MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 78

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Shao Ping was even more frightened, and tremblingly said: "Yes, there are several people. The boss is called Ding Jinbo, and they are the ones who are wanted."

Ye Xiao said angrily: "I asked you who that boyfriend is!"

"Ah?" Shao Ping said quickly, "It's Ming Ze!"

Mingze? who? Ye Xiao was stunned for a moment and remembered, it was the wood-type power user, Lin Tantan had boasted several times, originally thought it might be an oolong like Chen Zhihao, although Ye Xiao was dizzy for a moment and was annoyed that such a person appeared again Guy, but doesn't really feel threatening either.

But... Mingze?

Have you been talking to those around you? I went to the clinic and followed at the clinic, went to the free clinic and followed at the free clinic, met in Yangshi, and praised it many times, and when I mentioned it, I admired it...

Ye Xiao's forehead twitched.

He had a sullen face: "Why do you say he was talking... You have found the wrong person."

"Yeah, we...ah no, what us, I'm not with them, I just said that Ze can't be Ms. Lin's boyfriend, how can Ms. Lin like him? They said they installed a bug on Ming Ze , I heard Miss Lin confess to Mingze with my own ears." Shao Ping said incoherently, just wanting to clear up his responsibility.

Ye Xiao's face became terrified again, and he said word by word: "Biao, Bai, when?"

"Just, just this morning."

Ye Xiao suddenly raised his head to look at the corner of the eaves of the villa in the distance, his eyes were filled with emotion, he wanted to go back and ask for clarification, but at the same time he thought it was impossible.

He looked at Shao Ping with flickering eyes, and suddenly had an idea to kill this guy, and then pretended that he didn't know what to do, what was bright and dark, so just tear up the ticket, tear it up clean. For a while, I thought that Mingze must have suffered an unreasonable disaster. He is someone who is important to talk about, so he can't ignore it.

He just looked at Shao Ping for a long time in a cloudy and uncertain way. Shao Ping's face was going to be stiff, and he cried for help: "Captain Ye, please help me, those people arrested me and said they got a ray of spiritual power on me." In my head, I detonated my mental power and killed me if I disobeyed, I was forced."

Ye Xiao closed his eyes heavily and pressed his head down, he was really crazy, no matter what happened to Mingze, this group of people would never let him go.

One yard owned by a yard. This time we must kill them.

Immediately all emotions turned into murderous intent, he let go of Shao Ping, his voice was very calm: "Carefully explain the situation of those people, there is half a word to hide... They can kill you, and I can kill you too."

Shao Ping didn't dare to hide it, he quickly told what he knew.

Ye Xiao's eyes changed slightly as he listened, and when Shao Ping finished speaking, he also finished thinking, and raised his eyes to stare at Shao Ping.

Shao Ping swallowed: "I said it all, I really said it all."

Ye Xiao said: "You are asked to do such an important thing, do you have something that can contact them?"

Shao Ping nodded blankly.

After a while, Ye Xiao contacted Ding Jinbo on the other side of the base.

Ding Jinbo knew it was not good when he heard Ye Xiao's voice on the monitor, and when the bug was destroyed, they already knew that the plan would be aborted again.

Ding Jinbo said angrily: "Things that are not enough to succeed are more than ruined!"

Others said it's better to withdraw, but Ding Jinbo said to withdraw? Where else can I go?

Everyone looked at each other, feeling very tired.

Ding Jinbo looked at Mingze who was tied into rice dumplings, and thought viciously, with this important hostage in his hands, can Ye Xiao kill him directly? If this guy doesn't do anything and kills them directly, they will leave for the time being and wait for the future, so they won't find a chance!

At this moment, the communicator for Shaoping came over. Ding Jinbo stared at the lighted screen in his hand, he knew that it was definitely not Shaoping who was calling.

He picked it up with a sullen face.

Sure enough, Ye Xiao's voice came out: "Ding Jinbo? You guys are more noisy than I imagined."

Ding Jinbo twitched the corners of his mouth: "Colonel Ye has won the prize, and we're just making a living."

Ye Xiao said: "Mingze is in your hands, don't hurt him, if he loses a finger, I guarantee that none of you will leave the base alive."

Ding Jinbo heard something, squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "If you want him to go back in full, you can ask Lin to talk about it."

Ye Xiao laughed: "Do you think it's possible? If this person surnamed Shao is allowed to touch Tan Tan's side, she might just give in, but do you think I will agree to this condition? Return him, and I will let him You left the base safely."

Ding Jinbo and his friends exchanged a look, they all understood each other's meaning, Ye Xiao wanted to protect Mingze as soon as he came up, and he took the initiative to let them leave safely, which shows that Mingze is really important.

