MTL - Smallholder Farmer-Chapter 592 This prince is not a prince

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"You?" Yu Yu was shocked and unconsciously raised his finger at the man: "What do you say these words at this time?"

Yin Wang held her hand on her left arm, jade and dumb, and the hard armband on her hand reminded the jade. Do you remember the lock yourself? A friendly pair of grandmothers:

"Grandma, the wedding date is fixed, you have to ask Grandma to come to participate!"

"Oh, no wonder, the eight-grandmother said it was the prince! It turned out to be the prince and not the king."

This is good, young, serious, and pretentious... Grandma’s face is delighted. Yuxi, the future grandfather, is the best. In fact, if Grandma knew in the morning that this prince would have to abandon his age, he could have such a large contrast of Wang Laosi. Obviously, Yin Wang is young.

"Grandma..." Yuxi shouted softly.

"Oh, Grandma has something to do, I have to go ahead to help, you talk about it, Wang Ye is self-conscious!" Grandma Wenyu said a word of snoring, and left...

Wang Laosi took the boys to the Dahan Mountain, and the sage king couldn’t help himself. Let Yuqi get up and go to see the various arches that were repaired: "Shantou, go see with the Lord, specialize For you

"Inconvenient! Yu Li does not..."

Ms. Pan pulled her up on the side: "Seven summers, there is still wind outside, take the soft cloak."

Yuxi knows that this is the disguised one who made the Lord for himself. He has to go out with the prince. I don’t know what Pan’s mother has taken the wrong medicine. This is too abnormal.

For this former public, Yuxi wants to have a distance, don't let people think that this prince has any thoughts on himself? It is not a husband and wife who is a passer-by. Yu Yu firmly believes in this article and is unwilling to play with him. This wish was quickly reached, and the little sisters were all out, and they were willing to be guides. The big sister who had not seen enough of the country scenery also asked for his own cloak and decided to follow.

The prince of the lord did not care, and invited the prince of Wenyu to come out. Everyone went together. Gao Dashuai was not good at peeling his face in front of Wenwang. He had to bite his teeth and go there. Who else wouldn’t go, and he would accompany him in his wife. By the side.

This is the glory that I have earned for my hometown. It is natural to see if nature is willing.

When entering the village, Yuxi saw it. On the way to the village, a slippery bluestone road stood three arches with several floors. In fact, the jade does not feel very good, and it is too similar to the kind of archway that survived in the past, which makes the jade feel a little erect. However, local people must have different views.

"This is the millennium glory that your brother earned for the Fan family!"

Yin Wang looked at the archway and lamented that, at a young age, this is a big point, and he has made a great contribution to the family and has more interest than himself.

"Yes! My brother is amazing!"

Yuxi also lamented that she had such a brother. There is also the Zhuangyuan Building in front of the Ancestral Hall and the Wenyuan Building in the New College. These changes have made Yuxi happy. A group of people in the Zhaozhi County led the team, watching Fanjiacun's various new and old buildings, the minds of each thousand. No one is in the way.

"Jiro, which classroom did you study in?"

Miss Kong Wu forgot the shape, called the two private names, but was heard in the ears by the jade on the side, sweating a real, really chilled. My goodness, my heart is numb, I have eyes to say other people, I have no eyes to say myself, Yuxi naturally did not find it, the Yinwang is holding her hand, the two sleeves are very long, just cover the two people pulling Hand, this hearty chill makes him grin, this girl, it seems that it is difficult to ask her to say what she wants in the future.

"Here, there is this, noon here!"

I am going to point to the classroom that I have stayed in, the school is on holiday, and the girl, such as Yuxi, can go in and see. Yin Wang looked at the table that he was reading, and the table was made of miscellaneous wood. Oh, it was such a condition that he had a champion, how clever and hard it was.

"What is the new table and chair of this school, I have it!" For Fanjiacun to re-enter talent, I am willing to make some support!

"Do you look at this table is still cheap, just pack this." White boss is on the side, his heart is not bad, deliberately tearing down the stage.

"Is this king the same person as you, it is impossible! Zhaozhi County is arranged here, taking advantage of the good buy!"

"Xie Xian Wang Ye, how much better is the lower official than this?"

It is said that one party raises one person in water and soil, and Zhao Zhixian is also a real person. You have to say about the price. The price of this table is really hard to say. It is worse than this. There is also a table that can change ten sheets. It is better than this. One hundred and ten pieces can't be replaced. There is also one, what do you want me to buy?

"In this way, I don't subdivide the things of the college. I have to use the money of 10,000 yuan. If you buy bricks and buy bricks, I don't care, as long as it is used in college."

