MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 554 The reason for Xu Ying's existence

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

So, what the **** were you doing here fifty years ago? "Li Wenxi and Xu Ying walked towards the outside of the city together and asked at the same time.

"More than fifty years ago, in fact, for me, it was only a few days since I left here." Xu Ying looked around, "For me, three days ago, I was still more than fifty years ago. What about the previous world?"

"Oh..." Li Wenxi sighed, "This is really a novel feeling..."

"What's so novel?" Xu Ying kicked away the stones under her feet, "Not long ago, you were in the world thousands of years ago."

"...Ah, that's right."

The two were on the other side of the city at this time, in the wilderness.

If it is on the ground, in the second half of the night, this kind of place is not a good place. In the darkness, this kind of wilderness must be dangerous and frightening.

But in this underground world, even at this point in time, under the illumination of the dome crystal, it is still bright here.

Li Wenxi and Li Wenxi were as casual as if they had come to the outskirts for an outing.

"Actually, I don't know what important things happened here more than 50 years ago. I spent most of my time playing around in the city..."

"Huh? Playing?"

"Well... because my brother does things like alliances and cooperation with the forces here." Xu Ying explained, "He didn't intend to get me involved, and I wasn't interested either, so It hit it off right away.”

"Ah..." Li Wenxi was a little speechless, "Is that so, then didn't you basically not participate in your plan?"

"Of course I participated!" Xu Ying argued for herself, "I said I was playing, but in fact my task was to check the changes in the folks in this underground human stronghold!"

"I didn't just turn around in this city. When my brother and those forces didn't know what they were doing, I inspected all kinds of cities here, almost every representative city."

"Oh..." Li Wenxi understood and couldn't help laughing, "That means you have traveled to many cities in this underground base."

"Why does this statement feel wrong? It should have been inspected in many cities!" Xu Ying corrected, "More than that, my brother will tell me the situation there every time, even the situation of various underground forces. , I can be regarded as the second insider."

"Then, how did you know the current Patriarch of the Wei Family?" Li Wenxi asked curiously, "Don't you have a good relationship with him?"

"Of course, because fifty years ago, he was the one who accompanied me to inspect the human base. At that time, he was not the head of the house, and I was considered an important guest, so he came to take care of my safety."

As Xu Ying said, she ran into the low bushes and picked wild fruits in the low bushes.

"Ah, so that means, the two of you have traveled together for a long time and traveled to many cities?"

Li Wenxi's eyes lit up, she was very interested in this topic, and hurriedly asked: "Then did anything happen between the two of you, like..."


Xu Ying grabbed a handful of picked red fruits, turned around and walked towards Li Wenxi, with an expression of "how is that possible": "What can happen to the two of us, I won't stay at a certain point for long Yes, how could you be interested in someone at that time.”

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"Really not interested?" Li Wenxi expressed doubts, "Then you still let him follow?"

"Of course I'm not interested. I've been letting him follow because he's a tour guide!" Xu Ying shrugged, "For example, if you go to a place for tourism, you won't stay there for long. What will you do to your tour guide? Is it the feeling of being in love? Even if the tour guide is handsome.”

"No cohabitation?"

"Living together, cohabiting together!" Xu Ying glared at Li Wenxi, "Sister-in-law, don't you already have something to do with my brother?"

"Hmm..." Li Wenxi blushed.

"Ah?" Xu Ying was a little dumbfounded, "

Come to think of it... how long have you guys known each other? Was my brother this kind of person before…”

"What do you say about me, let's get back to the point! Judging from the old man's current appearance and his granddaughter, he was also very handsome back then, right?"

Li Wenxi pictured Wei Bai's appearance in his mind, and guessed.

"Well, how should I put it, he is indeed a bit handsome, but he is not as good as my brother."

Xu Ying handed half of the picked wild fruit to Li Wenxi: "If I find a man who is not as good as my brother, I won't be laughed to death by him. I can't hold my head up in front of him. I have nothing against that guy." I’m interested in it. But it’s just good friends.”

"Just good friends." Li Wenxi took the wild fruit, "What is this?"