As long as it is important, there are articles to do when it is important.

Ding Jinbo became full of confidence, and started talking to Ye Xiao. He smiled bluntly: "We managed to get this kid, not because we wanted to leave here barehanded. If we don't want to exchange Lin Tantan, then we can do something else." compensate."

Ye Xiao was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

Did you compromise like that?

Ding Jinbo and the others thought it was unbelievable, Ding Jinbo especially felt that this was not at all like the Ye Xiao he knew.

It seems that Mingze is really important to Lin Tantan, and Ye Xiao really values ​​Lin Tantan very much.

Ding Jinbo squinted his eyes and opened his mouth to ask for a bunch of supplies.

After hearing this, Ye Xiao was silent for a moment, and only said: "Yes, but you have to release him first."

Ding Jinbo was almost overwhelmed with excitement, he felt that what he wanted was too little and he needed to add more, but he was also worried about fraud, saying that it was impossible to release people before leaving the base.

Ye Xiao explained that Ze was just a wood-type supernatural being and had no ability to protect himself. He refused to allow them to take him out of the base. If he felt uneasy, he would change hostages.

Ding Jinbo turned his eyes, and said tentatively, but his tone was rampant: "If you talk about hostages, who can be more reassuring than Colonel Ye, you personally come to be this hostage?"

On this side, Ye Xiao's eyes flashed, and he smiled, but his voice was cold: "Okay."

After hanging up the communication, Ye Xiao didn't raise his eyes, he grabbed Shao Ping's hair and knocked it against the wall, and this useless person just passed out. Then he caught Bai Cheng who was in a hurry.

When Bai Cheng heard about it, he was shocked: "Are you going to be that hostage? Are you crazy?" Then he thought, "No, of course you are not crazy, you want to go and put them down?"

Ye Xiao nodded: "If I don't go in person, firstly, I can't guarantee Mingze's safety, and secondly, I can't guarantee that all those people will be killed. This is the safest way."

Bai Cheng thought for a while: "How do you want us to cooperate? What will be the signal then?"

Ye Xiao was silent and did not speak.

Bai Cheng frowned: "You don't want to come alone, do you? The first thing they do when you pass by is to destroy you, and if you want to do it as soon as you meet each other, there are at least five of them, and one of them is the most difficult one." Psychic attacks are too dangerous."

They have also studied the abilities more thoroughly now. No matter how mysterious the abilities of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are, they can also be said to be conventional abilities. The most difficult thing is the ability of mental power, which is invisible, formless, There are traces to be found, and a single thought can kill someone on the spot.

For example, Shao Ping being controlled to do things is the best evidence, and Li Qun's coma, they also suspect that Ding Jinbo used his mental power to do it.

It is hard to guard against and unpredictable, how can it not be feared? Even Lin Tantan, who knows that she has all five lines of abilities, is quite confident in her own strength, and is not afraid of falling into a zombie nest, is now honestly being protected by others, and she tries to stay in the house as much as possible. Are you that cowardly? In fact, she was just worried that the mercenaries sent against her would have psychic powers.

She has no way to deal with that kind of thing, and the other party has no intention of doing mental calculations, so she is worried that she will be tricked.

Didn't you see that Ye Xiao also followed Zhou Yan's advice?

And this Ding Jinbo's ability is precisely the mental power.

Ye Xiao said: "I have my own plan, anyway, don't interfere, just wait for my news, and surround all the exits for me, don't let anyone go."

He paused, as if he had made the most important decision, and said solemnly with a sullen face, "Actually, what I want your cooperation most is another matter."

Bai Cheng said awe-inspiringly, "Say it."

Lin Tantan was bored and hid in the villa. It was said that she was going to move Li Qun's arsenal today. She was not interested in seeing it. When she met Bai Cheng, she dared not face Bai Cheng now, as soon as she saw him, her guilt would overwhelm her.

She was playing weakly with a group of mutant mice, and suddenly saw Ye Xiao striding in.

She almost vomited a little white mouse with all her strength, and quickly let go of her hand and stood up.

Ye Xiao came straight to her, let his personal bodyguard Xu Li stay and leave him alone, took Lin Tantan's hand and went to the yard, looked at her for a long time, his eyes were deep and sad, he only looked at Lin Tantan as flimsy Only then did I ask: "Talk about whether you really have no intentions for me?"

