MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1127 break out

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Before Rosa could wait, dragging Jenny and crawling out of the overturned car, the sound of gunshots like fried beans rang out. . .

In the collision just now, both of them were injured to varying degrees. The explosion-proof police car of the FBI was hit from the side. They flipped their car over at once, and such a violent impact, of course, directly led to the deployment of the airbag. . .

Rosa is okay, she has been sitting in the back row, and she is not wearing a seat belt, so in the crash just now, because she grabbed the front car seat, she just slammed her body on the roof twice. .

And Jenny, who was driving, was not so lucky. She was in the driver's seat and wore a seat belt, so when the car rolled over, she was fastened to the seat, shook violently, and was also caught The protruding airbag slammed into her chest and face fiercely, and at this time she was directly knocked out.

Fortunately, the battle-hardened Rosa woke up first, and then quickly dragged Jenny to climb out of the car, and when they climbed out, they saw a hellish scene. . .

There were bullets flying horizontally in the air, and the tracer bullets flew past them constantly. The bulletproof police car that knocked over them was lying on the road at this time, but the side of the police car had been beaten. The car was riddled with holes, the two doors on the side of the car were open, and there were two members of the fbi commando wearing swat SWAT gear, just beside the car door, it seemed that they should be after they knocked over Rosa and their Cadillac. , The two of them carelessly planned to push the door and get out of the car, but they were directly shot and knocked to the ground by Mike, who came up behind them. . .

These commandos were too careless before, thinking that they were fully armed and had FBI stripes on their bodies. According to their past law enforcement experience, those gangsters were often scared as soon as they saw their equipment. I was terrified, but I didn't expect that what they encountered today was not just a group of desperadoes, but a group of desperadoes who had experienced many battles, and at this time were desperately fighting for their future life.

So this time, these commandos could only be crushed. The two who had just pushed the door and came down were knocked to the ground before they even had time to shout.

The rest of the commandos, daring not to be careless, used the body of their riot police car as a bunker to shoot at Mike and the others in the street.

At this time, the FBI agents in the two Chevrolet SUVs that had just been knocked over by Rosa and the others also came back to their senses, and they all started to shoot their guns and joined the fray. . .

Mike and the others took a certain advantage before, entirely because the other party didn't notice the three SUVs behind them, but now once the other party wakes up, their disadvantage will be revealed.

The three SUVs they drove were originally driving on this road in a long snake formation, but the other fbi's were stuck at the intersection. This situation is like in a naval battle, their fleet was preempted by the enemy. The T-suffix is ​​general.

The other party can use the fan-shaped firepower to attack them, but they only have the first car in the front, which can fight back. Can't take part in battle.

And at this time, the FBI in front were also ruthless, and the submachine guns in their hands poured bullets at them like pear blossom needles in a rainstorm, which caused the team members in the two cars behind to get out of the car at all, because once they got off car, there is a risk of being hit. . .

So soon the lead car in the front of their team was beaten into a sieve, and few of the combat members in it could survive soon. From Rosa's point of view, she could even see , The head car that Mike and the others were riding in, the members in the front row were basically impossible to survive.

The windshield of the car is full of bullet holes, and behind the bullet holes, there are bloodstains from the two team members sitting in front everywhere. The entire windshield has been covered with blood. Sprayed red. . .

Seeing such a situation, Rosa was also annoyed. She reached out and touched the Cadillac that rolled over. She quickly pulled out two submachine guns and a few grenades, although she seldom personally walked the line. , but now she knows that it is impossible not to fight. If she does not take action at this time, then her subordinates will die.

And if all her subordinates are dead, how will she seek revenge for that x in the future?

So Rosa couldn't take care of it anymore at this time. She reached out and pulled out the safety pins of the two grenades, then pressed the grenade to the ground and threw it directly under the body of the riot police car next to her car. . .

At this time, the FBI commandos were relying on this riot police car as a mobile fortress, sniping at Mike and the others in the alley. . .

