MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 79

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Ye Xiao quickly arrived at the place where Ding Jinbo and the others were. It was less than half an hour before he found Shaoping.

After confirming that everything has been arranged, the most important thing is that Bai Cheng received an affirmative answer, and he contacted Ding Jinbo: "I'm here."

This is in a building on the west side of the base. The whole building is only four floors high. It looks like a dangerous building, surrounded by similar high and low houses. The distribution is very cramped. It is not particularly bad, but Not much better uptown.

The reason why it was chosen here was because of the distribution of forces in the original base, that is, Lu Jianping mainly occupied the eastern area, while Li Qun occupied the western area. Now Li Qun is controlled by Lu Jianping, and his power is also taken over by Lu Jianping, and disbanded, because it has only been a day, and the whole place is still very chaotic.

What Ding Jinbo wanted was chaos, and it was very close to the city wall of the base. Originally, he planned to catch Lin Tantan and climb over the wall. Anyway, the city wall was not very high.

Of course, there is no need to climb over the wall now, and if all goes well, people can leave the base with their heads upright, carrying a lot of important supplies and Ye Xiao, a living person. If everything goes well, they don't have to look at the faces of those people in the capital anymore. If they don't do the task, they won't do it, and they can do something with the supplies they get.

Thinking of Ding Jinbo, his heart became hot, but the hotter he became, the more vigilant he became, he was worried that Ye Xiao would make trouble.

So Ding Jinbo asked his friends to distribute inside and outside the house to monitor everything. When Ye Xiao came, everything about him was completely exposed to their eyes.

Sure enough, there was only one person.

Ding Jinbo said to Ye Xiao through the communicator: "Approach slowly, stop, stand there and don't move."

Ye Xiao obediently stood still. At this time, he was still more than 30 meters away from the house. The surrounding residents looked at him strangely, and the people who came and went in a hurry couldn't help but look at him more. A few glances.

Ye Xiao is mainly active in the east of the base. This is the first time he has come here. People here may have heard of him, but they have basically never seen him. Naturally, they don't know who he is, but whether it is from his clothes, appearance, or demeanor To me, they don't look like the people who should appear in this messy place.

Now he is standing still.

There were two short-haired women who looked very neatly dressed and had some injuries on their bodies. They should have survived by their own strength. When they saw Ye Xiao, they exchanged glances and wanted to strike up a conversation.

At this time, Ye Xiao held the communicator, looked up at the upstairs and said, "I want to see Mingze."

Ding Jinbo said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will let you see him, but Colonel Ye, it is said that your wind ability is too strong, Zhou Yan also died in your hands, well, he has his death Because of stupidity, but I have to admit that I am really afraid of you, so I am a little worried about letting you go upstairs like this."

Ye Xiao frowned and said, "I keep my word."

"You can say whatever you want, Colonel Ye, at least show some sincerity, why don't you **** your own arm first?"

Ye Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly: "You understand, Mingze doesn't have much value to me. It's good to survive, but if your conditions are too many and annoying, then death is death."

Ding Jinbo's face darkened, and he looked at Ye Xiao from the hiding place upstairs. Even though he was threatened by others, he remained calm and calm, as if he was the one who was in control of the situation.

Ding Jinbo felt annoyed at the thought of all the unsatisfactory experiences since he entered the base, and said, "If this is the case, then we can't talk about it. Colonel Ye, you have to understand our scruples. You really don't fit the characteristics of a hostage."

Ye Xiao also understood this point, he lowered his eyes slightly, and sighed after a while, as if he had no choice but to compromise: "So, I stand here, let you attack three times, how much you can weaken my mobility depends on your ability, No matter what the result is, I'll go upstairs and change Mingze, and then you guys leave as soon as possible, don't make any troubles."

Ding Jinbo laughed, and said it easily, as expected, he still tried his best to keep Mingze: "Colonel Ye really values ​​Lin Tantan very much, and he is willing to give in like this. Since you are so sincere, it's a deal."

He was gearing up to show Ye Xiao a good look.

Ye Xiao also smiled slightly, "Bad tricks or something, this is what he wants, in order to save the sweetheart of the girl he likes, he is willing to risk his life, obviously he can face it head-on, but he can only be beaten passively because of his taboo, isn't it touching enough?"

Although it's very earthy, as long as she has him in her heart, he doesn't believe that she will be unmoved.

