MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1071 new unicorn

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After listening to Wang Xueming's lecture on modern finance, Jin Muchen and his father gradually understood what Wang Xueming meant. It seems that he is planning to follow the path of the king of coarse grains!

As soon as this guy came up, he planned to play a big game.

Originally, Jin Muchen and his father just wanted to find a project to do, so that his father would not be idle in China. After all, now his father does not want to retire, and he also has a group of people who want to eat, so this is just a plan Introduce that kind of artificial bone and joint replacement into China, and initially try the water in the domestic medical market.

But now, looking at what Wang Xueming meant, that is, if you don't play, you will be pulled down, and if you want to play, you will play with a big one.

People don't want to just engage in some kind of pharmaceutical company specializing in supplying hospitals. They plan to promote the concept of innovative medical care, and then play the game of capital.

However, Jin Muchen and his father still don't quite understand how to play the game, and Wang Xueming still needs to show the way.

"Brother Wang, according to your opinion, let's play a big game this time?"

Jin Muchen asked Wang Xueming, and Wang Xueming nodded at him with certainty this time.

"Yes, if you want to play, you can play with a big one. You took me to visit this research institute today, but it brought me too many surprises. To be honest, at the beginning, I just thought that this research institute was only a small one. It's just a matter of ≮∑ long≮∑ wind≮∑ text≮∑ learning, ww@w.c→fwx.n↗et two achievements. But after I read it, it really opened my eyes, I can see that this research institute is quite energetic and enthusiastic, with a lot of energy. That Scott, I think he is a very thoughtful person. Moreover, the direction he chooses to conquer is very insightful. It is a project with great market potential. Let's not talk about those artificial bones for the time being, but the artificial cornea project, I think it has a lot to do. What is the current market environment like? You may not know, so I will tell you that, Almost all traditional industries are now in a state of overcapacity, and because of the pressure of economic operation, all countries in the world dare not reduce the liquidity of funds..."

Wang Xueming came up with a lot of professional terms. He heard Jin Muchen was in a fog, but he also vaguely understood what he meant.

"In order to increase the liquidity of funds, countries all over the world are desperately pouring water into the market. To put it bluntly, they are printing money desperately, and in order to fear that excessive capital flow will lead to inflation and cause a financial crisis. Funds are deliberately concentrated in the hands of a few people, including major banks and financial experts, but these people hold so much money and cannot let the money depreciate, so they are desperately looking for suitable investments. Channels. Now the hottest investment field in the market is in the field of scientific and technological innovation. In recent years, the Internet and electronic technology industries have become very popular, and if we put this kind of medical innovation project , as in the capital market, it will definitely be very popular. If you want to be chased by those capital, you must have several factors, one of the most important is the popularity of the hand, just like those mobile phone software. , as long as you have a large number of user sources, then you don't have to worry about not having capital to invest in you. And I think the research institute you invested in, the artificial cornea project you are working on now, is no weaker than those of popular mobile phone software. Heat. It's a very good card, and as long as we can use it properly, it's okay to make money."

The old **** Wang Xueming was there and talked to Jin Muchen, but Jin Muchen was still in the fog at this time, and Wang Xueming had just lit a cigarette for himself when he saw Jin Muchen and his son, the old hat's expression that seemed to understand but not understand. , Then I remembered that these two were financial idiots at all, so I simply chose a simpler and more straightforward statement and explained it to the two of them.

"I mean, it's like this. For example, when the artificial cornea technology of this scientific research institute is conquered, we will start to promote it in the market. You don't have to worry about this. In the domestic medical field, I still have Many of my friends, if your product is ok and it's the only one, they will definitely be willing to let the hospital use it. Once this artificial cornea becomes famous, then we can hype the name of our company. At that time, under the premise of becoming famous, and then introducing that kind of artificial bone replacement to the market, it will definitely cause a series of sensational effects, and then continue to hype. At this time, I can take the lead in financing your company, At the same time, we must also secure a few pharmaceutical factories in the United States or Europe. Even if these pharmaceutical factories cannot be dealt with, we must dig some professional engineers back and let them help us with pharmaceuticals. When our company becomes famous, Then put those drugs into the market together, even if those are generic drugs, but the efficacy of our drugs is the same as that of foreign imported drugs, and our prices will be even lower. How do you think the market will react? ?"

