MTL - The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!-Chapter 16 :Hello, there is a good blessing.

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Gongyu walked into the elevator and took a deep look at Yunmu, and turned to stand next to Yunmu.

When Yan Nan saw the moment of Gong Yu, he suddenly appeared. This man is so handsome, good man! In the moment, a pair of star eyes can't be separated from Gong Yu, carrying a pair of blue eyes like a follower of the chasing light. Although the height of the bamboo is one meter and seventy-eight, but the height of the palace is one meter higher than that of the taller one, and Nannan looks up at him like this, and the cloud Muqi in the middle is actually because of the disadvantage of height. Can't be a hindrance between the two!

Yan Nan hangs a bright and obsessive smile and asks: "You guy, how many floors do you have?"

Gong Yu’s cold reply: “The same, 25 floors.”

Yan Nan is even more surprised to ask: "Little sister, this handsome guy is actually on the same floor with you!"

Yun Mu 晞 replied indifferently: "Well, he lived with me and moved to the door."

Yan Nan said with a moment of envy: "Wow, there is a big handsome guy living in the door, Xiao Yan sister, you have a good blessing, and envy me."

Yun Muzhen was very helpless and did not reply to Nan. Yan Nan did not care, and all his attention was attracted to Gong Yu, so he looked obsessed with Gong Yu.

Soon the elevator reached the 25th floor, and the elevator opened the door with a bang. Yunmu took the lead and walked out of the elevator, but the Nannan next to her was obviously reluctant, looking back at the palace and looking at the palace, taking a steady step, step by step. Walking at the door of his home, Yan Nan suddenly said to Gong Yu: "Hey, handsome, do you want to have a meal together! People are more busy."

Gong Yu, who had always ignored Xiaonan, heard the invitation of Yan Nan and turned his head to look at Yu Nan and Yun Mu.

Yun Muyu heard the invitation of Yan Nan, and did not go back directly to stop the road: "Xiao Nan, we are not so familiar, I am afraid it is not good."

Yan Nan said uncomfortably: "But Xiaojie, isn't he your neighbor? The neighbors are not familiar with it many times. You said, it's a handsome guy! Come and have a meal together."

Yan Nan did not treat himself as an outsider. He once again threw an olive branch to Gongyu and invited Gong Yu to eat. Gong Yu heard the invitation of Yan Nan, and the stride of the meteor came toward Yun Mu's home.

When seeing the handsome guy’s invitation, Yan Nan was even more excited. He hurriedly pulled forward Gong Yu’s arm and went to his house. Gong Yu’s arm was caught by Yu Nan, and suddenly it was unpleasant, his face was a bit gloomy, his arm was pulled open, and he stepped forward to take the shopping bag in Yun Mu’s hand, followed by Yun Mu’s back. .

As soon as the three people entered the door, they heard the movements and thoughts in the bedroom. They rushed to the door and rushed into the arms of Yun Muyu. Yun Mu squatted and took care of them, and they were happy in Yunmu. On the cheek, I took a sip. I just wanted to talk but found the palace behind me. I turned to my own mommy without hesitation. I ran over and hugged Gongyu’s calf, leaning against my small head and squatting. Big eyes, looking at Gong Yu with a big smile.

Gong Yu has never had such close contact with children, especially for his thoughts. He didn’t know how to be good at the moment, but the little guy was very excited and said: "Uncle Gong, you kneel down, let you read I will kiss you."

Gong Yu suddenly had some trouble, and did not listen to the words, but the peak eyebrows scorned, staring down at the thoughts.

Yun Muzhen immediately raised his face and said seriously: "Mind, don't do this, let go of the uncle."

Uncle Gong, who was not in love with his heart, was reprimanded by Mummy, and suddenly he was greatly wronged. Instead, he held his hands tightly with Guan Yu’s hands. A pair of watery eyes suddenly filled with tears. He looked pitiful. It is.

When Miyau saw such a thought, she couldn't bear it. Some of her heart was sore. She put the shopping bag in her hand aside and squatted down, gently stalking the little body. When I saw the momentum, I plunged into the arms of Gong Yu, and I was crying because of my grievances.

What Yun Muzhen is most afraid of is the tears of his thoughts. Fortunately, he always knows how to be sensible, rarely arrogant, and rarely cries, so when he sees the tears of his thoughts, his heart is soft.

Although Gong Yu doesn't like children very much, especially for the thoughts, but now I see the pitiful look of the little girl crying, my heart is also a soft, very unbearable. Gong Yu’s helpless thoughts wiped his tears, but the little girl became crying more and more, and Gong Yu’s hands and feet were flustered, and the little man was taken into his arms, and he took a look at Yun Mu’s eyes.

On the side of Xiaonan, I was already stupid by this scene. For a long time, I was slowed down to look at the thoughts. I was surprised to ask: "Little sister, this child is..."

The question has not been asked yet. Gu Yuxi, who heard the crying in the bedroom, also ran out. He saw the tears crying in the arms of Gongyu. He was equally surprised and asked: "Small sister, how is this?" Already?"

Yun Muyu saw everyone asking questions to her, and she was helpless. She didn’t reply to the two people, but she squatted down and was busy to appease her thoughts: "Look at you, read Mummy here, don't stick. Uncle Gong, you have stained the clothes of Uncle Gong."

Because it was Yun Mu's screaming and crying, I thought that Yun Muyu had already been assigned to the enemy at the moment, completely ignoring Yun Muyu, and continued to hide in the arms of Gong Yu.

However, the mummy in Yunmu’s mouth was completely shocked by Xiao Nan. Yan Nan’s eyes wide open and he was shocked and asked: “Small sister, you just said Mommy, this child is yours...”

When the words were not finished, Yan Nan himself was surprised to find that this little girl and Yun Muzhen were simply carved out by a model. It was simply a miniature version of Yun Muzhen, which has already explained everything without confirmation.

Then I continued to ask: "Small sister, you have not just graduated this year, haven't got married yet, how come a big child?"

Yun Muzhen did not answer the words of Yan Nan, but took a moment to read and prepare to hold her away from the arms of the palace. Who knows that the little girl’s clothes are not in the hands of the palace, and the crying pears are raining. The gas is not exhausted, and it is constantly sobbing.

I have always been crying and tempering, and today is extremely abnormal. It is also the abnormal performance of the thought that makes Yun Muzhen difficult to cope. I watch my baby daughter cry like this. When the mother’s heart is difficult to calm, it is bad. I cried together. Gu Yuxi also approached, kneeling down and trying to appease the thoughts, but today I don’t think anyone’s account is bought, just recognize Gongyu alone.

When I saw it, I couldn’t bear to cry like this. My heart has long been soft and a piece of heart. I will hold my mind and go straight over Yunmu and Gu Yuxi to the sofa.