As for how to control the speed of the bitter plan, it naturally depends on how capable he is.

He looked up at the fourth floor, come on, let me see your spiritual attack, and by the way, see what the level of the first wave of mercenaries is.

After hesitating for a moment, the two women finally decided to strike up a conversation. They walked towards Ye Xiao, and the closer they got to this man's face, the more handsome he looked. He was really a very high-quality man.

They smiled and wanted to say hello, when they saw this handsome and extraordinary man's face suddenly changed, he took three steps backwards, his tall body swayed, he knelt down on one knee, supported the ground with one hand, and coughed up A mouthful of blood.

After Ye Xiao left, Lin Tantan couldn't get excited about doing anything, and she frequently lost her mind. Fortunately, she didn't have anything to do. She sat in the living room and watched cartoons on the TV, pinching her hands unconsciously. A certain mutated mouse drifted away in confusion.

Suddenly there was a sharp sound of brakes outside, followed by panicked footsteps, Bai Cheng ran in with an anxious expression on his face.

Lin Tantan was taken aback by him, and stood up instantly. Before she could ask her a question, Bai Cheng said, "Ah Xiao has an accident!"

Hearing these five words, Lin Tantan's heart really stopped for two seconds. She didn't wake up until she felt a suffocating pain in her heart, and her face turned completely pale: "What's going on? Got hurt again? What about others? ?”

How serious would it be to make Bai Cheng lose his temper in such a state of anxiety, and to make him say "something went wrong" plainly?

Lin Tantan couldn't breathe, so he grabbed Bai Cheng's hand.

Bai Cheng's hand... was almost crushed.

He was amazed at Lin Tantan's strength, the expression he managed to squeeze out was almost crushed, but fortunately his acting skills were not inferior to Ye Xiao's, and he was really worried about Ye Xiao, he said: "You Come with me, we said in the car."

"Let's go then."

As soon as he got in the car, the car drove away in the dust. In the car, Bai Cheng said: "What should I say about this matter, don't worry, A Xiao is fine now, it's just..." He sighed, half acting and half being real It's a little hard to say.

Ye Xiao is more shameless than cheating on a girl, this is the first time Bai Cheng has such an understanding.

Lin Tantan was panicked to death by him: "Tell me what's going on."

Bai Cheng said: "Yesterday, you participated in the whole process with Li Qun. You should know very well that those people who didn't show up said that they came for A Xiao, but in fact there is a high probability that they came for you. Today They arrested Mingze and tried to force you to go alone."

The amount of information is a bit large, but Lin Tantan understood it, but Mingze was arrested...she couldn't understand: "Arresting Mingze and forcing me, what's the point?"

Although Mingze was arrested, she would definitely not sit idly by, but this logic is still not right?

Bai Cheng looked at her meaningfully: "It is said that you like Ming Ze and want him to be your boyfriend."

Lin Tantan: "..."

Lin Tantan: "I didn't!"

"Those people installed bugs on Mingze, saying they heard it personally."

Lin Tantan finally put things together, so it turned out to be like this, so when Mingze came over in the morning, someone installed a bug on him? But she just mentioned that one thing, and immediately said forget it. If there is no cause and no consequences, she concluded that she likes Ming Ze, so fond of Ming Ze that she is willing to take risks for him alone, isn't it too stupid?

This year's kidnappers can't do it, right?

But Bai Cheng immediately told her that not only the kidnappers are not good this year, but the boss is also not good this year.

Because not only the kidnappers think Mingze is extremely important to her, but Ye Xiao also thinks so.

"...Ah Xiao intercepted the person, and he was very embarrassed when he learned about it. Knowing where the opponent is, he can attack by force, but it will inevitably hurt Mingze who is in the opponent's hands. I told him that the opponent's intention You, ask him to ask your opinion. A Xiao said that you are so kind, and because you don’t want to trouble others, telling you the whole thing, there are only two results. One is that you ignore Mingze’s safety against your will. Let us let go Do it, if Mingze makes a mistake, you will definitely blame yourself for the rest of your life. The second result is that you go there in person as the other party wishes."

Bai Cheng sighed: "The number of the other party is unknown, and the method is unknown, how dare he let you take risks, so I thought of a perfect plan."

Lin Tantan's heart was hanging higher and higher: "And then?"

