MTL - Smallholder Farmer-~ Section 38: Dojo in the snail shell

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But he said that Yuxi went to the town and went straight to the "Jiang's Grocery Store". He told the Jiang’s treasurer that he had a gossip, Jiang’s treasurer, I heard that Xiaoyan’s family actually had to entertain three family members. Go in, just can't speak! This brother and sister is what is going! It’s not good to manage the things in the house, so I have to arrange for people to go to the warehouse to get the bed!

Yuxi thought about it and decided to buy a bed. This back hall, if the guest is gone, keep a cockroach and take up the place! It is not easy to use in the future, it is better to make it into a bed, and it is also convenient to move! ,

"Uncle Jiang, is there still a bed?"

"How, no entrenched?" Jiang's treasurer knows that this plaque can't spend much money, can't compare with the bed!

"No disk! After the hall, the main room is not ready for the plate, the grandmother is the master bed!"

"This is also, again, the bed is comfortable! I have a canopy bed here, but also come with it, I look at your size!"

Yuxi took out the size, just right! Jiang’s treasurer took the picture of this canopy bed:

"Shantou, this wood is general, fir, simple look! It is simpler than your aunt's canopy bed with drawers, but also has a shelf, a bedside, and looks very decent! Equipped with two bedside tables and one foot pedal. It is also an upscale bed in the eyes of ordinary people!"

Jiang’s treasurer said, Yuxi’s look is indeed the case, this bed looks really good! Yuxi sees the Jiang dispensers this time, the wood is much more, they have chosen a chest cabinet, so that the room behind the hall can almost live in the old couple!

Thinking that I can live with my aunt at the wall of the house, Yuxi does not like to have no privacy, and it is not convenient to enter or leave the space! There are six screens in the storehouse of Jiang’s treasurer, and the sapphire Meiju Lanhe is painted. Yuxi also called the buddy to move out, ready to block in front of his bed, to play a cover role.

Knowing that these guests lived long, the wardrobe or something, naturally have to use them, they chose two drawers to prepare for the aunt to use. Yuxi originally wanted a wardrobe, no more. Looking at this kind of chest of drawers, what to put on clothes, but also to put things on the countertop, better than the wardrobe, bought two without hesitation, only these two! After passing this village, there is no such store. The goods in this Jiang dispenser are purely fateful.

Jiang’s treasurer naturally counted a price that both of them were happy. The jade was about to be ordered, so that the squat would send something, and they would quit the shopkeeper.

I went to the embroidery shop to buy a mosquito net, which I remember a few days ago, I saw a curtain embroidered with Songhe Yannian! It’s most appropriate for my grandfather to go home with the elderly. Asked, I haven’t sold it yet. I took it and looked at it. The bed outside is a plain blue cotton cloth. The yarn used is not white, but the yarn is not white. It is a bit yellow! I negotiated with the boss and negotiated for five hundred big money.

Looking at the price is okay, this head is stunned, still afraid to make a beggar? The province is not here! Simply bought two more beds, so as not to offend the two uncles. Besides, this with a baby, this mosquito can be dedicated to tender meat! One bed has a curtain with chrysanthemums, one bed is the curtain of plum blossoms, and the accounts are all light blue cotton cloth, which are bought according to the size of this dragonfly. Buying more, three beds, naturally bargaining, and saving 200 yuan, 1300 money to get three bed nets! Take the back and carry it away from the embroidery shop.

When Yu Yu left the cloth shop, he turned to the tile kiln factory in the west of the town to order the tile. People can't believe it. You buy a small hair to buy a tile, not a piece of two! Yuxi had to talk with silver and handed over 5,000 watts of silver. This factory was only believed in the factory, and the ox cart was counted, and the car was delivered!

The kiln of the kiln kiln sent the tile to the house, and when they saw that they were starting the house, they all booked the slabs. The buddy in the kiln hoared and took away the remaining half of the wattage!

When the jade came back on the little donkey, the house got up more than half. This speed is really amazing! Through this incident, Yuxi is sure, this grandfather is an acute child, and everything can't wait to be in his mouth. To be honest, Yuxi also has a bit of this temper. At this time, looking at the grandfather, he is more cordial. People gather together!

On the side of the main house, according to the meaning of the grandfather of the patriarch, first of all, respected the kitchen prince, and moved the stove out of the back room of the hall. On the side of the west side, two simple stoves were built and the rice was cooked.