"It's a wild fruit that's a specialty here. I ate it when I came last time. Wei Bo told me. I haven't even seen it before. It tastes very good. Try it."

Li Wenxi looked at the little red fruit in her hand.

It feels like red berries on the ground, but it is much smaller than red berries, and the red ones are a little purple.

Underground specialized fruit? It tastes good, and the color looks a bit like that kind of very sweet cherry.

She stuffed the fruit into her mouth and gritted her teeth.

The small fruit has a high water content, and the juice bursts in the mouth instantly.


"Wow! Ah... Bah, Bah, Bah!" Li Wenxi spit out the fruit in her mouth in an instant, sticking out her tongue, tears were about to come out, "It's so... so bitter! Bah, bah!"

"Bitter? Impossible?" Xu Ying also ate one and immediately vomited it out, "Bah! Wow, what does it taste like! Why is it so bitter!"

"Did you pick it wrong..." Li Wenxi had a bitter face, feeling a bitter taste in his mouth, and a rusty feeling, "What kind of taste is this..."

"No, it's just this one. Two days ago I..." Xu Ying felt a little strange, "What's going on?...Forget it, maybe it's just that this plant is rotten."

Xu Ying threw away the red fruit in her hand: "Have you found any minerals here, sister?"

"Well... there is one there." Li Wenxi pointed to a factory not far away, "However, it has been discovered over there, and it is being mined, right? There are nothing else."

"It seems that there should be no minerals around here. We need to go a little farther."

Relying on Xu Ying's teleportation ability, the two of them have basically turned around the city, but they couldn't find any other places except for the mining spot on the dome they discovered at first.

But it's normal. This is the core hinterland of the human living area. It has been developed for thousands of years. Even if there are any resources, they have been explored long ago.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"Oh, I don't want to move anymore. It's time to rest. Otherwise, we'd better go back." Xu Ying felt a little lazy, "You have enough rest to welcome tomorrow."

"You are really..." Li Wenxi was helpless, "You are over 300 years old, why are you still acting like a child?"

"What, I was just a child."

Xu Ying tore off a leaf from a branch, and said as she tore it: "Although I have lived for more than three hundred years, in terms of my lifespan, three hundred years is nothing at all. My body and mind are very weak. Isn't it normal to be young?"

"Oh? But you..."

No matter what kind of organisms, lifespan is used to judge whether they are mature or not.

The lifespan of a cat is only a dozen years, so a cat of one or two years old already has all the abilities of a cat, which can jump up and down, hunt and prey, and reproduce.

But human beings are more advanced and intelligent creatures than cats, and the survival ability of human beings who are also one year old is far worse than that of cats, let alone mature.

The longer the life span, the later the maturity, not only the body, but also the mentality.

A twenty-year-old cat is an old cat with invincible longevity, but a twenty-year-old human thinks that he is very young in his heart, so naturally he will not show any old-fashioned attitude.

"So, it's the same for me,

I'm only over three hundred years old, and I'm still very young. "Xu Ying explained with a smile.

"Ah this..."

Li Wenxi understood why she was still like this even though she was several hundred years old.

She looked at Xu Ying like a three-year-old cat looking at a twenty-year-old human.


It is very big. For cats, it is indeed unimaginably big.

But for humans, they are still young.

So Xu Ying still treats herself like a child!

"But you're not..." Li Wenxi hesitated for a moment, but didn't say what she was thinking at this time.

"You want to say, I'm afraid I won't live long, right?" Xu Ying looked at her and pursed her lips.

"I did not mean that…"

"Okay, that's the truth."

Xu Ying's eyes dimmed slightly, but soon returned to normal: "I really can't stay in this world for long, because I don't belong to this world, and now I am just playing hide-and-seek in this world."

"But at least for now, I won't leave this world. Brother, he... really made a lot of efforts to allow me to stay longer."

Li Wenxi opened her eyes wide: "You are still active in this world, is it related to your brother?"

"Of course, my brother has done a lot of things."

Having said that, she bit her lip.

