MTL - The Remnants of the Uchiha Are Forced To Save the Ninja World-Chapter 74 Roll up! (third change)

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  Chapter 74 is up! (third change)

   There are other forces behind Xianglin, so nourishing half-damaged kaleidoscope can only be done voluntarily by Xianglin, not forced.

   Otherwise, if the news is leaked and the kaleidoscope is lost, the loss outweighs the gain.

  This is also the reason why he didn't use his identity as the leader of the organization to force Xianglin to order.

   Fortunately, he still needs a week to practice the transplant operation, which is just enough time for Xianglin to think about it.

  Looking at the empty round table in front of him, Shinji thought: "If I can mark Deidara, I can contact him through 'Zhibi'."

  He is still thinking about leukocytes.

   Let Xianglin transplant the half-damaged kaleidoscope, which can only restore the activity of the half-damaged kaleidoscope. After all, the current yang escape chakra of Xiangphos should not be enough to restore the pupil power of the completely blind kaleidoscope.

  So if you want two pairs of half-damaged kaleidoscopes and a pair of total-damaged kaleidoscopes to completely restore pupil power, you probably have to make Xianglin's immortal body go further.

   And this has to fall on Didara who joined the Akatsuki organization.

What is the upper limit of 'Zhibi' that can be marked, Shinji is not clear at the moment, but based on his feeling, it should be no problem to mark seven or eight spirit bodies, so he really wants to see Didara again and take Didara's spirit body Mark it.

  At the same time, following the control of the pair of kaleidoscopes owned by his grandmother Uchihajiri, he had a vague feeling that the pupil technique 'Waitsu' contained in the blind left eye is somehow related to 'Naomi'.

  The real power of this pair of kaleidoscopes is probably not in 'Zhibi', but in 'Waitjin'.

   "Why did she abandon Wotsu in the first place? Is it my illusion that 'Wazui' is better than 'Zhibi'? Or is there some unavoidable reason for this?"

  Suddenly, the pain in the eyes interrupted Shinji's thoughts.

  He sighed and lifted the 'Zhibi'.

  After the consciousness returned to the apartment, he took off his mask and red cloud cloak while secretly saying: "It's too uncomfortable without a pair of eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, and everything is restricted."

   After taking a short break, he looked at the wall clock on the wall. Seeing that it was still early, he continued to pick up the medical books and gnawed.

  Early the next morning, Shinji didn't even go to the ninja school, but went directly to Kaoru Kusanagi, and followed him to learn about organ transplantation.

   At this point, he is qualified to become a medical ninja.

   Kaoru Kusanagi even began to consider absorbing him into the medical class, officially becoming a medical ninja of Konoha.

   In the next week, Shinji spent almost all of his time in the laboratory.

   Various large and small animal organ transplant operations, he has performed hundreds of times, and every day he is either performing surgery or dissecting.

  Seeing that he is so obsessed with medical ninjutsu, let alone Kaoru Kusanagi, even the other medical ninjas in the medical class think that he may be born to be a medical ninja.

   And this week, the ninja school was not peaceful.

  Since the disastrous defeat to Kimaro, Sasuke was deeply ashamed, and challenged Kimaro three times within a week. The results are self-evident, and all ended in disastrous defeats.

   This order made Jun Malu famous.

   And just when everyone thought that Junmaro would take this momentum and continue to challenge the other two geniuses Shinji and Neji in the ninja school, Junmaro died down.

  While making the troublemakers regret endlessly, it also made Sasuke extremely embarrassed.

  If Shinji and Neji were both defeated by Kimaro, then everyone would only praise Kimaro for being strong.

   But now he is the only one who has been defeated miserably by Junmaro, and Junmaro doesn't know why, he doesn't challenge Shinji and Neji, which makes him stand out.

   Now when he is walking on the street, he feels someone pointing behind him.

   As a result, he, who was already cultivating crazily, became even more self-abuse. Sometimes in the middle of the night, even Xiao Li, who was running around the village, was about to rest, and he was still practicing desperately in the training ground.

  Also stimulated by Junmaro, Neji also started to practice crazily.

  Different from the indifference on the surface, he was very panicked in his heart, for fear that Jun Malu would come to challenge him.

  Because he knows very well that even if he is stronger than Sasuke now, he is not much stronger. If he really meets Kimomaro, the ending will not be much better than Sasuke.

   And Jun Malu's cultivation was originally of the masochistic type, that kind of selflessness and indifference made others feel shocked when they saw it.

   In this way, Ninja School, who was already well-rolled, became even more terrifying after Junmaro arrived.

  Lian Shikamaru, Kiba, Choji, and Shino were also taught by their parents and joined this training competition.

   Others don't know, but Shinji knows that Orochimaru's goal has been achieved.

  One week after the last meeting, Shinji activated the 'Zhibi' again at eleven o'clock in the evening, summoning the spiritual body projections of Shiro and Kaorin.

  After a simple report, Bai asked: "My lord, have you not found any ghosts this week?"


   Shinji nodded.

   It has been half a month since the last invasion, but there is no news from 'Leng', which is obviously not right.

   But he can't help it.

  The ninja world is so vast, he can only rely on the 'lamp' to detect intruders, and his 'lamp' will be interfered by the mysterious 'lantern bearer', so he is very passive now.

   I don’t know if those ghosts gave up on invading the ninja world, or if their own ‘lights’ were disturbed, they didn’t detect the invading ghosts, or maybe those ghosts were holding back some big moves.

  After the communication session was over, Shinji cut off Shiro's projection first, and then asked Kaorin alone: ​​"How are you thinking?"

  Karin did not rush to answer Shinji, but asked: "Can I really ask you one thing?"

   Shinji said: "Well, as long as it is within my ability!"

   Xianglin no longer hesitated: "Okay, I promise you!"

   Shinji cheered up, and immediately told Xianglin about the details of the operation.

   Xianglin's eyes are rare red pupils, so after transplanting a half-damaged kaleidoscope, the color of the pupils will change significantly.

  In order to deal with this, Shinji came up with a way, which is to ask Kaoru to change the type of glasses he wears, from ordinary glasses to dark-colored goggles.

   Fortunately, Xianglin was already wearing glasses, so such a change would not attract the attention of others.

   Seeing that Shinji is so meticulous, even the color of the pupils, and even some problems that will be encountered in daily life when one eye is blind after eye transplantation, Xianglin feels more at ease.

  After talking about this, Shinji said: "Tell me about your request!"

   Xianglin took a deep breath and looked at Shinji's projection behind the round table: "I beg you to save my mother!"

   Shinji suddenly realized, and said in a deep voice: "Those people behind you used your mother to coerce you to do things for them?"

   Xianglin nodded heavily.

   Shinji only spit out one word: "Who?"

   Xianglin said with hatred: "Kusunin Village!"

   Here comes the third update! In the afternoon, I received news from the editor that this book lost the PK with a slight gap of almost single digits. Sometimes luck is such a thing, it’s really hard to say. But here, I still want to thank everyone for their support, we all tried our best!

   There is another chance to PK in the next week. If you win, you will have the chance to go to Sanjiang, so please continue to support us, we will fight for another week! Rush to Sanjiang! Ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket, follow up!



  (end of this chapter)