In the main room of the main room, the original stove was dismantled in the morning and restored into a dark room about six feet wide and four and a half feet long! The wall and the floor are cleaned up, and the lime water brushes the wall white! It is mainly to brush the traces after the stove is removed, and it doesn't last long. The effect is really good. After brushing a layer of lime, it will be fine! It took only one hour for this dark room to be finished.

Grandma sees someone cooking, and when she looks at it, she goes back, and there is a bunch of things in her house! The niece of the big brother also went to the house. These seven or eight people, the house has to be vacated! I told the house about the things in my house, and said that I was embarrassed, and I left.

Those who cook and entertain to help the workers, they are naturally the main force! Grandma is also busy, and encouraged by the scent of braised pork, boiled chicken, and scrambled eggs. When the sky is dark, the last tile is also covered with mud! Two houses were announced in one day! This time, the two uncles of the steel and the grandfather, this is a great effort. In order to catch up with the time, it is a busy moment.

Of course, the food for this reception will be much better, and don’t bring food. The tofu and braised pork are all three! The dishes are not awkward, the ground is planted, the taste is different, and it is well received by everyone!

Yuxi’s return home, naturally, all the work was not able to get in the hands! The adults in the yard were very busy. In the end, Yuxi just walked with the backyards of the two children, and then walked back to look at the adults to repair the house. Yuxi can only go to the backyard to see the chicken and play with two small tails! There is no place for the strength of the whole body, and no one even listens to it!

These two children, the older child is five years old, called Song Jiang; this name gives the jade a smile, and "Water Margin"? The three-year-old doll is called Song He. This is a detailed question. Sure enough, there is also a large uncle, Song Bing, a son, a long-term grandson, Song Hai. This time it was the maiden of the big watch family!

Yuxi is actually only eight years old. Naturally, in the eyes of adults, it is a child. (In a few days, these two tails are even on her! '玥 cousin, 玥 cousin! 'Listen big, 玥 玥 belt Take the two tails, look at the repair house, and inside the hall, see how to put these furniture, so that the three of them sleep well. Knowing that you want to start a wall is naturally very happy!

At noon, you can eat rice and vegetables made from steel watches. The taste is OK! Still eat at a table.

When I came back, I opened the meal, and the patriarch sat in the main position, and I would like to play with him on the side! My grandfather is also on the side with the uncles and brothers who help you to work, and persuaded to drink and eat. Yuxi expressed his gratitude to Grandpa for his work. This meal, the big meat soup is full, everyone is very satisfied!

After dinner, there is still some time, Yu Yu asked and said:

"Brother, how do you arrange your residence? This afternoon, you have to put this house in place!" Aunt and Yu Yu discussed it, the aunt's bed, let the words be used, placed on both sides of the hall, three people Live aside!

"Sister, my brother can trust you, you look at the placement!"

"So I can trust me?"

"No! Do you want to go see with your brother?" I said, remembering what I was worried about.

"Yes," Yuxi also felt that his brother had something to whisper to himself, the two brothers and sisters laughed and went!

"Sister, your dressing table, where is it?"

Where is the space, but can you say? Naturally can't!

"I put it one can find it!" Deliberately posing awkward! But I like it! My sister’s lively day and night made him feel that he was also full of energy.

"Sister, my brother has been holding the silver at home, and there is a house, what has come, so many relatives, or else, brother, you, are you?"

"Yes, brother, I promise to collect it, no one knows where I am!"

"Well, brother believes you, but you can't mess with it!"

"Brother, how can I mess around!"

Yuxi smiled and shook his brother's hand! Put on a little girl and spoiled! I also laughed at it! The two returned to the room where they had lived. From the cave, they took out the bamboo piggy bank and handed it to the younger sister. The ability to hide things from the younger sister, he always admired, he has been looking for it, but how Can't find it! Therefore, now that the outsiders come out, naturally, give it to the younger sister, and feel relieved!

When the buddy went to school, Yuxi put his brother’s piggy bank into the space, and the brother didn’t say anything, and Yuxi was relieved!

Just arrived at noon, the guy in the Jiang dispenser shop, sent three beds and the same cabinet and so on to buy things! Yuxi arranged to put the bed in the back of the house, and said that this room was for Grandpa’s grandmother!

But at this time, I heard a grand proposal from Grandpa!

"Taro, this knows that you are kind, but the rules are not like this! This is the main house of your Fan family. We can't live with the old couple. So, if you want to live, you will live alone, or you will be empty. I see, isn't this a house again? Our old couple, living in the East wing room will be fine!"

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