MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1073 Cooperation

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Anyway, the way is what people think, and the pharmaceutical company to be established in the future should also be promoted by others. Then, the core key of the pharmaceutical company, how can it not let people participate in the shares?

Jin Muchen couldn't help but burst into laughter. Of course, he understood Wang Xueming's thoughts. Now he and Wang Xueming are friends, and they will become business partners. Of course, mutual trust should be there.

But in an instant, he also turned a little bit of thought in his heart, that is, Wang Xueming wants to invest in that scientific research institute, that's fine, but if he wants to absolutely control this company, it's definitely not possible. Now he and Wang Xueming have a good relationship. But who knows what will change in the future.

The world is constantly changing, and the relationship between people is also the same. Don't look at the relationship between him and Wang Xueming as if they are good brothers, but in the future, no one can say for what reason. It turned against each other.

Therefore, it is necessary to be vigilant, and the key to dealing with the problems of this research institute is not on him, but on Scott.

Now Jin Muchen has invested 10 million US dollars in the research institute, and he has already held 40% of the shares in this research institute.

It is the second largest shareholder in this research institute, the largest shareholder, of course Scott, and Scott sees him as a pure scientist, but his brain is not stupid, and he does not care about business. It's not at all @ long @ wind @ text @ learning, w▲ww.c∧fwx.n★et understand.

He controls the remaining 50% of the shares of this research institute, and the other 10% of the shares of this research institute are reserved and intended to be rewarded to the meritorious researchers of the research institute in the future.

I can ask Scott out tomorrow. As for whether Scott will agree to Wang Xueming's idea of ​​raising shares, he can't give Wang Xueming a vote, and in the future, Scott can agree to Wang Xueming's shareholding and give him how many shares. , he can't give Wang Xueming a guarantee here.

He told Wang Xueming what he thought, and Wang Xueming didn't say anything. This is normal. If Jin Muchen hadn't discovered such a scientific research institute, how could he have such a good opportunity?

As for the issue of the scientific research institute's shareholding, he didn't think too much about it, nor did he think about taking complete control of the research institute, because both Jin Muchen and Scott knew that this research institute would only be a company in the future. The hen that lays golden eggs.

No one can give up control of this hen, and as long as he owns a certain share, it can be counted as his last guarantee.

After all, his real purpose is to focus on the pharmaceutical company that will be established in China in the future. The reason why he talked to Jin Muchen about so many financing concepts is that there is one more idea that he did not share with Jin Muchen.

That's because some time ago, he was too arrogant because he gained power for a while. When doing business, he liked to eat alone, which made him offend many people, and because of this, he will be picked up this time. Come out and beat.

It was obviously the tree that he planted, but when the fruit finally matured, he was forcibly picked peaches by others. The lesson this time taught him a lot.

He feels that he can no longer do this business in the future, so this time he entered such a new field, on the one hand, because this field is indeed very promising, on the other hand, it is also because he wants to use this opportunity to make good repairs Get in touch with some people.

The concept of earning money by yourself is completely different from the concept of making money for everyone. Multiple friends have multiple paths. This concept is correct and popular all over the world.

This time, he will go back to the right path. On the one hand, opening such a medical company will allow him to return to the upper-level line of sight. On the other hand, he can also take this opportunity to make many new friends and many new friends. Knowing different people will be of great help to him in the future.

Therefore, in this conversation, everyone can say that everyone has what they need. Wang Xueming gave Jin Muchen and his son a vivid financing lesson, and Jin Muchen and the others also successfully obtained Wang Xueming's promise to help. In the future, everyone will earn money. This must be a good thing.

The next morning, Scott received a call from Jin Muchen, but this time the meeting was not in the laboratory, but in a restaurant outside.

This steakhouse is on the edge of the SOHO area. It is not very famous, but the steaks it makes are very liked by Jin Muchen. When Scott arrived, he found out that this steakhouse had already been packaged by Jin Muchen. field.

"Haha, you don't need to be so exaggerated, right? It's only noon, so come here to eat steak? Besides, if I have your girlfriend, you don't need to reserve a room to entertain me, right?"

