MTL - Rules Strange Story: My Family is Not Normal-Chapter 416 against the rules

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  Chapter 416 Violation of the rules

   Zhou Bai looked at the wall clock on the wall again in disbelief.

   After confirming that the time displayed on it was indeed approaching six o'clock in the afternoon, he stood up a little anxiously and paced back and forth.

  Big Brother No. 1 went to the second floor twice in a row?

   Isn’t this too abnormal?

   Zhou Bai really couldn't figure out why he needed to do this.

   And he just spent twenty minutes in the ward.

  It was about 6:20 in the afternoon, and the No. 1 boss opened the door again with blood all over his body.

  In the same ward, patient No. 0201 is still lying on the bed at this time, sleeping with his back facing them.

  Zhou Bai stopped quickly, gestured for silence, and turned to look at him.

  Patient 0201 was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly.

   Zhou Bai had been pacing the room just now, without waking him up.

   Now he just opened the door, but of course it didn't affect his sleep quality.

  Boss No. 1 followed Zhou Bai's gaze, and also looked at patient No. 0201 who was sleeping on his side.

  So he relaxed his movements and slowly closed the door.

   Walking to his hospital bed, he quickly changed the blood-stained clothes on his body.

   Zhou Bai looked at the clothes he was holding in his hand, and then at patient No. 0201 who was still soundly asleep.

   Then he walked out of the room.

  Outside the ward, the doctors have already reached the third floor.

   There are only a few sporadic patients left, moving slowly in the corridor with dull eyes.

  Zhou Bai was not worried that the patients outside these corridors would inform them.

  Because no doctor would take their word for it.

   On the contrary, if they go to inform, they may be caught and given electric shocks.

   Zhou Bai looked away from them, lowered his head, and continued walking towards the elevator.

  In the cafeteria on the third floor.

   Zhou Bai took the food and found a place to sit down.

  Old Mo also looked at Zhou Bai with a smile.

   And Xiao Pu didn't make the agreed gesture to Zhou Bai.

  After a simple dinner, Zhou Bai walked back to his ward.

   When I walked into the ward, I saw that patient No. 0201 had woken up and was lying on the balcony, looking at the scenery outside.

  Zhou Bai sat back on the hospital bed, watched the time pass for another ten minutes, and the boss No. 1 opened the door and walked in.

  According to the time estimate, he should just go down to have dinner, and has no time to do other things.

  Zhou Bai looked at No. 1 boss's calm face, looked away, then opened the closet and took out his own clothes.

   In the following time, the three people in the ward were busy with their own affairs.

  Taking a bath, doing laundry, lying on the balcony in a daze...

  The time is like this, it is 9:50 in the evening.

  The three of them were all busy with their own affairs, and they were each sitting on their own hospital beds.

  At this time, the doctors outside the ward were driving the patients who stayed in the corridor back to their rooms.

   It's time to stop going out of the room soon.

  Lucky Asylum Survival Rules B (Blue), Article 4.

  【After 10:00 p.m. and before 7:00 a.m. is a very dangerous time. Please lock the door of the ward and never open it. 】

   Zhou Bai remembered this rule, got up, walked to the door, and pressed the lock.

   Then he turned around and asked his two patients, "Can I turn off the light?"

  Big Brother No. 1 threw down a casual sentence, opened the quilt and lay down.

  Patient 0201 is much more enthusiastic.

   smiled and said to Zhou Bai: "Ok, I'm going to bed soon."

  After speaking, he also took off his shoes and lay down on the hospital bed.

  When 10 o'clock in the evening came, it was still the same outside the door, and music sounded on time.

   It’s just that doctors and patients in the red rule world seem to like music styles that are more inclined to “underworld”.

  Anyway, Zhou Bai couldn't get used to these kinds of music.

  He lay on the hospital bed, listening to the music, turned over several times.

   It wasn't until the second half of the night that I fell asleep vaguely.

  However, he didn't sleep for long, but suddenly felt that in the darkness, there seemed to be a hand pushing his shoulder.

   "Wake up."

  At the same time, a suona-like sound blew.

  The voice went straight to Zhou Bai's Tianling Gai, and he sat up from the bed in shock.

  In the darkness, a figure stood in front of his bed.

  In the ward next door, there was a burst of screams of collapse.

   Zhou Bai felt the hairs all over his body stand on end.

  Pressed his heart with his hand.

  He raised his head, relying on the faint moonlight shining in from the balcony, he could distinguish the figure standing beside his bed.

   It wasn't until he saw clearly that the figure was wearing a familiar fisherman's hat on top of his head, that Zhou Bai's mood eased a little.

"Did something happen?"

   Zhou Bai heard the sound of even breathing coming from the hospital bed next door, so he deliberately lowered his voice, and asked the figure in front of him in a low voice.

  The figure raised his hand and threw two small objects in front of Zhou Bai.

   Then he said: "I want to go out, you stay behind the door, as soon as I go out, you lock the door immediately."

   Zhou Bai heard the No. 1 boss also speak in a low voice.

   However, what he said was really scary.

   "It's their carnival time.

   During this time period, it is forbidden to go out of the room. "

   Zhou Bai reminded him.

   "I know. You just do it, and I guarantee you won't be in danger."

  Big Brother No. 1 spoke in a cold voice.

   Moreover, he lowered the fisherman hat on his head so that people could not distinguish his current expression in the dark.

   Zhou Bai remained silent without speaking, stretched out his hand, and picked up the two things that were thrown in front of him.

   Then he realized that the ones thrown in front of him were actually two earplugs.

   Zhou Bai remembered that he had just asked him this morning.

   "Why don't you teach me how to have such a good sleep quality..."

   After asking, he just took off the two earplugs in his ears...

  Thinking of this, Zhou Bai couldn't help but tighten the two earplugs in his hand.

  The No. 1 boss standing in front of him urged him impatiently.

   "I didn't see it, so you are so lazy.

   Hurry up, don't delay my work. "

  Zhou Bai was stunned for a moment, put away the two earplugs in his hand, and looked up at the other's face under the brim of his hat.

   Then he walked slowly behind the door.

   "Press the door with your hand.

  Remember, as soon as I go out, lock it immediately. "

   Zhou Bai nodded silently.

  Seeing Zhou Bai's response, boss No. 1 also took a deep breath.

   After adjusting his mood, suddenly, he opened the door suddenly.

   Zhou Bai held the door with his hands the whole time.

  I only felt that the moment the No. 1 boss rushed out of the door, there was a huge resistance, which also appeared at the same time, preventing Zhou Bai from closing the door.

  It feels like there are more than a dozen hands outside the door, pressing on the door...

  (end of this chapter)