I have to say that Wang Xueming's words are very provocative. Just these few words have already made Jin Muchen and his father's eyes brighter, and they are still sharp.

Yes, if you do this, wouldn't it be more expensive than the promotion of bone and joint replacements?

In the beginning, Jin Muchen's father just wanted to find a project that could earn millions of dollars every year to play, but now after hearing what Wang Xueming said, he finally understood why he could only be classified as That level of a farmer entrepreneur.

Compared with other people Wang Xueming, they are the ones who really do business and eat big tea and rice, and I am like this, but it is just a special thing, a street stall, compared with others, it is not comparable at all.

Just thinking and thinking about this business is a long way off.

"At that time, in the capital market, those venture capitalists who are looking for projects with money everywhere see such a rising innovative company, and it is also a company in the field of medical manufacturing. Are you going to play with them?"

Wang Xueming's statement is very interesting, and Jin Muchen and his father all laughed when they heard it: "Is it that exaggerated?"

"Hey, if you ask this, it means that you really don't know the managers of venture capital, private equity, and trust companies. They are much sharper than those uncles in the bank. If they find out that your project has real potential , I'm not exaggerating, the people waiting to lend you money will be able to line up from the front door to [email protected] It's not an exaggeration at all. Those guys are definitely a bunch of mercenary guys. And with their participation, yes For us, there are advantages and disadvantages, but as long as we can firmly control and control this research institute, they can only obey us obediently and let us drive. At that time, the benefits of their joining , it is reflected, they will use their relationship to help us everywhere. Our product is stuck in the approval, they will take the initiative to help to clear the relationship. For our product, there is a problem with the supply of a certain raw material , they must be more nervous than us. Even if we have trouble with patents, they will help us take the initiative to contact the party who caused the trouble and help us settle them..."

"Then what are they trying to do?"

"It's very simple, it's nothing more than profit, Xiaojin, you are the first financier of this research institute, and I'm the second, then they will be the third, and there will be a fourth, and a fifth. One, and before each financing, there will be a carnival of capital, and there will be a special valuation team to help us to estimate the valuation of this company, and give it a frighteningly high valuation. At that time, our company, Even if we don't need to go public, we can get hundreds of millions of profits, and all the obstacles to the company's development will be washed away in the face of the flood of capital. Even the spokespersons of these capitals will help us. Once settled, the rules and regulations that hinder us in foreign countries, including those large foreign pharmaceutical monopoly companies. At that time, will you still think that it is difficult to start such a large pharmaceutical manufacturing company? "

After Wang Xueming told Jin Muchen this, Jin Muchen finally understood what kind of pharmaceutical manufacturing company this guy was going to run.

This is the high end that people play. Looking at him like this, where is he going to engage in medical care? He is just engaging in financial financing while wearing the veneer of medical care.

It's just that this method is really Compared with his method, what [email protected]@ department guy is simply a group of weak chickens.

To put it bluntly, those guys are a group of liars who are walking on a tightrope. If they are exposed and attacked by the crowd, especially if the people above turn a blind eye, they may be finished in minutes.

And Wang Xueming's medical manufacturing company is completely different from those liars from the [email protected]@ department. His path is much taller.

If he can really turn this company into an internationally renowned large-scale Chinese medical and pharmaceutical manufacturing company, then he will be popular. In the eyes of the above, he is definitely a person with ideas and abilities.

At that time, it may be a matter of time to enter the political arena, and it may even be cultivated into a future heir in the future.

Jin Muchen glanced at his father at this time, and his father also had a look of eagerness on his face at this time. Jin Muchen knew that he couldn't stop this matter if he wanted to, so he might as well just go with the flow.

"That's a good idea, by the way, Brother Wang, is this the way those so-called unicorn companies operate now?" (To be continued.)