Bai Cheng roughly explained the conditions reached by Ye Xiao and Ding Jinbo. Lin Tantan did not dare to believe it: "He will be a hostage himself? How could he do that? His strength lies in that, if he has other plans Well, if he is really a hostage honestly, those people will definitely take some measures against him to ensure that he will not resist!"

"I said the same thing, but...but he said he could handle it, he said that it's someone you care about, and you should keep it unscathed no matter what."

Lin Tantan froze suddenly.

That's why he asked her those words, and asked her if she liked Mingze's type.

That's what it means.

Caught in a dilemma, hesitating whether to take this risk or not, he came here to confirm her mind when he was hesitant.

He first asked her if she really didn't have feelings for him, she said no, it broke his hope and chilled his heart.

Asked if he liked people like Mingze, she didn't deny that it was acquiescing, which made him completely determined.

Would you rather let yourself trade for Mingze? Just because he was "sure" that he liked Mingze, and because he was worried that he would take a risk, he took the risk for her?

Why is he so, so...

Lin Tantan was so blocked, he didn't know whether to call him stupid or a stickler, in fact, he wanted to scold himself more, why did he lie to him?

Although she would feel sorry for Mingze's accident, and she would indeed blame herself because of her own accident, but speaking of selfishness, a hundred Mingzes are not worth a single finger of Ye Xiao.

Moisture filled her eyes, and she sniffed: "What now?"

Bai Cheng observed her reaction, and called out the crime in his heart, Ye Xiao, if you make this kind of plan, it will be a success in the end, have you really thought about the consequences?

After the truth came out, the popularity exploded.

But it's not completely deceitful, Ye Xiao is indeed doing what should be done, and he is indeed taking the risks that should be taken, but it is just to let his side clearly state his sacrifice at the right time, and still To speak provocatively, make him more pitiful and pitiful.

After much deliberation, Bai Cheng still felt concerned, and decided to stay away from the two of them as soon as the matter was over, and it was best not to show up for the time being, lest innocent people be harmed.

Bai Cheng sighed: "Ah Xiao has already passed, and he told us not to intervene. We are afraid that the other party will hurt Ming Ze in anger. We must first ensure that Ming Ze leaves safely. He said he was playing by ear, but since the other party has made preparations Waiting for work with ease, how can he let him do it calmly, I can't persuade him, I can only come to you... Just now on the way, I heard that the other party asked A Xiao to lose one arm before going upstairs. This is really...Talk about it, I can't help it Well, A Xiao is our backbone, he really can't be troubled. And this head really can't be opened, just arresting someone casually can make him under the control of others, this news spreads, it's too easy for the enemy to deal with him."

Lin Tantan gritted his teeth: "I'm going to persuade him, let's find another way, can we contact him now?"

Bai Cheng shook his head: "He doesn't accept contact, but there are a lot of people nearby, I'll let people in, keep an eye on his movements, and report to me if something happens." Just as he was talking, his walkie-talkie rang, and a voice came from the other side : "Brother Bai, Team Ye is not doing well."

"what happened?"

"Hey, I can't tell, you can see for yourself."

Then Bai Cheng turned on a computer in the car and received a picture, which was secretly photographed on the spot, and the protagonist of the picture was naturally Ye Xiao.

Probably the equipment is not very good, the background sound is very noisy, but Ye Xiao can still hear clearly when Ye Xiao says to the communicator in his hand that he is allowed to attack three times, and then Ye Xiao waits for something calmly, Lin Tan Tan's finger was about to be pinched, and then Ye Xiao suddenly changed color and retreated, coughing up blood.

She stared at the picture, her eyes were red, as if she wanted to get into the screen to protect the person, or directly pull the person out of the screen.

Bai Cheng felt the opposite.

He was really worried about Ye Xiao at first, but after watching the scene, he was no longer worried. After so many years of friendship, if he couldn't see that the blood was forced out by Ye Xiao himself, he would poke himself With both eyes, I still have the heart to get some blood for myself to increase the effect of sadness. It seems that it is easy to deal with it.

Well, this kneeling posture is also deliberately adjusted, right? Not bad.

He looked at Lin Tantan, who knew nothing and clenched his teeth, and turned his head silently, for fear that he would miss the point if he didn't hold back.

But at the scene, Ding Jinbo's spiritual attack used 90% of his strength.

