MTL - The Melon-eating Swordsman In the Ancient Dragon World-Chapter 296 Sikong reaching for the stars

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Chapter 296 Sikong Reaching for the Stars

Just when Lu Xiaofeng was really thinking about whether she should go to the capital, the rough-and-tumble guy just now came again.

 He placed the bowls and chopsticks heavily on the table and glanced sideways at Lu Xiaofeng, "Such a flower, but it happened to be stuck in cow dung."

The clerk interrupted Lu Xiaofeng's thoughts. Lu Xiaofeng looked at the clerk in shock and couldn't figure out why Jushengyuan hired such a rude clerk.

But Lu Xiaofeng smiled quickly. He had recognized Sikong Zhaixing, but before he could speak, a drunken man had already arrived at their table.

The man patted Lu Xiaofeng on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I recognize you, we have met before."

  The following plot is exactly the same as the original work. Because Su Shaoying could not influence the drunkard, he still became lustful and wanted Lu Xiaofeng to give Xue Bing to him, so Xue Bing gently cut off his hand.

Then Lu Xiaofeng broke the knife into pieces with two fingers, said that she was Lu Xiaofeng, and the drunkard's friend dragged the drunkard away in a hurry.

Xue Bing smiled and said, "I never thought that the three words 'Lu Xiaofeng' can also ward off evil spirits!"

Su Shaoying shook her head, "You are wrong. His name cannot ward off evil, it can only attract evil."

Lu Xiaofeng glanced at Su Shaoying and said lazily to Xue Bing, "He said this because he was just jealous of me."

"I knew you showed up because of Lu Xiaofeng, otherwise you wouldn't have flirted with Miss Xue in the first place." Su Shaoying thought for a while and said, "But based on what you just said, I know who you are. ”

Su Shaoying looked at the waiter who was approaching with the dishes and smiled, "I was here yesterday. There is no such a rough-handed and bad-tempered waiter in Jushengyuan."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "What he said makes sense. Isn't it because that drunkard showed up because you were hooking up with that guy?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, “Because he has this addiction.”

 “Su Shaoying.”

Sikong Zhaixing looked at Su Shaoying, "You don't know who I am?"

Xue Bing nodded with a smile, "What you said makes sense."

"Sikong Zhaixing's disguise skills are indeed well-deserved." Su Shaoying nodded. He really didn't see any flaws. Sikong Zhaixing's disguise skills were undoubtedly better than Wang Lianhua's.

 As a result, Su Shaoying blinked and asked, "Who are you?"

Sikong Zhaixing didn’t care, because there were so many people praising his disguise skills.

Lu Xiaofeng also looked at Su Shaoying. He was also curious about how Su Shaoying could see it. If Sikong Zhaixing hadn't exposed him on his own initiative, even he wouldn't have seen the flaw.

As soon as Xue Bing's eyes lit up, the waiter had already arrived and placed the food and wine heavily on the table. "I had a stomachache yesterday, can't I ask for leave?"

Su Shaoying nodded, "Okay, of course. Don't ask for leave because you have a stomachache. You can even ask for leave by going to the palace to steal the toilet."

Sikong Zhaixing also seemed to be relieved, and then he sat down in the last seat in a grand manner, "I thought you really recognized me."

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help but laugh. She didn't expect that Sikong Zhaixing would be exposed one day, "He is a thief!"

The three men were sitting on three sides. Xue Bing took the initiative to pour a glass of wine for all three of them and said with a smile, "You have done a good job as a thief, why do you want to change your career to sell wine?"

Su Shaoying said calmly, "Think about it, if it weren't for these three words Lu Xiaofeng, would you have followed him here? If you hadn't come here, would you have attracted that drunkard?"

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Su Shaoying in surprise, "Have you noticed it too?"

Xue Bing looked at Su Shaoying with curious eyes. She had never seen anyone who could compete head-to-head with Lu Xiaofeng, "Who are you?"

The guy suddenly raised his head and said, "How did you recognize me?"

Su Shaoying said calmly, "Isn't it because of the three words Lu Xiaofeng that that guy can appear here?"

Then they talked about the last time Sikong Zhaixing disguised himself as Zhao Dazi. Sikong Zhaixing looked at Su Shaoying and said, "I didn't expect that Huo Xiu didn't fall into Lu Xiaofeng's hands, but you exposed him."

"Because Lu Xiaofeng is famous and I am not famous." Su Shaoying said with a smile, "So Huo Xiu only paid attention to Lu Xiaofeng, but he didn't pay attention to me."

Sikong Zhaixing nodded, "It makes sense."

“So you still come to Lu Xiaofeng this time.” Su Shaoying smiled. Sikong Zhaixing nodded again, "Not bad."

Lu Xiaofeng's eyes flashed, "Why are you here with me? Treat me to a drink?"

Sikong Zhaixing sighed, "You know it's not the case, and I don't want to lie to you!"

 Lu Xiaofeng said calmly, "I only know that we are friends."

Su Shaoying answered, "Huo Tianqing and Huo Xiu are also your friends."

Xue Bing and Sikong Zhaixing laughed out loud. Lu Xiaofeng tried hard to swallow the wine in his mouth, "If it didn't feel like a waste, I really want to spit the wine in your face."

"Waste is not a good habit." Su Shaoying shook her head and shut up decisively.

Sikong Zhaixing couldn't help but smile and said to Lu Xiaofeng, "Don't worry, we are friends, so I won't lie to you. I came here to steal your things."

 Lu Xiaofeng said, "What is it?"

Sikong Zhaixing said, “Of course it’s a piece of red satin embroidered with black peonies.”

Lu Xiaofeng's eyes flickered, "Since you admit that we are friends, you still want to steal from me?"

Sikong Zhaixing nodded, "Because I have promised someone!"

 “Why do you agree?”

 “I have to agree!”


 “I owe this person a debt of gratitude!”

"Who is this guy?"

“Since you know I won’t tell you, why bother asking?”

"You seem to owe me a favor. Not only did I save you, I also dug up 680 earthworms for you." Lu Xiaofeng said seriously.

“That’s why I’m telling you the truth now!” Sikong Zhaixing seemed a little embarrassed.

Su Shaoying suddenly and quietly approached Xue Bing and said softly, "Lu Xiaofeng is trying to flatter himself. The fire can't burn Sikong Zhaixing at all. He also lost the bet digging for earthworms."

Lu Xiaofeng took a big gulp of a bowl of wine, and then sprayed a mouthful of wine at Su Shaoying.

Su Shaoying dodged and spread her hands towards Xue Bing, "Hua Manlou is right, he just can't listen to the truth."

Xue Bing chuckled, Lu Xiaofeng ignored Su Shaoying and continued to negotiate with Sikong Zhaixing, but Sikong Zhaixing was determined not to reveal the person behind the scenes, so Lu Xiaofeng could only make a bet with him on whether he could steal the piece tonight red satin.

Lu Xiaofeng lost, so he would dig up another 680 earthworms for Sikong Zhaixing.

 Sikong Zhaixing lost, and when he saw Lu Xiaofeng from now on, he would kneel down and call him his ancestor.

 “It’s a deal!”

 “Whoever is a scumbag is the grandson of a turtle!”

 “I will be your witness.” Su Shaoying said.

“Count me in.” Xue Bing smiled.

Lu Xiaofeng and Sikong Zhaixing looked at each other and smiled, and then started drinking.

 (End of this chapter)