Lin Tantan hesitated for a moment, and said what he had been thinking about for a long time: "Well, Ye Xiao, you are very good, you are really good, but, this kind of thing can't be forced, I have always only regarded you as a friend , as an existence like a brother, you are the same existence to me as Baicheng Meimei and the others. And have you ever thought that you are actually the same to me as you are to everyone, only because I saved Mei Bosheng? You felt guilty because you took care of me in every possible way, and because I was a girl, you had the illusion of liking me, but in fact, this is not true liking."

Ye Xiao's face turned black all of a sudden, his cheeks seemed to be bitten hard, and then he suppressed his emotions, and continued to ask with a sad expression: "You just treat me as a friend?"

Lin Tantan nodded.

Ye Xiao gritted her teeth, little liar, if she really only treats him as a friend, even if she is worried about hurting him with her personality, her attitude should be more frank and straightforward. Look at those flickering eyes, her thoughts are written in them!

Ye Xiao took a deep breath and continued to be sad: "Then do you have someone you like?"

What does this make her say? Honestly no? Doesn't that give hope? says have? But I really can't find such a person.

Lin Tantan had no choice but to say euphemistically, "I have a type I like."

Ye Xiao lowered his eyes: "Is it like Ming Ze?"

Lin Tantan was stunned for a moment, why did he suddenly mention Mingze? Could it be that he knew about the whim she said to Mingze in the morning?

Before he could answer, Ye Xiao laughed at himself: "I see."

He took a deep breath, looked at the blue sky, and then looked at her with a bitter and determined look: "Talk, can I hug you?"

Lin Tantan felt uncomfortable being watched by him, so he nodded, and Ye Xiao opened his arms to embrace Lin Tantan.

It was a broad, warm, nostalgic and determined embrace. Ye Xiao's arms were a little tight, as if he was hugging her for the last time. He wanted to keep this feeling firmly in mind. Lin Tantan didn't know why he was a little flustered. I think Ye Xiao's attitude is weird.

Like a hug before farewell.

Did her refusal hit him so hard? Lin Tantan was very confused.

Ye Xiao had already let go of her, and said with a smile, "I won't pester you anymore."

After finishing speaking, he took a deep look at her, turned around and left, Lin Tantan was confused and flustered by him, and stopped him: "Ye Xiao, what happened?"

Ye Xiao turned around and smiled: "No, I just figured out some things, don't think about it." He smiled nicely, and continued to leave after speaking, with big and fast steps.

Lin Tan Tan Moran, looking at his back, felt a little stuffy in his heart, it was really a feeling of being stuffed in his heart, stuffy, swollen, astringent and painful, a little like to cry. Did he really give up this time? It's naturally sad, but if it's not hers, it won't be hers. Ye Xiao has indeed developed feelings for her now, but if he doesn't know, how can she not know what his destined love is?

Even if, even if because of the change of fate, Ye Xiao and Bai Cheng are no longer the kind of relationship that is difficult to support and depend on each other, and in the end they will go another way, and have their own fate, that is also a side effect of the change of fate, in her heart No matter how sorry, I will also send my sincere blessings.

But such a change cannot be caused by her intervention.

She can't accept it, she will have the feeling of stealing other people's most precious things, she will live in guilt all her life, even if she is with Ye Xiao, she will always worry about the gains and losses of this relationship.

She just wanted to stay in a position where she could look up, and watch Ye Xiao move forward step by step, the better and better. Not pure enough.

I understand the truth, and it is easy to convince myself, but why are you still so sad?

As soon as Ye Xiao came out of the villa, his expression was put away. There was no emotion on his face. At the intersection, Bai Cheng was waiting for him, with a wonderful expression, a little speechless: "You really want to do this, isn't it too kind?"

Ye Xiao was expressionless: "What is kindness, can I eat it?" Can I be hugged by my daughter-in-law instead?

He has a brain, he can see and think, he clearly believes that Lin Tantan is not completely heartless towards him, and it is impossible for him to be interested in that Mingze, but she does not intend to face it squarely, but only wants to deny and escape, and her attitude is extremely firm, which can be called stubborn .

Ye Xiao didn't understand why, but he didn't intend to compromise for this stubbornness.

Thinking of her saying that he was only guilty of her, not really liking her, and he wanted to make a bad face again. Could he not know what he was thinking? The little girl really wanted to **** him off. Not only did she cover her eyes and ears, she refused to face her heart, she refused to give him a chance, and she even came to brainwash him. It was great.

That being the case, then don't blame him for taking harsh medicine.

Ye Xiao said: "Let's go."

Bai Cheng looked at his back and shook his head: "Love makes people dizzy, so it's true."

What kind of a good person has been tossed into? It feels like he is going to be abnormal.

The author has something to say: Come on stage~