MTL - Smallholder Farmer-Chapter 591 I am the person who booked a relative with her.

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Ps: Second, after the victory in January, I was rewarded with full attendance. Thank you, dear, our 2015 opening is good!

Miss Gao dressed as a lady is receiving her own grandfather. This Confucius’s rules and regulations are not fault-tolerant. They are pretending to be arrogant, but they hear Wang Laosi’s madness in the yard. drink:

"Wang Laosi, are you itchy?"

The consequence of Miss Gao’s screaming is that she has exposed her disguise. She asked her to see her granddaughter. Her mother-in-law will be stimulated by her younger brothers. Miss Kong Wu’s return to her family is a blow to the big cow: 'I will not be trained by my mother-in-law. My own rules are good in the Fan family. Even if my sister is pretending, I will not pretend!

And because the deterrent force is not very large across the cotton curtain, Wang Laosi made a mad disdain in the direction of the dry sister, waving his hand to let Zengtou continue, Zengtou did not care, he was subconsciously watching With a little bit of jade, he took a few people and took a few people to go and pick up the bamboo raft. After a while, I took a bamboo raft and came over, that is the style that the jade scallions used to sell.

"Three girls, I use the scorpion to carry the young masters inside, do you think it is appropriate?"

"Oh, you have to bundle a bundle of cloth, what can you do if it falls out of it?" Yu Yu looked up and looked at the possibility of sitting inside, not worried.

Grandma looked at the side for a while, and came over at this time.

"In my house, there is a special back sitting on a small baby. I am going to get a few to come over. How can this be done with firewood? Do you want to run a house!" While looking at Zengtou’s frown, this person has not yet married. immature!

For a time, Zengtou went to the grandmother's house to find several recitals. This is really professional. There are also places where the little ones sit, and the children can stand up inside. Very free. In the scorpion, there is also a place for the dolls to wear belts on the waist. I once smiled and took the young sons one by one and tried the size! Made a gesture of completion to Wang Laosi.

"Hey. Have you eaten and left?" Yuxi was afraid that the old man would go into the mountains with a horse, and he had to persuade.

"That is natural, I have to eat enough, but I look at the dishes prepared by the scorpion that week is a bit unreliable. You are not sincere in hospitality."

"When you don't eat, you will be fine!" Yu Yu simply ignored him.

"What have you done?"

Does this mean that there are new dishes? Wang Laosi gathered in front of the jade, a look of courtesy. Only at this time, he is considered a normal person, usually it is loaded, or serious or playful, are loaded. In the cognition of Yuxi, Wang Laosi is such a kind person. With food, everything is fine.

"Don't tell you, say my mother will marry me!"

"Fan Yuxi, did you really put the nest of piglets on the scourge?" Miss Gao was listening very well, and now she was stunned by the curtain.

"Mother. How do you say that, the little pig scorpion has no food to eat, and it has lived for a long time..." Yin Wang listened and laughed, and later the mother seemed to have more prestige.

"I knew that the jade was unreasonable, and as expected, I told him to tell him, this is the opposite of the day! So small pigs remember to eat meat, do you not?"

"Wen Niang, look at how my clothes cracked a big hole?" Fan Qianhe accompanied the childhood partners in the village on the other side, and then he said. "The old tricks, deliberately to transfer the anger." Speaking to his wife, explained.

"Don't fight, this path is useless to me, you are just tearing yourself!"

Miss Gao was not fooled, but Fan Qian and his face came over, and there was a hole in his back. Miss Gao had to take him back to change clothes. I can't behave in the face of my ancestors. This grandfather still looks at it.

The old man is stunned. Was this tyrant so good to deal with? Of course, I may not be able to do it, and I can’t sell this. The clothes are broken, and the woman in the house can get a set, but this trick may be useful. learnt. However, the moment is still the most important food.

“How big is the piglet?”

"Without 60 days, there are ten of the jade."

"Do you really give it?" Wang Laosi made a murderous move.

"You are really, how to compare to your neck, under the big festival, do not know the taboo!" Yu Yu took his hand and nodded.

"This, can you eat?"

"The roast suckling pig I made didn't know how Zhou Zizi was doing."

"Her craftsmanship I have believed." Wang Laosi is very relieved.

The lunch is eaten in a few tables. There is no such thing as pork on the table of Miss Gao. This is what Yu Yu ordered. He had to have a table with him. The two of them were feeding the rice, and the salt was light. Others don't like it. The rest of the people’s desk was fun, and an entire pig was lifted up.

"Da, can you put it out like the last piece of duck, and the piece is covered with leather?" On the main table of Wen Wangye, Yuxi introduced the new way of eating.

"What 108 pieces you asked for is only a little thicker!"

