MTL - The Melon-eating Swordsman In the Ancient Dragon World-Chapter 297 Lu Xiaofeng: I'm asking for your help

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Chapter 297 Lu Xiaofeng: I’m asking for your help

Sikong Zhaixing left, and only Lu Xiaofeng, Xue Bing, and Su Shaoying were left in the room.

Xue Bing's face was red. Lu Xiaofeng looked at Su Shaoying with squinting eyes, as if there were nails in his eyes, indicating why he was so expressionless and still didn't leave.

 But Su Shaoying seemed not to notice anything and continued to drink and eat, as if she was not full yet.

“Can you still eat it?” Lu Xiaofeng asked.

“Sikong Zhaixing’s drinking capacity is not good.” Su Shaoying answered the question, shaking her head and saying, “Thankfully he is one of the best in the world, but his drinking capacity is so bad.”

Xue Bing asked in confusion, "Does a master have to be a good drinker?"

 “Of course.” Su Shaoying nodded seriously.

“Nonsense.” Lu Xiaofeng sneered and directly gave a counterexample, “Ximen Chuixue doesn’t drink a drop of wine.”

"Just because he doesn't drink, it doesn't mean he has a bad drinker." Su Shaoying said, "If he is willing to drink, his drinker will definitely not be bad."

Lu Xiaofeng snorted, but did not continue to refute, because he has a good drinking capacity, but what he refuted was another matter, "Sikong Zhaixing's lightness skill is good, but martial arts... humph..."

Lu Xiaofeng was stunned, and then heard Su Shaoying continue, "And due to your loyalty, not only can you not ask who is behind the scenes, but you can't do anything to him."

Sikong Zhaixing, who was on the opposite roof, looked at Lu Xiaofeng with a very unkind look, and he wanted to groan, "What do you mean my Qinggong is good, but my martial arts is humbling?"

"Then his drinking capacity is still poor." Su Shaoying said lightly, "I have seen several great masters. Even if they are drunk, they can wake up the moment they encounter the enemy and display their peak combat effectiveness."

"But Huo Xiu and the Embroidery Thief can easily find him." Su Shaoying said calmly, "Then let him deal with you."

“That’s because your state of mind is not in place yet.” Su Shaoying said, “My master can do it, and so can Ximen Chuixue.”

Sikong Zhaixing couldn't help grinding his teeth after hearing this. He wanted to go down and drink three jars of wine with Su Shaoying immediately, so that he could see what a huge amount of wine meant. "If I don't want to steal that piece of satin, will I keep the amount?"

 Then he heard Su Shaoying say, "Yes, you are right. His drinking capacity is average. It seems that I overestimated his martial arts."

Su Shaoying glanced sideways at Lu Xiaofeng, "Are you not good at it?"

 Lu Xiaofeng, “…”

Sikong Zhaixing suppressed his smile, but Lu Xiaofeng almost jumped up. How could a man say no, "Of course I can!"

Su Shaoying asked him, "If you want to find Sikong Zhaixing, can you find him?"

 But Lu Xiaofeng said this for him, "Because he still wants to win the bet against me."

“But that boy Su Shaoying still has good taste.” Sikong Zhaixing nodded with a satisfied smile, “I won’t steal from him in the future.”

Lu Xiaofeng didn’t believe it, “It’s impossible.”

Sikong Zhaixing nodded repeatedly, thinking that this Lu Xiaofeng was quite reliable.

“He has no fixed abode and appears everywhere. Where can I find him?” Lu Xiaofeng said matter-of-factly.

Lu Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, "Why is he working as a thug for others?"

Su Shaoying nodded, "That's why Sikong Zhaixing can't do it. He's not in a good mood, so he can only be a thug for others."

 Sikong Zhaixing, “…”

Su Shaoying said leisurely, "Whether he is your friend or your enemy, you need to judge for yourself."