"Xie Xian Wang Ye!" Zhao Zhixian grateful, the Fan family and the old people on the other side are also grateful to the side of the road. The prince of the sage lifted his hand and said it was impolite. Big furniture does not comprehend, seriously thank you, saying that the prince must not say clearly: "No thanks, some small things..."

The person who gave the cheapest gifts, but received the most gratitude, is naturally the king of Wenyu. Yuxi thinks that this surname is really a kind of welfare. Wenyu Wang has wrapped up all kinds of squares and plaques of various buildings. The college is no longer the "Fanjiacun Academy", but is officially renamed "Fan's College" with the original works of the Confucius's Nth generation grandson. For a college, it seems to be more precious than the royal pen. In particular, the newly-opened academy, as soon as it enters the school gate, is a large saint figure, and it is covered with a red cloth. Oh, it was originally intended to invite the champion to open the curtain. As a result, Wen Wang personally did it. How much glory is this. .

Everyone here to give Confucius a ritual, this is a long-planned ceremony. The teachers of the college and some of the students in Fanjiacun and nearby students came to participate. Yuxi thinks that this is not trained, how can this person come so fast? Of course, the students got a notice before the holiday. After they knew that they were at home, they needed to pay attention to the red kites near the school. Once they found the kite flying, they came to the school and stood in the position. The dean of the dean has long been delineated one by one, don't come to the crowd like a headless fly. This preparatory work was obviously a great success. The students came in, neatly and orderly in front of the saints. When the Wenyu Wang came out, the black crows were waiting for a bunch of students.

Wen Hao Wang said that he could not encourage everyone, and gave an impromptu speech. He also said that he also came forward and said that he once again made a living advertisement for the college he enlightened.

As for Gao Dashuai, he personally came forward to face the army in Fanjiacun. The villagers who had the same spirit and the same spirit and Fan brothers said that they would like to participate in Gao Jiajun when they came to recruit, very welcome. Of course, these students We can be the same as the champion, the civil and military, and the great road to success. The martial arts master, Gao Jiajun sent a head to serve, and he will arrive in the spring.

Fan family leader is simply a smile, such a Fan's school, huh, who do not want to read?

As expected, the later Fan's School was really a talented person. This is not a hundred percent of people, scholars, but the show is really 100% of people. Moreover, it is not a weak scholar who can't lift his hand and can't be shackled. One by one, can't rise directly. They all went from the army, Gao Jiajun and Wang Jiajun, and signed up with a diploma to give priority to admission. The position is naturally good, and it is rare to write a soldier who will count. After the words, I did not mention it.

Everyone is here to look at the most important work of Ye Zhifu recently. Obviously, it is fruitful with the support of Zhao Zhixian. I got the praise of the above Wang Ye, that is the greatest success. Besides, there are a few people who can work for the ternary and the first Kuixing. This is a kind of glory.

Back home, you are not seen, you are going to have fun with the people this evening, and you will live down. You can live in one of the real ones. The guards are also expensive, even if several people are divided into one. The house is living, and the three yards are really not enough to take out the points. Don't say that the Gao family has come early, basically they have lived in the various houses. Tallly, he looked excited to find the jade.

"Shantou..." Yuxi looked at him. This person would not be a heart. He must have known that the shallow courtyard of the country was narrow in the morning.

"Hey, what is the command of Daxie?" Yuxi's cute face can't deceive Gao Dashuai, so a big hand is pressed to the hair that Yuxi can now turn over.

"Not cute, or the original little girl is cute."

"There is a slap in the limelight, you are in a hurry!"

"Afraid of what? They are all relatives!" Gao Dashuai looked excited.

Yuxi is under the control of the big pitifully confronts Gao Yuanshuai:

"This is what you said, something happened to you!"

"Are you afraid that you can't protect you? Don't worry, don't blame, I have been thinking about going to live on a house. The roast chicken, the bowlware, etc. that you got out on the road are all your medicine Wang Zhuang "Is it ready?"

"People are too smart, not too old!"

"You are going to be older than the old man, I am asking you!" Sure enough, the tough guy is also afraid of the old, and it is more heartbreaking to say that the hero is late than the beauty.

Yuxi lifted his foot and went to the place where he could cast spells! Because no one lives in the yard, all the vegetable fields in this yard are planted with grass, and if you encounter a colleague who is passing through, it is discovered that this is a lawn special grass that is rare in previous life, a weed No, green and green is a green blanket. At this time, because the season is wrong, the color is yellow, and the jade does not like it. In the eyes of the handsome man, this piece of autumn yellow carpet with Xiao Xiao’s gas is more colorful. !