MTL - The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!-Chapter 15 : Don't you remember me?

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Professor Wang heard it, and his eyes were full of surprises: "Oh? So soon your graduation thesis is finished? Many students have not started to write! It is really a schoolmaster! Hehe... Xiaowei, you are a teacher teaching One of the most appreciated students for many years."

Yun Muzhen smiled gently: "It is good for Professor Wang." Then he handed his paper to his hand: "Professor this is my thesis, you can help me."

Professor Wang took the paper and looked at Yun Muzhen with gratitude: "Small, do you have any plans for graduation? Now the school is discussing the candidates for staying in school. Would you like to stay in school? Or do you want to continue your postgraduate study?"

Yun Mu 晞 晞 晞 晞 : : : 晞 晞 晞 晞 晞 晞 晞 晞 晞 晞 晞 晞 晞 晞 晞 留 留 留 留 留 留 留 留 留 留 留 留 留 留 留 留 留 留 留 留 留

In fact, staying in school is a yearning for many students, but there is no such opportunity. For Yun Muzhen, this opportunity school is eager to give such students, so that good talents can be retained for the school, but Yun Muzhen does not want to Staying at school, she has a thoughts around her. This has always been her secret. If she stays in school, it will be difficult to keep the secret in the future. She does not want to destroy the purest land on her campus. And graduate school, she does not have this time, she needs to go to work, to earn money, because she not only has to support herself, but also to support her, graduate school can only become a dream of her, and perhaps earn enough money in the future, there are This ability, she will consider whether to continue to further study, but it is imperative that she urgently needs to make money.

Professor Wang has always felt that Yun Muzhen is a child who has his own ideas and ideas. Seeing Yun Muyu has no intention or deep discussion. He just feels it is a pity, so he said lightly: "The paper will stay with me first, wait for me to see. When I am finished, I will call you.” Finally, Professor Wang still felt a little sorry, but couldn’t help but said to Yun Muzhen: “However, staying in school and postgraduate, I hope you can consider it, and you must have a rare opportunity to stay in school. Postgraduate study is the way for people like you to go. Only by continuing to go up can you make your future path longer."

Yun Muzhen knows that Professor Wang is good for him and grateful to him: "Thank you Professor Wang, I will consider it."


Out of the office building door, Yun Muyu walked directly to the school gate. Suddenly a voice called her behind her: "Hello classmates, how can the media department go?"

Yun Mu whispered back and was about to give a good road to others.

"Hey! Little sister..." A tall girl looked at Yunmu with amazement.

Yun Muyu carefully looked at the girl: "You are..."

The tall girl has a long chestnut hair and rises up to form a neat ponytail. A pair of blue eyes is a mixed-race. The face is decorated with exquisite makeup. The outline is very beautiful. The face is full of sunshine. If you look at it, you don’t want to be close. The man is about one meter seven or eight, tall and thin, slim and hot. A white T-shirt is covered with a black short slim leather jacket, a denim shorts below, a pair of slender legs and a pair of black ankle boots, the whole person has a bit of handsome and handsome.

The tall girl was a little disappointed, her face was a little bright, and she said with a bit of grievance: "Don't you remember me?"

Listening to this voice is familiar, Yun Muyu carefully searched in his mind, a familiar face in the mind coincided with the girl in front of her eyes, then surprised and excited said: "You... are you Nannan?"

The tall girl suddenly regained a bright smile on her face, excitedly shouting: "Oh, I thought Xiaoxiaojie forgot me!" It was very enthusiastic to rush to Yunmu, send a Great embrace, and finally intimately kissed on the face of Yun Muzhen.

Yun Muxiao chuckled and said: "Who thought of five years, the little girl has grown into such a beautiful girl of Peugeot! I really can’t recognize it when I walk on the road. You have changed too much. !"

Yan Nan released Yun Muzhen up and down to look at Yun Muyu, smiled and said: "Where, there is no beautiful little sister, beautiful, but how is your big glasses? Block your beautiful face. It’s time to go and pick up the big glasses of Yun Muyu.

Yun Muyu hurriedly stopped the action of Xiao Nan by hand, and whispered: "It's still good!"

He Nan’s incomprehensible question: “Why? I remember that you are not nearsighted, how can you bring your glasses? And this glasses are so ugly!”

Yun Muzhen did not explain much, opened the topic: "Xiao Nan, how are you here?"

Yan Nan rolled up the arms of Yun Mu, and suddenly smiled and said: "Of course I am coming to see you! I just returned home yesterday. I will fly to your school to find you today, I want to give you a big Surprise! I haven't seen you for five years. I remember that I was still in your third year of the year. How about, enough surprises?"

Yun Mu said with a smile: "Surprise, it’s going to be scared!"

Yan Nan suddenly picked up his mouth and said, "I don't like to see me, I am not happy?"

Yun Mu晞 laughed and said: "Haha... I am joking with you! This has been going on for five years. The time is really fast! How have you been in the past few years? Are you coming back this time?"

Yan Nan smiled brilliantly: "I don't plan to leave this time. My parents want me to stay with them in the United States, but I don't like it, so I ran back. I still want to develop in China. You also know that my parents can't help me, so I am tempered and I will let myself."

Yun Muzhen looked at Nannan and couldn't help but sigh again: "I haven't seen you for a few years, but you are really different. Is it so tall? It is also longer and more beautiful, but it is really a woman's eighteen." I really can't recognize it."

Yan Nan smiled brilliantly: "Hey... Xiaojie sister is really nice! What are you doing in the past few years?" Then he turned his face and smiled, staring at Yunmu. "Yes. I heard that Yun Dad has also gone two years ago."

Yun Muzhen suddenly suddenly felt a little bit, nodded, and said: "Let's go, let's go home and talk, go back to my sister to give you a good meal, and pick up the dust for you."


The two of them first went to the supermarket to buy a lot of ingredients, and then returned to the apartment in Yunmu.

When the two entered the elevator and the elevator door was just about to close, suddenly the elevator door opened again, and a long body of Yingying entered the elevator. Seeing the people who came in, Yun Muzhen gave a slight glimpse. I haven't seen Gongyu for several days. I didn't expect to meet it in the elevator today.