Because the fighting between the two sides was too intense, almost everyone ignored the two women who climbed out of the sunroof of this Cadillac. On the fbi side, no one paid any attention to the grenades thrown by the two women. . . .

The grenade is the US military standard attack grenade of the mk3a2 model, which is marked with yellow fonts. At the earliest time, the grenade was part of the model, but after World War II, especially after the Vietnam War, the grenade also began to be divided into models, especially What the military uses must be distinguished between offensive grenades and defensive grenades. This is also because of the experience summed up by years of war.

The so-called offensive grenade is more relying on the kinetic energy and shock wave of the explosion to kill the enemy. The reason why it chose to do this is entirely because in World War II and later the Korean War, as well as the Vietnam War, the US military found many rookies in the military , When the team launched an attack, they would randomly throw grenades because of nervousness.

After those grenades are thrown, there is often a delay of a few seconds, and some rookies are too nervous or excited, they often launch a charge immediately after the grenade is thrown. On the battlefield, a rookie was killed and injured by a grenade thrown by himself.

In order to avoid such a tragedy, in the end, the U.S. military specially developed this kind of offensive grenade, which specifically relies on the shock wave of the explosion to kill the enemy instead of fragments. of grenade wounds.

The defensive grenade does not need to pay much attention to it. It completely relies on fragments to kill the enemy, and its power is much greater than that of the offensive.

But now Rosa uses an offensive grenade, which is the best choice. The two grenades were thrown into the body of the explosion-proof car. When they exploded, because of the small space, the shock wave generated is even more lethal, although two grenades The grenade was not enough to overturn the riot police car, which weighed more than three tons, but the violent shock wave suddenly made it hide in the car, and the FBI on the top of the car went silent. . .

Rosa didn't talk nonsense, and directly asked Jenny to take a gun and started to name the FBI commandos who were shocked from the explosion-proof car. Even if they couldn't kill them, they would also kill them.

And she was holding a submachine gun and began to shoot from behind the FBI agents who got off the two Chevrolet SUVs that she had knocked over. . .

The detectives on these two Chevrolet SUVs just happened to be hiding behind their police cars to suppress Mike in the alley. When they saw the overturned Cadillac, they didn't think much of it at all, because In their opinion, with such a violent impact, at least a few members of the car must have broken arms and legs. Even if there are no broken arms or legs, such a violent impact can knock them all. He fainted, and he couldn't participate in this battle at all.

But they still underestimated Rosa and Jenny. It was these two women who, in their opinion, posed no threat at all, and attacked them behind their backs.

Although the agents of the FBI in western Zhejiang wore bulletproof vests, the bullets shot from behind still made them uncomfortable.

The detective who did not have a bulletproof plate on his back was beaten with blood on the spot. Some were lucky and fell to the ground on the spot. Even if the bullet was blocked by the bulletproof vest, the huge shock wave brought by the bullet caused the kinetic energy. , will make them feel better.

Seven or eight were knocked down by Rosa on the spot, and the remaining detectives were helpless in the face of such a front and back attack, they could only panic around Dodge, and when they dodge like this, the pressure on Mike and the others is not enough.

Soon Mike took a few team members, detoured out of the alley, and came directly to the front. Coupled with the attack of Rosa and Jenny, the few remaining FBI agents were soon dumped. .

The scene was already no weaker than the Shura battlefield in Afghanistan, the Middle East, but Rosa and the others couldn't care about these emotions. She grabbed Mike and said, "How about the back?"

At this time, Michael's tears were about to fall, and he replied to Rosa with a crying voice: "The situation is very bad, Damian is dead, Keith is dead, Harry is also dead, Jerry is dead. I lost a leg, and it looks like I can't hold it anymore..."

"Enough, don't say more, get rid of the bodies, and how many cars are left? Drive here, we have to get out of here immediately, if it's a few minutes late, we're all done. This is New York, it's Americans. The most proud metropolis has the most abundant police force. In less than three minutes, the police will drown this place. We must go immediately. There is no time here to mourn the dead. Remember, only we are alive, we Only have the opportunity to avenge them..." (To be continued.)