MTL - The Remnants of the Uchiha Are Forced To Save the Ninja World-Chapter 73 projection space

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  Chapter 73 Projective Spaces

   Shinji, thinking about his own thoughts, came to the ninja school slowly.

   Walking into the classroom, he felt that the atmosphere was a little weird.

  Bai quickly told Shinji about Sasuke's previous big defeat, and then said with some concern: "Student Shinji, be careful!"

   "Why should I be careful?"

   Shinji was at a loss.

  Bai explained: "Everyone is guessing that the target of Junmalu's next challenge is not you, but Neji!"

   Shinji smiled: "Don't worry, I won't accept other people's challenges easily."

   Sitting back in his seat, Shinji digested the news he had just received from Shiro.

   "Isn't Kimaro at Orochimaru's place? Why did you suddenly come to the ninja school? Could it be that Orochimaru wants to stimulate Sasuke through Kimaro?"

  When Junmaro came to Ninja School, he challenged Sasuke by name. This provocation was too obvious.

   Changed to other people, maybe it is just that Junmaro wants to challenge Sasuke to win fame and start his own reputation.

  But Shinji knew that Junmaro didn't care about these things at all.

  The only thing Junmalu cares about is whether he can help Orochimaru. For this reason, he is even willing to donate his body.

  So Junmaro's coming to the Ninja School must have been ordered by Orochimaru.

  As for provoking Sasuke, it is likely that he wants to motivate Sasuke in this way, so that Sasuke can become stronger as soon as possible.

   "It seems that Orochimaru is already thinking about Sasuke's body!"

   Shinji withdrew his thoughts.

   Orochimaru wants to take Sasuke's idea, he doesn't want to interfere now, because Sasuke's growth rate will exceed everyone's expectations. In the future, Orochimaru is likely to shoot himself in the foot like the original time and space.

   Moreover, he has a lot of troubles himself, and he has no energy to manage other people.

  He has been guarding against Danzo's assassination these days, but for some reason, Danzo seems to have died down, not to mention assassination, even the root ninja who lingered in the past has disappeared these days.

despite this.

  He still didn't dare to be careless. During the period of learning medical ninjutsu, he was almost active in the core area of ​​the village, and he was always on guard against possible attacks.

   "At the most a week, I should be able to perform a simple eye transplant operation by myself. Now I need to confirm the candidates to nourish the half-damaged kaleidoscope immediately, so as not to delay the time. Those eyes can't be delayed."

   Having made up his mind, he covered his eyes with his hands and opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

   Then secretly activated the kaleidoscope pupil technique 'Zhibi', marking Shiro who was sitting in front of him, and Xianglin who was sitting next to the podium.

   After finishing marking, he quietly closed the kaleidoscope.

  He came to school today to mark the spirit bodies of Bai and Xianglin. For this reason, he even changed the kaleidoscope he was driving.

  After school, he declined Bai Duilian's invitation and returned to the apartment alone.


   Shinji, who was reviewing medical books, put down his books and glanced at the clock on the wall.

  The hour hand has already pointed to eleven o'clock.

  It was almost late at night, and Shiro and Kaorin should already be getting ready for bed in their respective apartments.

  Seeing that it was about the same time, he changed into a red cloud cloak and a mask, then sat on the bed and activated the kaleidoscope technique 'Zhibi'.

  Different from the mark during the day, this time he activated the link.


  His spiritual body projection appeared in front of a round table.

  Here is the projection space of 'Zhibi', and the spirit bodies connected by 'Zhibi' will appear here in the form of projection.

   Immediately afterwards, the astral projections of Bai and Xianglin also appeared on other empty seats on the round table.

   "Where is this?!"

  When Bai and Xianglin found themselves suddenly appearing in front of a round table, except for the stone platform under their feet, the surroundings were surrounded by endless darkness, and they were terrified.

   It wasn't until they saw Shinji's spiritual projection sitting quietly in front of the round table that they breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although the spirit body projection could not see the detailed appearance clearly, the outline of the red cloud cloak could still be vaguely seen, so they quickly understood that this was the organization calling them.

  After Shiro and Kaorin's panic calmed down, Shinji said slowly: "We will often meet in this way in the future, so you don't need to panic."

  Bai asked curiously: "My lord, where are we? Is it time-space ninjutsu?"

  Shinji shook his head, and simply explained: "Your bodies are still in their respective apartments, what appears here is just a projection of your spirit body, and this is just an illusory projection space."


  Looking at the round table in front of him, the stone platform under his feet, and the endless abyss all around, Xiang Lin couldn't help admiring.

  It seems that everything related to the organization is so different.

   Shinji announced: "In the future, if there are no accidents, we will meet in this form every week to exchange information with each other."

   Seeing that there were only three people, Bai asked, "My lord, what about Didara?"

   Shinji was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Bai to ask about Didara, and said casually: "He is performing other tasks and will not participate in the party for the time being."

  Xiang Lin asked timidly: "Sir, then you summoned us today, did the ghost appear again?"

  Shiro also became nervous and looked at Shinji.

   "Today's gathering has nothing to do with ghosts." Shinji didn't talk nonsense, and directly ordered: "Report on your recent situation."

  Bai and Xianglin thought that the leader was not in Konoha Village, so they reported the situation these days.

   Obviously, both Shiro and Xianglin are not idle.

  The last brush with death gave them a strong sense of urgency, so they have been practicing hard these days.

  Bai was secretly practicing the trophy ninjutsu 'quickness' that he had obtained before, and had initially mastered it. When activated, he could achieve the effect of the 'snapshot'.

   Xianglin secretly practiced her 'Kagura Mind Eye'.

   Shinji nodded after listening: "The invasion of ghosts is unpredictable, so you must be ready to fight anytime, anywhere!"


  Bai and Xianglin responded in unison.

   Shinji snapped his fingers at this time, Shiro's astral body projection dissipated, and only Kaorin was left in front of the round table.

   Xianglin looked at Shinji suspiciously: "My lord, you."

   Shinji said: "I have something else to tell you."

  Afterwards, he told Xianglin in detail that he had a pair of half-damaged kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes and needed nourishment from living bodies.

   Xianglin was very surprised after hearing this: "You mean to let me transplant those eyes?"

   Shinji nodded slightly: "You are the best candidate! However, this is not a mandatory requirement, you can choose to refuse."

  Xiang Lin wanted to refuse, but frightened by the majesty of the leader, he had to ask cautiously: "My lord, what should I do with my own eyes?"

   "I will keep your eyes well, you can rest assured about this." After a pause, Shinji said again: "This is my personal request, so if you agree, I can also agree to your request."

  Considering that his eyes can be replaced, Xianglin’s resistance is much less, but he still can’t make up his mind for a while: “Can I think about it?”

   Shinji knocked on the table: "I'll give you a week to think about it!"

   After all, he directly cut off the projection of Xianglin

   The second one is here!



  (end of this chapter)