MTL - Smallholder Farmer-~ The thirty-seventh section

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"Brother, you think it's really long-term! I listen to my brother!" Yuxi reviewed his thoughts. In fact, these three rooms are actually more than one hundred flat. When they are cleaned up, they can live and not be too extravagant. Grandma's house can still look at it! It’s too windy! Adding to this disaster year, I don’t know how to go through it in a few days. All three people think that the idea of ​​good words is feasible! Stay in the guest, then you will stay!

I am too far from a vision! I originally thought about it, waiting for my brother to go to school, and then go to the county town to live, leaving these best relatives far away! At this time, I really want to build a house, this grandmother family, all kinds of hate, all kinds of selfishness, the time to live with her family, naturally the shorter the better, the farther and farther away from nature!

The aunt is naturally a person who can make do with the life, and the three will come out and discuss with the grandmother of the grandmother!

Naturally, it is a big generation. Let's speak first, and weeding and her mother-in-law naturally want to be closer!

"Da Niangniang, this home is so a little bit, but no matter what, let the mother-in-law live well, let us all have an idea together, how can these houses be placed, and the mother is also a veteran, give help Ideas!"

"The big niece, you said, the truth, my mother doesn't know you, but these three rooms! Just follow your mother, it's really embarrassing you!"

"姨娘, the family does not say two words! The house is wide, tomorrow, we will buy a bed, and we will get up on both sides of the wall. The three of us will live in the hall and vacate the two houses. Give the two cousins ​​a family! So what can you do?"

"This is also no way, but get up, let's go live!" A shout.

"No, this house can only live in the host family, you are a guest, but this is not the case!" Grandma was first blocked!

"That is, the two daughter-in-law! You said this is unreasonable!" This grandfather also opened his mouth, Yu Yu also knows that let these two husbands live in this room, not very convenient, not a day or two!

Weeding then said: "The stove behind the hall, I don't know if the cousins ​​will hit the stove. We will, tomorrow, at the foot of the outside room, cover a small stove and let out the back house and give you two old people. !"

"Oh, no, how can you live in your main house? This stove, how much money does it cost?" The grandfather disagreed.

"Grandfather, no need to spend a lot of money, there are still a lot of adobe on the wall of our courtyard, and then go to the village to collect points! Now the weather is good, this small stove, it will soon be covered!" Yuxi also opened his mouth.

Yuxi’s opinion with her aunt is the same! Besides, only this arrangement can live comfortably, why not! It is natural to say that there is no opinion!

This steel two uncles look left and right, I think it is also reasonable! After squeezing for two days, you can have a place to settle down. Go back to the second house, and both of them are not willing! The two babies are also well-organized, young and old, and they are a baby who will live.

"Hey, we all come to the door, but it’s really bothering you!" Grandma agreed. This guest is with the Lord. If you don’t do this, what else can you do?

Cao Cao went to find the grandmother to discuss the idea, said that because there are more people, can not live, can get a room in the stove, the hall has to be separated!

"You are a mother, it is not easy to save, how can you let these three people raise these three families, too blind!"

"Big scorpion!"

"Oh, this thing, you still have to worry about Fan Laosi to do it!" The floor area of ​​this room in Yuxi's home is smaller, only the modern 20-flat appearance, really want to do it, it is also a very quick thing! ”

That night, Grandma took Fan Laosi over and looked at it carefully. Fan Laosi still decided that he would come to the main event: "The big scorpion, the buddy, this is the wheat harvest, there are not many people, every family. It’s all a lot, but it’s better to use the adobe in the small stove! Let’s say, this weather, the fear of the earth wall can’t be done. This brick is different, it’s all dry, the white ash on the room, one I will do it in two days, and if I have a fire in the house, I will do it faster!"

"The fourth child, I didn't think about the weather, I thought, so use adobe bricks. Tonight, let's borrow it from home!"

"Xunzi, this thing, give it to me! I am going to scream along the village, and let the bricks come over, it will do!" Turned to look at the raw face:

"You are his uncle? In this foundation, I will pack it up tomorrow morning. I am going to prepare for the house and the pillars. I will start work tomorrow morning! How?"

