MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 45

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After the news of the plant mutation spread, the panic also spread, and the speed of the entire team accelerated a lot. Everyone was rushing forward with all their might, starting earlier in the morning and resting later in the evening. At night, all the plants in the vicinity must be eradicated to be at ease.

In this way, finally on January 29th, which is the eleventh day of departure, I entered the boundary of Ning City, but this morning the sky was gray, the air was very humid, and it looked like it was about to rain.

Lin Tantan looked at the sky and felt worried. Could it be raining? In the past, she wasn't worried, but the fact that the mutated plants appeared early made her tighten her strings.

Historically, there will be a three-day torrential rain in most parts of the south in February. During the baptism of this rain, zombies riot like carnival and evolve rapidly. Plants seem to be irrigated with endless nutrients and grow extremely lush , Mutated plants have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. The living conditions of human beings are even worse.

Could it be that the rain is coming now?

Facts have proved that there is nothing to worry about. The weather was gloomy all morning, and it started to rain sparsely after ten o'clock, and then the rain became heavier and heavier, and the vision began to be affected. The road that was originally in bad condition soon became muddy. It was slippery and there were lots of puddles.

This is very bad for driving.

The speed of the team really slowed down.

In the middle of the convoy, in the armored vehicle, Zhu Xin muttered to himself: "Go on in such a heavy rain, don't stop for a while until the rain stops before you go."

Xing Guoliang thought about it for a while, and called Ye Xiao: "Captain Ye, it's raining so hard, why don't you wait a while before leaving, anyway, it's not far from the base."

Ye Xiao was in the car at the front of the convoy at this time. After listening to Xing Guoliang's words, he glanced at Cheng Qinan beside him. Cheng Qinan's face was pale, and he looked at the white rain curtain ahead with a bad expression. He shook his head at Ye Xiao: "You can't stop!" .”

Ye Xiao responded to Xing Guoliang and said: "There is only the last 20 kilometers left, let's go harder to avoid accidents."

Xing Guoliang was a little unhappy. It was almost at the door of the house. What else could happen? Although he encountered a few waves of zombies along the way, they did not cause much loss. Now that they are almost here, can there be any danger?

He felt that Ye Xiao was too cautious, and also felt that Ye Xiao was just unwilling to accept other people's suggestions.

He didn't know that it was because Cheng Qinan had a premonition that the rain would last for a long time, and that the rain would bring bad things.

Cheng Qinan's premonition has always been accurate, the more serious the matter and the wider the impact, the more accurate the premonition will be.

After hanging up Xing Guoliang's call, the walkie-talkie rang again, and a short number was displayed on the screen. This was Lin Tantan's number, and Ye Xiao picked it up immediately.

"Ye Xiao, are you still at the front of the line?" Lin Tantan's voice was a bit dignified.

Ye Xiao said, "Yes, I am here."

"How's the road going? I mean, is it possible to speed up?"

Ye Xiao looked at the muddy gravel road ahead. In order to bypass the city center of Ning City, they took the road in the suburbs. The road was blocked, and only this gravel road could pass such a large-scale convoy. The road has been in disrepair for a long time, and the soil is exposed in many places. It is also very uneven, so it is very muddy when it rains, and there are many curves.

Ye Xiao said: "It is possible to speed up, but it will be more dangerous."

"Is that so..." Lin Tantan's voice was mixed with the sound of rain.

Ye Xiao said in a low voice: "Don't worry, keep at the current speed, and you'll be there in three hours at the latest."

There was a bit of comfort in his voice, Lin Tantan looked at the pointer on the instrument panel outside that was pressed to "10", and looked at the distant view outside that moved very slowly: "Well, I just want to I'm a little uneasy, it would be nice to get to the base sooner."

They have such a big team with so many people, and they usually recruit zombies. They encountered many zombies on the road, and now it’s raining again... It is said that during the three days of heavy rain, no one who went out had a good end. The number of zombies There was a sharp increase, and the population loss was heavy.

But just started downloading now, within three hours, nothing will happen, right?

She tried to persuade herself to relax, but Ye Xiao frowned: "Do you think something will happen?"