Putting down his chopsticks and drinking the last glass of wine, Su Shaoying stood up and left the room swaying, "It's hard to draw a tiger's skin but not its bones. You know people and faces but don't know the heart..." Lu Xiaofeng looked at Su Shaoying's back and couldn't help but complain. Said, "I think you are the one with the green bamboo snake's mouth and the wasp's tail with the needle."

Su Shaoying made it clear that she was driving a wedge between him and Sikong Zhaixing. Then he saw Su Shaoying look back at Xue Bing, "He's scolding you."

The voice fell and the figure disappeared.

 Lu Xiaofeng looked at Xue Bing and explained, "I was scolding him!"

Xue Bing thought for a while and said, "Are the last two sentences of this poem neither poisonous nor poisonous to women's hearts?"

 Lu Xiaofeng: (~ ̄△ ̄)~


Su Shaoying left Lu Xiaofeng's room and returned to his own room. Even though he was ten feet away, he could still hear the laughter coming from there.

 Next, he soon saw Sikong Zhaixing enter Lu Xiaofeng's room and then go back. Lu Xiaofeng went to find Sikong Zhaixing. Xue Bing went out quickly and then came back. Then he left the inn again and disappeared.

The three parties battled wits and courage. Sikong Zhaixing said on the surface that he no longer gambled, but secretly replaced the red satin; Lu Xiaofeng pretended not to notice, preparing to let Sikong Zhaixing relax his vigilance and chase him; Xue Bing seemed innocent, but cooperated secretly He went to Sikong Zhaixing and took the real red satin all the way to Lingnan.

 Finally, when Lu Xiaofeng came out carrying the "poisoned" Sikong Zhaixing, she discovered that Xue Bing was missing.

"Where's Xue Bing?" Lu Xiaofeng was carrying Sikong Zhaixing on his back and asked Su Shaoying in a panic, because he found Sun Zhong's severed hand just now in his room.

 “Let’s go!” Su Shaoying said.

"She left on her own?" Lu Xiaofeng's eyes widened, but she also breathed a sigh of relief.

"She has legs, so of course she left by herself." Su Shaoying said matter-of-factly.

Lu Xiaofeng didn’t realize what was going on for a moment and why Xue Bing left on her own. “You didn’t ask her?”

"She came with you, why should I ask her?" Su Shaoying expressed doubts.

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't explain it either. He could only continue to ask, "What happened to the severed hand in the room?"

"I am twenty feet away from your room. Instead of asking yourself what happened in the room, you asked me instead?" Su Shaoying crossed her legs, "You were the one who signaled me to leave at that time."

“This matter is very important, Sikong Zhaixing was poisoned!” Lu Xiaofeng was a little angry, “There must have been a master here just now, and he may even be here now!”

Hearing Lu Xiaofeng’s words and seeing the seemingly poisoned Sikong Zhaixing behind Lu Xiaofeng, Su Shaoying didn’t seem to care at all, “What did he say before he passed out?”

 Lu Xiaofeng said, "He said he wanted me to send him to Bixia Temple."

 “Lingnan Bixia Temple?” Su Shaoying asked.

 “There is only one Bixia Temple in the world.” Lu Xiaofeng said.

"Then why don't you hurry up?" Su Shaoying said, "If you delay it any longer, he might really die."

"You..." Lu Xiaofeng was speechless. Although he had already doubted Sikong Zhaixing because of Su Shaoying's words, he was still his friend after all, and it was obvious that he was about to be silenced by the mastermind behind the scenes. Lu Xiaofeng could not watch him die under any circumstances.

“I will take Sikong Zhaixing to Bixia Temple first. Please help me keep an eye on Xue Bing. If she comes back, tell her where I am going.” Lu Xiaofeng said.

Su Shaoying rubbed her chin, raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you teaching me how to do something?"

Lu Xiaofeng looked back at Sikong Zhaixing, who had turned pale, and had to sigh, "No, I'm asking for your help."

 (End of this chapter)