"For example, let me leave the future that is about to collapse early, but arrive at the past last, let me experience a long period of time less than those of them, and miss a lot of things, it really **** me off at the time !"

"For another example, I was hardly allowed to participate in any research related to giant beasts, anything related to changing history, and even kicked me out of the research institute, allowing me to live like an ordinary person in that era for several years, thus Deceiving the world's perception of me."

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"For another example, he sent that teenage Xu Ying to a farther future, instead of coming to this point in time with you, just to prevent two me from appearing at this point in time, so that I can continue to exist here .”

Xu Ying gritted her teeth: "That **** brother, he planned from the beginning to let me stay!"

Li Wenxi was a little speechless.

She didn't understand much, but she could feel Xu Xin's efforts.

His efforts were also successful. Xu Ying did not have any problems until now, and there was no confusion of time and space around her body.

Except for the ability to use time and space, it is almost the same as ordinary people.

"Wait a minute, that is to say, the reason why your brother hardly takes you to participate in serious affairs in this underground world is also because..." Li Wenxi was thoughtful.

"Ah, that's right!"

Xu Ying kicked the big stone on the side of the road with a "click", and her seemingly weak feet directly kicked the stone out of a big hole and a crack.

She said bitterly: "I didn't realize until after he dissipated. He never allowed me to really participate in these things. I'm afraid he was afraid that I would be affected in this respect. Brother bastard, you have to stay by yourself." !Leave me here alone...」

Li Wenxi was silent for a moment, and said, "Maybe... he just wants you to witness the rescue of this planet."

"...Hmph, he just wants to leave me a mess."

Although Xu Ying said so, her eyes were already a little red.

Li Wenxi can understand her mood.

Her real brother, someone she was really familiar with, had already disappeared from this world long ago.

Although she now calls her sister-in-law and brother Xu Xin, they are not the two people who have accompanied her for hundreds of years.

Even the man who traveled with her more than 50 years ago has aged in his 50s in an instant after time travel, and has changed so much that he can be called a stranger.

Now she is really facing the whole world alone.

It is really not easy for her to show such a lively and optimistic image under such circumstances.

Thinking of this, Li Wenxi suddenly thought of one thing.

Xu Ying once said that her relationship with Wei Bai was so good that even her brother was jealous.

That is to say, at that time fifty years ago, that Xu Xin was still alive!

That Xu Xin dissipated at that point in time!

And Xu Ying has just traveled through time from that point in time for a few days.

In other words, for Xu Ying, her brother actually disappeared not long ago...

In fact, she had just lost her last relative not long ago.

This is really...

But in this way, at that time more than fifty years ago, many things did happen.

The Crystal City on the ground was probably built at that time, right?

And the first survivors, also appeared shortly after that.

...It seems that Xu Ying should have done a lot of things at that time, instead of just traveling to various cities as she said.

However, she doesn't want to tell herself yet. UU Reading

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"Oh, it's okay, let's not talk about this!" Xu Ying shook her head, she felt that she was going to cry if she continued.


"You don't have to sympathize with me, I'm not afraid of death! If I die, I'll go to my brother and my acquaintances!"

Xu Ying rubbed her eyes, raised her head and said, "But now, that **** brother left this mess to me, so I'll work harder, don't sleep, let's go find other places!"


Xu Ying grabbed Li Wenxi's arm: "Let's go sister-in-law, I'll take you...huh?"

She stopped suddenly, and looked towards the direction deep in the wilderness.

"What's wrong?" Li Wenxi followed her gaze and looked over.

Overgrown woods, even in the bright environment of the underground world, it is impossible to see what is going on inside.

"Is there anything over there?" Li Wenxi asked.

"... I feel wrong?" Xu Ying stared at the jungle, muttered, "How can there be... wait... the smell of red fruit just now..."

A gleam flashed in her eyes: "No, I'm going to have a look! Sister-in-law, I'll take you back first!"

"Ah? What..." Before Li Wenxi had time to ask in detail, a purple-black vortex appeared under her feet.

She fell into the whirlpool in an instant.

When she opened her eyes again, she was already in the villa.

…what happened?

What did Xu Ying see?

(end of this chapter)