Lin Tantan couldn't say well, not because she didn't dare to say it, but because she wasn't sure, so she could only say vaguely: "Anyway, I think it's dangerous when it rains."

Ye Xiao thought for a moment: "Okay, I understand." Then he contacted Bai Cheng of the fourth team, the two had a discussion, and then contacted Xing Guoliang, Xing Guoliang was very surprised when he heard Ye Xiao's words: "You want to throw away supplies?"

"Leave the supply truck here first, and come to pick it up later. Major General Xing, we have already decided. I suggest you do the same. Compared with supplies, the most important thing is to send these people to the base safely."

Xing Guoliang felt that this Ye Xiao was a little unreasonable, there were only two or three hours of travel left, so give up supplies? How can people live without supplies? And there are more than a hundred supplies vehicles in his team.

When he left the base in Ning City, the food pressure in the base was very heavy, and the situation must be even more serious now. If there is no supplies in hand, it is nothing.

So Xing Guoliang decisively rejected the proposal.

Ye Xiao didn't force it either. Immediately afterwards, in the top ten convoys, anyone with a walkie-talkie and a horn installed in the car heard Bai Cheng's urgent order to abandon all supplies vehicles except the ones carrying medicines.

The supplies vehicles are numbered separately, and each supply vehicle is equipped with two drivers, who have been specially trained before departure, and are more obedient than ordinary people, and the abandonment of the supplies vehicle has also been planned, such as When an emergency occurs and you need to run away in an emergency, you need to abandon the supply vehicle, and the drivers know what to do.

So even though it was a bit strange to hear this order, these drivers still drove the supply vehicle they were driving out of the convoy, parked it in the wasteland next to them, and then got out of the vehicle quickly to catch up with the nearest vehicle carrying people.

These supplies vehicles include oil tank trucks, cars full of rice grains and vegetables, cars full of barreled water, and cars loaded with sundries such as tents, bedding, pots and bowls. Be especially careful about the big trucks, including the forklift that has been completely ahead.

Each convoy has more than ten vehicles, among which the fourth and fifth convoys are the most. When these cars left the convoy, the entire convoy was immediately streamlined and its speed increased, and it quickly pulled away from the convoy behind. distance.

"These idiots actually left the supplies behind!" Zhu Xin said excitedly, "Brother Xing, they don't want supplies, we want them!"

Xing Guoliang frowned. He didn't expect Ye Xiao to really give up the supplies, and so quickly, as if he was going to run for his life at full speed. He felt a little uneasy. Could it be that something happened to them?

Xing Guoliang asked: "Didn't the drone find anything?"

"No, the surrounding area is clean and safe."

Xing Guo nodded his head, looking at the trucks full of goods, he was a little greedy, since people had left the trucks behind, it wouldn't be considered stealing or robbery if he brought them over, and Ye Xiao had no reason to say anything afterwards.

Xing Guoliang then signaled Zhu Xin to arrange someone to drive.

He is optimistic about Ye Xiao, but he feels that his character may not be able to get along well in the base. In fact, if he does well, he may not be able to get rich, and with these materials, he can raise more loyal people. , when others want to organize people to search for supplies, he can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

He sighed, so be it.

Naturally, these supplies vehicles were turned off and the keys were pulled out. It took some time to restart, and they had to toss forward and back a few times to get back on the road. In addition, the rain was getting heavier and the road was getting more difficult. After tossing back and forth, the shadow of the ten big teams in front was completely lost soon.

Of course, those who followed the army also noticed that the convoy in front had sped up and left. The vigilance and decisiveness of the car, regardless of its performance, directly jumped over the army and followed, causing people like Zhu Xin to scold one by one for reincarnation. similarly.

At this time, the speed of the ten large convoys had returned to about 20, and the field of vision was almost white, and the sound of rain was crashing, as if it was hitting people's eardrums directly. The wipers kept shaking from side to side in front of the car, and every driver was staring at the rear of the car in front with high beams on, neither daring to get too close nor too far away.

Fortunately, the walkie-talkie and the speaker in the car will sound reminders from time to time, such as how far ahead to turn, where there are puddles and obstacles ahead, the first team will remind the next team, and pass on the information one by one to remind them , can largely avoid accidents.

