes that Mike and the others found, while Mike took out a few license plates from the dark compartment of the original car and put them on the two cars.

Then they took out several blank passports. Of course, they had already prepared for these things as agents, and because they were from the British Sex Service, it was very easy to get these blank passports. thing.

These passports don't look blank, but they are absolutely true. Jenny took out a special machine and started typing on the passports, while Rosa was in charge of taking photos of everyone. The photos were taken in a few minutes and then posted. to various passports.

Some of these passports are from the United States, some from the United Kingdom, some from Canada, and from Australia and New Zealand. Anyway, after a few of them are used up, everyone will have an official 'identity'.

"Okay, I don't want to say more about the current situation. Everyone knows the situation. Now I will talk about my plan. We will go to Canada next. I have a secret base in Quebec, where is it? It should be safe enough for us to hide for a while. In a moment, we'll go north on Route 36 and then cross over to Detroit, but we can't go together. It's too troublesome, and it will face unknown risks. I will have a car with Mike and Jenny later. Let's go first, the rest of you will leave after half an hour, and everyone will keep in touch by phone. The original phone number is Don't use it anymore, I don't think I need to say this anymore. After entering Canada, we will be in touch, and I will inform you how to go..."

Rosa instructed everyone to arrive, and all of them nodded, indicating that they had received it.

Rosa stopped talking nonsense after speaking, turned around with Mike and Jenny, and got into the Toyota Sequoia. The car drove out of the parking lot and headed straight for Canada.

This way, because they walked in a straight line, they had to go through New York State to get to Michigan, so they walked with extra caution in this section of New York State.

After all, something happened in New York yesterday, and New York State would react even if it was stupid, and the reason why they chose New York State to go is actually because of the dark mind, and they also wanted to see how New York would respond. The strength of the reaction.

Sure enough, they encountered several checkpoints along the way, but the strength of those checkpoints was not very heavy. Most of them just glanced at the registration date of their car, the driver's license, and the members of the car, and then they let go. .

Such inspection efforts made Rosa and the others feel at ease. It seems that New York State does not take those FBI After all, the FBI is a nationwide law enforcement agency, and sometimes it must be There will be conflicts with local law enforcement agencies, and they often use central authority to suppress local law enforcement agencies, so many times their relationship with local law enforcement agencies is not very good.

Now these local law enforcement agencies in New York State give them sloppy eyes and eye drops, which is normal.

Although it is verbally shouting to cooperate with the FBI in law enforcement, in fact, it does not give you any strength at all. Even the local police in New York State are virtuous, and the police in other states need not worry.

Who made these fbi's usually arrogant, so unpopular.

The people who are most anxious now are those FBI people. This time they are on their own ground, and the two action teams are almost all taken over by someone. This is a great shame for them.

This is completely equivalent to the feeling of being spit into one's rice bowl on one's own territory. Isn't this a face-to-face slap?

You must know that when our fbi publicizes it, we will never be so cowardly! (To be continued.)