MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1072 The core is still in your own hands

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Jin Muchen asked Wang Xueming with a smile, and Wang Xueming nodded with a smile: "Yes, unicorns are played like this, and what we are going to do this time is a brand new unicorn!"

Wang Xueming's answer also made Jin Muchen feel happy. Hehe, it is a good thing to be able to make money. What's more, this time, it's good to enjoy the shade with the back of a big tree. Even if he doesn't make a lot of money, at least Wang Xueming and those familiar with capital Participating in the operation will save you a lot of trouble.

You must know that starting a company in modern times is not as easy as you think. You are not familiar with many aspects of the rules and regulations, and you have no experience in managing and operating a large company.

Even though his father has been in the political and business circles for so many years, his level, that is, the level, thinking and vision of a peasant entrepreneur, is far from that of someone like Wang Xueming.

With Wang Xueming's help to set up such a company, it would be much simpler.

Thinking of this, Jin Muchen felt quite happy. Besides, even if Wang Xueming and the others raised a few more rounds of financing, they would dilute their equity in the research institute a lot, but this is not terrible.

Because if they rely on themselves and their father alone, what if they can hold 100% of the equity of this research institute?

They can't exert the greatest power of this research institute at all, just like they learn, ww△w.cfw☆∞t are just two children, they can't control a machine gun at all. , and with the participation of Wang Xueming and his friends in the capital circle, the power of this machine gun can be maximized.

If Jin Muchen and his father were to run the research institute, they would be able to make a million dollars a year at best, but if they had the help of Wang Xueming and those in the capital circle, they would have been able to make one million dollars a year. The annual profit may reach or even exceed hundreds of millions of dollars, and the annual dividend alone will exceed one million dollars.

This is not to mention the stock price of the shares in their hands. The bigger the plate, the more they will earn.

So for Jin Muchen, this is definitely a good thing.

At this time, Jin Muchen looked at his father again, and saw that his father had changed from eager to try at the beginning to a state of contemplation. It seemed that he was really moved by Wang Xueming's words. He knew that even if he disagreed at this time, his father would not let him disagree.

Now that this is the case, he turned his head and said to Wang Xueming: "Brother Wang, your idea, I think it's very good, we can do this, but to do this, we still need the consent of one person, that person is Sko. Special. Well, my relationship with this Scott is not bad, whether we are colleagues in the company, we are still alumni, I will invite him out tomorrow, let's have a good talk together. "

"Well... I think this is okay, but you don't have to tell him so much. This research institute is the key to our future plan, so I think it should be excluded..."

When Wang Xueming said this, Jin Muchen was confused. Didn't he just say he wanted to be a unicorn? How can this research institute be excluded?

"Why? Brother Wang, you also said that this research institute is the key, but why should it be excluded?"

"Haha, you don't understand this, right? Let me tell you so, do you see that the domestic is popular now?"

When Wang Xueming said this, Jin Muchen was really taken aback, Who hasn't heard of it, it is the most popular shopping website in China, and since this was listed in the United States, it is even more incredible. This website has gone from domestic to international, and now there are even many foreign devils. Everyone knows this website in China.

Although everyone knows that there are countless counterfeit goods on this website, many people are still shopping for goods on this website. After all, the things on this website are really cheap.

And the boss of this website has now become one of the hottest wealthy people all over the world. From time to time, he will appear in the news broadcast of a certain key period in China, showing his face, and even many foreign political affairs. At home, we must often invite him to our home as a guest.

Seeing Jin Muchen nodding, Wang Xueming smiled and put the cigarette in his hand into the ashtray, and then continued to explain to him.

"His is so popular that it is also listed in the United States, but you know, at the very beginning, the founder of this website never wanted the company to be listed. Because once the company is listed, it will affect the As for his decision-making power in this company, this is also a disadvantage after the introduction of capital. Various venture capital companies, or banks, etc., give you loans and make money. On the one hand, people are optimistic about the profitability of your company, and on the other hand On the one hand, of course, people also hope to gain a certain right to speak in your company. And that Boss Ma, in order to reduce the risk of dispersing his right to speak, he took many measures, one of the most critical. , that is, the core asset of his, Yifubao, became independent from that and set up another company. Although it seems to be the same as, it is actually It is operated independently. In this way, although is listed, in fact, its core high-quality asset Yifubao is not listed in the scope of listing, so even if more capital enters The company of must not threaten the position of Boss Ma in that company, because their core and roots are in the hands of others. Then the relationship between Yifubao and customers Adhesion is what Taohuo cares most about.”

After Wang Xueming finished speaking with a smile, Jin Muchen basically understood what he meant.

"You mean, we are building another company, and then put all the latest products developed by this research institute into this company, and then heat up this company, blow bubbles, and then use this company Companies to attract investment. As for this research institute, we have to hide it behind the scenes and control it in our hands.”

After Jin Muchen said this, Wang Xueming smiled and nodded, putting on a teachable expression.

"Indeed, compared to the unicorn company, I think this research institute is our Yifubao, the key to the key, because if the unicorn company is said to be our cash cow in the future , but this research institute is definitely a swan that lays golden eggs in our hands. Therefore, we absolutely do not allow the control of this research institute to be faked by outsiders. Brother Xiao Jin, you have never worked in a company. , you don’t know, it’s not so simple to introduce those foreign capital into a company. Let me give you a single example. When your company is doing well, there will be some capital that will follow you, and then do everything possible. If you want to enter your company, they will give you various conditions, give you a loan, and then ask for your company's shares. At the beginning, they will say very well, what we do not participate in the operation, as long as dividends. But I Let me tell you, people’s greed is endless. Once your company gets better and better, they will definitely demand the right to speak within the company. At that time, the company will easily form infighting, and this will affect the company’s Development is often the most unfavorable. And in order to avoid such internal friction, we must have a key weapon in our hands, which can deter those who have bad intentions. And this research institute is the key, in my opinion, this A research institute will continue to launch various epoch-making medical products and even medicine in the future, and these are the key to the future profitability of our unicorn companies. As long as we grasp this key, then those foreign capital must be Be obedient on our ground."

When Wang Xueming said this, Jin Muchen understood that there must be rivers and lakes where there are people. Those capital agents, aren't those who can eat people and don't spit out bones?

When a pharmaceutical company in the south was acquired by the French, wasn't it just played by someone?

At first, it was just a capital introduced as a strategic partner, but in the end, it became a counter-force for foreign capital, and it was finally completed by others.

In the end, the cooperation didn't work, but the company became someone else's, and it was sold for cheap. That pharmaceutical company didn't even have a place to take regret medicine.

This is still far away, but a little closer, such as the well-known real estate company that you call fierce in the country Isn't this also the case?

In the beginning, some capital was introduced just because of strategic needs, but once these capitals enter your system, they plan to occupy the magpie's nest and drive you out of the original owner.

Although there are no good people in this business merger case, after all, seeing the orthodox company that was founded in the first place and being driven away by foreign capital, it still makes Jin Muchen, who is nostalgic, feel very uncomfortable.

It is enough to see other people experience such a tragedy, but he never wanted to encounter such a thing, so at this time Wang Xueming just gave him an idea, and he hastily nodded in agreement.

"Well, then I won't ask that Scott out tomorrow, and I won't talk to him about this."

"Eh? The person still made an offer, and I don't need to talk to him about this matter, but we always have something else to talk about, right? For example, I plan to inject some funds for this research institute to speed up their scientific research. ."

Wang Xueming said with a smile, while Jin Muchen nodded with a smile, he really forgot about this, it shouldn't be! (To be continued.)