His mental power is indeed very strong. For non-superhumans, he can even keep the mental power in the opponent's mind, and then control the burst of mental power from a certain distance, causing a certain degree of damage. Li Qun's coma was caused by the brain tissue damage caused by the burst of mental power.

He has done many experiments on the unconscious survivors around him. Some people have irreversible damage to their brain tissue. After waking up, they may have headaches, memory loss, or trance, or even be unable to wake up directly. Yes, some people get better after a night of sleep, and the reaction varies from person to person.

But even so, it's still strong enough. May I ask which other abilities can do this?

But for supernatural beings, the effect of his mental power will be slightly discounted, at least he can't quietly pierce the mental power into the opponent's mind, and he can't keep it for a long time, so for Shao Ping, he can't actually see it When he came to a person, he would kill him at the slightest thought. Unfortunately, Shao Ping was ignorant and afraid of death, so it was easy to take the bait.

But no matter what he said, his full blow could still kill or injure a person, and he was worried that if he really killed Ye Xiao, it would end badly, so he didn't dare to use all his abilities.

However, he didn't know that Ye Xiao was a waste utilization master. Before killing Zhou Yan, he had a good experience of Zhou Yan's ability.

Zhou Yan's abilities are different from Ding Jinbo's. Although they are all about spiritual power, Zhou Yan focuses on bewitching, shaking people's minds, making people lose their minds involuntarily, and it tests willpower. Ye Xiao repeatedly let himself fall into that Bewitched, he struggled to wake up again.

The process is painful. Ye Xiao has a past in his heart that he doesn't want to touch. Zhou Yan's question is irrelevant to others, but to him it is a torture of the soul, but he still keeps half of his mind awake, and keeps looking for a way to break this kind of mental attack. Let him find it.

Ding Jinbo's mental power is sharp and fast, like a cold arrow, but compared to the kind with the effect of mental torture, it is childish.

Ye Xiao was completely overwhelmed, but in order to confuse Ding Jinbo and for some unexplainable reason, he behaved so badly that he even vomited blood. Woke up.

The two women who wanted to strike up a conversation left with a cry of surprise, and the people nearby also walked around him from a distance. The scene effect was really realistic.

As expected, Ding Jinbo was deceived, without any doubt, but this was not enough, his fear of Ye Xiao was not just talk, so he asked Zhou Hong to give Ye Xiao a second blow.

Zhou Hong's ability is to control objects from the air, which is also very strong. She controlled many small blades and rained blades on Ye Xiao.

Countless blades came with a flickering cold light, Ye Xiao stood up, and these blades came in front of him, cutting off the main joints of his whole body.

In the soft whizzing sound, the clothes were broken, the flesh was cracked, and small blood arrows mixed with cold light splashed everywhere. Ye Xiao tilted his head slightly, and at the same time, he seemed unable to bear the simultaneous attack of so many blades. After taking a few steps back, he slammed into a wall with a bang.

It seemed that the joints were really injured. The originally tall and straight body leaned against the wall limply, and barely supported it so that it did not fall. There were many wounds on the body, and the blood quickly soaked the torn clothes.

With a heavy breath, he turned his head slowly, his eyes were cold and deep, as if frozen in ice, two bloodstains slowly appeared under the corner of his left eye, blood beads condensed out, and slipped down suddenly.

If he hadn't dodged in time, he might have lost his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tantan said, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She finally couldn't restrain herself and stood up abruptly. She hit the roof of the car without even realizing it. She almost strangled the driver's neck: "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"

The author has something to say: Baby Ye is playing with fire hahaha

As for why you believe in CP so much, as I said earlier, the historical facts about Ye Xiao were destroyed, and although some archaeological restorations have been made later, most of his life is reflected from the side of other people's historical records, so many speculations have arisen The official history, the unofficial history, and the same people, some things are completely mixed up, those who don’t believe it don’t believe it, and those who believe it completely believe it, and no one can produce clear evidence. And Tan Tan has always believed it. Under such circumstances, she suddenly told her that she had dismantled the pair of CPs by herself. It is hard to accept, because no one told her clearly that these two people are completely impossible, and no one can give her an answer. Including myself. In addition, she always felt that her feelings for Ye Xiao were the purest kind, and suddenly found that she had feelings for a man and a woman towards her idol, and her first reaction when she panicked was to set things right anyway, it's normal.