MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 92 search

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The beauty has never seen Shu Huan’s hair, and he has been stupid. When he was called by Gu Xiran, he has not returned to God. He said: "Ah?"

Gu Xiran converges on the smile on the face, and his eyes are calm: "Call the clouds and come in."

This is the beauty of the scenery, and I quickly screamed and ran out to call people.

Shu Huan also wondered: "What do you want to do?"

Is it still okay that she lost enough people today to throw up two more to see her show Hedong Griffin?

Gu Xiran seems to understand what she is thinking, her eyes turn, the voice: "Reassured, you only show the feminine, the outside has long heard."

Shu Huan’s anger, the anger suddenly vented half, just sit in the chair, wait and see

Yun Yan Niang quickly lowered her eyebrows. As the beautiful scenery came in, she did not speak. She first went to Shu Huan’s front: "The cloud is wrong, please punish."

This year, the level between the wife and the wife is still very clear. If Shu Huan wants to attack her, let alone pinch her fault, even if there is no reason, she has to bear it, and can not reveal the slightest dissatisfaction, so the most A clever approach is tantamount to admitting mistakes.

Didn’t think that the scenery didn’t make it clear, it’s not Shu Huan who called her in, but Gu Xiran, so he heard him say: “say”

The word is short and the majesty is unquestionable.

Yunxiao Niang is slightly stunned, the lower the eyebrows are: "Two Lord, what do you want me to say?"

The key to this sentence lies in the word "you want", and its meaning is thought-provoking.

Gu Xiran slightly stunned his eyes, and his heart has already moved to true anger, but the tone is weaker: "Some words I don't like to repeat, your means and mind, it is best to put it in front of me."

Yunxiao Niang’s heart hurts and presses on the tears: “Second Lord, I really don’t know what you want me to say.”

"Very good" Gu Xiran nodded his head and stopped looking at her. He only said to the beautiful scenery: "Search for two people, and give her a place to search for everything that I have seen and see, and bring it to me."

The "哎" beautiful scenery responded very quickly, and turned and went.

Yun Yan Niang's face is white, but it is still a pretty figure, there is no movement.

Shu Huan marries her, and then she looks at Xi Xiran. She seems to understand some things in her heart, and her eyes are full of meditation.

The room was quiet for a while, and even the sound of breathing was not clear.

They came to the hospital for a temporary stay. They didn't bring much things. It was natural to search for something. It didn't take long for the scenery to go. I took a few paper bags and put them on the table. I don’t have any eye-catching things in my house. I don’t know what it is for me.

Gu Xiran glanced at the paper bags and didn't bother to identify them. He asked Yun Hao Niang directly: "What kind of medicine are you?"

Yun Yan Niang calmly said: "It is the medicine that Erye used to eat before, and she wants to be prepared, and she is always at ease."

Gu Xiran smiled slightly: "Thank you for your meticulous care."

Yun Yan Niang’s voice carries a sorrow that is not easy to detect: “This is what the niece is, and I’m not thankful.”

Gu Xiran nodded and silenced for a while without words.

Is this the so-called thunder and heavy rain?

Shu Huan was almost stunned by his side, and he heard him suddenly say: "Why, do I have to wait?"

What are you waiting for?

Everyone is confused.

Fortunately, he quickly said again: "Is it out of the things that you bring with yourself, or am I calling the beauty out of you?"

The cloud scorpion was slightly shocked and hesitated for a moment before he untied the pockets of his waist and smashed the pieces of the same thing inside.

Gu Xiran urged: "There are still in the sleeves."

This time, Yunxiao Niang did not hold back. After taking out a small bag of things hidden in the sleeve, she lowered her head and the tears fell.

The dry ground quickly stained the tears, and the room was silent again.

Gu Xiran bent over and smashed the bag on the ground, and threw it on the table. Then he said to the beautiful scenery: "Take these things on the table to Pinzhu Xuan."

The scenery is vaguely understood, and I dare not delay, and I will use the tea tray to pick up the things, put those things on the top, and take them away.

“There is still” Gu Xiran shouted to her: “The incense burner in my room was taken together, and the doctor taught the doctor to distinguish it. What kind of incense is burning inside.”

In this last sentence, he stared at Yunxiao Niang, saying one word at a time. Every word seemed to carry an invisible pressure. Yunxiao Niang couldn’t hold it anymore, and she lost her voice: "The second master doesn't have to worry... I said for myself..."

The opportunity is to grasp it by yourself. Both hands are pushed out, and it is difficult to come back.

At this time, Gu Xiran, out of his indifference, turned a deaf ear to the words of Yunxiao Niang. He only said to the beautiful scenery where he was overwhelmed: "Is it not going?"

The beautiful view took the tea tray and ran, and Yun Yun Niang fell to the ground, and stopped crying.

Someone cried in front of their own face, it felt very awkward, Shu Huan moved a little uncomfortable, but this thing is closely related to her, she did not reason to speak for Yunxiao Niang, let alone my heart is a bit I bothered her and looked at this situation. No matter what the matter is, Yunxiao Niang must have done some tricks in her work. Since she has the courage to do it, she will not recognize it.

When I went to the door, she looked back at Yunxiao Niang’s eyes, and he hesitated for a moment. He took the tea tray to the table and replied: "Ji Dafu said, these medicines are in the head." Some are eaten by Erye, and some..."

Gu Xiran squinted: "say"

The scenery is so beautiful that I want to die: "Yes...the birth medicine..."

Fortunately, this time I was not drinking water, otherwise Shu Huan designated to spray again, but the disappointing gaze has turned to Gu Xiran, sneer: "This is not a fire-fighting self-mutilation"

The partial beauty is still adding oil and firewood next to it: "Ji Dafu said... Congratulations to Erye..."

After she said that she wanted to cry, this is not what she voluntarily wants to say, but that Ji Danqing wants her to tell her. As a prostitute, she must not hide when she spoke. This is a rule of the family.

"This is really a congratulation to the second master." Shu Huan suddenly stood up, did not want to see this farce again, went straight to the outside, did not want to be dragged by Gu Xiran, he smiled bitterly: "Not me..."

Ji You are enough

I always knew that the doctor was not as harmless as the superficial, but I still didn't expect that the cold humor that he occasionally broke out would kill the dead, and that Gu Xiran had an impulse to sharpen his knife.

As early as today, if such a thing happens, Shu Huan can only hide his emotions in his heart, but the situation is different now. She does not need to hide and swear, directly expressing her anger: " Let go

This loose hand is just a long way to go, Gu Xiran naturally will not care about her, only to the cloud 姨 mother depressed: "Explain me"

This kind of thing can't help people, Shu Huan can misunderstand, Gu Xiran will not be unclear, privately stealing the crime, Yun Yan Niang can not afford, she had to whisper: "That medicine ... I just prepared ... I No……"

The words are intermittent and vague, but the meaning is already very clear.

Shu Huan is awkward, still hesitating to decide to leave, just listen to the beautiful scenery and rush: "You can't get rid of the milk, I have nothing to say..."