In short, Lin Tantan was very nervous, feeling like he was dying at the speed of life.

After more than half an hour like this, the GPS map showed the original security area, and the current Ning City Security Base is about to arrive. It was Jiang Xiaotian who was in the carriage who suddenly shouted: "Zombies! Corpse tide! It's a corpse tide!"

Lin Tantan was startled by him, the steering wheel was bent by the car mat while driving, Lin Tantan held him down: "Steady!"

She got into the car from the passenger seat: "What corpse tide?"

"Look, look!" Jiang Xiaotian pointed to the picture to show her and Mei Bosheng. He had just controlled several drones to fly around by himself. This is the picture taken by one of the drones. Because of the heavy rain, The picture is very unclear, but because of the heavy rain, the drone can't fly high, so the distance to the ground is quite close, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see these pictures.

In the city buildings, in the streets, zombies with strange appearances and actions came out of the shelter, walked back and forth or even ran in the rain, and gathered in one direction.

Jiang Xiaotian typed quickly on the keyboard, and the screen of a computer turned into a satellite map. The red signal point is the drone, and the displayed location is the suburban area closest to them in Ning City. The yellow thick and thin arrows near the red point are simulated The tide of zombies came out, and after a distance, there was a long blue icon representing their convoy.

In this way, it can be seen very intuitively that the thickest yellow arrows gathered at the end seem to be coming in their direction, and there is another wave going behind them, which is obviously the team behind.

"My God, these zombies are crazy! How could they find us from such a long distance!" Jiang Xiaotian was about to report to Ye Xiao, and Lin Tantan quickly broadcast Ye Xiao's walkie-talkie number.

As soon as Lin Tantan was connected, he said, "Ye Xiao, a wave of corpses has appeared!" Jiang Xiaotian then said, "Captain, your computer is on, I'll send it to you."

Ye Xiao said: "Open it, pass it on." Then there was a moment of silence, Ye Xiao's voice was steady: "I see, don't say anything, Xiaotian, continue to pay attention to the movements of zombies, and send me and Bai Cheng anytime. report."

Then it hung up, and not long after, Bai Cheng's soft and steady voice sounded, telling everyone to accelerate smoothly, it was right, if they yelled that the tide of corpses was coming, everyone would be in chaos, if any car suddenly skidded at this time Overturned, that is a series of tragic rear-end collisions.

After a while, Ye Xiao took the initiative to contact them. What he asked was whether Jiang Xiaotian could contact Xing Guoliang who was behind.

Jiang Xiaotian tried: "No, it's too far away, and the walkie-talkie can't reach such a long communication distance. You can try to use the military channel to contact him."

"I tried it, it doesn't work."

There is no way.

Ye Xiao didn't worry about this any more, now everyone is in danger.

He looked at the two maps, one showing that it was 4.8 kilometers away from the security zone, and the other showing the approaching yellow arrow on the satellite map, his eyebrows twitched.

Then he said something to Bai Cheng, and directly drove this highly mobile path-finding vehicle, and headed towards the base first.

At the Ning City base at this time, many people crowded at the gate and scrambled to get in. Many of these people were from the base. They went out to search for supplies today, but they didn't expect it to rain so heavily.

"This rain is really heavy!" After a group of young men with weapons in their hands entered the base, one of them wiped the sweat from his face and patted another young man on the shoulder: "It's a good thing you insisted on coming back, otherwise we might be surrounded by zombies now."

He glanced at the people who kept running outside the base, and the zombies behind them. Although the zombies were shot dead by the soldiers on the base wall and sentry tower before they got close, the horror of being chased by the zombies all the way It is really difficult for people who have not experienced it to understand, and it is almost the same as being chased by a ghost.

There was no response, the young man glanced at the person he patted on the shoulder, and saw the person looking at the rain outside, his face pale and muttering to himself: "How could it be so early? Did I remember wrong? It's impossible! Could it be that this Is it an upgraded version of the end of the world?"

The young man narrowed his eyes, and a suspicion flashed in his eyes.