Scott seemed to be joking and said to Jin Muchen, although this was half a joke, but the other half, he was quite proud, after all, he was very happy to receive the attention of his business partners.

Another reason for his happiness is also because Jin Muchen only led people to visit his research institute yesterday. Today, he invited himself here for dinner so solemnly, which means that they must have seen it yesterday. Maybe that The two investors were also moved by their own research results, and agreed to help themselves by introducing the laboratory's products to China.

If so, that would be great. China is a big country with a population of more than 1.3 billion, and their population is still slowly expanding. According to scientists' estimates, their peak population will be 1.5 billion. will start to fall slowly.

God, there are 1.5 billion people, and now this country has begun to enter an aging society, which shows that there will be a huge orthopedic market in the future, and its products are simply for those rich Chinese old men and women. Tailor-made, oh my god, if that day does come, then the opportunity to make a fortune will also come.

After earning money from China, you can further expand your research institute. At that time, you have funds that you can squander. You can do whatever research you want to do, and you will no longer have to worry about insufficient funds. And worried.

This Scott thought very well, but Jin Muchen didn't know what he was thinking at all, just looked at him and smiled.

"You can rest assured, Scott, I have a girlfriend. Come and make it, the steak made in this steakhouse tastes good, and the reason why I bought it here is entirely because of me and my important guests. When talking about business, I don’t like being interrupted.”

Scott was very happy. Jin Muchen's attention, and he didn't know what was going on, would give him an inexplicable sense of satisfaction.

Scott took his seat, and soon the waiter brought him a plate of black pepper eye steaks. The steaks were fried fresh and juicy, and served with a rich black pepper sauce. Scott had to curse inwardly. Sigh, these rich people really enjoy it. If it weren't for their picky tongues, how could they find such a delicious steakhouse.

Jin Muchen also began to cut the steak slowly, and chatted with Scott while drinking wine, but after talking for a long time, he said every word about the investment in his research institute, which made Scott a little anxious. , but it's not easy to ask clearly, and only when the two of them have finished eating the steak and started to eat dessert, Jin Muchen began to turn to the main topic.

"Scott, let me tell you the truth, the two guests who came to visit with me yesterday were very satisfied with our research institute, not only in terms of artificial bone replacements that we have already achieved, but also in your artificial bone replacement. They are even more interested in the cornea, and they think this product is more important. Once it is launched into the medical market, it will definitely be very popular. So they decided that they can fully represent our products, and not only the agency rights in China, It is a worldwide agency. They are willing to invest 30 million US dollars for this, and they plan to set up a medical and pharmaceutical company in China. The annual profits of these products, they are willing to give our research institute 5% net profit..."

The carrot that Jin Muchen threw out first shocked Scott. He bought the global agency rights of the three scientific research achievements of his research institute for 30 million US dollars. The results of the research are definitely good things. If they are recognized by those hospitals and patients in the medical market, the profits that the three results can bring will definitely not be as small as 30 million US dollars.

But then the annual profit of 5%, let's move This is sincerity, the pure profit of 5% every year, this is not paying royalties to myself what?

You must know that this kind of business can be done for ten or twenty years, with 5% per year, which can definitely make oneself a billionaire.

Hearing this, Scott didn't hesitate anymore. People have offered such good conditions, so why hesitate.

"Okay, Mu Chen, I completely agree to cooperate with them. When can I sign the contract?"

Seeing Scott's anxious look, Jin Muchen sneered in his heart, he didn't believe in such a good condition and couldn't impress you.

After all, the conditions they gave are definitely very high-level. If Scott took his scientific research results and went to those large medical and medical companies in the United States to discuss cooperation, it would be impossible for them to give With such conditions as his, it might even be possible to shove him out of the house directly.

You must know that those large pharmaceutical companies in the United States are very domineering, bullying the weak and feeding the weak. It is not uncommon in the circle of the American medical industry, and bullying Scott is not a problem. (To be continued.)