"It's almost as thick, it's too thin, it's not good, there is no limit on the number of pieces!" Yuxi really didn't expect this big heart to remember so well, remember that there wasn't a lot of 108 pieces of ducks.


Tallly nodded, raised the dagger on the table, looked at the pig, and immediately got the piece up, the size is the same, the thickness is the same, the neat is still placed on the skeleton, the piglet is After that, it is still integrated.

This is too strong! The jade worshipped two eyes and took the stars.

With the sauce specified by the jade, Wang Laosi took a sip first!

“Wow, it’s delicious!”

After saying this, Wang Laosi used the public chopsticks to replace the ancestors and the literary kings, so he would not be an outsider at all. I also put a lot of it on myself.

Yin Wang tried the taste and laughed. This tastes really good. After returning to Beijing, I can do something for my grandmother.

Yuxiong retired and returned to his own table, on his own side, that is, I have to ask Zhou Zizi, and then I am sorry to ask the Marquis of Daqi Dynasty to come to the film. The table of jade is all small dolls.

The thoughtful and delicate King stood up and accompanied her to the outside table.

"I'll take a picture for you, it's really good to have a good taste!"

Yuxi looked at him and quickly turned his duck piece on this table into a piece of the same size. It was also a whole pig that did not move, and his eyes still flashed the stars, but he only smiled at him and was blessed with a blessing.

The sage king is happy to return. I don’t mention eating it myself.

These are all in the eyes of Grandma. She is sitting in the middle of the room, sitting with the two ladies of the Fan family and the scribbles, watching Wang Laosi, and then looking at the prince, a little faint.

"Hey sister, how do you feel so disrespectful to the prince, though you used to, you..." Miss Kong Wu is very depressed, this is the lord of sage, how can it be so disrespectful. But I don’t dare to say it. I don’t want to mention the things that Yuxi has and I have left. She is well aware. This is back to my husband's family, and I can't talk nonsense.

"Ah, scorpion, next time I respectfully, haha ​​habit, really I respect him, I am afraid he is not used to it!"

Miss Kong five does not believe.

"How is it possible, everyone likes others to respect themselves!"

"..." Yuxi did not speak.

Later, because the roast pigs were delicious, Yin Wang appeared on the side of the table at the first place, and once again took a small pig for them. The jade was up and he saluted him seriously: "Thank you, Yin Wang. Ask for help!"

"Doing things, how can I offend you? I didn't say anything. This meat doesn't say anything, I take half of it..."

Yin Wang thought that he took the initiative to help me, suggesting that the little girls had eaten a lot, and the jade was embarrassed and made a small temper. Then, sure enough half of the suckling pigs were gone. Miss Kong Wu believed this, and some people just refused to respect.

After the meal, everyone rested, and Grandma found the front of the jade.

"Hey, Grandma has something to ask you."

"Grandma, ask!" Yuxi put down the pen in his hand and handed a sketch of the painting to Pinellia:

"Send it to the four grandfathers, save the younger sons and go out and get lost."

"Girl, the four grandfather still dare to take away?" Pinelli took the paper while he was curious about the jade.

"I haven't seen what he wants to do. He didn't do it." Yu Yuyan answered the words of Pinellia in a concise manner, turning around and holding the grandmother to sit in front of his fireplace.

"Grandma, you don't go to rest, it's a tired morning!"

"Not tired, what are we tired of in the family?"

"What big daddy wants to ask me, ask."

"Hey, the grandmother wants to ask wrong, you can't be annoyed. (angry)"

"No annoyed, ask!"

"That, how did you book a kiss with this Wang Siye, and told him to be jealous, and his attitude towards your mother is not right, no one looks like a junior..."

Yuxi laughed haha: "Grandma, what's the matter with you, this is really my four, remember that it is very powerful, often wearing a silver robe, I am called a grandfather?"

"Remember That is your dry head, and speaking, your relationship is really much!"

"This is the fourth son of the four kings. They are their sons. I am doing the right thing. I thought he was doing the work. Later, the grandfather said, my mother is the dry daughter he has long recognized. This is called He is dry, this time a brother took out to sacrifice the ancestors' offerings, you are not saying that it is very good, that is what I did, you have seen, a little thinner..."

"Last time, you didn't know. When he came out last time, the grandmother said that he had said it in person, it was your husband..." Grandma was completely fainted, but she was relieved, otherwise It’s not good luck to have such a grandfather in moderation. Is there a face to the mother-in-law?

"When did the grandmother say it, I..." Yuxi remembered what happened last time. What happened so much on that day?

"Grandma, that person is me!"

The prince of sage came over and said easily: "I am the person who ordered a relative with Yuxi!" (To be continued. (lwxs.))