Fan Laosi knows that this wing is what the cover is to do. Besides, he often helps the ten-mile and eight-town house to build a house. Naturally, he has developed a momentum of being the master. Naturally, he is also welcome. Niu Gaoma's labor force comes!

"He is uncle, no problem, this room is said, it is because we only cover it, don't tell me! If you try your best, then my old man will count as one!" Grandpa immediately said, two steel uncles are also on the side. Nodded on it!

This matter is fixed!

I can't live without it. When I come to the restaurant, I have to spread the stove. I will spread it over the village in a gust of wind. On that night, this grandmother's house sent more than 200 pieces of earthen bricks!

"Hey, I am going to go back to my mother's house tomorrow. I will come back to help you again the day after tomorrow. This morning, I will go early, this will send the bricks, but don't talk to Fan Laosi, but also Also, don't pay it back. This is also useless. I will use it later. I will do it now!"

"Oh, thank you!"

In this village, who has nothing to do, put a pile of earthen bricks, always count on what to do, and do it!

The two uncles of the steel are also on the side, helping to move the brick into the yard! Grandma, this is gone.

Yuxi was attached to the ear of the words and said: "Brother, this loves us to remember!"

I have no reason to say that he is not a disobedient person. He is not a person who forgets his feelings. When there is nothing tonight, a few people will squeeze into sleep!

The next day, in the morning, Yuxi naturally did not have time to enter the space, so that her aunt got up early, she was asleep! After my aunt got out of bed, I went on breakfast and went to the space. I was busy in it for a while. When I came out, I put out the cover in the space and let it go downstairs!

How good people are, how many people are there, chickens and everything are fed early! When she came out, Yuxi didn't do anything, and she finished her breakfast. I am still going to school to study!

Yuxi knows where the kiln is, and then goes to buy the tile. My brother still goes to class. I have to go to Jiang Ji to inform me that this bed must be sent here, and this bed must buy a few more beds.

"Ah, grandmother, I went to the town to buy a tile!"

"Oh, OK," the aunt could only guard the house, and it was time to start working on the stove. Nobody how to do it?

"Hey, let your uncle follow you, or else, how can you go so far!" This grandfather couldn't bear it.

"My grandfather! No, I will go on a trip, riding a small donkey, very soon! The uncles are at home, help me to understand it." Yuxi is naturally not wanted, and the familiarity of the road is not guilty.

"Nothing, I often go, the road is also familiar, and then I say this tile and don't want me to back! I will go to book, come back! Effortless, I will come back soon..." Yuxi was busy riding The little donkey is gone.

The front foot of the jade has just left, the village chief of the hind foot has come, shouting his son, pulling the ox cart, dragging the adobe of his house! Under the bricks, Fan Sishu came with more than a dozen labors.

Although it is a small stove, it is just before the wheat harvest, how can you not mistake the work in the field, the four uncles have not yet opened, they brought people. Deliberately called a lot of people, people are more powerful, and the idea is to complete the day!

When the patriarch came, he was the master. Then he looked The old base of the East Chamber is the foundation of two houses side by side. The patriarch thought about it, and the wing could not be higher than the main room, so there was no attic. Simple herringbone, fake top. Two houses, do not use much bricks!

This foundation has been built like this. It is not as convenient as two rooms. It is not only that the roof is good, but the beam is also good! Then decided, simply do not do two, end up two, anyway, the adobe sent this is enough to make two houses! This meaning, it is very right for the grandmother's idea, the two decided to make a decision, the real master, all ignored! Who is your mob?

In the meantime, people came to send bricks, and they got the command of the village head. When the four uncles took people, they began to mix the walls! More than a dozen big men are the veterans of the house, and the two uncles are also skilled workers. They cleaned up the footings in the morning and watered them. This will start immediately! Two or three people stood on a wall, and the exclusive person handed the bricks and some people sent the mud! This speed, seeing this wall is the same as building blocks, and it is rising!

When the carpenter four uncle came over and put the size of the window frame to the agreed size, he set up the horse stool in the wall and began to do it. Naturally, the door frame, the window frame, and the girders are first made. This country house does not need to be carved! It’s just that the plan is smooth. Besides, in the four uncles, the ready-made window frames and door frames are also piled up.

A group of people will start working in full swing!

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